How to Kill Farming




Here's a solution to farming.

Play your own damn game. Farm if you want to. Don't farm if you don't want to. Stop trying to enforce "a" gaming style on others and stop caring how they play their gam. Because it's none of your business.


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Diminishing returns on MA rewards.

[/ QUOTE ]

I could see this for *repeating* an arc within a 24 hour period. But not for simply doing nothing but MA arcs.

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The only fixes needed are:
1) Require at least 1 minion and at least 1 lieutenant in a custom group that is used as a map's villain group. Same thing with rescue ally, rescue captive , and destroy object enemy groups.
2) Knock the lev 54 mobs down to 50. ( that are used as allies )

At this point, a farm is going to be no more effective than a regular farm.

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )



Again, if someone wants to fight level 54 bosses, that's their own business.

If they're willing to take the risk, over and over again, then who cares? Seriously. It's not as if they're forcing YOU to do this.

I'm going to cut it off right here. Otherwise this is going to just devolve into yet another silly thread-locker.

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If you want to kill farmers, KILL THE MAPS. or maybe you dont want to.



...or maybe you all are jokes, players, devs, and mods.



City_Life, learn to use the "edit" link instead of the "reply" link, or the Quick Reply box, if you're responding to yourself. Quit spamming.

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Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



sorry, i get mistaken, im french, i see ppl yelling at one the other, with a diference in opinion in 1 % every 100 pages.
Am i really stupid, or these guys keep on rollin, and i get interupted?
or do i get interrupted just because im french?

I m confused.



If you really are French that means you have a decent grasp of at least 2 languages, so you aren't stupid.

As a matter of fact even tho your grammar and spelling are a little off, (which is understandable since english isn't your first language) you are communicating better than some forum members that were born and raised in America.



Again, if someone wants to fight level 54 bosses, that's their own business.

If they're willing to take the risk, over and over again, then who cares? Seriously. It's not as if they're forcing YOU to do this.

I'm going to cut it off right here. Otherwise this is going to just devolve into yet another silly thread-locker.

[/ QUOTE ]

What risk? I've participated in a few farms (very few, because they bore me to tears), and to put it bluntly, the bosses are designed to give minimal risk to the farmers. Bring a few controllers vs melee mobs with no defensive set = zero risk.

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )



Correct. I don't want to kill farmers. If they want to farm, so be it. While yes, they may have more ready inf than you do for Market-PvP, they're also putting more into the market too.

The devs have no problem with farming. And have said so.
What the devs have a problem with are utilization of exploits to blow out the earnings curve.

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Again, your problem is with EXPLOITATIVE behavior, not farming.

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I would like to give them a suggestion to Kill Farming In-Game. Here it is;

Set a time limit on how long a Mission can remain in a players Mission Tray.

This will work for the G-Ville TV Missions, and Most every other Farm Mission in the game.

But this would Kill Farming.

[/ QUOTE ]
I sometimes play characters that have trouble with certain EB's. So what I end up doing is simply switch over to another arc, get a level and come back.
Your suggestion would kill this.

No thanks.



Correct. I don't want to kill farmers. If they want to farm, so be it. While yes, they may have more ready inf than you do for Market-PvP, they're also putting more into the market too.

The devs have no problem with farming. And have said so.
What the devs have a problem with are utilization of exploits to blow out the earnings curve.

[/ QUOTE ]I completely agree that the Devs have given no indication that they want to eliminate the Farming that existed before the Mission Architect.

But their "No Farms in Mission Architect" stand seems to indicate that they DO have some kind of objection to farming in the Mission Architect, even without utilizing exploits. (I think they're trying to keep it below a certain level, rather than completely eliminate it, but that's a topic for a different thread.)

In regular content, though? Agreed. There is no reason to think the Devs want to kill it.