do dev choice arcs just turn to suck?
It's my understanding that Dev choice arcs don't get invalidated.
does that mean that they keep the maps even if they are pulled from other missions?
I assume they aren't invalidated - but if you replace a map with a random other map it has to hurt the arc.
They can't replace the maps. Validation is what pulls the map and replaces it with a new one.
If yours DID get messed up, /petition for a fix. Acording to Pohsyb that's a "can't happen" situation, now.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
ah, thanks
that's much better for dev choices.
I already changed mine, and I'm fine with that.
Johnny Sonata, the #1 Dev Choice arc, was broken last night when I tried to run it with my spider.
I had this happen to my arc last night.
I clicked and saw it was invalid, so I opened it up and republished it. The arc used the now nonexistant burning forest, and this was replaced by that unique map in the STF (2ed mission), but the mission was now bugged so that when you killed the baddies guarding the hostages, they simply disappeared and you never got credit for the save.
I changed to a better map and the problem went away.
Glad I ran my mission, otherwise, people would think I am a crappy author (I am, but I wouldn't publish an uncompletable mission)
That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
I'm pretty sure "Oh snap, wrong map" is a bug, the kind they can fix. When they intentionally invalidated maps in the past, they weren't swapped with some random thing which then crashed your game or had weird behaviors -- the arc just invalidated itself, period, and you had to go pick a new map before you could play it.
Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!
I received a feedback tell on my Dev Choice arc last night that said they were having trouble "getting into the mission." I asked them what they meant by that, but they never responded.
I didn't have any trouble running the arc, and I've gotten several more ratings all through the evening last night and this morning, so it can't be a universal problem.
in my published arc a map was pulled, so another was auto-replaced. I found something else - not as good, but it will do. I also adjusted my custom critters.
I know that dev choice arcs supposedly got corrupted moving from test to live. As each patch changes MA, removes maps, etc - and no one can edit the dev choice arcs - are they just turning into random maps with who knows what powers?
It seems like they are going to need to let the authors edit and fix those missions or they may not be playable in a few patches.