Villaingroups on Protector
Name: F.U.S.I.O.N.
Currently Recruiting: We always recruit to keep it active.
RP Level: RP-lite and nonRP---- most of our RP is in construction of comics
Theme/Concept:The history of F.U.S.I.O.N. dates back to the 1147 AD Second Crusades - The Second Crusade was organized by Louis VII, King of Spain and Conrad III, King of Germany, but it was the church and a secret group of priest-mages that believed technology would bring light to the world and insisted that the leaders force this will upon all nations. The invention of the Trebuchet by Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey (a secret member of the mages) in 1903 was a direct result of this groups impressive knowledge of science and mathematics.
An up and coming scientist from India (and secret member of this ancient group), Doctor Sednya Green was the original proponent of the Manhattan Project in 1939. He believed Fusion, rather than fission would make the ultimate weapon to stop the Nazis. His lifes work broke the code on creating this reaction but was stolen by a competing doctor named Isidor Rabi. Rabi hid Greens work, and convinced the American government to utlize a fission reaction and support his findings over Dr. Greens. Green sat dejected and demoralized and in 1945 broke from the group of scientists with vengance in his heart.
Green began working as a government contractor in the secret Area 51; when in 1983 he had contact with the Rikkiti Homeworld (only found in documentation later at his house). The American government lost contact with him and assumed he was murdered or kidnapped by mysterious forces. It was not until 1991 that the CIA placed him as a possible link in weapons manufacturing and sales to Iraq. By 2010, the name of the group was being whispered in close terrorist circles around the globe. F.U.S.I.O.N. would become synonomous with death. Anyone not making payments to this group or in some cases just having dealings with said group were never seen again. Rumors of extreme Cyborg technology ran like electricity through the underground terrorist organizations of the world.
In 2010 two immortal cyborgs only known as the WARFACE project surfaced under the covert guidance of Dr. Green. The F.U.S.I.O.N. facility was found destroyed with both cyborgs and Dr Green missing....
One WARFACE cyborg later surfaced in Paragon City and began to do heros work as he searches for Dr. Green and answers as to his creation while the other ended up working with Ghost Widow in the Rogue Isles.
The cyborg located in the Rogue Isles (with Lord Recluse's financial backing) has recreated the FUSION facility and formed a Villain Group in support of Shost Widows will.
Activity: We are split fairly evenly between Pacific and Eastern. Peak hours sees about 50 members on. We have about 80 Individual accounts and 150 toons in group. When toons are over 20 days without logging in we move them to bring in fresh members. This has kept the VG active for two years where others have fallen stale.
Requirements for Membership: must be at least level #, out-of-game communication on guild forums (please also list URL forums if different from website), no alts in other VGs, no heroes on Virtue, daily log-in, etc.
Warface-@artilleryofficer: Founder and overseer.
Jen-@demonjen, @goldjen: main recruiter and event planner
Omacron-@red sage
Deathtrip-@Deathtrip: raid leader
Carnada - @Carnada:Badge helper
Kirra-@Kirra 0wnz: Event Coordinator
Eddie Wrathchild - @MetalTyrant:
Strike Force Leader, VG Base
Raid and Defense Leader
Coalition(s): Maru Ka'ge, Vindictive, Syndicates of Evil,
Evil Graveyard Shift, Ministry of Darkness, DOIDD,Angels of Death, Over driven, Jade Empire,PRAESDIUM,DotFW,Dawn of Soverignty,PVPEC,F.I.S.S.I.O.N.,GUYVERS,Anarcy of Evil, FUSION Farmers.
View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here:
my email
Name: Department of Inter-Dimensional Destruction (DoIDD)
Currently Recruiting: We are accepting new members.
RP Level: None
Theme/Concept: US Government themed villain group that does the dirty work for the them.
Activity: We have about 15-20 active members. Most of our members are East Coast based. On at various times, but mostly weekends or in the early evenings. Pretty casual VG.
Requirements for Membership: Must be at least 18 years old to join. Apply via website or contact a leadership for an interview before we accept membership. We ask our members to register on our website at and login weekly. Dedicate a costume slot by level 30 to the VG uniform. We have no Hero group on Protector (it's on the Justice Server a Top 5 ranked SG).
Leadership: eL3ctrIc fR34K, Sword of Artemis, Katin, and Void Reaper
In-Game Contact(s): @Black Mute, @KAKTOS, @Katin and @WindChillFactor
Out-of-Game Contact(s): PM Black_Mute on CoV forums or post on the DoIDD general forums.
Coalition(s): We have about three current coalitions.
Name: Age and Treachery
Currently Recruiting: Not actively recruiting, but have been known to have moments of weakness when we say "Sure, you can join."
RP Level: We mainly RP with other groups when the mood suits us. Mainly Rasta. He's crazy.
Theme/Concept: Started as a place for the Bamas to park their Villains. Hasn't changed much.
Activity: Sporadic, but not as bad as it used to be.
Requirements for Membership: Emotional maturity is the only "non-negotiable." You can be a potted plant for all we care, just be emotionally mature.
Leadership: Working Class Dog, Mother Goose (No, I'm not kidding on that second one)
In-Game Contact(s): @BamaHulk or @BamaWolfie
Out-of-Game Contact(s): You won't need this. We'll contact YOU.
URL: We have one, in conjunction with our Hostile Justice SG. Nothing on it, will update when there is.
Coalition(s): We have coalitions, and while they are presumed to not be ashamed of the fact, we'll leave 'em secret for now.
Other Details: AnT was started to provide a "mature" VG for folks looking to get away from either oppressive rules and regs, or excessive interaction with emotionally immature players. We have grown since then, and now have a player under 40 !
I'm backing up the original post of this thread just in case it's lost in the switch to the new forum platform. The same with all my community threads.
You pay to play. Having fun is ok. Kill Skuls or kill Crey. Hunt at night or in the day. Black or white or shades of grey. Play it your way. We have no say.
Silas' official theme song: Word Up!
Name: Darkest Deeds (No fee too small! No act too heinous!)
Recruiting Policy: Currently recruiting.
RP Level: Light RP, meta-gaming, with irony/parody overtones. We don't take ourselves horrendously seriously. We've rather "comic" on the "comic book badguy" thing.
Theme/Concept: S&M Parody, the majority of our toons are female. General raison d'ĂȘtre is a transportation hub (still in the very early stages) and someplace red-side to base-edit as well.
Activity: Approximately 7 unique users as of 01/12/09. Three very active users with multiple alts (myself included in this number).
Prime Time: We have players in multiple timezones, so for uniformity's sake, I'll present all times in EST. Prime time for us is usually about 9PM EST to 2AM EST weekdays, with myself sometimes being on as early as 7PM EST.
Weekends are a lot more freeform as several of our members have kids. As such I can only speak for myself. I generally play for a couple hours in the morning. After about 2-3PM EST I get off and power-nap before work. Then I play while at work (I'm the network architect and lead admin at work, with permission from the owners) from about 12AM EST to about 6AM EST. At least two of our three "mains" are on pretty much every day redside, we're grinding to get the base up and running nicely and get several characters who can participate in all levels of content in the red-side game. Once we complete these two main objectives, we'll probably split our time a bit more evenly between redside and blueside. Even so, unless we have plans, there's not a huge deal with us hopping over to go mishing with VG-mates.
Requirements for Membership: That you're actually going to play this toon. We request, but don't demand, that you stay in SG mode till 35. After that, as you like. Personally, I stay in SG mode all the time. A sense of humor (especially snarky humor) isn't mandatory, but it helps!
Lady Domina: @Hyperstrike1 (Forums: Hyperstrike)
Summer.Storm: (Info withheld unless user volunteers it themselves)
Winter.Storm: (Info withheld unless user volunteers it themselves)
Note: Global for myself only, the .Storms allow their kids to play on their accounts.
Out-of-Game Contact(s): hyperstrike at-sign
URL: Currently none. My web-fu is a broad but shallow river and my actual artistic design skill is about as pedestrian as possible. If one of our members wants to web-fu, lemme know.
Coalitions: Currently none. Always looking for coalitions.
Base setup: Currently 2 teleporters, we have all redside beacons save the RWZ beacon (just have to pick up the ship badge at the next RtR). We're currently kicking hard to get off the combo control/power unit. Once that's in we'll expand with workshop then a med center.
The main goal of the group is to have someone able to go with you through any level of content you so desire on the server. This in turn should help expand and broaden the web of contacts we have already begun building for ourselves and to make the SG, and Protector redside a more active friendly place.
My personal goal for my set of toons, simply, is prestige generation for the group so that I can improve the base for you.
I also anticipate heavy participation in Mission Architect once it rolls. So I'll need guinea p^H^H^HPLAYTESTERS for it. And I'm willing to help knock the rough edges off other people's efforts as well.
Name: Crime Syndicate Incorporated
Currently Recruiting: We are recruiting any villains.
RP Level: RP-Friendly, not required nor do we participate in general
Theme/Concept: Alone, we are simply thugs. Together, incorporated, as a crime syndicate, we can control the world.
Activity: This is the villain version of a top 75 SG the Protectors, unfortunately we have let it slip far beyond activeness so we have roughly 4 individual active members.
Requirements for Membership: No actual requirements, though activity is obviously preferred to inactivity.
Leadership: @NoSanityClaus, @FlameWrath, @Protonic Flux
In-Game Contact(s): Same as leadership.
Out-of-Game Contact(s): My forum handle, Flame_Wrath, should be sufficient.
URL: The Protectors - CSI or search The Protectors - CSI on
Coalition(s): We are coalitioned to former members' villain groups, I believe, but we are looking for new and active coalition relationships to begin.
Other Details: As of right now, no regular events. As I mentioned before, this is the villain version of the Protectors, which you are free to join as well.
We welcome all! See you all around.
Name: Rogue Isles Jesters
Currently Recruiting: Always
RP Level: As much as you want. or as little as you want.
Theme/Concept: Villains having fun being villians, more on one side means more power
Activity: Small but tring to be active at least a few hours between us per day
Requirements for Membership:Willing to play and have fun
Leadership: Miss Mass Driva ArachnosKencharacter JaBia San
In-Game Contactl @AxeFire
NAME: The Dead
HISTORY:My alt KOBALD was blind invited to join a one man vg years back. I warned the leader i was not very active on that toon, he didnt mind, and promoted me, i assume do to KOBALD's regal bearing and overprotuberance of moxie.the next month i logged back in and to my surprise i was now Chief leader and Queen.Seems the origional leader quit.Her PRIMARY EDict was to remove the lame tree logo as official VG chest symbol and replace it with the skull we are known for today.Then i got all my friends together and we made ourselves at home.Fast forward 3 years- we have a pretty good base.
ROLE PLAY:Kobald refers to all the Dead as her "Babies".
RECRUITING:not so much, but plenty of spots left in Coaltion if someone would like to share our teleporters and team up from time to time. My known friends' alts are always welcome.They can hit me up on global or whatnot.

Your attention please!
A newsflash has just been made available from the Praetorian Primal Earth Front!
Our forces have won a glorious victory in King's Row with the onset of the new Villain Group, INGSOC!
I am authorized to say the action we are now reporting may bring the war with Primal Earth in meansureable distance of its end!
Here is Imperial Big Brother with further commentation!

Greetings, citizens of Praetoria. Emperor Cole is looking for Praetorians from both Loyalist and even redeemable Resistance fighters willing to fight for the doubleplusgood that is Praetoria! It is your duty to stop the warring hordes of Primal Earth and join with your brothers and sisters to strike down the Primals before they destroy all that we hold dear!
Loyalists, Resistance fighters, Rogues and Villains of Primal Earth's Rogue Isles are joining forces to pave the way in support of Emperor Cole! We shall subvert the ranks of their Primal Earth orders, gather information, and strike when the time is right!
Join us in your support of Emperor Cole by joining our forces on Primal Earth with INGSOC!
To receive further goodthink about INGSOC, you may verify with our glorious website, INGSOC (click for link to INGSOC website).
Hail INGSOC! Hail Praetoria! Hail Emperor Cole!
Base size: small (just starting)
Colors: Red and Black
RP?: Your choice; not mandated, nor ignored
Contact: ingame-"Imperial Big Brother" (global: @Major Deej)
Name: N.E.M.E.S.I.S.
Currently Recruiting: currently accepting all members
RP Level: RP-friendly
Theme/Concept: Just bought the VG I currently have no theme requirements.
Activity: Currently it is just myself in the VG. I am a 42 month Vet. I don't specialize in anything really. I just like to have fun, and play the game. I do like to host SF teams, costume contests are a great plan for the future once I gain some funds on Protector. I currently have no "prime time" I fit my game time in when I can afford to, between work, kids/wife, and college. Currently if you are interested in a for fun VG and don't mind helping a returned Protector player, I'm easy going, the only thing I really don't share is base design. I like to design my own bases.
Requirements for Membership: I don't have any reason to hold back on members those that openly and honestly want to join can join.
Leadership: Mayhem Like Me
In-Game Contact(s): @Toxic Striker
Out-of-Game Contact(s): You can locate me on the forumsas ToxicStriker, or on skype as reaping-souls
URL: no guildportal or website at this time
Coalition(s):None as of yet open to take some coalition invites
Other Details: Nothing scheduled as of yet, still working on some things with friends and so forth.
Please use this thread if your VG is recruiting
Name: VG Name
Currently Recruiting: you are / are not accepting new members, not recruiting new members but looking for other players/VGs interested in RP, not looking for anyone new in any way but wanting to let others know you exist, etc.
RP Level: RP-friendly, RP-intensive, RP-lite, nonRP, /sg IC, 100% IC spatial, etc., what degree of immersion do you expect or require?
Theme/Concept: Briefly describe your VG's theme and/or concept (Arachnos or other NPC-oriented group, Single Origin, Single Archetype, etc.) or general raison d'ĂȘtre
Activity: how many unique members do you have, what times (of which time zones) are your members active, which days of the week do you see the most log on - when is your "prime time" (so to speak)
Requirements for Membership: must be at least level #, out-of-game communication on guild forums (please also list URL forums if different from website), no alts in other VGs, no heroes on Virtue, daily log-in, etc.
Leadership: character name(s)
In-Game Contact(s): Global @<name> for in-game contact(s)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): CoV's Virtue Forum handle(s) for PMs or email address(es) for those interested to seek more information when not logged in
URL: the group's website
Coalition(s): If you wish to reveal them here -you might also describe the nature of it - alliance, RP adversarial, functional, alt overflow, etc. or whether it is an IC or OOC associate
Other Details: feel free to add any other important information like base setup, frequency of TF/SF scheduling, prestige generation expectations / goals, or anything else of general but significant appeal
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