Sexy girl costumes (post them here)

Ael Rhiana



One of my earliest CoH toons, Zloth. You can see where the reflective-metallic shine was blown-out with my old Geo 5950 card back in '04.

You might remember seeing her when I used her In this motivational ad-campaign poster thread.



Lady Cuisinart here is about the only example of sexy I could come up with.

I've never yet taken a hit from a bad guy skidding across the floor on his keister.
~~/ /
Learn the knockback, live the knockback, love the knockback!



XxAYLAxX My rendition of everybodys favorite Cave Girl from Clan of the Cavebear.

GenderPoison My level 50 RAD/RAD Defender.

Azarie's Fire

[/ QUOTE ]

GenderPoison gets my vote for the sexiest in this thread.

Great job!



Here's my entry...

Insindiary - I think that's how I spelled it. I know I wanted it to be Encindiary, but I had to really screw up the spelling because all the other variations were taken already.



Insindiary - I think that's how I spelled it. I know I wanted it to be Encindiary, but I had to really screw up the spelling because all the other variations were taken already.

[/ QUOTE ]

Including 'Incendiary' which is the proper spelling of the word??



Insindiary - I think that's how I spelled it. I know I wanted it to be Encindiary, but I had to really screw up the spelling because all the other variations were taken already.

[/ QUOTE ]

Including 'Incendiary' which is the proper spelling of the word??

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, I just remember that I was trying to think of all possible variations of Incendiary, and almost all of them were taken. I think this was on Liberty server.