Rookery: as seen by a Puppy




*Swoops in to save the Puppeh!*

*Finds a nice chewy something in her bag, scoops up the puppeh and gives Captain Amazing a stern look, then smiles.*



-Pulls out flair & chucks at the Rookery- Out all of you, the boards can only handle so much of this in 1 post.

Follow the Light, -chucks hostess foods & fruit punch too- There even snacks, now get OFF MAH LAWN!

-stomps around & eats yogurt & stomps off-


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



Puppy’s Rookery Guide
The rookery is siliness incarnate. This means rpers + nonrpers+ anyone else. Rookery is imaginary house on the Virtue thread which exisits as a meeting place a good morning, hello afternoon, good night
Usual Players
Rook- a birdie..rp starter of thread. Shes den mum and cooker. She had been absent a lot of months due to boredom but is back.
Emmi- Rookery secret crush. went tru a kitty phase but is over it. mmmmm shoes and great ankles * wolf whistle here*
Fey -sexiness incarnate loves red
Mysticblade- rper shes fun
Rachel- rp Sexy Steampunk girl
Neko, and becky- rp house kitty. Neko is head kitty thou
Tarby- Battle kitten
Phoenicis_sands resident hot
Korith- rp piggy bank
Soul Train- Long time resident...was here before the pamcakes
Maricus- visitor loves pancakes i often mispell his name
Dragon Taravan- night owl that seems to spend his days asleep
Sydney b- sounds like a encyclopedia has good insight. She disagrees with my assesment. wears glasses
Pogo- attic resident (rp) has hard time with knees. creator of TARDIS and IRONROOK....Also aspiring comic book guy ( he writes stuff).. If looking for awriter HIRE HIM!
Stomphoof- rp cube
Madison- new person =). swoops in to save the puppeh
Psi- boy
Captain Amazing- Cuddler of the puppy around!
Fedor- sacperson rp lot of fun. basement resident
stryph- thumbs up guy
peterbilt- lot of fun
bayani- a dountain of information
viv -regular visitor shes hawt. also comes with her hubbie DJ Mango
Cien- house puppy
Fox-rp fox
Foxy ferret-rp ferret TROUBLE MAKER
Radit-not an rper but is learning lives in basement is at war with fedor over basement rights
Detra- sexy rper
Daddiesprincess- sexy rper
The Count - Bent on world domination/destruction, but never sticks around long enough to actually accomplish anything.
DemVyznBoyz - He's three posters in one.
LCT- tiger pounces puppy
gammagirl- rp
Londerwurst- rp Kramer use to come around lots but now we never see him
Emgro- new guy
AlexisSamantha- use to come around a lot but doesnt anymore
KANT- military rp lots of fun
Minimal Rose- not sure what happened to him
Mod08- keeps us in line. Also known as the Ocho...a espn channel for dodgeball
Mr Playskool- rp Dragon..he keeps a lookout for mod 08
and many more.....
Scooby Don't- resident big dawg
BigDaddydream- Resident sometimes
Mi Adams- he been here often since the portal to proector was broken and our basement is slowly collapsing into protector
Froggy--- Mender frog makes me laugh
Rachel-fun rp girl
Wild Orchird- puppy likes to wolf whistle at her avatar and make her blush
Man_From_Auntie- the only idiot to stand up to the Protector portal.
Fido1- resident outdoor dog
Tigressviolet-lurking since Pamcakes were invented
JJDraken-use to be in the Rookery, before Pamcakes, but left before Rook did, why? Hes gumpy and drunk......
BpPhantom- gives a moo here a moo there everywhere a moo moo
Woefull- resident grump like Oscar the grouch. Very good to have on a team
and forgive anyone I didn’t mention lots of people duck in and out….
Rookery opens at 6 am pacific/ 9 am eastern and closes at midnight 12am pacific. there is no board, no cards and very few rules but lots of strange people. All the action takes place in your imagination.
A Note to Parents
Sometimes yes it gets a big roughshod. But that’s why we have Mod 08. Also some rookerzerians ( term used to describe people in the habitat) are parents and know how to deescalate.
A Note to Gamers
Role players have been classified as geeks and nerds at best and devil-worshipping, murderous deviants at worst. It is all too easy, therefore, to become defensive and angry when people begin asking about the Rookery. Therefore be nice to everybody no matter what

Cooperative Storytelling
Everyday the starter of the thread job is to create an environment in which all the pretend takes place. The decision as to what type of environment (or genre) is often made by everyone involved
Once that decision is made, however, someone needs to decide on the underlying rules and "feel" behind the chosen genre. For instance, is the group playing "cowboys and indians" before the Civil War or after? Are they playing in Old West California or Texas or are they wandering over the entire range? Are they playing actual historical figures or are they making up new, fictitious characters that have never existed? Or maybe they're playing in a pre-created world such as in the "Gunsmoke" or "Bonanza" television shows. The onus of this job also falls on the thread creator shoulders.
The opener must create the environment -- the imaginary people, places and events -- with which the players pretend to interact. In essence, creating the outline or plot to a story, and it is through a joint effort that the story is fleshed out. For example, in one particular game, Black Bart and his gang are going to attempt to rob a train that is hauling a shipment of gold. That is the plot; the skeleton of the story. Whether Black Bart succeeds or not is entirely dependent upon the how the players play the game. If they play poorly, the story has a sad ending -- Black Bart robs the train and makes off with the gold. If the players play well, the story will have a happy ending -- Black Bart is captured and the terrorized townsfolk rejoice. But it is the actual, cooperative playing of the game that creates the story and its ending.
Roleplaying and Maturity
As you can see by the sample game, it takes quite a bit of imagination to roleplay. It also takes a large dose of maturity. The mature individual accepts the bad things in the game as easily as they rejoice in the good. But an immature gamer can't quite make the distinction between the game and reality. The immature player could be likened to the young child who wants to fly like Superman or who believes that hitting someone in the head with a hammer (ala The Three Stooges) won't cause serious injury. The immature gamer often can't understand the difference between a fictional character doing something they dislike and a real person doing something they dislike. The immature gamer will often get quite angry with a fellow player o
Maturity is a quality that isn't easy categorized. Some 17-year-olds I know are much more mature than some 40-year-olds. And there are some 21-year-olds with whom I would not wish to play because of their poor attitudes. A good rule of thumb is to see how angry or upset a player gets with a game.

Roleplaying Types
Old West

Glossary Term
FBBC-flying bean bag chair
Puphause- doghouse where puppy sleeps and plots
Attic- Rookery laboratory
Basement- Rookery part under the kitchen where fedor and rad are locked in everlasting battle for domination
ROOkenator ) aka Iron ROok)- we missed rook so much Pogo made a robotic her

Theres also a portal behind the bar to the fey realm and the grotto which keeps filling up with stale pamcakes
(feel free to add to this)

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



pupppppppppy!!!!!!!!!!!! rolls on the floor with a sock

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



-Pulls out flair & chucks at the Rookery- Out all of you, the boards can only handle so much of this in 1 post.

Follow the Light, -chucks hostess foods & fruit punch too- There even snacks, now get OFF MAH LAWN!

-stomps around & eats yogurt & stomps off-


[/ QUOTE ]

Takes out magic wand and makes everything go back the way it was. Silly JJ.



Added Color!

Puppy’s Rookery Guide
The rookery is siliness incarnate. This means rpers + nonrpers+ anyone else. Rookery is imaginary house on the Virtue thread which exisits as a meeting place a good morning, hello afternoon, good night
Usual Players
Rook- a birdie..rp starter of thread. Shes den mum and cooker. She had been absent a lot of months due to boredom but is back.
Emmi- Rookery secret crush. went tru a kitty phase but is over it. mmmmm shoes and great ankles * wolf whistle here*
Fey -sexiness incarnate loves red
Mysticblade- rper shes fun
Rachel- rp Sexy Steampunk girl
Neko, and becky- rp house kitty. Neko is head kitty thou
Tarby- Battle kitten
Phoenicis_sands resident hot
Korith- rp piggy bank
Soul Train- Long time resident...was here before the pamcakes
Maricus- visitor loves pancakes i often mispell his name
Dragon Taravan- night owl that seems to spend his days asleep
Sydney b- sounds like a encyclopedia has good insight. She disagrees with my assesment. wears glasses
Pogo- attic resident (rp) has hard time with knees. creator of TARDIS and IRONROOK....Also aspiring comic book guy ( he writes stuff).. If looking for awriter HIRE HIM!
Stomphoof- rp cube
Madison- new person =). swoops in to save the puppeh
Psi- boy
Captain Amazing- Cuddler of the puppy around!
Fedor- sacperson rp lot of fun. basement resident
stryph- thumbs up guy
peterbilt- lot of fun
bayani- a dountain of information
viv -regular visitor shes hawt. also comes with her hubbie DJ Mango
Cien- house puppy
Fox-rp fox
Foxy ferret-rp ferret TROUBLE MAKER
Radit-not an rper but is learning lives in basement is at war with fedor over basement rights
Detra- sexy rper
Daddiesprincess- sexy rper
The Count - Bent on world domination/destruction, but never sticks around long enough to actually accomplish anything.
DemVyznBoyz - He's three posters in one.
LCT- tiger pounces puppy
gammagirl- rp
Londerwurst- rp Kramer use to come around lots but now we never see him
Emgro- new guy
AlexisSamantha- use to come around a lot but doesnt anymore
KANT- military rp lots of fun
Minimal Rose- not sure what happened to him
Mod08- keeps us in line. Also known as the Ocho...a espn channel for dodgeball
Mr Playskool- rp Dragon..he keeps a lookout for mod 08
Scooby Don't- resident big dawg
BigDaddydream- Resident sometimes
Mi Adams- he been here often since the portal to proector was broken and our basement is slowly collapsing into protector
Froggy--- Mender frog makes me laugh
Rachel-fun rp girl
Wild Orchird- puppy likes to wolf whistle at her avatar and make her blush
Man_From_Auntie- the only idiot to stand up to the Protector portal.
Fido1- resident outdoor dog
Tigressviolet-lurking since Pamcakes were invented
JJDraken-use to be in the Rookery, before Pamcakes, but left before Rook did, why? Hes gumpy and drunk......
BpPhantom- gives a moo here a moo there everywhere a moo moo
Woefull- resident grump like Oscar the grouch. Very good to have on a team
and forgive anyone I didn’t mention lots of people duck in and out….
Rookery opens at 6 am pacific/ 9 am eastern and closes at midnight 12am pacific. there is no board, no cards and very few rules but lots of strange people. All the action takes place in your imagination.
A Note to Parents
Sometimes yes it gets a big roughshod. But that’s why we have Mod 08. Also some rookerzerians ( term used to describe people in the habitat) are parents and know how to deescalate.
A Note to Gamers
Role players have been classified as geeks and nerds at best and devil-worshipping, murderous deviants at worst. It is all too easy, therefore, to become defensive and angry when people begin asking about the Rookery. Therefore be nice to everybody no matter what

Cooperative Storytelling
Everyday the starter of the thread job is to create an environment in which all the pretend takes place. The decision as to what type of environment (or genre) is often made by everyone involved
Once that decision is made, however, someone needs to decide on the underlying rules and "feel" behind the chosen genre. For instance, is the group playing "cowboys and indians" before the Civil War or after? Are they playing in Old West California or Texas or are they wandering over the entire range? Are they playing actual historical figures or are they making up new, fictitious characters that have never existed? Or maybe they're playing in a pre-created world such as in the "Gunsmoke" or "Bonanza" television shows. The onus of this job also falls on the thread creator shoulders.
The opener must create the environment -- the imaginary people, places and events -- with which the players pretend to interact. In essence, creating the outline or plot to a story, and it is through a joint effort that the story is fleshed out. For example, in one particular game, Black Bart and his gang are going to attempt to rob a train that is hauling a shipment of gold. That is the plot; the skeleton of the story. Whether Black Bart succeeds or not is entirely dependent upon the how the players play the game. If they play poorly, the story has a sad ending -- Black Bart robs the train and makes off with the gold. If the players play well, the story will have a happy ending -- Black Bart is captured and the terrorized townsfolk rejoice. But it is the actual, cooperative playing of the game that creates the story and its ending.
Roleplaying and Maturity
As you can see by the sample game, it takes quite a bit of imagination to roleplay. It also takes a large dose of maturity. The mature individual accepts the bad things in the game as easily as they rejoice in the good. But an immature gamer can't quite make the distinction between the game and reality. The immature player could be likened to the young child who wants to fly like Superman or who believes that hitting someone in the head with a hammer (ala The Three Stooges) won't cause serious injury. The immature gamer often can't understand the difference between a fictional character doing something they dislike and a real person doing something they dislike. The immature gamer will often get quite angry with a fellow player o
Maturity is a quality that isn't easy categorized. Some 17-year-olds I know are much more mature than some 40-year-olds. And there are some 21-year-olds with whom I would not wish to play because of their poor attitudes. A good rule of thumb is to see how angry or upset a player gets with a game.

Roleplaying Types
Old West

Glossary Term
FBBC-flying bean bag chair
Puphause- doghouse where puppy sleeps and plots
Attic- Rookery laboratory
Basement- Rookery part under the kitchen where fedor and rad are locked in everlasting battle for domination
ROOkenator ) aka Iron ROok)- we missed rook so much Pogo made a robotic her

Theres also a portal behind the bar to the fey realm and the grotto which keeps filling up with stale pamcakes
(feel free to add to this)

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Oooh lookit all the pretty colors ...




YAY I'm pink!!!



I can has purple please?



YAY I'm pink!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm pink too. *squeezes and squeals with Madisen*

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity






im a very dark green for some reason

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



Thumbs up has never gone out of style.



I disagree with your assessment of me!

I do not have good insight! That's why I wear glasses.

[/ QUOTE ]

((Glasses are for your outsight. ))



I didn't make the cut?

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Dumpleberry: Grumpy Goblin King, Lord of the Unseelie Court and snazzy dresser.

Is that good?

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



Dumpleberry: Grumpy Goblin King, Lord of the Unseelie Court and snazzy dresser.

Is that good?

[/ QUOTE ] That's...that's actually really, really flattering. I was expecting something...not as spiffy.



*revels in it*


There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.






Added more Color!
also DB and Pul!

Puppy’s Rookery Guide
The rookery is siliness incarnate. This means rpers + nonrpers+ anyone else. Rookery is imaginary house on the Virtue thread which exisits as a meeting place a good morning, hello afternoon, good night
Usual Players
Rook- a birdie..rp starter of thread. Shes den mum and cooker. She had been absent a lot of months due to boredom but is back.
Emmi- Rookery secret crush. went tru a kitty phase but is over it. mmmmm shoes and great ankles * wolf whistle here*
HEROID Robotic Terminator from the Future!
Fey -sexiness incarnate loves red
Mysticblade- rper shes fun
Rachel- rp Sexy Steampunk girl
Neko, and becky- rp house kitty. Neko is head kitty thou
HAETRON -Unsmiling face of DOOM!!!!!
OHW -bodyshots are her speciality!
Tarby - Battle kitten
Phoenicis_sands resident hot
Dumpleberry : Grumpy Goblin King, Lord of the Unseelie Court and snazzy dresser.
Korith- rp piggy bank
Soul Train- Long time resident...was here before the pamcakes
Maricus- visitor loves pancakes i often mispell his name
Dragon Taravan- night owl that seems to spend his days asleep
Sydney b- sounds like a encyclopedia has good insight. She disagrees with my assesment. wears glasses
Pogo - attic resident (rp) has hard time with knees. creator of TARDIS and IRONROOK....Also aspiring comic book guy ( he writes stuff).. If looking for awriter HIRE HIM!
Stomphoof- rp cube
Madison- new person =). swoops in to save the puppeh
Psi- Boy!!
Pulcinella - Pouter in chief!

Captain Amazing- Cuddler of the puppy around!
Fedor- sacperson rp lot of fun. basement resident
stryph- thumbs up guy
peterbilt- lot of fun
bayani- a dountain of information
viv -regular visitor shes hawt. also comes with her hubbie DJ Mango
Cien- house puppy
Fox-rp fox
Foxy Ferret and Hero X Canadian Bacon says it all!
Radit-not an rper but is learning lives in basement is at war with fedor over basement rights
Detra- sexy rper
Daddies Princess sexy rper
The Count - Bent on world domination/destruction, but never sticks around long enough to actually accomplish anything.
DemVyznBoyz - He's three posters in one.
LCT- tiger pounces puppy
gammagirl- rp
Londerwurst- rp Kramer use to come around lots but now we never see him
Emgro- new guy
AlexisSamantha- use to come around a lot but doesnt anymore
KANT- military rp lots of fun
Minimal Rose- not sure what happened to him
Mod08- keeps us in line. Also known as the Ocho...a espn channel for dodgeball
Mr Playskool- rp Dragon..he keeps a lookout for mod 08
Scooby Don't- resident big dawg
BigDaddydream- Resident sometimes
Mi Adams- he been here often since the portal to proector was broken and our basement is slowly collapsing into protector
Froggy--- Mender frog makes me laugh
Rachel-fun rp girl
Wild Orchird- puppy likes to wolf whistle at her avatar and make her blush
Man_From_Auntie- the only idiot to stand up to the Protector portal.
Fido1- resident outdoor dog
Tigressviolet-lurking since Pamcakes were invented
JJDrakken-use to be in the Rookery, before Pamcakes, but left before Rook did, why? Hes gumpy and drunk......
BpPhantom- gives a moo here a moo there everywhere a moo moo
Woefull- resident grump like Oscar the grouch. Very good to have on a team
and forgive anyone I didn’t mention lots of people duck in and out….
Rookery opens at 6 am pacific/ 9 am eastern and closes at midnight 12am pacific. there is no board, no cards and very few rules but lots of strange people. All the action takes place in your imagination.
A Note to Parents
Sometimes yes it gets a big roughshod. But that’s why we have Mod 08. Also some rookerzerians ( term used to describe people in the habitat) are parents and know how to deescalate.
A Note to Gamers
Role players have been classified as geeks and nerds at best and devil-worshipping, murderous deviants at worst. It is all too easy, therefore, to become defensive and angry when people begin asking about the Rookery. Therefore be nice to everybody no matter what

Cooperative Storytelling
Everyday the starter of the thread job is to create an environment in which all the pretend takes place. The decision as to what type of environment (or genre) is often made by everyone involved
Once that decision is made, however, someone needs to decide on the underlying rules and "feel" behind the chosen genre. For instance, is the group playing "cowboys and indians" before the Civil War or after? Are they playing in Old West California or Texas or are they wandering over the entire range? Are they playing actual historical figures or are they making up new, fictitious characters that have never existed? Or maybe they're playing in a pre-created world such as in the "Gunsmoke" or "Bonanza" television shows. The onus of this job also falls on the thread creator shoulders.
The opener must create the environment -- the imaginary people, places and events -- with which the players pretend to interact. In essence, creating the outline or plot to a story, and it is through a joint effort that the story is fleshed out. For example, in one particular game, Black Bart and his gang are going to attempt to rob a train that is hauling a shipment of gold. That is the plot; the skeleton of the story. Whether Black Bart succeeds or not is entirely dependent upon the how the players play the game. If they play poorly, the story has a sad ending -- Black Bart robs the train and makes off with the gold. If the players play well, the story will have a happy ending -- Black Bart is captured and the terrorized townsfolk rejoice. But it is the actual, cooperative playing of the game that creates the story and its ending.
Roleplaying and Maturity
As you can see by the sample game, it takes quite a bit of imagination to roleplay. It also takes a large dose of maturity. The mature individual accepts the bad things in the game as easily as they rejoice in the good. But an immature gamer can't quite make the distinction between the game and reality. The immature player could be likened to the young child who wants to fly like Superman or who believes that hitting someone in the head with a hammer (ala The Three Stooges) won't cause serious injury. The immature gamer often can't understand the difference between a fictional character doing something they dislike and a real person doing something they dislike. The immature gamer will often get quite angry with a fellow player o
Maturity is a quality that isn't easy categorized. Some 17-year-olds I know are much more mature than some 40-year-olds. And there are some 21-year-olds with whom I would not wish to play because of their poor attitudes. A good rule of thumb is to see how angry or upset a player gets with a game.

Roleplaying Types
Old West

Glossary Term
FBBC-flying bean bag chair
Puphause- doghouse where puppy sleeps and plots
Attic- Rookery laboratory
Basement- Rookery part under the kitchen where fedor and rad are locked in everlasting battle for domination
ROOkenator ) aka Iron ROok)- we missed rook so much Pogo made a robotic her

Theres also a portal behind the bar to the fey realm and the grotto which keeps filling up with stale pamcakes
(feel free to add to this)

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Can I just say, WTFITS?



you can say WTFITS doesnt mean I understand WTFYAS( WTF you are saying)

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Can I just say, WTFITS?

[/ QUOTE ]
in case your too lazy to read
"The rookery is siliness incarnate. This means rpers + nonrpers+ anyone else. Rookery is imaginary house on the Virtue thread which exisits as a meeting place a good morning, hello afternoon, good night"
this is a guide to rookery

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Now what is fething epic is that I've avoided all of this.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



Thank you for you whitty, and might I say, well said comment. No go crawl back into the hole you came from.

Really! Instead of bashing something, take a couple minutes to read. And if you don't like it, there isn't a reason for profanity. You don't see me coming to your Furries convention and getting down on you?

(sorry. That comment just hit my grumpy nerve.)

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity