I10 Dev Diary Turning Literature into Content




An ancient Hebrew wise man once said that there is nothing new under the sun.

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That's ludicrous. Or are you saying micro-chips and nano-technology have always existed on earth?

You've admitted that AO draws their inspiration from books and/or movies.

That's not innovation, that's adaptation. Innovation means bringing into existance something that's never been accomplished before.

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I did not admit that, I said possibly. Either way, you're still wrong. Inspiration can lead to innovation. A book about aliens and a game where a player is interacting and fighting invading aliens are two completely different things. Adaptation would be watching aliens invade in a game and not interacting with it in any way. The innovation is adding that interactiveness, it's new, not in the book or movie. You are no longer watching or reading about it, but "living" it.

To be fair, Cryptic added the bombs to their invasion. They were inspired by AO, then adapted it to fit CoH, then added a bit of new functionality to it. There is some innovation in that.



That's ludicrous. Or are you saying micro-chips and nano-technology have always existed on earth?

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I'm not saying they always existed on earth. I'm not foolish enough to take ancient proverbs literally. The essential point of the proverb is that all disciplines are inter-connected. Ideas can come from any source. We have airplanes because people looked at birds and wished to fly as they did.

I did not admit that, I said possibly. Either way, you're still wrong. Inspiration can lead to innovation. A book about aliens and a game where a player is interacting and fighting invading aliens are two completely different things. Adaptation would be watching aliens invade in a game and not interacting with it in any way. The innovation is adding that interactiveness, it's new, not in the book or movie. You are no longer watching or reading about it, but "living" it.

To be fair, Cryptic added the bombs to their invasion. They were inspired by AO, then adapted it to fit CoH, then added a bit of new functionality to it. There is some innovation in that.

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Look, I don't want to argue. It would be pointless. Unless some of the devs for CoH also worked on AO, there's no reason to believe they have anything to do with each other.

At this point, let's just agree to disagree, otherwise this will get heated and not be a pretty picture.

I wish to believe what was said, that a fair amount of the inspiration for the I10 content came from where the Devs said it came from: the Book of Revelation. What does it matter if AO also drew from the same source?



the only thing i didn't like about the TF was that Honoree was weak even on invinc but the story arc itself was great keep it coming



Positron put your helmet back on you are going to blow up steel canyon!!



You've admitted that AO draws their inspiration from books and/or movies.

That's not innovation, that's adaptation. Innovation means bringing into existance something that's never been accomplished before.

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I did not admit that, I said possibly. Either way, you're still wrong. Inspiration can lead to innovation. A book about aliens and a game where a player is interacting and fighting invading aliens are two completely different things. Adaptation would be watching aliens invade in a game and not interacting with it in any way. The innovation is adding that interactiveness, it's new, not in the book or movie. You are no longer watching or reading about it, but "living" it.

To be fair, Cryptic added the bombs to their invasion. They were inspired by AO, then adapted it to fit CoH, then added a bit of new functionality to it. There is some innovation in that.

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To be Fair...I guess you would need to mention how developers across the board use each others ideas to help springboard new ideas...looking at innovation can you tell me how many games allow you to ahve super powers as opposed to magic powers? And while looking at innovation and story lines how many other games use the same material or anime or anything else. While your observation of what was said may make you think one thing please dont kill the guy for telling you what he thought of.
Now aside from "defending" someone who most likely doesnt need it...Add some positives with your negatives.

Thank you for finishing this storyline posi! Now whats next?!!!



The Dev's Diary is a great idea. Everyone has done another spectacular job with this upgrade! The thing that we are all have some troubles with is the map server disconnects that have developed since I 10. Any idea when this will clear up, Positron?



To be Fair...I guess you would need to mention how developers across the board use each others ideas to help springboard new ideas...looking at innovation can you tell me how many games allow you to ahve super powers as opposed to magic powers? And while looking at innovation and story lines how many other games use the same material or anime or anything else. While your observation of what was said may make you think one thing please dont kill the guy for telling you what he thought of.
Now aside from "defending" someone who most likely doesnt need it...Add some positives with your negatives.

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Oh I already did that, sort of. I mentioned how like every game has drawn from AO. Like instancing, a big part of WoW is their personal dungeon instancing. Now this was originally done in AO, but nowhere near to the same effect. Every game builds a lot on older ideas from older games. Some games come up with a lot of new things to add to the mix, but then there's a lot of stuff they've just used from older games.

To answer your question about super powers, I can think of a few Asian games where player characters are basically ordinary people that gain "super powers." Nothing based on Marvel comic books like CoH though. Though there are a lot of games based on Manga.

My point wasn't to say CoH has nothing new or innovative in it. Just that a lot of this update is pulled directly from AO with very few changes. It's not "similar" it's almost exactly the same. Right down to the sky turning green as an invasion begins.



Thanks for the real cool look behind the creative process that makes CoX a truly fun game.

New Global: @American Decoy

�You are hereby promoted to Tiglath_Pilesest� - Squez

�no, you rocketed past ddx. you got LIGHTHOUSE -evil musak-� - DDH_Hamenopi



Hmm, Hero 1 was British. It would therefore be spelt Honouree.



it's an anagram so no... and i don't care what anyone says about who thought of what first, all modern thought is a variation of thoughts before it, the only truely original thought would be the very first one, because all others after it are based in part off the first, thus being more a branch than an individual. Besides if this was so directly copied off AO would it even matter? Not really, no. But the matter is the dev said it was from one source why should we think otherwise, we have no reason. One more thing, immatation is a compliment, if someone does copy you, then you did good. So there. I'd stick my tongue out at you but you wouldn't see, thus demeaning the whole thing.



I'm just alittle buit depressed, why are there no acual Aliens, always Alternet humans... the only ONLY aliens we have are the Keldians, and the use humans as hosts, so with a merger they are techniclly just modified humans.. it's just not fair ... humans suck =-)

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You forgot the Rularuu?

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And Shivans.



Personally, I didn't find the inspiration for the TF to be at all compelling.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? Are you kidding? Not only is it completely blatant, but it’s been done to death so much that Satan himself will probably refuse to show up for the real thing, whenever that may be. There is soooo much mythology out there that could have been used.

So Posi says that there wasn’t a strong Norse theme in CoH, and therefore that’s why they didn’t go with Ragnarok. That’s exactly why they should have used Ragnarok! To bring in something other than yet another tired, worn-out Judeo-Christian reference. Hell, the old Japanese “Tale of Gengi” would have been a better (i.e. more original) choice.

I’m just sayin’

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

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