Discussion: Positron on Gamedaily About Issue 10
Before im ask how i know this guys plays heros mostly look at his sig. Ha s a link to his hero sg not villians and has 2 lvl 50 heros where he can play epics already.
Plz heros stop trying to over shadow villiasn asking for epics. We know yall can wait for them. You already have them hero side where you spend most if not all of your time. For thous of us that play villians mostly if not completly we want them and in alot of our opions cant wait and think it should be taking priority . Dont believe actually read some to the topics in CoV forums. Its loaded with ppl crying for them. Only ppl that arnt are heros with access to epics already (go figure).
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First of all, you obviously didn't pay too much attention to my sig because there is a link to BOTH my hero and villain sgs. And while I can't argue the fact that maybe it is mostly Hero people saying they can wait I can tell you we aren't trying to overshadow villains. We aren't sitting here trying to devise some plan to keep the other half down. Personally, I am not a fan of the Kheldians. I have a warshade that never sees the light of day. I like villains, I really do. Maybe not to the extent that I like Heroes because that's where it all started for me but they are fun to play. I would hate to be driven even further away from villains because they have a sucky EAT.
Not saying your complaints aren't valid or that villains don't deserve EATs anytime soon; simply stating that there must be a reason why villain EATs are being pushed back and right now I have faith in the devs.
I'll be as happy as you are the day Villain EATs are released but until then I'll appreciate what we have (not counting HEATs, dont play them, dont like them) and what we're getting and I'll let those things pass the time rather than get all worked up everyday about this issue...
Of course I know the response to this will be well you're a Hero, you don't care. And if thats what you think, then by all means think it. But you're wrong.
The Doom Supremacy
The power of Frosty compels you!
The Ramblings of a Geek God
I don't know if this has been brought up in the thread. If it has, please forgive me.
Not too long ago, either Positron or Statesman said that datamining showed that a very large portion of the total playerbase didn't even have one level 50. That means that those of us on the boards (already a minority) with multiple 50s are not indicative of the whole. If that's the case, then I completely understand why villain EATs are one of the first things to get put on a backburner in favor of other content.
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
So 4 issues into CoV and no EAT's. I've gotta say I'm pretty peeved. Because we have no server transfers, because we cannot add character slots to a server, I have a slot saved JUST for the villain EAT on Virtue.
Of course heroes get everything sooner. I'm surprised my heroes didn't get their veteran rewards sooner... heck, they even got the game sooner
The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8
I don't know if this has been brought up in the thread. If it has, please forgive me.
Not too long ago, either Positron or Statesman said that datamining showed that a very large portion of the total playerbase didn't even have one level 50. That means that those of us on the boards (already a minority) with multiple 50s are not indicative of the whole. If that's the case, then I completely understand why villain EATs are one of the first things to get put on a backburner in favor of other content.
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If this is true. Maybe they should give us villians Epics and do something about what is the joke every1 calls lagville and that may change . Alot of ppl in the past have posted about not even being about to go there do to lag. Let alone how much trouble it is to get to the mission doors due to the amount of spawns at mission doors. Hero side doesnt face these obsticales as villiasn do and that probly has something to do with it. Give ppl more of a reason to hit 50 and go to lagville and the numbers will change.
Change nothing and nothing will change!
So in conclusion, epics for villians would be a great addition and I would love for them to come out soon, but I don't want villian khelds. If it takes longer, so be it in spite of previous posters saying "you have a lvl 50 hero and epics, so you can wait!!" Well, I don't play khelds and I can still wait. There are plenty of options for me at this point, and even more so in villians that I want to try. New ATs can wait as stated previously.
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Like i said you have access to hero epics and dont really play villiasn. You stated it yourself. So of courese you can wait. This is my point. Just cause you dont like them or play them doesnt change this fact. You still have that option where after almost 2yrs villians dont even have the option.
Like i said you have access to hero epics and dont really play villiasn. You stated it yourself. So of courese you can wait. This is my point. Just cause you dont like them or play them doesnt change this fact. You still have that option where after almost 2yrs villians dont even have the option.
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I do play villians. I'm in Siren's Call all the time with my stalker. I have a level 41 MM that I haven't touched because I'm waiting for I10 to start. And I have a level 50 brute that I enjoy going to Recluse's Victory with, farming, and sometimes going to arena. I'm just not in a hurry for villian epics because I don't want khelds and I have enough going on right now without new ATs.
If this is completely contradictory to the general populous, then so be it.
I know its been forever and we're all antsy but I would want more than just an evil kheldian and if it is an evil kheldian, it needs to be way different than the Hero EATs. Over the last 3 years I've paid much attention to the devs and what they do and 9 times out of 10 they do an awesome job. I'm willing to wait for villain EATs so they can prove me right because the last thing I want is to have CoV turn into a dud because of something they rushed out.
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This is what im talking about. It only mostly hero based ppl that aresay its cool we can wait, take your time, give it to us if/when you can. WhaT do they care, they have epics already. T
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I play both.
I know a big part of the epic AT is the *story* behind it. It's the whole reason for the "Epic" label. If you're waiting for a godmode AT, you're not going to get it.
I know when Hero Khelds came out, they needed work, period.
I can most assuredly wait for them to be done RIGHT on villainside so I can dig into the "other" side of the Kheldian war storyline without worry. That doesn't mean I want it any less. It means I can be patient.
You can have "Good," or you can have "Fast." Which would you prefer?
But, no, you guys keep on demanding an Epic AT for CoV every freaking day, as though you expect the devs to make it from scratch and push it live in less than 24 hours. And then you get mad that nobody takes your complaints seriously--go figure!
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Maybe because some of us villains already have multiple 50's? We have no reason to keep leveling characters past 48. I have one level 50 hero on my two accounts and have a warshade now. Whereas I have nadda to show for my multiple lvl 50 villains. It's really pathetic at this point.
Not too long ago, either Positron or Statesman said that datamining showed that a very large portion of the total playerbase didn't even have one level 50. That means that those of us on the boards (already a minority) with multiple 50s are not indicative of the whole. If that's the case, then I completely understand why villain EATs are one of the first things to get put on a backburner in favor of other content.
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Yes, that was Positron about an issue ago. Seriously, an Epic AT for the villain side should have been planned for at release, regardless of the size of the playerbase. I see people on this very forum that have just hit 50 after years of work. The fact that those people did not have 50's did not impede the release of the Hero Epic AT, even though it was a smaller portion of the playerbase at the time that would have access to them.
Yes I want it. Yes I want it "right" whatever that means. I am disappointed that it seems as if Villains popped up over night and caught them by surprise. Did they not think that people would hit 50 and want soething to show for it?
"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho
I know its been forever and we're all antsy but I would want more than just an evil kheldian and if it is an evil kheldian, it needs to be way different than the Hero EATs. Over the last 3 years I've paid much attention to the devs and what they do and 9 times out of 10 they do an awesome job. I'm willing to wait for villain EATs so they can prove me right because the last thing I want is to have CoV turn into a dud because of something they rushed out.
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This is what im talking about. It only mostly hero based ppl that aresay its cool we can wait, take your time, give it to us if/when you can. WhaT do they care, they have epics already. T
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I play both.
I know a big part of the epic AT is the *story* behind it. It's the whole reason for the "Epic" label. If you're waiting for a godmode AT, you're not going to get it.
I know when Hero Khelds came out, they needed work, period.
I can most assuredly wait for them to be done RIGHT on villainside so I can dig into the "other" side of the Kheldian war storyline without worry. That doesn't mean I want it any less. It means I can be patient.
You can have "Good," or you can have "Fast." Which would you prefer?
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I never even mention anything about a "Godmode" AT. I want epic ATs. weither they are the same or differnet doesnt matter. After 34-35 mos (have to check to be sure) of play the CoX. I want an epic. I have 50s villian side not hero side. If its a squid so be it. It would be new to me. After 2yrs since CoV release though i would have fig. they would have gave us epics already . As for being good or fast. Think we past the fast part arnt we. We coming up on villians 2yr B-day and no epics in sight.
On that note. 2yrs villians still have 1/3 of the SF as heros, no epics, lame PPPs that you cant recpec out of, and massive lag issue compared to CoH. I10 might be alot of Fun, dont know. Personaly i say let it burn and give villians much needed content and fixs. then bring on the Co-Op and the shared issues. i would be all for it then. I will not go back to playing heros, if nothing other then out of spite and much more of villians getting sided. Ill drop the account and wait for MUO. Plz keep in mind i do like the game and devs have done a decent job here. They just need to even things up a little better and give villians a littel more to due. Co Op isnt giving villians more to do its give CoX(both sides more). May i want to actualy be a villian and not team with heros. Maybe i want to help the riki if it mean i get ahead.
I for one would love to see EAT's for villians. However, I do not want to play a kheld villian side. Maybe all those heroes are saying they can wait for the reasons you say: because they do have access to EAT and they don't like them. So to repeat a kheld villian side would be boring. I've tried khelds and I don't really care for them at all.
For new AT's in general, I'm pretty happy with what we have now. I've been playing for almost two years now and haven't even began to try out all the AT's. I have five lvl 50 heroes and one lvl 50 villian and I still have fun with the game. I just started three new toons and have a few more I would love to play up to 50. So right now I'm pretty content with the AT's and don't feel that I need more any time soon. I do think that a dark controller would be awesome, something similar but different to a dark defender.
The only changes I would like to see happen with PvP is a zone with no NPCs. I don't think NPCs add anything to the mix and really just get in the way. Arena for me is too much of a bother to try to coordinate anything large scale as trying to fit all the people in SC to an arena match so I for one would love to see a PvP with nothing in it but scenary.
As far as I10 goes, I'm very excited with the content and what they added for this issue. I wasn't around for the first invasion but I've heard from people who were that it was alot of fun. I'm also excited about the new free costume pieces. Costume choices on this game are extremly ahead of the MMOs and I think they should keep expanding that gap to stay ahead as well as adding new content and options in game for us to play with. I've read on a previous post that maybe we are spoiled by all these free patches we keep getting. I've only played WoW for a short time and didn't like it. Only so many hunting missions one can do before one gets bored. And I tryied LotR online when that first came out and found it to be extremly dull since it was just like WoW just different settings. Of course gaining enough xp to reach level 9 before leaving the tutorial was a pain also.
So in conclusion, epics for villians would be a great addition and I would love for them to come out soon, but I don't want villian khelds. If it takes longer, so be it in spite of previous posters saying "you have a lvl 50 hero and epics, so you can wait!!" Well, I don't play khelds and I can still wait. There are plenty of options for me at this point, and even more so in villians that I want to try. New ATs can wait as stated previously.