The Measure of a Mind [RP, Open!]




"Why kill anybody?" Ryat99 asked, "Don't you know the penalties are less severe for malicious maiming?"

Felix seemed to be falling asleep, cuddled in Essex's hands like he was.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((Shipment of scientists? Nyer? Did I misread something? I thought Ess had written that there wasn't anything unusual about scientific expeditions into Siberia, not that there was already one on the way. ))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((Hm... My bad. I must've misunderstood.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((Well, you may well not have, 's what I'm saying. Could be my end. Gonna wait for Ess to clarify. ))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




"I don't think such force will be necessary." Jake said in response to Phillis's suggestion. "Something that is phase shifted is above and beyond being simply stealthed. It is, quite literally, partially shifted out of reality, a trait that oftentimes makes it Hell to detect." Jake checked his watch absentmindedly as he stated this. "Frankly, I think you're just wanting to be violent. I'm afraid I'm with the hero on this one, casualties should be avoided if possible, if for nothing else than for the sake of remaining conspicuous."



((Yes, groups of scientists going into Siberia aren't unusual in the least, precisely because there are so many squirreled away groups that need their services. :3

And I'm back, by the way. ROAR!))

West stroked his chin thoughtfully.

"...You have a point, Dr. Phillis. That would be likely a grand distraction for our purposes."

Vanessa looked to West, surprised but hopeful. "Oh, Ocky." she said affectionately. "Ye're beginnin' t' sound like yer old se--"



"For one thing, we have little idea where their rival factions would be located, or even if we would be able to count on their technology to provide such a distraction. Additionally...if we provided our own, I trust that the operation would be efficient enough -- too efficient. No matter what happens, we do not want to draw attention to our activities out here. And if the Russians are one thing, they're...fastidious."

Raising a hand to touch his jawline in a seemingly subconscious motion, he shook his head.

"Remember, we want to intercept this research before -anyone- else gets their hands on it. If the Russian military, Japanese military, our own military even hears a word breathed of this sort of potential, we -will- have to blast our way out."

He glanced to Experiment. "...Casualties will only draw attention. They may be necessary, but I would rather incur them in swift, calculated, precise strikes instead of mass maulings."

Essex was holding Felix now, somewhat to comfort herself. Her eyes were on Dr. West, wide and surprised.

She'd never really heard him speak this way before...


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



"It always comes down to maulings eventually," muttered Combat Toy from out in the hallway, speaking just loud enough that the whole room could hear him.

"Someone needs to turn down their volume dial," Solid Shot replied as he gave the assault bot the finger. Or he tried, at least, since there was a wall between the two. But Combat Toy still leaned partway into the room and flicked Solid off in retaliation before stomping away.

"Uppity combat droid," Solid said angrily as he fumed to himself.

"Simply by building their base in Siberia and being found out by our group here, I would say these 'Bionic Thralls' already have two rival factions that would have a say in things," Toy said. "Namely CptCommie and his stronghold and Vern's base as well. If we know the exact location of the Thrall base, we can have those two allies of ours cordon them off from the rest of Russia. At the very least we could track incoming shipments or whatever and discern some sort of schedule that we can take advantage of.

"Of course, this all depends on how quickly we want to act. If time really is of the essence then a quick scouting mission from one or several of us with a full frontal assault right on its heels would probably serve our purposes well. Most, if not all, of their research would be destroyed by the time we reach their inner sanctum, but if we could prevent their escape by teleportation or air, then we would have accomplished our objective of stopping this man from whatever he plans to do."

"Or we could wait weeks, properly plan everything out down to the last nitty gritty detail, and surgically blow the guy to smithireens without him even knowing what the hell happened," finished Solid with an expressive roll of his head. "Boooooooooooorrrrrrrrring..."

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



((Gotcha. ))

"Sure, we can do portal travel." Vern's shoulders gave the equivalent of a shrug, his wings reverberating with the gesture, "Not comfortable with getting torn apart, huh? And yes, I do believe we can very much stay 'under their radar'. We have been for a good long while."

"Or above." M added to his friend's answer with a chuckle, "Seriously, unless they're more paranoid than the Malta Group, they won't even know I'm there. Shall I be off then?"

"Alright." the Krayten answered, "But stick to low orbit for now. No sense in chancing anything."

"Of course." the spindly mechanoid spread its hands, but despite the conversation's direction stayed quite put where it was, "You know me."

"That's exactly why." Vern retorted with a smirk, turning to Dr. West again, "Any objections to me generating a light gate right here...?"

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




"None here." Said Igor from his seat were he obviously had not been a second ago.



Experiment's demeanor, which had been amazingly and, to some, perhaps rather surprisingly, serious and intelligent up until this point, suddenly fell to pieces, his throat almost unable to hold back a laugh.

"Alright," 2.0 began, his voice from the deeper, more intelligent octave to the lighter, humorous one, "I have but one thing to say- If M's stick-figure counterpart begins flapping his hands, I am going to laugh. Very loudly."



"Hm. Instantaneous transport to Siberia..." Sheldon scratched the back of his head, "While I'm a fan of expediency, it's not entirely the wisest of endeavors to just fling one's self into the wild blue yonder. I hope we have a destination in mind."

"I could go in first," Ryat99 offered, "Scope the area out, see what happens. Unless, like my maker said, you have a destination in mind that's not inherently hostile."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"I'm cool with teleportation," Build said from his seat as he pulled out his dip can. He packed it loudly and stuck another pinch of tobacco inside his lip.

"Siberia right? Gimme ten seconds to reconfigure my pocket dimensions to allow me to use them that far away from their power source," Build said as he began to rapidly tap the commands into his wrist panel.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



"Okay." the spindly mechanoid gave a sinister chuckle as it stood, then began flapping its arms up and down in expectation of cutting Experiment's air off, "Oh wait, I've got an even better idea."

With that, the robotic construct suddenly contracted its 'torso', repositioning its arms and legs using multiple joints that had appeared quite stiff before. It didn’t take but a few seconds for the humanoid shape to become one reminiscent of a chicken (although it took some imagination due to the skeletal nature) with but a glowing blue lens for a head.

"Bok, bok, bok." M let out, obviously bemused, as the mechanoid mimicked the bird's behavior, Vern only letting out a perturbed sigh.

"Yes, we most certainly have a destination." the Krayten then answered Sheldon's inquiry, "Last I checked, one can't pick up a train just anywhere. And while I doubt anyone on this world has the ability to even detect a light gate in the first place, using shielded endpoints can't hurt, right?"

It was true. Although light gates were nigh-impossible to make out if one wasn't in visual range (or had some very specialized sensors; which no one here qualified under), the myriads of protections and deceptions incorporated into Dr. West's facility right here, not to mention its constantly moving and very covert nature, only warranted that the arrival point be hidden as well...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




"Robot chicken!" Solid Shot shouted as M shifted form. "Quickly! Someone get me some claymation artists! Sheldon can sub as the mad scientist and we can use Vern for the Godzilla parody!"

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



(( lol ))



"Okay..." Ryat99 rumbled as he looked askance at Solid Shot, "That was... Divergent..."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



With as calm a voice as possible, Experiment turned to Ryat slowly, and said, "You think THAT'S divergent?"

Then, his seat fell back, him flying to the ground, a hail of laughter emitting from the point he had hit. "OH DEAR LORD! HAHAHAHA!!! I... I CAN'T BREATH! OH MY GOD!"

...And other assortment of words.

After about ten more seconds, he came back up, tears streaming down his face, with a grin seemingly plastered on his face. "I will tell you right now... Hehehe... I am never going to forget that, Big M. Never."



"I suddenly have dire concerns about this endeavor's success," Ryat99 intoned as he looked down to the cackling Experiment 2.0.

"Just now?" Sheldon was rubbing his neck nervously.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"Wow, I have to agree vith ju robot on zis vone Sheldon." Klaus replied. "Vell, for those of us zat are a weee bit mature, I suggest we get moving soon ja?"



"It will take at least ten minutes for my Stickmen to get into position," Toy Dispenser said. "If we're going to do this I'd like to know as soon as possible."

"Being really divergent would be if I started talking about the prices of good haggis and how the tomato economy is ruining our childrens' futures," Solid said to Ryatt and Sheldon. "And insane people can work really well in a fight as long as you point us in the right direction."

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



"Bah, what's the point of being mature all the time?" Vern chuckled at the reactions of the others, "Just be glad he stuck to reprogramming the commbot. I would've already started shifting things."

"Also, no Godzilla for you." the Krayten told Solid, tapping the claws of his left foreleg upon the floor a few times, "No hands, remember? Besides, walking on two legs makes me feel more unstable than a sack of synthetic oscillocrystals..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




"I never said the insane weren't good in a fight," the big android replied to Solid Shot, "There's always been need of Berserker types throughout history..."

Sheldon, however, was busy making sure his personal arsenal was prepared. He had two pistols (that he hoped to not have to use), his Gravity Gauntlets (with kinetic energy manipulators), and an assortment of medical supplies especially crafted for hero work by small corporations not affiliated with Crey Pharmaceuticals.

"Alright," he intoned as he placed the last Regenerator cartridge in his left breast pocket, "I should be just about ready to go."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



West nodded absently, looking over the group of assorted scientists with a mild sigh.

"Whenever you are ready, then, I am prepared. I will be taking Essex along, as I have outfitted her with a bit of new biometal that should aid our endeavors."

Vanessa was less adroit in her words.


"But Mooooom..." Spindle whined, the battle drone poking her head in the doorway and what looked like the detached arm of a protector bot. "Prickle and Mini Bot and I were playing mad scientist with Rotor!"

The sound of thumping was heard as the protector bot clomped into view, swiping the arm and batting the drone over the head with it. "Ask next time!" he snapped, fastidiously reattaching it.

"Tha's an order, lass!" Nessie said sternly. "Time for work, an' time for play. Now it's time for work."

Turning to Vern, she nodded. "Me an' my crew are ready. Jus' tell us what we need to do."

((Edit: I'm sleepy. X3))


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



OOC: Spindle's an assault bot?

BIC: "All you'd have to do is walk slowly and go 'Raaaaarh' a lot," Solid said to Vern.

"But asking just makes it less fun," Mini Bot whined as it joined the two in front of the door. "It's a lot more fun when you chase us."

"I'm ready whenever," Toy said.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.