Costume suggestions, please?
Well, IMHO, the first costume would look cooler with Tights Sleek (not sure if you're already using that on the top, but the bottom doesn't seem to be it);
Also, for the gloves and boots, I believe that the original glove/boot option would look better, especially on the gloves where it looks rather strange to have your character's arm muscles showing when it is not even touching his arm at all;
And last but not least, you might consider using a shiner tone on gloves, boots, chest pattern and, perhaps, shoulders, just for the contrast.
For costume 2, it looks overall nice, but a bit too dark, I would use brighter colors (either the blue or the red or both) unless it hurts your concept; in case it does, I would still consider changing the chest detail and the belt color so they have better contrast with the rest of the costume.
And costume 3.....well, I really like it, the only changes I would consider is making the chest detail the Enforcer 2 (though 1 might work too) and make the belt either Enforcer or the Vanguard one (in case you can access it). That is, if you want to have a more armored look.
I pretty much agree with Larpus' ideas, but would add that maybe a different headpiece on number 3 would be nice. Maybe a gold or silver winged piece (use the mask you have, recolor it, and add the wings feature from detail 2)
Number 3 also seems a little dark to me, but I'm inclined to think that it's just the screenshot.
If you really wanted to get wonky, you could try mixmatching pieces from Justice, Enforcer, Stealth, Exoproto, and Armored Pads to get more of a "modern armored hero" look.
My opinion:
[u]Costume 1[u][*] Change mustard-yellow to gold
[u]Costume 2[u][*] Brighten either red or blue
[u]Costume 3[u][*] change yellow to gold
My opinion:
[u]Costume 1[u][*] Change mustard-yellow to gold
[u]Costume 2[u][*] Brighten either red or blue
[u]Costume 3[u][*] change yellow to gold
[/ QUOTE ]
Gold, now there's an idea I hadn't thought of. Hopefully I'll get the time to test these suggestions soon.
When doing gold you could consider the more reflective metallic costume pieces if you have them on this toon.
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Proud member of The Impossibles/Pinnacle -[url=""][/url]
When doing gold you could consider the more reflective metallic costume pieces if you have them on this toon.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this?
I would guess Starwind is referring to the "shiny" metal texture or pattern that was introduced with CoV for many villain pieces (gloves, shoulders, belts, and boots all have some "Metal" options).
If you have the GvE edition, or your account was around for the one time CoH/V combination NCSoft did last month, you should have those options available for heroes as well.
Jack_O_Clubs is correct - thank you.
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Proud member of The Impossibles/Pinnacle -[url=""][/url]
I got my third costume slot for my Mutant Energy/Energy Blaster back during the Halloween event, and have been trying to decide on a costume that I really like since then.
While I was thinking about it, I decided I could use some help with all three of my costumes.
Costume 1
Costume 2
Costume 3
I'm pretty sure I want to stick with the basic color scheme (bue, red, yellow) but the exact combination isn't as important. I tried to use some of the Enforcer pieces in the third costume, but it looked too Tech for my Mutant Blaster to wear.
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated. Screenshots would be a huge plus, since it will help me understand your advice.