New Power/Content Poll




And I didn't realize how brawl works (or might work) until you explained it here.

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Fun trivia:

Brawl has been cited as the longest/most intricately/most complex animated power in the game, I believe.

Dawncaller - The Circle of Dawn
Too many blasted alts to list, but all on Virtue.



storm/illusion stalkers



Umbral Melee

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I agree wholeheartedly with this. If people are going to start picking me up to throw me at their enemies (some people have requested Umbral Blast), they might as well be able to pick me up and bludgeon their opponents to death with me while I rant at them.



I vote for Mutants, Animal Taming, and Clones for Masterminds.



Staves/Spears (Melee spears, not throwing. For scrappers, tanks, and brutes, I think. Staves and Spears could be customizable weapons for the same set)

Elemental MM pets (Not one set for each element, but one set of "Elements" where the different tiers of pets are different elements)



Is anybody aware of scythes ever having been used as weapons successfully in the real world?

The only examples I know, from German peasant uprisings, had their blades reforged to point forward rather than to the side. Remember that a scythe is a slashing weapon and the edge is on the inside of the curve. Properly animating a scythe would include a 1-2 second delay after every attack where you try to wiggle the blade free of your opponent.

There are a lot of cool polearms out there. Spears, tridents, glaives, halberds, naginatas and a bunch of other Asian ones. All of these would make for cool looking sets. Hell, I could even think of a worthwhile mechanic or two to make the sets unique. Scythes however are about as dumb as Pistol Scrappers.

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I agree with you completely. Scythes are a completely inane weapon (except for the weaponized ones that are more akin to polearms than the actual farming implement). I really don't understand why people want to see a Scythe set, especially since Polearms would work much better (and in the same manner I described above), but I was simply illustrating the problems in the idea outlined.

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Hmm... responding to both quotes at once. For starters being used in the real world as a weapon is mentioned. When have you ever seen anyone in the real world doing most of the things that go on in this game? If a powerset needs to be something done in reality then they need to start pulling a number of the ones we currently have.

As for why i would love to see a scythe set.... It was fun to use in .Hack//G.U. I have no other reason than that.

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



I have to agree with the Scythes not really doing it for me, but why not include them as a visual option among a general pole arm set? I wouldn't be perfect but it would do the trick.

Now onto my wishlist

Water sets - I know they had graphics issues, I know they have the mako prestige, and power push can be rped, blah, blah, blah....I still want actual water sets. Come on devs there has got to be a way to make this happen. I want to send waves crashing down, drown my enemies, send them up on water spouts, suck them into whirlpools, and blast them like a super soaker.

I want animal sets. Summoning for controllers and masterminds. Shapeshifting for scrappers, stalkers, tanks, and brutes. Giving related sets to our purely ranged toons might be a challenge but shape shifts could be cast on friend or enemy to create another set or two. Either that or give me a new archetype that does one or both of these.

Duo weapons (might need a new AT) designed to work in combos:
The much desired WHIP primary and secondary would come in this group.

One whip set would be about soft control., Trip your enemies,bind them, disarm them (force weapon re-draw), etc.

The other would be an attack set meant to actually wound but would be limited in power.

Either set capable of comboing with any of the other companion sets.

I visualize whip (attack) and whip (control), knife and whip (control), knife and boomerang, knife and lasso, pistol and whip, throwing knives and whip. Just to give a few examples.

Elemental blades

Thorn stalker/scrapper/brute/tank

Psi blade

Eco blast, control, etc. think a mixed bag of environmental effects like storms, landslides, windtunnel, lightning strike all held together by an ecological theme.

well thats off the top of my

phase light




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You listed Pike twice.

Aside from that... a Pole-Arm set would be sweet. Just so long as they also make 2 new powersets that are modern or futuristic in design.

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You went through my whole post, found one accidental double-entry.... and then ignored the message that there is simply too much variation in style of use (if not shape) to make a single dedicated 'polearm' set which everyone will enjoy?

That's why we have the Frankengun. Because it combines soooo many different weapons into one attack chain in order for the set to be more than 'Shoot. Shoot More. Shoot Again' because it's only -one- type of gun.

So No. I'd prefer we move away from polearms. I'd be fine with Staves so long as Quarterstaff style and Longstaff style were presented with their own powersets.

I'd LOVE to see Street Fighting, Psychic Melee, Radiation Melee and Armor, Electric Control, Clone Mastermind, Dual Pistol Blast, Poison Secondary for Corruptors, Dark Control for Controllers with a very light emphasis on Control with Dark Miasma offered to Trollers as a Secondary.




So No. I'd prefer we move away from polearms. I'd be fine with Staves so long as Quarterstaff style and Longstaff style were presented with their own powersets.

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Yes, because the devs have shown a desire to allow every stylistic option within a vague term to be accessed in the past, right? There's a reason "Martial Arts" is a generic and largely unbelievable style of Asian martial arts: they couldn't bring every style into the game.

If a Staff power set were put into the game, expect it to be pretty generic and designed to function for all types of staff combats. Also expect them to put Polearms into the game at the same time because, as has been demonstrated numerous times before by some weapon customization options, it doesn't really matter what a weapon looks like as long as the animation is cool and the weapon looks cool doing it. Plus, there wouldn't really need to be the entire polearm family to deal with. Most of those listed were pretty ineffective and actually completely lack any real fighting style (thank you peasants putting random farm implements on long poles), and it's not as if we've got every type of broadsword (or 1 handed sword of whatever kind) in game so there's no precedent for full inclusion.

Anyway, Staff and Polearm sets are simply a pipe dream at the moment. BAB has repeatedly stated that the primary problem with a polearm/staff set isn't the numbers or inability to make animations. The problem is that the game can't decently handle gripping something in two hands while maintaining the vector based sliding scale that players use all the time. All of the weapons players use at the moment with two hands are actually anchored to one hand with the other just getting close so that it looks like they're both holding on to it. When the distances get large and the grip smaller, the non-anchor hand can very easily start holding on to nothing. Until that issue is solved (which might never happen without an engine revamp), don't expect it. This doesn't stop us from thinking it would be a nice set to have though.



I was trying to build my first Science Scrapper and was dissappointed not to see a "lightsaber" type sword in the either the Broadsword or two handed weapons sets. I'm sure the term Lightsaber is probally trademarked however a "laser sword", energy sword or plasma sword with the physcial appearance of the Star Wars Icon weapon could be dueable I would think? How about it in the next update?

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Have you looked at the Talsorian Weapons?
Granted, you have to get to L35+ and run the RWZ stuff first.

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I like the tech katana with a neaon green blade as a placeholder. Granted, its not see-through and glowing, but its not horrible.

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Thanks for the Ideas I will try them out



Often enough spears were used with one hand with a shield instead of using two hands. That's not only in real life, but in popular culture like 300, where they used one hand for the spear and one hand for the shield. That connects with CoX by the way that the shield set was modeled so massively around 300. So, we could have spears and maybe some others, under the name of Polearms.

As far as staffs go, I care less about that. We could have it be a lot of one handed things, and then in some attacks that require two hands, make the other hand seem like a guide maybe... Hmm.

Anyways, more sets,
Laser Rifle (Energy/Fire fits popular thoughts better [Lasers cauterize wounds they make in Star Wars], but if we followed the CoX trend, it would be Energy/Smashing.)
Laser Blade (See above)
Eye Blast (Ranged Energy/Smashing, modeled after claws would be cool)
Crossbow (Lethal, slower recharge and slightly slower animation than archery, but higher damage. Like Katana/BS)
Dark Control (Negative, a lot of fears and -to hit components)
Dark Assault (For Dominators)
Wind Control (Smashing, lots of KU, KD, Holds.)
Wind Assault (Smashing, would include the next two powerset's powers. A bit of control through KD, KB, and KU being mixed in would give it a bit of damage mitigation.)
Wind Blast (Smashing, KD, KB, KU)
Wind Melee (Smashing, resemble Electricity in the fact it would include a lot of AoE)

As far as content goes, I'd like damage buffs for brutes, like BU, Rage, Follow Up, and Soul Drain to be increased in magnitude. Because they have such a low damage modifier, due to Fury, the rest of their damage buffs suffer. Scrapper version powers have nearly 2x the base damage that brutes do, which is kind of unfair when it comes to those damage buffs.

Decrease the animation times for crab spider attacks. They are vastly unbalanced for the damage some of them do, like longfang, and suppression.

Finish the epic pools for everybody, I hate how some only have four.

I'd like some more pools that have powers that let us expand the story behind our character. We could have some common ones, like,
Super Senses (Defense, perception/accuracy, recharge, -res/defense debuff)
Gadgets (Grenades, defensive devices, small bots)