A couple of girls...




And I do believe I'm getting better with them. It's easy to picture these two roaming the streets of Paragon.



Wow! Nice work! Love the coloring especially-- looks very much like sunrise.



Looks like a cartoon animation cell! Nice one Juggy, always like yer wimmens...



I can't tell you how much I love this...except to say I LOVE this! I knew Juggatha was talented and would do a great job but this exceeded my expectations.

I've spent a lot of time with these characters and their development so I wanted this to be special. And it is wonderful!



Looks good Juggy!



Wow! <^_^> Spiftastic man, I agree, you're definitely improving!

You've come a huge distance since you first posted here <@.@> ya know?

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



=O_O= Ooooo, Nice shading work Juggy! I like the designs and everything! Everyone is right, you've come a long way even in the shortish time I've been watching and wandering around the Art Forums. (Yes, that's longer then a couple weeks. ) Great Stuff!




awesome work indeed. *mutters about hating someone*



Is the pic stretched vertically? It seems to be skewed a bit, with the girls' bodies being pretty thin. It's more noticeable in the face and hair though.

http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Massacre_Melanie -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



That looks nice. Not as powerful as "Day and Night," but then that's going to be a hard one to top.

[/ QUOTE ]



I smell a challenge.



Those are great!

LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom



Is the pic stretched vertically? It seems to be skewed a bit, with the girls' bodies being pretty thin. It's more noticeable in the face and hair though.

[/ QUOTE ]

I doubt the picture is squashed horizontally. The two characters seem to model okay and pretty much as the artist envisions them in their respective 45-degree poses, even if they are slender and leggy. The artist admits to the challenge of 'placing them properly' in his own comments.

One thing I noticed which might throw things off in visual relationship a bit... is the camera hitting both models dead-on at mid-height level, but the *background* appears as if the camera was pointing more at a downward-sloping angle than it should be. This results in the perspective of the street, seeming more like a two-dimensional trapezoidal 'draw-bridge' rising up behind them, rather than a flat-surface stretching out far and back. In addition, the buildings up front seem to have an exaggerated motion-parallax (leaning backwards) associated with them near to the foreground subjects. Still this is more a stylized composition, so total realism need not be the goal here as some will like the compressed-style.

The other thing I notice is the "sunrise" (or tactical-nuke?) lighting on the horizon is well-placed with a decent amount of optical-flare...ALTHOUGH the character shadows do not fully match the corresponding height at which the principle lighting hits them from behind at so low an angle. Again, minor.

All in all... this work should make a proud additional to the artist's portfolio.



to summarize... Yup, I may have mesed too much with the perspective of the buildings.



I dunno, I think that the problem lays in the lines of the girls themselves, not in the perspective of the background. If you removed the background entirely, I think it would still appear vertically skewed. The mid-drift shirt and the sharpness of the shoulders seem like they were originally at a more horizontal angle, but were pulled upwards as they approach the middle, making the sides seem unbalanced. The overall thinness of the girls would point to the same thing.

Even if they're pretty thin to begin with, there's a point where the proportions start to look 'off' to the human eye. Something about it just seems... weird. It's a great picture, but I feel like a simple transform on the character layers would make it much better.

http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Massacre_Melanie -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



to summarize... Yup, I may have mesed too much with the perspective of the buildings.

[/ QUOTE ]

I actualy liked that thought it added something to the perspective and made it stand out from other similarly posed pictures.



to summarize... Yup, I may have mesed too much with the perspective of the buildings.

[/ QUOTE ]

I actualy liked that thought it added something to the perspective and made it stand out from other similarly posed pictures.

[/ QUOTE ]


I liked how the Pose of the girls and the angle of the buildings were different. I thought it was intentional.

=. .=



Actually, I had considered adding a "zoom blur" to it to give the girls a detached feel from the pic. I wanted to make it look like a movie scene, where they are standing on the road but the camera is pulling them towards the viewer.

Maybe I didn't quite pull it off. /shrug.

As for their form though, I honestly don't see anything wrong with them. They look decent to me.



Was the creator of these characters happy with this picture? Hell yes! I hope that counts for something.



heck I am not the creator and i am happy with it .. maybe you didnt get what you wanted but you got a great effect.



It appears stretched, yes. But that's turning out to be Juggy's style, if you look at his other stuff. It's very distinctive and personally, I think it looks great.




Was the creator of these characters happy with this picture? Hell yes! I hope that counts for something.

[/ QUOTE ]

Aye, you are the number one I care about for this.




Was the creator of these characters happy with this picture? Hell yes! I hope that counts for something.

[/ QUOTE ]

Aye, you are the number one I care about for this.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which is as it should be. The important people are you who made it and she or he for whom it was intended. The rest of us are just extra praise, critiques and comments.




I dunno, I think that the problem lays in the lines of the girls themselves, not in the perspective of the background. If you removed the background entirely, I think it would still appear vertically skewed. The mid-drift shirt and the sharpness of the shoulders seem like they were originally at a more horizontal angle, but were pulled upwards as they approach the middle, making the sides seem unbalanced. The overall thinness of the girls would point to the same thing.

Even if they're pretty thin to begin with, there's a point where the proportions start to look 'off' to the human eye. Something about it just seems... weird. It's a great picture, but I feel like a simple transform on the character layers would make it much better.

[/ QUOTE ]

Here's an example of an unsolicited critique. The person who this piece was for has already stated how much they love it. I posted it for people to see (hopefuly my progress) and to enjoy.

You made one comment and some peopledisagreed with you. You came back to insist on your point.

The thing is, your point is a matter of opinion. I personally think that the girls look good in this piece. I think it is the wonky background that makes the image look a little skewed - but once again, that's part of what I was going for.

Perhaps, you could ask what I was trying to acheive and then at that point give pointers/suggestions on how to acheive it. For example, I post on another art forum and there, the people will often PS your pic and show how a slight (lasso) change, could help your piece.