Last DazStudio Render




Well, I think the program has served me well and I've learned alot. I'm now moving on to Carrara 6. Gotta get those commissions done I've promised. Time to put up or shut up! In honor of the move, I'd like to present my last DazStudio render:

Trash, Mistress of The Undead

A fusion of sorts between The City of Heroes and the Movie The Return of the Living Dead. The character is really based (in looks anyway) on the girl Trash from the movie and the Zombie guys are suppose to be Vlazock-sic. The setting is their favorite hangout, the sewers.

Thanks for all who've commented and offered constructive crits on my work. It's always apprecieted.

Happy Halloween Everybody!



Some serious jubblies going on there man!

Love it.



Hah, very nice!



Woah! Those are some big hoo-has!

Looks good.



I'm waiting for the Carrara 6 bugs to be ironed out... I've got a bunch of characters set up in DAZ Studio I want to be able to bring over to Carrara...



Yes the studio import does not work at all as far as I'm concerned. A Daz and Carrara patch are supposed to fix that but I just need to jump in and start learning.



You'll be amazed how cool stuff can look when you get away from the Poser renderer. I'll be looking forward to your next set of creations.



You'll be amazed how cool stuff can look when you get away from the Poser renderer. I'll be looking forward to your next set of creations.

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It's funny, i'm a little ambivalent about the whole thing. Daz has become something of an "old shoe" but it's really limited on where I want to go. There's so much I want to do that I can't or is very difficult to do in Daz. It's time to move on and I know it. It's just the comfort zone thing....



You'll be amazed how cool stuff can look when you get away from the Poser renderer. I'll be looking forward to your next set of creations.

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It's funny, i'm a little ambivalent about the whole thing. Daz has become something of an "old shoe" but it's really limited on where I want to go. There's so much I want to do that I can't or is very difficult to do in Daz. It's time to move on and I know it. It's just the comfort zone thing....

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I understand completely. It took me forever to leave Poser 4 and go over to 5. I think version 5 sat on my desk for over a year before I took the leap. Shortly thereafter, Poser 6 was released and I waited another year to try that one out. Once you know where all the menus are, you just don't want to leave them... even though you know the upgrade has more capabilities.



My big thing is, I can actually do more in the way of environmental work in programs like Bryce. Plus the rendering turns out better.

I just wish I didn't have to go from Poser to Daz to Bryce. It would be nice for Bryce to be able to read the Poser file directly.

Perhaps a later version (I'm using 5.5) or an add-on will do this... but I'm cheap.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



My big thing is, I can actually do more in the way of environmental work in programs like Bryce. Plus the rendering turns out better.

I just wish I didn't have to go from Poser to Daz to Bryce. It would be nice for Bryce to be able to read the Poser file directly.

Perhaps a later version (I'm using 5.5) or an add-on will do this... but I'm cheap.

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Hey, that's my name!



"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



My big thing is, I can actually do more in the way of environmental work in programs like Bryce. Plus the rendering turns out better.

I just wish I didn't have to go from Poser to Daz to Bryce. It would be nice for Bryce to be able to read the Poser file directly.

Perhaps a later version (I'm using 5.5) or an add-on will do this... but I'm cheap.

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I found Bryce's interface a bit too arcane for my tastes... and coming from a Poser user, that says a lot, haha.

I tried Vue Infinite and fell in love. Not only are the terrains a lot better than Bryce's, but the Poser import filter is seamless - until Poser 7, which isn't supported for some reason. That single fact has kept me from upgrading to Poser 7.



Well I'm sure that'll get sorted out soon enough.

Vue Infinite, eh?

Might have to give that a try.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Is it true that Vue Infinite (or even the other versions) will read Poser's MAT files and come up with Vue equivalents?

Are there any drawbacks to using Vue with Poser figures? I used to use Lightwave but I hated redoing all of my textures whenever I'd bring in a Poser figure. I like using Carrara with Poser but I'm always interested in improving my images and workflow. That's why I prefer DAZ Studio to Poser.



My big thing is, I can actually do more in the way of environmental work in programs like Bryce. Plus the rendering turns out better.

I just wish I didn't have to go from Poser to Daz to Bryce. It would be nice for Bryce to be able to read the Poser file directly.

Perhaps a later version (I'm using 5.5) or an add-on will do this... but I'm cheap.

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I found Bryce's interface a bit too arcane for my tastes... and coming from a Poser user, that says a lot, haha.

I tried Vue Infinite and fell in love. Not only are the terrains a lot better than Bryce's, but the Poser import filter is seamless - until Poser 7, which isn't supported for some reason. That single fact has kept me from upgrading to Poser 7.

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Actually, I'm using Vue 6 Esprit, and it imports my Poser 7 files just fine. Maybe there's a service release you don't have? Anyway, I use Poser 7 and Vue 6 and they play great together.



Is it true that Vue Infinite (or even the other versions) will read Poser's MAT files and come up with Vue equivalents?

Are there any drawbacks to using Vue with Poser figures? I used to use Lightwave but I hated redoing all of my textures whenever I'd bring in a Poser figure. I like using Carrara with Poser but I'm always interested in improving my images and workflow. That's why I prefer DAZ Studio to Poser.

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Daz to Poser? Why not straight to Poser?



Sorry, I guess my grammar's slipping in my old age...

I prefer using DAZ Studio over Poser. Poser's a bit slow for me, especially with two different Runtime folders.

But I'd consider using Poser again if I make the jump to Vue...



Mm, the only thing this thing is lacking is lighting and atmospheric perspective. That's the problem with computers is they want everything to be perfect and clean. Couple layers in photoshop of just adjusting the background would really make this piece pop.



That's one thing Carrara can offer you... some atmospherics to give images some depth. It'll also be easier to jump in to if you're already familiar with DAZ Studio.



Is it true that Vue Infinite (or even the other versions) will read Poser's MAT files and come up with Vue equivalents?

Are there any drawbacks to using Vue with Poser figures? I used to use Lightwave but I hated redoing all of my textures whenever I'd bring in a Poser figure. I like using Carrara with Poser but I'm always interested in improving my images and workflow. That's why I prefer DAZ Studio to Poser.

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Yes, it is true. You can either have Vue convert the Poser shaders to the Vue equivalents, or you can actually use the original Poser shaders. I think Vue does a better job, so never use the latter option.

I don't see any drawback at all to using Poser figures in Vue. In fact I rarely use the Poser renderer any more. When you import Poser figures, you can even re-pose them in Vue if you want. This is slow, though, so I pose them in Poser and then import to Vue when the pose is how I want it. You can also import entire animations, though I've never done this either.



Well, I've downloaded the trial and I'm gonna have a look-see. I'll probably stick with Carrara, but I'd still like to check Vue out.



Mm, the only thing this thing is lacking is lighting and atmospheric perspective. That's the problem with computers is they want everything to be perfect and clean. Couple layers in photoshop of just adjusting the background would really make this piece pop.

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Agreed. It's really been my hangup with Daz for a while now and one of the reasons I'm moving on to another program. The lack of atmospheics. You really have to postwork it. I tend to stick to postwork that doesn't look obvious and right now, I'm just not that good at postworking atmospheirics and special effects without it looking, well obvious.



That's one thing Carrara can offer you... some atmospherics to give images some depth. It'll also be easier to jump in to if you're already familiar with DAZ Studio.

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Yes, I'm on the starting to learn the program now and I can already see the potential. Love the improved funtinality of directly importing Daz/Poser figures and props.



Well, the Carrara update is out! Time for me to get to work!