Ding...took long enough




After very nearly 39 months of playing I finally got my first 50! My main character Ipo.

Maybe if I don't get so wrapped up in my other character's stories, I'll have another 50 someday.

Yeah, I know...took long enough.

Thought I'd share....or....shout.


"Scumball in the side pocket." - 8 Baller



Gratz, man! Don't feel too bad, after 34 months of playtime, the highest I ever had was 31.



I don't have a level 50 villain yet...but Turbo-Ski is 48 and Sarix is 49...poor widdle Reaver is only 16...






I'm still working on 50... I don't care which character... I've been at this two years... maybe I'll get the three-year badge as a reward for my first 50, I dunno...

Oh, and CONGRATZ!!

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



After very nearly 39 months of playing I finally got my first 50! My main character Ipo.

Maybe if I don't get so wrapped up in my other character's stories, I'll have another 50 someday.

Yeah, I know...took long enough.

Thought I'd share....or....shout.


[/ QUOTE ]

Grat's 8!
Don't feel bad about how long it took. To me fun thing about 50 is the ride there... at least you took the time to savor it.