Were the burning forest???




While making my arc i noticed that i could not find the burning forest any more. It ruins one of my missions. So any one no were it is or they got rid of it and why?



It's been pulled... we don't know why... see here for what we know so far...


Triumph Heroes:
Saunik: lvl 50 Mutant Sonic/Electric Blaster
Photaun: lvl 50 Peacebringer
Taukezo Kensei: lvl 50 Natural Willpower/Dual Blades Tank

Published Arcs:
7326 Avenging the Dead
135096 Superhero Downtime



Oh great my arc is ruined... Time to re write it



There are quite a few of us out there w/ ganked arcs atm. Hopefully it's just to fix buggy spawn locations and not a permanent issue. However, given the silence so far, we're in a black hole of info. For now, I just moved to a different, but structurally similar map for AtD. If they ever give back the Hero Lab (which is the other pulled map), then I can go back to it to reset my arc to its former glory

In the meantime, could you try to use a similar map and re-work the story temporarily to "prevent' the fire instead of having it already happening? Just a thought.


Triumph Heroes:
Saunik: lvl 50 Mutant Sonic/Electric Blaster
Photaun: lvl 50 Peacebringer
Taukezo Kensei: lvl 50 Natural Willpower/Dual Blades Tank

Published Arcs:
7326 Avenging the Dead
135096 Superhero Downtime



Well you know a villain dosn't really care if a forest burns



ah, well harder to have a villain objective of a burning forest w/o one... true


Triumph Heroes:
Saunik: lvl 50 Mutant Sonic/Electric Blaster
Photaun: lvl 50 Peacebringer
Taukezo Kensei: lvl 50 Natural Willpower/Dual Blades Tank

Published Arcs:
7326 Avenging the Dead
135096 Superhero Downtime



Oh man another one bites the dust? This will ruin my hubby's mish completely...hard to have armageddon without burning things.

MA: Bikini Rescue! 1678

Arshalla Emp/Psi 50
Oracle Hestia Fire/Emp 50
Glass Spider Claws/SR 50
Edica Dual/Will 50
Merry Met Ice/Emp 50
Crouton Eng/Eng 50
Shadowfax Warshade 50
Klotho Mind/Kin 50
Lolth' M/M Dom 50
Ten Ton Tomato Stone/SS Tank 50
Ruprecht Monkey Boy Fire/Kin Cont 50
Balefire Fire/Fire Blaster 50



Oh man another one bites the dust? This will ruin my hubby's mish completely...hard to have armageddon without burning things.

[/ QUOTE ]

To be clear, these maps aren't intended to be removed permanently. They're removed, bugs fixed, and reintroduced. The only thing is I have no idea how long it takes them to fix, so no clue when it'll be back.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



But due to the absolute (and inexcusable) silence from all devs (though they have time to talk about still retroactively banning people and cheese baskets,) we have no idea whether they are actually going to replace/return these maps at all.

I now know how all the base builder people feel after however many years it's been.



Where is the RedName citation for this? We've been completely in the dark on this. No word on test, no word in the patch notes, and no word on any of the forums that I've seen since the 5/5 patch came out have said *anything* to acknowledge that these maps have even been removed, much less whether it's permanent, or temporary, or even *why* they were pulled.

So far it's all baseless speculation. I'd just like clarification from someone "in the know" -- either a Redname (who's word will be gospel obviously) or someone w/ an appropriate citation to a redname.


Triumph Heroes:
Saunik: lvl 50 Mutant Sonic/Electric Blaster
Photaun: lvl 50 Peacebringer
Taukezo Kensei: lvl 50 Natural Willpower/Dual Blades Tank

Published Arcs:
7326 Avenging the Dead
135096 Superhero Downtime



I used the Burning Forest map while it was available, and got LOTS of feedback from people who had the destructible objects not spawn correctly, or the collection items spawning inside a tree (and then while playtesting the mission, I did see those bugs myself). I reported it to Customer Support, repeatedly (the first line GMs didn't "get" what the problem was.) So reason for pulling: bugs.

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



I used the Burning Forest. It made a great spirit world.

Someday it will be back.



But due to the absolute (and inexcusable) silence from all devs (though they have time to talk about still retroactively banning people and cheese baskets,) we have no idea whether they are actually going to replace/return these maps at all.

[/ QUOTE ]
Completely agreed there. The devs really should at least step up their patch notes policy on removed maps to give us a head's up, if not outlining why the map was removed and when we can expect to see it again. Same thing with any potentially arc-breaking change to the MA.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Where is the RedName citation for this?

[/ QUOTE ]

I believe the red name quote on pulled maps being reintroduced was in the beta forums, unfortunately. I agree they should make a statement on it just to clarify.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Why does everyone DEMAND the devs give us such information, when the likeliest answer is "We don't know yet. It'll be done when we can get around to it"? It's not like the devs were previously giving us a blow by blow narrative of what they're doing and NOW suddenly "clammed up". I've found from previous jobs (not computer game related) that documenting things and making sure everyone is informed often takes up time that could more productively be spent working.

Dec out.