City of Heroes: Unlimited (Custom Action Figures)




Dark AngleHawk and her Hubby Quake

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DAH and Quake are married "in game" they have a bunch of kids and things. Gosh, didn't you read her bio on the back of the card I made for her?



These are fantastic! Never really gave buyign a commissioned work much thought, but I've always mentioned that I'd pay for an action figure of my character if Cryptic put out that service.

Looks like I don't have to wait that long, just until next payday. Excellent work, and thanks for putting this service out there.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




I look forward to the order. =) I need the money. Wedding is coming up. EEP!

These are fantastic! Never really gave buyign a commissioned work much thought, but I've always mentioned that I'd pay for an action figure of my character if Cryptic put out that service.

Looks like I don't have to wait that long, just until next payday. Excellent work, and thanks for putting this service out there.

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Just so you know, I have 10 figures currently working on. 11 if you count my own toon, but he is on hold atm. I'll post some more 'before' images in a few weeks I think.



Card Front

Card Back

Something I have been working on to go with my action figures. I have some templates created, but have not found a place to upload them yet. Still working in it.

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Looks cool, but I think you should put some "art" on it.




I would love to. I didn't have the coolest of cool art for it when I made that.

Card Front

Card Back

Something I have been working on to go with my action figures. I have some templates created, but have not found a place to upload them yet. Still working in it.

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Looks cool, but I think you should put some "art" on it.


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It's been a while since I've posted on these boards, but I've been wanting something like this for quite some time now, but didn't have enough confidence to try my own hand at it. Heck, my custom work to make a Mr. Potato Head version of Davion hasn't got very far and I've got most of what I need to do that on hand. lol.

Anyway, just thought I'd chime in an idea for folks wanting to customize some playsets for figures, check out: Hirst Arts . They sell rubber molds for various types of plaster building blocks and they are fairly easy to use. Can get a bit expensive, but he has a decent range of mostly mideival but also some sci-fi sets.



Holly crap that is cool! I love stuff like that. I wish he had a larger scale, but still very cool.

It's been a while since I've posted on these boards, but I've been wanting something like this for quite some time now, but didn't have enough confidence to try my own hand at it. Heck, my custom work to make a Mr. Potato Head version of Davion hasn't got very far and I've got most of what I need to do that on hand. lol.

Anyway, just thought I'd chime in an idea for folks wanting to customize some playsets for figures, check out: Hirst Arts . They sell rubber molds for various types of plaster building blocks and they are fairly easy to use. Can get a bit expensive, but he has a decent range of mostly mideival but also some sci-fi sets.

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Just when I thought drawing was enough, I think I've just picked up another hobby!

These figures are awsome and they make me wanna try myself.



Holly crap that is cool! I love stuff like that. I wish he had a larger scale, but still very cool.

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Yeah, his stuff is geared more toward tabletop miniatures, but with some creativity these could still be used as building blocks for larger sets. The scale won't work for some items, but they are there to play around with.

I've done the Bell Tower plan provided on the website. Came out rather well and only took a couple of days (plaster drying time and lots of pieces to glue together).



Just save yourself the time, and order one from me. =P

Just when I thought drawing was enough, I think I've just picked up another hobby!

These figures are awsome and they make me wanna try myself.

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Nah man, I just found something to make for my friends as X-mas presents.

Though I do love your work, keep it up!



Card Front

Card Back

Something I have been working on to go with my action figures. I have some templates created, but have not found a place to upload them yet. Still working in it.

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The card idea is very cool.



And if anyone can find someone to let me host the files, I would share them with everyone.

Card Front

Card Back

Something I have been working on to go with my action figures. I have some templates created, but have not found a place to upload them yet. Still working in it.

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The card idea is very cool.

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You do ok work, but the detail stuff needs, well, work.... I have a reccomendation as I have repainted figs before. try doing small detail work with the tip of a sewing needle.... It's strangly easy to paint with and get those fine thin lines your work seems to be lacking.

Still, nice work.



Oh. My. God. I sooo know what I'm ordering for my kids next Xmas. I wish I had seen this thread before going Chritmas shopping. You going to keep the doors open on this store, ElectricalBurn? I hope so. This just blew me away!



I agree. I do not have the hand that I need, but looking at the fitst ones I did, and then to the later ones, I am getting better. I think I am doing very well on the sculpting bits. Each one is better then the last. =) Mr. Mud came out great I think.

You do ok work, but the detail stuff needs, well, work.... I have a reccomendation as I have repainted figs before. try doing small detail work with the tip of a sewing needle.... It's strangly easy to paint with and get those fine thin lines your work seems to be lacking.

Still, nice work.

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Hehe. I know, I had several people ask for Xmas figures, but they waited too late. And I'll keep the doors open as long as the wife lets me. =) And given that she just got me a new airbrush for Xmas, I think she will let me have it for a while. =)

Oh. My. God. I sooo know what I'm ordering for my kids next Xmas. I wish I had seen this thread before going Chritmas shopping. You going to keep the doors open on this store, ElectricalBurn? I hope so. This just blew me away!

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Wow, now I am drooling too!!

Good stuff! You might need to PM so I know what the "Donation" is for something like this!



click the action figure link in his sig...



I was inpsired by this thread, but I got sidetracked before I finished.


SOLAR SUIT SUPERMAN - from the Superman: Doomsday aniamted movie

GAZ - Katana/Dark Armor Scrapper


CENTINULL Elec/Elec/Elec Blaster

