Contest Alert!




Well I decided to have a contest for Graver's birthday. He never gets any art done of his main character Absinthium, and I'd really like to get him some for his b-day on June 5th. And what better way than with a contest?

Details are on my deviantArt page. And if you wanna just do some art for him and not enter, well that's fine too!



Now with slightly better prizes!!!



Yikes! I better make sure I have that salvage!




Cool - a character I've wanted to do for some time now.



Hey I made Graver art *pouts*



Great idea Star!!

If only I was able to draw I would have done this a while ago! I do have something in the works for him though as ya know and yeah DB has done art of the lil guy!



Cool - a character I've wanted to do for some time now.

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I second that

Proud Member Of the Paragons of Justice
Kidraid, Golden Guard, War Emblem, Eridani, Greymist, BabyTank and more many more.

My Gallery (There I am KidRaid since Greymist was already taken)



This is gonna be a nice art show, kind of like when Cuppa Jo left...



I'd love to.... but I have zero capabilities in the art department..



Hey I made Graver art *pouts*

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So have I! ;P But I think we're the only two people who have so far! I wanted to give him a nice li'l collection, and have some contest-ular fun!



Eh, I'm working on a little sketch right now. Once I finish it up, darken key lines to clean up the piece, and get a hold of the scanner I'll upload the sketch.

Arzextus needus a better picturus hostus, though

UPDATE: Rough sketch
Not too skilled with fine touches, finished lines, and coloring yet, though, but its a start! :P



Hey I made Graver art *pouts*

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So have I! ;P But I think we're the only two people who have so far! I wanted to give him a nice li'l collection, and have some contest-ular fun!

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okay was getting all emo thinking he didn't like my lil gifts but my ego is now mended hmm hmm hmm i'll have to find time to jump in this



Hey I made Graver art *pouts*

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So have I! ;P But I think we're the only two people who have so far! I wanted to give him a nice li'l collection, and have some contest-ular fun!

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*ahem* *cough* cough* *COUGH*

I did get a cool Pep digital drawing in return tho.... *



Ooooh yeah!!! I forgot that one Pep, and I really liked it too!

And Lord Arzextus, that's CUTE! XD When you're done let me know and I'll host it in my scraps so it can have a thumbnail in the journal with the other entries!



I'd love to do a piece! Though I might leave the contest for others to participate in.



ahhhh sqweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!11!1 !!1

So that's what you wanted those screen shots for! Thank you for organizing this, Star! Though, I know I don't have much time to come around these here parts much anymore, but did you think I would never find this thread. For shame. Now, I shall not be as surprised as I would have been, but still...

sqweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! And she's already definitely tormenting a worm, yay!

Oh, and ya, don't forget about Pep's contribution to my small small gallery of Abby work... and Atomic Knight too. I've treasured every work Abby has appeared in... and just in case y'all have forgotten them, here's a my complete collection so far:

Absinthium by Jolly Jongleur (or a name quite similar to that)
Teen Squadron in Wonderland by Scarf Girl
Abby: First Sketch by Atomic Knight
Abby: Second Sketch by Atomic Knight
Abby: Sketch Three by Atomic Knight
Absinthium Sprite Cards by Cruse
Absinthium the Fool by Scarf Girl
Teen Squadron by Suichiro... she's the one in the middle back pointing at the sky
Absinthium and Graveboy by Starchasm
Absinthium Chibi by Starchasm
Trick or Treat by Starchasm
Absinthium by Pep_Rally

Oh, and there is a fifth Abby outfit that I couldn't find when Star was getting screen shots from me/... I should have looked in the folder labeled Abby Outfits, but it just didn't seem like the place I would keep screenshots of Abby's outfits... CONVICT ABBY

Either way, again, thank you Star for doing this for me, thank you everybody who is / will be doing an Abby piece (I'll keep my eyes closed so I'm surprised in a few weeks!), and everyone who has ever done an Abby piece!

Now... I really really have to get back to work now... really.

*rolls away ecstatically*




Dammit Wombat, you just blew the doors off the competition with that one...

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Fuzzy you are incredible.
Tha is one awesome piece of work you have produced there :O



Here's my version of Abby!!

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C'mon, don't be intimidated people!!! All art is special and loved.



Here's my version of Abby!!

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C'mon, don't be intimidated people!!! All art is special and loved.

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As soon as I get my new scanner plugged and working I will try to post something

Proud Member Of the Paragons of Justice
Kidraid, Golden Guard, War Emblem, Eridani, Greymist, BabyTank and more many more.

My Gallery (There I am KidRaid since Greymist was already taken)



*clicks on graver's DA page*

*jaw drops*

Well... uh... I think I see WHY Graver hasn't received any art.

It's... a bit intimidating. Kinda like writing a mystery story for Agatha Christie.

I'll probably be very late - LOTS of other things to do right now - but I'll see if I can get something done.

If the sheer stupendousness of Graver's own paintings doesn't paralyse me with lack of confidence, that is.




I've got something special planned for this...just hope it turns out...