Game Update June 24th, 2008




I realize why this happens... temporary work arounds to get you past the "real" problem until it's fixed are standard practice in the manufacturing world where I work. And I'm glad we can help ourselves now instead of waiting on outside help to keep going. But I still gotta say it.

Are you serious? We're getting a command to get us out of a bug instead of fixing the bug? Come on people... that's like McDonalds putting a 3rd drive-thru window up where we can exchange the food they gave us for what we really ordered.

OK.. that's it.. . Keep up the good work Dev's.

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Question :
Are you still getting the sync bug?

There *was* additional work done to resolve this issue (in addition to giving players the ability to use the "/sync" command.)

We are monitoring the forums and in-game petitions to see whether the issue has been resolved or improved.

EDIT Addition: If you have experienced the sync issue, I would really appreciate it if you could file a Tech Support ticket to see if your information turns up something.

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Both my daughters have been bitten by sync issues in the last 24 hours, but nothing like the sync issues we've had before. Their problem was they'd move, then immediately snap back to where they logged/zoned in. No matter where they moved, they'd be pulled right back. Not the normal sort of rubberbanding. /Sync fixed that right up and no other issues were hard.




Question :
Are you still getting the sync bug?

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FYI, I experienced the sync bug again Tuesday or Wednesday night (6/24 or 6/25, sorry I don't remember the exact night), but the /sync command fixed it. I was playing a hero on the Guardian server named Ballistic Rampage.

However, I have noticed the sync bug is not happening as often as it was in the past! In the past I would experience the problem 2 to 3 times per night, if not more. Now I have only experienced it this one time since the patch (and I usually play on a nightly basis).



I just experienced the sync bug again. This time playing my level 50 brute on the Champion server. I noticed my character kept rubberbanding back to my previous mission. This happened about 10 times and after approx. 30 - 45 seconds I typed the /sync command and it fixed the problem.

I filed a bug report this time with all of the details. But again, this problem does not appear to happen as often as it did in the past, and THANK YOU for giving me the /sync command I can use to fix the problem when it happens!



Can we get some pictures?