I13 BETA HIGHLIGHTS & Guide to Guides




The engine excludes stacking more than 5 of a kind based on the name of the bonus, not its value.

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Well that's gonna change a few builds I was working on.

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Just so no one misunderstands, this is a LOOSER rule than the classic Rule of Five. Any build that'd be valid using the old Rule of Five is still valid, it's just that this adds more options.

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Yup... means I need to add more +recharge sets.

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Ah, wasn't sure which you thought you had to do

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



The engine excludes stacking more than 5 of a kind based on the name of the bonus, not its value.

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Well that's gonna change a few builds I was working on.

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Just so no one misunderstands, this is a LOOSER rule than the classic Rule of Five. Any build that'd be valid using the old Rule of Five is still valid, it's just that this adds more options.

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Yup... means I need to add more +recharge sets.

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Ah, wasn't sure which you thought you had to do

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Ok that is EPIC information right there. As it may just make a few Perma-Dom builds I have in mind easier.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Random question: Was the Midnighter Club map mouseovers fixed? Because when you enter the room with three doors, you can't tell which door goes to which zone exit/entrance.

With Mercedes Sheldon being specifically in the Steel Canyon side, knowing which door without having to try them all would be a good thing to have fixed.



Random question: Was the Midnighter Club map mouseovers fixed? Because when you enter the room with three doors, you can't tell which door goes to which zone exit/entrance.

With Mercedes Sheldon being specifically in the Steel Canyon side, knowing which door without having to try them all would be a good thing to have fixed.

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I don't know off the top of my head, but I encourage you to go into Test and check for yourself, and if not fixed, send in a /bug/suggestion form. The more theses things get /bugged, the more the devs know it's problematic and will fix it.

Steel is the door along the same wall as the Cimeroran Crystal.

http://www.vidiotmaps.com/maps_po.ph...idnighter_club Choose the print out version from the pull down menu.

Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides




Castle says: “The [IO Set Bonus] rule [of 5] is based on the NAME of the bonus, not the numeric effect. If you use the Combat Monitor, you can see the name of each bonus.”

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Um,does this mean that you could only have,say,5 recharge bonuses from sets no matter their value?

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From the description, it sounds as if you can't have more than five "Large Recharge Bonus" effects, or more than five "Small Recharge Bonus" effects, or more than five "Minor Recharge Bonus" effects, but you could have five of each one, as opposed to being limited to five Recharge bonuses in toto.

I do wonder whether, given that "Large", "Small", and "Minor" appear to be numerically different values of set bonus in different sets, the back end is smart enough, should the situation occur, to take a case where a player had six Large bonuses for, say, 11%, 9%, 9%, 7%, 7%, 6%, and 5%, to drop the smallest of the Large bonuses, rather than it being random or in some arcane order not determinable from outside.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Random question: Was the Midnighter Club map mouseovers fixed? Because when you enter the room with three doors, you can't tell which door goes to which zone exit/entrance.

With Mercedes Sheldon being specifically in the Steel Canyon side, knowing which door without having to try them all would be a good thing to have fixed.

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I don't know off the top of my head, but I encourage you to go into Test and check for yourself, and if not fixed, send in a /bug/suggestion form. The more theses things get /bugged, the more the devs know it's problematic and will fix it.

Steel is the door along the same wall as the Cimeroran Crystal.

http://www.vidiotmaps.com/maps_po.ph...idnighter_club Choose the print out version from the pull down menu.

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I would like to check it out on test, but I run on a 26.4Kbs dial-up connection. By the time I get the patches downloaded, I think open beta would be over with. (Maybe I14 would be in beta then.)

Even if I can just copy my current CoH directory and make it a test copy, how many megs of patches do I need to download? Because the pre-download patch is at 150megs right now.

The soonest I plan to get my computer to a faster connection is for the next Rikti invasion. Maybe. It's uncertain at the moment.




Castle says: “The [IO Set Bonus] rule [of 5] is based on the NAME of the bonus, not the numeric effect. If you use the Combat Monitor, you can see the name of each bonus.”

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Um,does this mean that you could only have,say,5 recharge bonuses from sets no matter their value?

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From the description, it sounds as if you can't have more than five "Large Recharge Bonus" effects, or more than five "Small Recharge Bonus" effects, or more than five "Minor Recharge Bonus" effects, but you could have five of each one, as opposed to being limited to five Recharge bonuses in toto.

I do wonder whether, given that "Large", "Small", and "Minor" appear to be numerically different values of set bonus in different sets, the back end is smart enough, should the situation occur, to take a case where a player had six Large bonuses for, say, 11%, 9%, 9%, 7%, 7%, 6%, and 5%, to drop the smallest of the Large bonuses, rather than it being random or in some arcane order not determinable from outside.

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If you look at this page, you'll see that each type of bonus has it's own chart of bonus values. Those bonus values come in seven steps which correspond to the names we see in the Combat Attributes of tiny, small, medium, supersized, jumbo, bellybuster, etc....

Those levels are color coded on this page so you can see the relative strength of the buff.

So, the base value of the recharge bonus is 2.5%. This means a set that gives a recharge bonus of 7.5% has a multiplier of 3, which would be a Level 5 buff, which is color coded red. So, if you go to Sting of the Manticore, you'll see it gives a red Recharge bonus. If you click on Sting of the Manticore, you'll see that it is indeed listed as a 7.5% buff, which I believe is 'huge.' If you slot Sting of the Manticore, or Knockback's Kinetic Crash, or Taunt's Mocking Beratement in any combination five times, you'll see that your Huge Recharge Bonus is 37.5% (5x7.5). If you slot five LotGs, you'll see a separate line for Luck of the Gambler for another 37.5%.

Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides



Is it wrong that this: [ QUOTE ]
There are new Aura ‘combinations’ that are now available which combine Auras on different parts of the body simultaneously.

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Got me more excited than anything else?

Great post BTW, very helpful.

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Hehe, same here... I hadn't heard about or noticed this.

Just to add to it, I know at least one option has been added in as well... Vaporous Aura for Feet.
You can now have the Vaporous option on your feet.
Something I just use to think was odd that it was missing... And am happy to see them adding in little touches like this. There may be more new aura options as well (Besides the new combinations).

And thanks for the helpful posts!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Random question: Was the Midnighter Club map mouseovers fixed? Because when you enter the room with three doors, you can't tell which door goes to which zone exit/entrance.

With Mercedes Sheldon being specifically in the Steel Canyon side, knowing which door without having to try them all would be a good thing to have fixed.

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Easiest way to do that, if someone else hasn't already responded, is to click on her from your list of contacts so she shows up in your map/target. Then when you enter the door chamber, the correct door has the "48yds" marker next to it.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Random question: Was the Midnighter Club map mouseovers fixed? Because when you enter the room with three doors, you can't tell which door goes to which zone exit/entrance.

With Mercedes Sheldon being specifically in the Steel Canyon side, knowing which door without having to try them all would be a good thing to have fixed.

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Standing in the doorway from the corridor, the rooms are clockwise in level range order: Steel Canyon to the left, Croatoa opposite, Founders' Falls to the right. Simple enough.



I don't care what the "Whiner-babies" have to say about i13 - I'm excited about it!




Making the five occasional costumes costs nothing. Switching into them as each event comes around during the year will cost me.

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hmmzz.. just checked.. my main still has 57+2(vet) free costume changes left so I think I'll be fine.

I wasn't changing them anymore because the one I have are cool and I was affraid I wouldn't be able to put them back together again :d

thanks for the post btw... nice to have everything together since the wiki is a bit slow with updates



thanks for the post btw... nice to have everything together since the wiki is a bit slow with updates

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Well, the wiki is written by players, like me. We tend not to put up beta info on the wiki because it's still so changeable. Information on the wiki is segregated into a lot of separate articles and trying to keep them all updated throughout beta changes isn't easy.

It's easier to have all the guides and a guide to guides on the forums and let the guide writers keep track of things and update things as we go. You'll see that once I13 goes live, just about all the data collected in the beta forums will wind up in their appropriate wiki articles. When that happens, my I13 Highlights guide will be edited down to bare bones stuff and just link to where the more detailed guides are, whether in the Player Guides Forum or the wiki articles.


Thanks Stupid_Fanboy for the link!

Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides



Oooh, now that's a good way of knowing which way to go. Thanks!

Also, thanks Starjammer for the explanation. I don't play often enough so when I get back to the Midnighter Club, I forget which door is which. So I end up going through two before I get the one I really wanted. I'll have to write that down somewhere.



[u]Leveling Pact Update:[u]

Leveling Pact keeps XP synched. If one member is one or more levels higher than other Pactmates, they receive no XP until the other member catches up. Once they're the same level, XP is divided between them (they may not be exactly the same XP if both are within the same level, but eventually the lower one catches up when the higher-XP member levels and stops getting XP until the lower-XP member catches up again).

Leveling Pact splits Influence/Infamy between Pactmates. There is no attempt to sync Inf amounts. Just an even split at all times.

Leveling Pact does not split Prestige. Members of a pact do not receive any loot drops from Pactmate's accomplishments (they may receive the regular loot drops if their Pactmate is on their team and they are in the same zone or instance together -- just as they would without being in a Pact).

Even if you don't level up at a trainer, if have enough XP to be Level 6 or higher, you can't form a Pact.

You do not see in the Rewards Channel the XP or Inf your Pactmate earns for you. However, if you're one or more levels higher than your Pactmate, you will receive a message that you are not receiving any XP until your Pactmate catches up to you. You can Monitor through the Combat Attributes window your XP, Debt, and Inf if you want to see the effects of the Leveling Pact from a Pactmate (you'll certainly see your XP and Debt bars move).

Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides



I'm confused. If the leveling Pact is splitting XP equally, how could one character get ahead of the other? The way you have it written, it almost sounds like you have to have your partner log in every time you level, or your character is stuck and unable to advance.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.