A Beginner's Guide to Atlas Park
Reserved in case of future extension
One correction, you only need to be level 5 to enter the Hollows. Otherwise, very nice guide for new players. Answers a lot of questions commonly asked in broadcast.
Good work.
Ah, I did expcet one typo. Thanks for the comment, i've been waiting all day for a reply!
..."a small building called Wentoworth's"...
..."a small building called Wentoworth's"...
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, it can't hurt to spice things up
Seven years of heroism. Seven years of friendships. Seven years of saving the world. Seven years of virtuous selflessness.
You will return, for you are the mighty City of Paragon, the City of Heroes.
I always make typos, im sure theres 3 trillion more in there somewhere =P
What about the Peacebringer contact? I can't find him listed here.
Proud Member of
'Well, I found the "fight" button, so lets do that.' Bun Bun
My Characters
Your pictures are broken.
I would advise players do all their initial contacts missions until they give FULL inspiritations. This is for RV PvP. Look at this guide.
Hi, it may just be me, but I think your east/west directions are off.
The portal is NW of City Hall and the yellow line is more NW of city hall.
Wentworth's is opposite at NE.
Hello, heroes! Thanks for coming to read my Atlas Park guide. To make it easy to understand and see where everything is, I am putting in alot of pics. Just click the green words when they come up in a paragraph and you will see a pic of what I am talking about. Let's get started!
If you did the tutorial, the first thing you'll want to do is talk to Ms. Liberty. She will give you your level 2 power of your choice. The next thing you will see is a fountain behind Ms. Liberty. On both sides of this fountain are two trainers. They will buy and sell Enhancements.
Behind these trainers you will see a large foundation with a huge statue of a man holding a large globe. His name is Atlas. Under his statue you will commonly see heroes hanging out, chatting, and hosting Costume Contests.
Behind this large statue is the City Hall. When you first enter it, you will be in a lobby with the City Rep and the Super Group Register. At level 20, the City Rep will give you a mission to unlock a cape and at level 30 another mission to unlock auras. The Super Group Register helps you create a Super Group if you are over level 10, and he will be the one to go to when you need to pay your base upkeep. Also in the City Hall is your first contact. There are 5 of them, and which one you get depends on your origin. There are 5 contacts, who are each in their own department- MAGI, DATA, GIFT, SERAPH, and ELITE.
Outside of the city hall there are a few statues. Under one of them is the Base Portal. It can be used to get to your Super Group's base or the base of anyone in your Super Group's coalation. This is under the statue North East of the City Hall. To the North West of City Hall is a small building called Wentworth's , where you can auction off your items or bid on other player's items. Also near the City Hall, a little North East of the Base Portal, is the Yellow Line Train , which will take you to Kings Row, Steel Canyon, Galaxy City, and Skyway City. Just behind the train is the Hospital. This is where you go when you are defeated.
Just south of Ms. Liberty and City Hall is the Vanguard DPO , which is where you go to get into the Rikti War Zone if you are over level 35, and the Vault Reserve , where you can store your Invention Salvage.
Also, just west of the Vault Reserve, is the entrance to the sewers. With a team of heroes around level 1-5, the sewers are a great place to get experience.
Now, you may be wondering how to get to other zones. Well, there are multiple ways. The first one is to take the Yellow Line Train, or go to the Rikti War Zone through the Vanguard DPO, or go to the zones connected to Atlas Park. These include Steel Canyon in the north, Skyway City in the south, Perez Park in the west (must be level 7 to enter), and The Hollows in the east (must be level 5 to enter).
I hope you have enjoyed this picture guide to Atlas Park! Suggestions and compliments equally welcome!