Scanner? Check. Internet? Check. Okay, so...
Yay! Already added you to my friends list.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
yep. Watched.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
Added you to my watch/friends list, keep up the good work!
Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller
I finally got around to scanning in some selected bits from my sketchbook and uploading them to DA.
CoH-related things abound in there. I'm by no means a good artist at all, but I'm learning. And seeing how I'm at a school to learn computer animation, you can expect to see some 3D stuff eventually make it's way into there.
I might do some free character sketches at a later date, but school's got me too busy to do any right now.
So consider this a preview of what's to come, I guess? Or something.
Edit: Whoops, almost forgot to put my published comic in there. Man. I love that thing.
Animation major and old-school CoHer.
Art, Animation, and Stuff:
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