My attempt at a fireplace...




Okay, that's far better than the floor tile I used to point out the effect! I would have thought that was too thick for the flames to look good coming through, but I guess I was wrong. That room looks like it's going to be gorgeous once you're done with it!

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" Adam Savage from Mythbusters



hehehe tx everyone.

I've been at it since Monday. I dont see it getting done this week but it's fun =)

Sure you can come over and visit Amygdala. I'm on Infinity red side. Tigra and Mook both have access to the base so if I am not around and they are just ask them to send you a VG invite.



Oh, wow, now THAT is bloody impressive. Very, very nice.



/bows down before EEEKK's fireplace

Amazing. Simply amazing.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



Post deleted by Static_Supply



My attempt at a fireplace (please keep in mind my SG is VERY VERY small and I havent learned to use the magic desk or stack things.


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your link is not working.. i get a domain name service.. not a photo



no knowledge of stacking or anything like that and my sg has maybe 500,000 prestige total. but i liked it, i tried a few different surrounding pieces and the blocks looked best.



Here is my pic finally! Hope it works.

"Many people say the Yeti is only a legend while some people believe in its existence but nobody has been able to prove it,"



and another angle

"Many people say the Yeti is only a legend while some people believe in its existence but nobody has been able to prove it,"




OK the room is not done yet but the fireplace is done so I wanted to share this with ya. I'll post the rest of the pics when I finish with the base.


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wow. So what did you have to do to get it to look that way? What random levels and stacking did you have to do to achieve that look? Its really amazing.



Thanks- I used the carved stone tables for the sides and the small cracked blocks for the mantle. Stacked 4 high and put on the mantle, then one by one replaced the stacked desks on the sides with the stone carved tables and then emptied the middle for the actual fireplace. Make sure to measure for your fire- as I ended up doing twice since the 1st time the torch wouldn't fit. I will be attempting a bbq pit next, as it was requested by one of the SG-lol I will let you know how that works out!

"Many people say the Yeti is only a legend while some people believe in its existence but nobody has been able to prove it,"




OK the room is not done yet but the fireplace is done so I wanted to share this with ya. I'll post the rest of the pics when I finish with the base.


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wow. So what did you have to do to get it to look that way? What random levels and stacking did you have to do to achieve that look? Its really amazing.

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Those are just red bookcases. I used the square stone plinth to hide the fire source and also for the mantle. I just ofset it a little bit to make give it more of a mantle look.

You just have to vary the floor height in order to get the shelves to stack without gaps.

Hmm maybe I should make a stacking guide. I use an excel spreadsheet to do my planning for me so I have no idea how to even make that show up here. Maybe someone else should instead is a better idea!!! Amygdala is good at stacking. I vote for her =)

Anyways. Giving it the no gap look was the part that took the longest to design. Then there was the part that it looks plan and boring so I had to find a way to decorate it a bit.

I'm currently flooring the fireplace and meditation area now It should be done soon.

I like the room lighting choice Big Y. It gives it a nice warm look.



If you want to share a spreadsheet, try

Google Docs

It can be handy



Here's one I tried to put together. Sadly, not much in the way of pictures, but I'm working on a new one. I'm still having trouble getting the floor even with the torches under the fireplace.




Ooooooh, I like what you did there, KomradVex. I kinda wanted to add a chimney onto mine, which I think I just may do since you've used the same blocks.

The only thing about those arcane blocks is the gap at the ends that makes them hard to put side by side... I tried to be crafty about it in my first version but I may just have to mix them in with something else.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial




All these are quite awesome... everyone did a great job, I'm a bit jealous.



very nice Komradvex, I like the stone table look.
I was thinking about making one of these for a second level study to my control room.
torches are 8 feet tall so am I right in assuming that folks here floated the plinth and then dropped the floor two levels and worked that way. Or is there another way I am not seeing?

This weekend I was going to work on my base and try and add a fireplace to it.