Blackavaar's Map to the Fortune Teller




Alternate method:

Level up to between 5 and 10.

Go to Kings Row and start running Circle of Thorns radio missions.

Sooner or later, the nice police officer will introduce you to one of the contacts mentioned above who will give you the Fortune Teller mission.

Use your slick jetpack you got in Step 2 to fly to the Fortune Teller's cave and win!



Getting the fortune teller mish is easy.

When you make a character, just choose magic as his origin.

Just level up to level 10 any way you choose, go back to Azuria/Gregor (or Genevieve Sanders, Laurence Mansfield, or Paco Sanchez if you happen to get a Tier 2 Contact), and they will introduce you to one of the Fortune Teller contacts. It will happen every time, your origin makes sure of that. Don't believe me? I have made at LEAST 14 characters aLL get the Fortune Teller mish using this method. Only sacrifice was their origin, which in reality only matters for storys and for which store to go to.

Also, if you want more proof, Check out Red Tomax's very handy guide to CoH

(Notice who the 3 Tier 3 contacts are for the Magic Origin)



Interesting, but I think the point is being able to get to the Fortune Teller mission [u]regardless[u] of origin. That's the beauty of the guide. Plus, some of us take great interest in concept characters/background and having a mandatory Magic origin for ALL characters just doesn't work.

Blackavaar's guide is for the rest of the peeps that don't get there during the course of their mission arcs.



I level up on sewer teams and the Hollows from 1 to 10. When I hit 10, I go to my starting contact, get a new contact, and visit them. I do missions for them until they introduce me to another contact. I then switch to doing the new contact's missions until they introduce me to yet another contact. I continue this way until I get the magic contact who will eventually give me the rescue fortune teller mission. I have never failed to get the fortune teller mission this way.

Blackavaar's method is certainly easier to explain and get new folks to do, but if you understand how the contact system works, there's no reason you have to get your contacts in the 5-10 range (I only do when I want to get the Negotiator badge).

My fire/rad only had his origin contacts available until he hit level 26. I didn't do any of my own missions on him until then, and managed to get all 5 origin contacts before I hit 28. You can always get the 5 origin contacts at any tier, if you just work through one at a time until they introduce you to someone new.


"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2

The economy is not broken. The players are



I'm pretty sure a magic origin contact will always introduce you to the magic origin contact as your first choice of the next tier. Thus if you do just enough missions in the in the 1-10 range and keep getting new introductions, then, regardless of origin, you can stop when you get one of these three:

<ul type="square">[*]Genevieve Sanders[*]Laurence Mansfield[*]Paco Sanchez[/list]
They are the level 5-10 magic origin contacts. When you hit level 10, one of them (you can only get one of those three, by the way) will introduce you to one of these three:

<ul type="square">[*]Dr. Trevor Seaborn[*]Haley Phillips[*]Hugo Redding[/list]
And one of these three will have the spelunker mission, "Rescue the Mystic."

Or, once Issue 11 goes live, you can get to Ouroboros at level 25 and you can do the Rescue the Mystic mission as a Flashback mission and get the badge then.

Oh, and BTW, the Hollows is a really good and fun zone if you follow these two rules:

  1. Wait until you're level 8 to start those arcs. (As others have said, when you first talk to Wincott, you do not have to accept his mission. Click on him and then get away from him. Do not click on the mission he offers until you're level 8. And even if you do click on that mission, don't do it. Walk away and let it sit in your mission list until you're level 8.)
  2. Get your fly pack from the Kings Row Safeguard mission first.

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this one is a good one too.



Is this guide still valid?



Yes, although getting the mission through Ouroboros is now a choice as well.

Tech Support Rule #1 - They will lie to you. Usually intentionally.



Yes, although getting the mission through Ouroboros is now a choice as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

There is still the added benefit of being able to get the Atlas Medallion before level 25 though, if you do the mission as you level instead of waiting.



Just popping in to see how my guide is doing.

Anyone finding this info useful?
Please let me know.


[/ QUOTE ]

Been doing things this way for quite a while now, but this is an excellent guide for new people.

The only thing I usually do differently is I don't bother going to see Wincott ever. When I get the mission to go see him from my first 5-9 level contact, I accept the mission and then drop the mission. I can then get that contact's next mission immediately and never ever have to make the long hike to the Hollows.