It's baaaaaaa... (continued in post)
Hey, can I snag one? I'll PM you the pic and stuff if it's cool.
Well, I'd say it's easier just to post it, but if you wanna PM me, go 'head.
I'll post it if it's easier.
Another pic
X-zero is a powerful fire melee brute, and those pics show him when his power is at it's max. That all you need?
Fine by me! Two more, and I'll start spritin' stuff.
Cool beans.
Oh I'd love one!
Most used costume
Sorceress costume
Well without getting too in depth with my bio, my toon (Flame Enchantress) is a fire-weilding sorceress who tends to spend most of her time in Croatoa. She is the leader of a coven of other elemental enchantresses. So yeah, I suppose something fiery and/or magicy if you decide to do mine?
Thanks for your time! Always loved seeing the avatars
(sorry I don't have more pics of her)
Good. That's two...
You're the same one who did those little comic animations right?
Those were awesome!
Chizoku, harbinger of the 16 bit revolution (and maker of my av)
hhmmm need to be quick...
how's about this little kitty O.o
Sure. It'll do fine. And that's the three! Expect them to be finished soon!
Here's X-Zero.
Too much orange!!
That's awesome. Thank you for making my avatar 100% cooler.
Here's Flame Enchantress
Too Much Fire!!
Ill post just in case you are still accepting some
I love the Flame Enchantress ^_^ It's awesome.
Fair Skye (2)
She stands 5ft 4in and yet for all her shortcomings, she is as beautiful as any woman could hope to be. Her skin shimmers brightly even in the darkest of places, and her complexion always maintains the reason for which she was named. Her presence lets out a magnificent aura of pure energy, and she is the most noble and honest young child you would ever meet. That was until her mother was murdered in an attempt to save her daughters life. Everything changed that day.
Today, she is far from the broken young girl she was after that horrible accident. She has tried to make something of her self ever since that fateful day, but has yet to add up to much. She studied hard to become a lawyer. She devoted herself so much to the cause of going after those that hurt her mother that she graduated at the young age of 25. She spent two years after that going after every criminal she could find connected to her mothers death. She gave that up long ago. The sad realization was, in Paragon, criminals ruled even the court systems.
Down and out, she turned to taking it all into her own hands. She never doubted that she was different, but knew that her powers did not seem enough to be of use in fighting the people she saw every day. The criminals with such awesome powers, that hers shrunk in comparison to. She had no other choice. She used the skills she had gained in her pursuit of justice as a lawyer, and researched every possible lead into how to gain some power of her own. Coincidentally enough the easiest, and yet most powerful, route she found was through the fairies.
Known for their quick flight, eternal life and their fast reflexes Fair considered them the perfect solution. Better still, they had the power to alter humans and turn them into one of their own. She could use this to her advantage, and she did. She researched for 2 years all she could about the fairies so they would love her so much they would turn her, and so they did.
She is now known as Fair Skye, one of the long foretold chosen few of the Skye prophecies. With her keen reflexes, she has trained her skills with the bow, and uses it to aid her battles. The aura of energy she has always had with her has become her most potent weapon to anything, or anyone, who dare come near her. She started the battle with her revenge on the Skulls, for the cruel fate they left her to. With that complete ( This is that long story I wrote if you want to read it) , she has found it in herself to continue on and fight for all the young and the old to save them from the same fate that befell her. Villains beware, the Skye has been unleashed.
Ohhh WOW!! I love it, thanks so much!
And now Gata Anajarandjajaadjajadajajwhatevernosehablarespanol' s avatar is COMPLETEEED!
Too much Orange again!!..?
Oh that one is cute too
doubley thanks again
...aaaack! I'm giving out three sprite avatars to lucky peoples' who want 'em. If you're unsure to exactly what I'm referring to, here's an example. and here's another.
[*]You can't have gotten another avatar from me recently. If you got one waaay long ago that you're no longer using, then you can get another, but only that. If you're still using one, or got one rather recently, then you can't get one. It's just my policy. [/list]Other than that, go wild. Remember, I'm only doing three... Or maybe doing more if time permits.
Regardless, open fire!
So, what do you need to get one of these things? Simple:
<ul type="square"> [*]You must give a picture of your hero, preferably from several angles, but just a front/side angle could work. [*]You should give a Bio to give me an idea of what your character should be doing in the Avatar. Usually, I do crazy stuff if no bio is given.