Invinceble (Proper spelling was taken)




Im getting used to my wacom tablet these are some pencils i did using corel painter essentials

im really enjoying this working digitally. still got some things to fix but I think Im getting better

Also. before you say it I know he looks like colossus that was the Idea.



Dude he totally looks like Mister Sinister. RRIIPP OOOFF =P

Anyway, looking good. Just something I thought I'd point out as most peopele never consider it: His left foot (our right) should be tilted down just a touch and angled slightly. That is, depending on where the viewer's eye is, we should probably be able to see the top of his feet a little.

take a good look at this picture:

Notice how, because of the position of the camera, the view of the feet is skewed. The guy second from the left is probably the best "model" to use in this case.

It's also a bit off-putting that your character's feet are at an exact 90 degree angle of each other; not many people naturally stand like that.

You can ignore all this if the viewer's eye is supposed to be at Invineble's feet, but in that case, the rest of his body should have an appropriate tilt. What I figure you did was change the viewing angle as you worked on each part of the body. It's an easy mistake to make, and when you're drawing JUST a character, it's okay, but it's a bad habit and will only look more awkward if you throw a background in there.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Yeah me and feet... i normally work on paper so I ''run out of room'' for the feet :P this time I was happy with how the feet turned out but they didnt look right with the rest and I couldn't put my finger on why. thanks for the advice. nothing like 'good' constructive critiscm.



also made a slight change to the face.



No criticism here, just thought I would mention. In the standard CoX font, upper case I and lower case L look exactly the same. A handy bypass with common names like that.

Assuming no one used all three variations of that name on your server already (And who really wants to pay for a rename anyway?)

Back on topic, nice drawing!

I can see forever 0.0



MUCH better! Now shrink his hand and forearm a little bit (his clenched fist is bigger than his head) and you'll be golden!

I can't tell you how much more I like this drawing now that his feet are in proper perspective. Bravo!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



uploaded the changes to the hand.
Have a Look
thanks for the help! I think it looks pretty awsome now



Yup! That's a lock! Now let's see 'im inked and colored!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



You know Invincible is an actual comic book hero from Image, right?



Very good start, can't wait to see it finished.



You know Invincible is an actual comic book hero from Image, right?

[/ QUOTE ]

I found that out later, but hes nothing like my vince. So it doesnt bother me.

The drawing is decent, but man, that misspelled name just makes my teeth hurt. Thesauri are your friends.

[/ QUOTE ]
I worked the spelling into hes back story. hes a former mob hitman named Vince Leonie and the mob gave him the name The In'vince'able for obvious reasons. I origanally wanted to call him the Untouchable but that didnt work with the powerset i wanted.

all and all hes not the most original charecter but hes fun to play and he lives up to hes mispelt name ( in pve standards anyway) so I wanted to draw him.



Inking is done. went for the uber shiny look.

not quite there with illustrator yet but im getting there.



very cool!! I know i have seen this character somewhere before.......