Frank King is now accepting Commissions




Hello, I don't post here often. I am now taking requests for portraits of superheroes and/or Super Villains. What you'll get is a high Rez .JPG of the portrait I produce. I can also work with you if you want a really high rez print from me. The print will be higher rez than the .JPG I give you simply because of the .jpg compression ratio. You can see my style from my Gallery , and here too so you kind of know what to expect
All commissions are subject to my acceptance. Meaning, if I don't think I can do your character justice at this time I won't waste your time or money. But I won't forget you either. I've worked on some pieces for months before I got them right.
If you are interested in a portrait, Please visit This site , read my journal entry on the front page, then e-mail me at
And title the e-mail "INSERT YOUR CHARACTER'S NAME HERE Commission" So e-mail me AT THE ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE if you would like a portrait. And if you have any questions about the process please ask. and if you are interested in just watching what I produce, please keep checking those two pages listed above. I post new stuff fairly often.
Frank King



not to rain on the parade, SpaceMonkey, but posting prices on the art forums is not exactly kosher. See, NCsoft regards the forum as part and parcel of the game, and while fanart is encouraged, they really don't like the thought of others making money off of their intellectual property (even if it's just a world framework for the players to bring forth their character concepts.)

So, what I'd do is make a journal entry on your DA page, and then just refer to that when people ask about prices.

Oh, and, edit your OP, lest it be moderated out of existence.

Thank you, and you got some great work there!

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



*fixed?* Thanks, I did not know that. Hopefully the word "commission" is acceptable to post.



When you check out the gallery, look for Azriel Lo'em / my rad/rad. Frank did an awesome job!



Check out Frank's gallery for his render of Lightslinger, it's amazing!



*fixed?* Thanks, I did not know that. Hopefully the word "commission" is acceptable to post.

[/ QUOTE ]

Personally, I've always posted someting along the lines of "request"



Frank, I have seen your work here and there from time to time. Nice work; keep at it man.



Frank did a killer rendition of my thugs/poison mm Boss Bones.



Not to toot my own hornÂ…

Okay, so I am going to toot my own horn. *Toot!*

The City Scoop is more than willing to spread the word about artists accepting commissions, as well as links to their websites. Be sure to contact Dirtwolf if you want more info.