Thundress - Better than Expected!
Pretty cool look you have going there.
My Brutes name is Black Thundress. O.o
She looks well animated, and the lightning looks cool, it's as rampant and sparkly as I'ld ever want lightning to be

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heeeey that's really good!!!! Great work!
I love that! She'd fit in nicely in something like DC New Frontier and not look out of place
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
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Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
Hey gang! thanks for all the comments, totally forgot to get back to you on this!
I've not put up a picture of her opponent, done in a more traditional look.
I proudly present the Thundress' nemesis... The VORLOCK!
When I started this picture I'd planned a sort've simple picture.
It was going to just be a rough sketch in a Darwyn Cooke-esq art style. I ended up going to full color with it and man am I pleased.
Ladies and Gents I give you, The Thundress