The Measure of a Mind [RP, Open!]




Experiment smirked again- "First time solo, second Co-op. Is it just me, or is co-op HARDER? It just seems that, without an almost invincible Arbiter, I get shot a lot more."



"I'm Sheldon Wallace," the young man in the white trench coat and blue beret declared, "And my profession is... well... mad scientist for the blue side."

"I am Ryat Ninety-nine," the android declared, then indicated Sheldon, "He built me, but doesn't have much say over what I do except when our boss assigns him a billet over me. When he said he was coming here, I decided I should probably come with him... I'd feel kind of bad for a while if he wound up in the hospital because of my neglect."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Klaus nodded with each new introduction. "Mein name is Doctor Klaus...I am a master of cryogenics, microcircuitry, and a few other fields of science."



((Apologies for inconsistencies in my last post. I was being rushed at the time. :3))

"I'm Jake." He announced as he flipped a chair around and sat in it, the back of it facing forward. "I specialize in robotic design, and, if I hadn't gone rogue, I'd be a junior in high-school."



"Kids these days," Solid said as he sighed theatrically. "You try and teach them algebra and then they up and build a horde of robots to conquer the world. What's gone wrong with the world?"

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



"A few things." Vern remarked with a toothy smirk, "Then again, I know of a few worlds where that's quite normal."

"Don't remind me." M howled in frustration, remembering all too well what the Krayten spoke of, "An election they called that. Yeesh. But in any case, an Ecialist is one who studies Ecialism. It's shorthand - the full designation is Extra Cerebral Integrationalism, basically the combined field of study."

"Like Nexialism." Vern added to give a better visualization, "Except it's not a full-scientific-method study, so it's got some unorthodox methods that more often than not revel things a strictly scientific view just can't see. Almost nobody can deal with it in its full form, so the study tends to result in scientists who know a little about a lot, but not enough about anything specific to carry it to fulfillment."

"Thankfully, that no longer applies to me." M gave a sinister chuckle, "I've got enough memory to ecialistically study the principles of a hundred different infinities now. I dare say it's pretty darn useful..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




"I am a fthully qualifthied all-purpothe general surgeon and field medic, thepthializing in the reanimation of the detheathed." Igor said. "I am altho a cathual inventor and mechanic, with thkills in jutht about any field you'd care to name. I havth over two hundred and seventy two degreeth in Mad Thienthe, both Thuicidal and non-Thuithidal."



Klaus smiled. "Ahhh, a fellow madman." he mused to himself. This little gathering was turning out to be quite the party.



"Kids these days," Solid said as he sighed theatrically. "You try and teach them algebra and then they up and build a horde of robots to conquer the world. What's gone wrong with the world?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Jake simply smirked and shrugged as he continued to watch the conglomeration of minds introduce themselves and their fields.



((Diov, Igor's lisp faltered on "surgeon".))

Sheldon was glad his shades covered the fact that his eyes nearly bugged out of his skull.

"Suicidal... And non-suicidal... Wow. I'm glad that I'm not nearly that far gone..."

"Dammit, Sheldon..." Ryat99 grumbled, "That's just the sort of thing to start a fight. A fight we don't need here."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((Well seems like Build would be at home in this situation, little work and lotsa talky. Sorry if I'm a little late.))

"Did I already miss the introductions?" Said a voice from the back of the room. Any people who felt like turning around would see a 6'1" 23 yrs old man with large robotic arms, a backwards baseball cap, and a huge dip leaning against the door.

"Nice little gaurds you have standing outside the door. Wouldn't have let me in if they hadn't seen my invitation. For those of you who don't know me I am Build. I research everything from particle physics, advanced mechanical engineering and theories, to virtual realism and interdimensional sciences." Build casually strolled over to a seat and flopped down. He pulled out an empty soda bottle and proceeded to spit dip juice into it.

He looked around at Igor, "What? Frankenburger finally letting the inmates out to mingle with society?"

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



In mock protest, Experiment stood. "Hey hey now, at least when I make fun of people, I do it in a way that could possibly be construed as humorous by the insultee. Please, if you're going to insult people, at least let them think you're doing it in a nice way, hm?"

With that, Experiment spun, bowed, and sat. However, he then began sulking almost instantly... Realizing that this guy had missed his dramatic introduction, and since he couldn't POSSIBLY do it twice in a row, would be forever deprived of the honour. How sad.



"Very well." the spindly mechanoid commented hollowly, waving its left hand in a dismissive motion, "I find the general impudence about troubling. Also, I find your lack of faith disturbing. Oh, and I wouldn't worry about that, Master Ballard. You will have plenty of opportunity still."

Vern let out a sigh. Once again, M had picked up one of Ace's bad habits - he just couldn't keep his big yap shut...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




West smiled. "Now, now." he said with a chuckle. "We're all colleagues here. Let's treat one another as people on at least similar intellectual wavelengths, no matter how slight or drastic the differences may be. You wouldn't have been called here if there were no reason."

"Tea?" Essex chirped. The little android was in a cute little fluffy waitress/maid getup, offering beverages to all the guests. West facepalmed quietly.

"Ah, and don't mind my S-6 unit." he said with a sheepish sigh. "That costume was her idea. I had absolutely nothing at all to do with it. Essex, thank you for serving drinks..."

"Of course, sir!" Essex piped up happily, keeping obediently quiet other than the acknowledgement. It seemed she bore a variety of beverages from the coffee-tea variety to the juice spectrum...and even some oils for the mechanoid guests.

"Now, have I missed anyone?" West said, making a final scan of the room.


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace



Build motioned to Essex and took a glass of heavily refined oil off the tray. He took a large gulp and looked around at the others, "What I figured if a machine could do it so could I!"

He emptied the rest of the glass and lay it on the arm rest of his seat. "Man if this crap starts getting heated I'm gonna start takin bets. I'd give 3-1 odds on the guy with the rifle and 2-1 on the man quilt." He thaught meaning Solid Shot and Igor.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Solid stared at Essex for a few moments, slouching forward in a body movement of surprised disbelief. After those few moments, he facepalmed then resumed his pacing.

Sheesh, Ess, Solid said over a channel that he labeled 'Meeting Staff' and invited Essex to. You're so incorrigable. If Hal were here I'd be hard pressed to keep him from drooling all over you right now.

"I believe we're ready to start listening once you're ready to start talking, Dr. West," said Toy. "If you haven't thought of it already, I can have one of my bots store the meeting's conversation so that anyone who shows up late can have a transcript of everything we had talked about up till then."

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



"Peculiar," was all Sheldon could say.

If he'd been an anime fan, he probably would have had other things to say, but he preferred American psychological thrillers and old black and white movies.

"I'll take water," Ryat99 said as he took a drink, "Hm... Naturally purified. Excellent quality..."

The android's left pectoral armor plate opened up and he poured the water in. Closing the plate, he mused at the flavor.

Sheldon didn't have need of a drink at the moment. However, a bulge suddenly appeared at his hip. A pair of tiny brown paws reached out and grabbed a glass. What appeared to be a small bear's head poked out of his trench coat and started sipping the fruit juice.

"Mraaaah!" Felix growled happily.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"The hell is that?" Solid asked Sheldon as the android paused in his pacing to lean over the rear row of seats for a better look at Felix. "Some sort of loli breakfast machine?"

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



"Oh no, Master West, you misunderstand." M returned as Essex set a cup of tea down in front of Vern, the Krayten lowering his head to sniff curiously at the mixture, "I question no one's intelligence here - it is the overconfidence that troubles me."

"He does gave a point there." the reptilian agreed, finding the tea's aroma appealing, and proceeding to empty the cup by simply inhaling the beverage.

"And speaking of opinions," the spindly mechanoid turned to Build, "I'd revisit those odds were I you. I dare say you grossly underestimate Master Solid - why, I'd imagine he could even take me on under the right circumstances. Underestimating him would be a gross error in judgment. Yet another..."

A loud crunch interrupted M's commentary, a grinding noise emenating from the Krayten's mouth as he chewed. Vern had eaten his cup.

"On the other hand," M sighed with a shrug, "perhaps it's just me..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((That was a mistake on my part, although it does work in rather nicely with this bit here. Igor is based partially off of Discworld Igors, so you'll get it once you read the part about their lisps. ))

Igor declined the offered tray of drinks.

He was staring at Vern intently. He didn't appear to be mad at the quadruped or anything, just extremely INTERESTED.



Jake, after thuroughly scanning and reading over everyone's files, (A few of which that came up curiously empty.) took Essex up on her offer and signaled her over to him, taking a single can of Root Beer. He smiled kindly to the girl and gave a soft 'Thanks.' before turning back to the matter at hand.

Well... He thought, looking at a few key individuals. There are a few more freaks here than I'm used to dealing with...

He shrugged and chuckled. Ah well, should prove interesting.



Build yawned loudly, "I'm gettin bored. When this turkey shoot getting started?"

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Midas Phillis was late. It wasn’t because he had been working on an urgent experiment, despite the many that there were to complete. It wasn’t because he had been combating Arachnos, Longbow, or the idiotic “heroes” that were just as bad. It wasn’t because the meeting had simply slipped his mind.

It was because he didn’t care.

As of late, the life of the genius seemed to have descended into a cruel joke. There was no one left to trust but the very few he kept near him and the robots that could not betray him. He even wondered about them these days. Midas, even the genius that he is, could not count the number of times he’d been tricked, trapped, and stabbed in the back by those he considered to be worth helping, trusting, or saving. Everyone seemed to have their own agenda these days, and it was never for the betterment of the world, which meant they were against Midas.

For the first time in his life, Dr. Phillis, the loved and hated super villain, was beginning to lose hope.

He tread wearily across the blown out street in Siren’s Call, his royal purple cape flapping behind him, his silver power armor shining brilliantly, the gem on his belt sparkling a brilliant gold. He walked forward with obvious purpose, but almost foolhardily so. He didn’t turn his head to look around for the heroes that hated him. He didn’t scan for the twisted villains that dogged him. He just walked.

Of course, a villain of such notoriety as Dr. Phillis cannot simply walk through a war zone without attracting attention. It wasn't long before loud, rushing footsteps announced the pursuit of an armor-clad tanker. Dr. Phillis simply kept walking, pretending not to notice, having perfect faith in his creation.

Just as the tanker reached close enough to make a strike, a wall of nearly unbreakable stone shot up from the ground. The hero slammed into it, neatly bouncing off. He rolled and jumped back to his feet immediately, just in time to dodge out of the way of the stone as it fell toward him.

Unfortunately, he managed to dodge right Into the oncoming hammer swing of an eight foot tall Phillisbot general named Number Negative. The rock-manipulating robot was in immediate pursuit as the hero fell away.

The sounds of battle faded away as Dr. Phillis continued his walk. His general would win. He always did. And it never made a difference in the long run. So seemed to go the story of his life.

The coordinates were simple enough to find, the door obvious enough for a man who was not at all rushed. He stepped through and plodded to the room at what seemed to be just the right time to arrive late.

"Now, have I missed anyone?" West said, making a final scan of the room.

[/ QUOTE ]

“Excuse my tardiness, I had business to take care of.” Dr. Phillis lied as he walked into the conference room and found a seat as close to the front as possible while trying his best to keep a great distance away from the others. “I am Midas Phillis of Arcadia, master of cybernetics, autoconstruction, weapons engineering, biology….” He trailed off, figuring the others didn’t care.

“Villain.” He sighed.



Gripping a Coke in his right armoured hand, Experiment grinned at Essex. "Dear lord Ess- First Hal obsesses over you for just being in your armour... Now you're trying to appeal to those with that kind of--"

He halted himself in mid-joke, coughing. "Nevermind. Not quite 'Child s-' Hold on..." Attempting to do air quotes with a glass of liquid wasn't working, so he put it down, proceeded with the 'Child safe' air quote, then picking it up again.

As Phillis made his entry, Experiment had but one thing to say.

"...You really worked hard in Science class, hm? You didn't have a girlfriend 'till your forties, right? Poor you."



Shut up! Essex pouted over the comm to Solid. I think it's cute...Don't you? Come on...

But she was soon distracted as Dr. Midas Phillis came through the doors and took a seat. Her electric-green eyes grew saucer wide and she had to keep herself from tumbling backwards.

But...He seemed depressed. Essex's sense of sympathy was strong to a fault, and she found herself approaching the doctor tentatively.

"Dr. Phillis?" she barely hinted. " want something to drink? You look like you could use some tea..."

Nessie lifted a single hand. "I dinna remember if I introduced meself - The name is Vanessa Eirene, Also Known As Ultraviolet Nessie. Roboticist, neurobiologist, and physiological technician."

"Very good." West said, nodding to the group gathered. "Then I shall get on with what I have invited you all here to see."

With that, the lights dimmed, and a projector lowered from the ceiling. Daniel's voice called out over the small crowd.

"What I am showing you are surveillance pictures from Siberia, provided to me by my esteemed colleague, Vanessa. Please watch closely."

As the footage went on, the group could see lines of prisoners cowering before a single uniformed figure, secure in his anonymity. A strange, high-pitched frequency, badly transmitted over the movie, hummed into existance and the aggressor turned his attention to one particular prisoner. Holding his head, the prisoner sank to his knees, the man's fists slowly moving to his head to the freezing gravel below. Veins bulged as he gripped handfuls of the gravel, trying to stave off his agony.

Then, all at once, things seemed...better, for the man. He straightened, and bobbed his head in mock salute.

The clip changed. The man was uniformed, and dozens like him were performing feats of superhuman abilities. Guns were fired at ridiculously long ranges without scopes with alarming accuracy. They exhibited a range of accurate hearing beyond what was hitherto known, even in most studies of metahumans. Taste, touch, smell - all the senses were explored and were shown to have developed with alarming alacrity.

Finally, the scene changed once more to an operating table. The man was being dissected; lying placidly on the table as his muscle structure was explored. It was clear that his metabolism had reached peak efficiency.

Sensors upon the exposed brain read to a monitor which showd something alarming - meters and charts jumping completely off the scales. One part of the brain was partitioned off with a strange-looking device that was difficult to discern. It was then the footage ended.

As the lights rose, West stood before the gathering of scientists.

"...It would seem that these people, whomever they are allied with, have made some...astounding discoveries in neuroscience. However, the scientific community is unaware of these developments, and as you can see from the footage, those who have access to this have no idea what they toy with."

Glancing to the side, Daniel gestured to Vanessa. "I shall allow Vanessa to explain our additional data momentarily, but the long and the short of it is this. As men and women of science, we strive to change the world for the better; whether it is for our own personal betterment or the betterment of the world. Or both, really. All of us in this room are perfectly aware of the dangers of using a new technology without fully understanding it. We stand today on the brink of a world epidemic...the nature of which even we cannot discern."

Here, he paused.

"Before I allow Vanessa to continue, any thoughts?"

Essex had long retreated to the back, clinging wide-eyed and frightened to Solid's leg.


Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace