A new endurance idea. (Really, I promise!)




I don't like the idea.

It's so easy to keep in the blue. Let's not add penalties that kick in sooner than they do now.

I MIGHT be willing to go for your idea IF:

The penalties don't kick in til you hit ZERO end, just like now


the penalties only effect powers currently being used, not powers used prior and still in effect, and not base values.

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As I said, making it kick in at 5 and then implementing an endurance cost reduction is mathematically equivalent -- you could do just as much before you get to 5 as you used to be able to do before you'd get to zero. It's basically just rescaling. The problem with having it kick in at zero and then go to negative endurance is, well, the negative endurance. I'm not sure how easy it would be to add this to the code.

As to "invisible" debuffs -- I think a having "Fatigued" over in the corner where your status effects are -- and possibly the little text, just like you now see with "Out of power" should make it pretty clear when you're not at full strength.



I don't like that idea at all. It would be a nerf for many of my characters. I tend to play near the edge, and that involves in some situations being close to 0 end.

Endurance management has always seemed fine to me, so I don't even understand why would this be necessary.

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Some fine tuning of the idea is assured; but I don't realy see how it would be terribly different - except towards characters who rely on togles to keep themselves fighting. Under the original terms of the idea, the 'edge' you speak of only moves about 5 units to the right. It is not changing the rate at which you recover End, so you can continue to fight as close to it as you deside; but going beyond it only means that you aren't brought to a dead stop. You can either keep attacking at reduced effectiveness, or wait a second or two to go back above the last 5. (I think a section of the endurance bar would have to be clearly marked to tell you you're working on "fatigue" now). Although, yes - it would take some getting used to.

Is the Idea perfect? Perhapps not, but I think it gives us a stepping point in the right direction. And the numbers of what the penalties are for entering the "fatigued state" are would need to be worked; What would consititute a proper penalty for failing to manage your endurance while still maintaining toggles (or clicking further attacks), even with deminished returns?

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



frankly, I'm still gonna go with "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", and I believe it ain't broke

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



No, not broke... Some people might argue that it's a little bent out of shape in some areas, however... I'm guessing somewhere just before 22 and decent end redux enhancements.

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"