I beg, I plead... Screenshot takers, listen up

Bill Z Bubba




.... When you're taking screenshots of something ultra cool and interesting?

Would you please scroll into 1st person view so that your toon's behind isn't what we see instead of all that cool jazz?

Altogether too many really nice screenshots are lessened by this phenomenon, and it's very very simple to change. Just use your B button. Or the little scroll wheel on your mouse. That's all.

.... Yes, that's all. Thankew. /e bow

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Or turn around and take a screenshot from another angle, if you want your character on the picture



Some people like there toon's bootay. :P



My toon has a sweet bootay




I know our toons look good. But I'm talking about "when there's something you want to show everyone that's NOT your toon's exquisitely jay-crafted butt".

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!




NOT your toon's exquisitely jay-crafted butt

[/ QUOTE ]

You know, I never considered that we have Jay to thank for such well-developed butts. Which begs the question:

*Did he manage to pass off staring at hot model butts as "research?*

Apologies for derailing a prefectly good thread.

Nobody "gets" me, Baby! I'm the wind...
Chicks dig Giant Robots!



Oh, no, no I have screenies of Vazhilok leatherclad butts aplenty, actually. I have actually always thought that the basic human designs in this game are far superior to most others. While there are some clipping problems or weirdness at distances where things 'blend together' (like this morning we were taking out a troll rave and half the trolls looked like they had huge, square hunchbacks because of the distance) I think they're gorgeous.

Like in the PVP that came with the original game, and has been stated many times since: if I'm gonna be staring at a characters' butt all day, it might as well look good.

My issue with the screenshot takers who never seem to remove themselves from the picture is this: I take a LOT of screenies. A LOT. Like, thousands. I've had to move them all from the original area to a separate folder *by year* to avoid browsing errors and load times when I'm viewing them. But one of the things I use them for is backgrounds for other pictures, so a gorgeous shot of the caves in those little islands north of Talos, for instance, can become a dragon's nest. Or a lineup of drawn characters standing in front of the PPD buildings. To do those there must not be anything/anyone in the way, right?

I just wonder whether some folks realize you can go 1st person or what? I mean admittedly it's very difficult to actually PLAY that way for long, but it's an option that's always there.

I think a tutorial for all the 'social aspects' of the game (from screenshots, how to turn your camera view on yourself's front end, using chat properly, and etiquette) would be a nice addition...

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



OOO OOO! I got a request for screenshot takers!!!

Turn on antialiasing and leave your shader on high.

Be well, people of CoH.



OOO OOO! I got a request for screenshot takers!!!

Turn on antialiasing and leave your shader on high.

[/ QUOTE ]

Welll DUH, that goes without saying!!

Stop nerfin your screenshots people! Lag is a small price to pay!

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!




Damn you and your screen shot post. You prompted me to collect my various screen shot folders from the past couple years, and move them to a separate drive, so I could organize them better. Finally found all of them, and have them in one place...now all I need to do is divide them in to years, and months.

11,650 files, 30.7 gigabytes...Some times I hate my nervous screen shot finger (Right ring finger, by the by)...

I can see forever 0.0




You must have a huge resolution on your screenies, what format are you saving them as? I have around 11400 files, but only just over 3.6 gigs.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



1920 by 1200 saved as TGA format. As it turns out, only 5,327 screen shots, but still 29.3 gigs...heh, I tossed one of my web comic folders in there on accident during the initial consolidation ; )

I can see forever 0.0



OOO OOO! I got a request for screenshot takers!!!

Turn on antialiasing and leave your shader on high.

[/ QUOTE ]

And please... PLEASE... turn off those gawd-unnecessary UI Interfaces when all you want to show is the action. We really don't need or care to know that you have every Badge and Accolade under the game's sun. Or that you group your wakies all on the second-line. Just use the in-game screenshot without the UI captured and more of your screenies will be Golden.



1920 by 1200 saved as TGA format. As it turns out, only 5,327 screen shots, but still 29.3 gigs...heh, I tossed one of my web comic folders in there on accident during the initial consolidation ; )

[/ QUOTE ]

You know, I can't even view tga's, they kept clogging my folder whenever I took em. froze up PSP 8. Weird. But they're also HUGE ginormous files.... jpgs are nice smalllll. Plentiful.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Well, if you can live with the detail and compression-loss that .JPG provides, fine and dandy. It irks me whenever I see it... so I ALWAYS take .TGAs in-game, and PS here doesn't mind. Irfanview is happy as well. The files are ONLY an average of 2.5 Megs per screenshot. A drop in the bucket.

I leave the 'compressed' files for final Web display purposes only.



Mine are quite nice - I only alter them once, honestly, and after that point of course they do start degrading. The problem with tgas is that... um, you can't display them in that format online, can you? I've never seen one - most browsers can't even recognize them that I know of. I share my stuff, so I use jpgs.

I don't even know what's ON the 12 I took that were sucking down processor time while browsing the folder. >_> I should try opening them, but they take so long to load with psp. I think I did get psp to recognize tgas though... .I think. meh.

.... Bitmaps all the way baby lol. Well, until pngs become the standard for transparent images on the web....

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!