Help! Costume Help!




Okay, I am usually great with the costumes and horrible with names. However, I am in a rut right now. I have a great name under my belt, Midnight Marvel, but I do not know what he should be sporting costume wise. I need your creative juices!

He is a bit of a homage to Batman. But I am also torn on what build he should go with. It boils down to Arch/Dev - MA/SR - Claw/SR.

I mean when you see the name Midnight Marvel what costume comes to mind. GET IT? GOT IT? GO!

Edit: I would love a golden age feel to it, however, create what comes to mind. May help with my creative juices.



I like the name, but the AT's you choose kinda don't fit. Well, maybe the MA/SR but the other two? Na...
Just my opinion, play what you want it's your 15.00 a month.



What AT do you see?


Arch/Dev - is more so story concept I have in mind. his persona is based of Batman.

Claw/SR - Is more based off Warclaw.



Arch/Dev - is more so story concept I have in mind. his persona is based of Batman.

Claw/SR - Is more based off Warclaw.



I actually did put a trench coat on him. Hmmmm. I think you the juices to start flowing again. Thanks Ironik!



Well, if he's golden age, I'm going to say avoid giving him a BLACK trenchcoat. Grey if you really want, but almost no one wore full black back then iirc.

Look to the Grey Ghost (from Batman: tAS) for inspiration on this.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Trench coat, shirt and tie, sneakers. Fedora type hat.