Help with Costume.
Start with something or someone that looks a ordinary person in the costume creator and then warp their costume and appearance from there. Don't feel obligated to use everything the creator offers either (I rarely use shoulders).
It would help to let us know what Vet rewards you have too, so we can include those as potential options.
Alright I will try that. I'm still open to suggestions.
What's his/her archetype, gender, and powers?
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
Ah, I have up to dedicated vet rewards. And as for his archtype, I'm still trying to decide on it, it will most likely be a brute or corruptor, I was kind of hoping I'd be able to decide from the costume. I was trying to stay away from Dark/dark Brute or Corruptors but it seems almost inevitable. I was also thinking of a Mastermind. But overall, the powerset which I seem to be entertaining the most is DM/ELA Brute.
I was monkeying around with another Elec/Elec Brute (really like 'em!) and was testing some different costume pieces and colors out. I don't have this character made yet - it was just a test - but if you go Elec, part of it may work. I used the Electron pants in black, which give a silvery circuit pattern by themselves, then overlayed the Circuitry pattern in purple, which makes for a neat effect where they overlap - a shiny purple in parts going to silver in parts, and a duller purple elsewhere.
I thought of this one because you mentioned Brutes and the Emperor name, so I thought of this, as purple is a royal color. Here is the screenie with the pants/boots in that pattern:
Circuitry Costume
I think that would work for Elecs or for tech origin, as well, and I think changing the purple to whatever other colors would make some interesting looks.
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

Here's a longshot:
I'm not sure I've captured what you're looking for:
give it time, it is a slide show.
I have a Corrupter named Zulu Death Mask (obviously) who uses alotta those Dark Magic Powers, I don't see many people using dark magic for voodoo types rather they mostly make witches and Wizards and what not. My guy looks like a fat old black bum with white tribal paint on his body. Again I don't see many other voodoo guys that reeeeealy look like their from a Louisiana Swamp. Maybe you could make a version of Baron Samedi? Hmm. Anyways that stuff is cool to me.
How about a more classic look? like tights and bone pieces? or mixing in the sinister pieces with the tights look, also mixing the same colours, dark red on darker red, purples/greens etc, with maybe a demonic head/ears piece, pale skin, not too pale but a light grey, maybe put that soul reaver thing around the lower face, maybe add some spikes or spines into the shoulders to give it a more emperor feel?
I'm just throwing things out here, I think if you can settle on the AT and concept, you'll get what your looking for here, I'm silly though, I can make a costume based on an AT and concept, but I can't make anything without knowing those things first, the mix of colours are important if they can coincide with the powers of the AT, blue/orange = fire, white/light blue = ice etc, etc
But maybe I'm just awkward like that O_O
There are some incredible costume designers on this forum though so I know you'll get what you seek in the end
Shhh. My common sense is tingling. ~ Deadpool

I'm pretty much set with DM/ELA, and am still looking for help with a costume.
I will work on something today to help you out, I have an idea of what I might be able to do. Are you looking for anything in particular other than "villainous?" Like, are you looking for a Japanese Emperor look? Maybe like a Russian Czar look? Or just a "hey, I am bad [censored] and I am the Emperor of Rogue Isle!"
Any one, I've been entertaining them all, perhaps thats why it's been somewhat difficult making a costume I am satisfied with. The last one I feel would be the best, as it just seems to have more options.
Sorry I didn't post anything, my gf was sick saturday and gave it to me today, so I have been bed ridden until about 30 mins ago. I should have a costume posted tomorrow.
My dominator, Brain Fever, might be along the lines of what you're looking for.
I've never yet taken a hit from a bad guy skidding across the floor on his keister.
~~/ /
Learn the knockback, live the knockback, love the knockback!
I don't have any direct advice, but if you want some gimmicks or ideas to look at, you're welcome to steal from my photobucket album.
Sorry for the wait, Gandil... RL got in the way a bit. This is my idea for Emperor for you, let me know what you think.
Emperor with 2 style heads!
I really liked the second one, I think its perfect, many thanks.
Hello all, I've been painstakingly trying to come up with a satisfying costume for a new char I made named the Emperor. After not recieving any enlightenment from my usual method of attaining inspiration, (Wikipedia, google images, Crey database, Herocorps, etc.) I have decided to come here to ask for help. Basically I'm just looking for a costume that is menacing, dark, and intimidating, but different in some way from the average villian costume. Hopefully one that makes good use of dark colors, and not too much black. Though if anyone has a really good idea that goes against those, feel free to post it. I'm open to pretty much any costume designs, and hopefully I can find one I like or at least be inspired by. Thanks in advance for any help!