Behind the Mask: Lady Dee
Today's interviewee is one of the most outspoken and controverisal members of our community. She always has something to say and no matter what you are in for a surprise. Without further adiu here we go.
So tell me a little about your self? Your current age, where you live, etc.
Im a 28 year old female living in Illinois. I was born and raised in Indiana and moved out to Illinois to live with my fiancé. We are getting married this October. I also have to odd hobbies, Bird watching and gardening. Im also a believer in animal rights but I dont take it as far as not eating meat or protesting.
Do you have any pets?
I have 2 Yorkshire Terriers, 2 Cats, 2 Koi Fish and 2 Parakeets. My pets are like my kids. In the future if I do own a bigger house Ill probably get another Yorkie.
Do you have any brothers and sisters?
I have a brother who is 26 and a sister who is 22. My sister just got married this past August and has a beautiful baby boy. They both still live in Indiana.
Has it been hard getting respect as a woman in a hobby mostly inhabited by men?
Not at all. Ive been playing video games all my life mostly with guys. Guys usually think there lady wants to go out to a nice dinner and a movie. Not me, I rather sit at home with a pizza and play a game. The point is when I tell guys this they usually want to hang with me because Im not some stuck up prissy girl who screams every time I break a nail. Truth be told I get along a lot better with guys then girls. I grew up as a tom-boy and Ill die as a tom-boy.
What is your favorite movie?
Aliens all the way.
What is your favorite type of music?
Well Im an Abba fan. But my general taste is rap and rock and roll.
Who is your favorite author?
This is a trick question right?
What is your favorite series of books?
I dont read books. Its bad enough I have to read gaming boards or a gaming guide. Wait does Playboy and Hustler count?
What is your favorite Simpson's quote?
Homer: Oh, Lord! Why do you mock me?
Marge: Homer, that's not God. That's a waffle Bart stuck to the ceiling. (Marge pries the waffle off the ceiling.)
Homer: Lord, I know I shouldn't eat Thee, but... (munch munch munch) mmm... sacrilegious
So how did you get introduced to MMOs in general?
Honestly if a review or the back of the gaming box sounds good I buy it. And if it sucks ah well there's E-bay.
So how did you get introduced to The City of series?
My conscious told me I must!
Who was your first character and do you still play them?
Lady-Dee was my first character. I do play her from time to time. Still pissed about I.H. but what can you do, ya know?
What, if any, power sets would you say are your favorite?
I use to say all the time blasters suck and I never be caught dead playing them. But after lady I became addicted to ice powers. I made an ice/ice blaster and I love the set.
What ATs or power sets do you hate and why?
Invulnerability/Super Strength. Its not that I loathe the set its just a rather boring set to play.
What is your favorite zone in the game and why?
Brickstown or Creys Folly. Brickstown just seems to have a life of its own apart from the other zones as Creys Folly. I can spend hours in either zone street hunting and I never get bored.
Any particular story arcs or contacts that you love to do? Even when you have done them a million times already?
I really enjoyed The Terra Conspiracy arch from Ginger Yates in Founder Falls. I make sure that with every character I have to do that arch.
What is your favorite feature of the game?
What was the most amazing moment you had while playing the game?
I was playing my Illu/Emp and my friend was playing there Rad defender. Well it was late and no one was on to help us out and I had of course gotten the mission to defeat Terra the AV. In any case it took us a long time to bring her down but we felt really good when we accomplished that. Granted Terra is not the most powerful Av in the game but putting her up against a Defender and Controller NOW thats saying some thing.
What is your favorite enemy group?
What is your least favorite enemy group?
Malta and Knives, damn sappers, damn caltrops.
What is one feature you would like to see added to the game?
Loot the dead bodies =D.
What would you say is your greatest strength in the game?
My mouth.
What is your greatest weakness in the game?
My mouth.
If you were any AT in the game which one would you be?
Uh a ferret with Uzis.
With I9 "Breakthru" almost getting here, what feature of it are you most looking forward to?
Wait! Theres a new issue coming out? When?
I remember your "Where's Dee" contest you had. What was the reason you did it and do you have anything else planned to do?
The reason I did it is because Im nuts. It just popped in my head one day and I figured I give it a go. I hope to in the future to shave Lemur Lad and have folks tar and feather him as fast as possible with in a time limit. If they win they get my respect and if they lose they get a pair of undies made completely from Lemurs shaved fur.
How bad is your badge lust?
My lust lies in other things, thank you very much!
Which ones do you like to get the most?
Does not matter, I need to have close to all of them for all my characters.
What one lesson would you learned in game that would be helpful to share with everyone else?
To have fun and not take the game so seriously. Sure, Ive gotten frustrated with a few things here or there but there are some that take to the extremes. I see people complain about the same things weeks or even months later.
Any final things you would like to say to everyone before we go?
Yes, Beef Cake is a hottie! Go get him you single gaming girls!
[/ QUOTE ]
nice job on these so far Teldon!...
and Happy B-Day!
nice job on these so far Teldon!...
and Happy B-Day!
[/ QUOTE ]
The Unofficial Official of Nothing Official
Proud member of Nites of Darkness/Shut Your Pie Hole
Another good one, Teldon! And happy birthday!
Great stuff as always!
Hellooooo, Lady D. Looooong time no-see! Happpppppy Birrrrrthday Teldon.
I have Koi fish also, LadyD. I like Koi.
This thread deserves a 5/5 star rate up!
RATE UP SPASM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 11
Yes yes, I have all the information I need finaly with all her weaknesses listed, MUA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! opps heheh, is this thing still on?
Happy B-day Teldon.

Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.
Happy Birthday Teldon!
Thank god I'm way more swifty nimble than Dee. That and my fur pelt is impervious to all forms of shaving.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
Thank god I'm way more swifty nimble than Dee. That and my fur pelt is impervious to all forms of shaving.
[/ QUOTE ]
LIES! <shaves lemur>
Ha, you were 31 minutes too slow to catch me. I was off walking the dogs within moments of that post.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
too bad she was in the bushes on your path
Good interview, glad you're back Dee, and Happy Birthday Teldon!
@Jimmy Amp
Currently working on:
Jimmy Crush - Kin/Regen Scrapper
"Life writes the best scripts."
Today's interviewee is one of the most outspoken and controverisal members of our community. She always has something to say and no matter what you are in for a surprise. Without further adiu here we go.
So tell me a little about your self? Your current age, where you live, etc.
Im a 28 year old female living in Illinois. I was born and raised in Indiana and moved out to Illinois to live with my fiancé. We are getting married this October. I also have to odd hobbies, Bird watching and gardening. Im also a believer in animal rights but I dont take it as far as not eating meat or protesting.
Do you have any pets?
I have 2 Yorkshire Terriers, 2 Cats, 2 Koi Fish and 2 Parakeets. My pets are like my kids. In the future if I do own a bigger house Ill probably get another Yorkie.
Do you have any brothers and sisters?
I have a brother who is 26 and a sister who is 22. My sister just got married this past August and has a beautiful baby boy. They both still live in Indiana.
Has it been hard getting respect as a woman in a hobby mostly inhabited by men?
Not at all. Ive been playing video games all my life mostly with guys. Guys usually think there lady wants to go out to a nice dinner and a movie. Not me, I rather sit at home with a pizza and play a game. The point is when I tell guys this they usually want to hang with me because Im not some stuck up prissy girl who screams every time I break a nail. Truth be told I get along a lot better with guys then girls. I grew up as a tom-boy and Ill die as a tom-boy.
What is your favorite movie?
Aliens all the way.
What is your favorite type of music?
Well Im an Abba fan. But my general taste is rap and rock and roll.
Who is your favorite author?
This is a trick question right?
What is your favorite series of books?
I dont read books. Its bad enough I have to read gaming boards or a gaming guide. Wait does Playboy and Hustler count?
What is your favorite Simpson's quote?
Homer: Oh, Lord! Why do you mock me?
Marge: Homer, that's not God. That's a waffle Bart stuck to the ceiling. (Marge pries the waffle off the ceiling.)
Homer: Lord, I know I shouldn't eat Thee, but... (munch munch munch) mmm... sacrilegious
So how did you get introduced to MMOs in general?
Honestly if a review or the back of the gaming box sounds good I buy it. And if it sucks ah well there's E-bay.
So how did you get introduced to The City of series?
My conscious told me I must!
Who was your first character and do you still play them?
Lady-Dee was my first character. I do play her from time to time. Still pissed about I.H. but what can you do, ya know?
What, if any, power sets would you say are your favorite?
I use to say all the time blasters suck and I never be caught dead playing them. But after lady I became addicted to ice powers. I made an ice/ice blaster and I love the set.
What ATs or power sets do you hate and why?
Invulnerability/Super Strength. Its not that I loathe the set its just a rather boring set to play.
What is your favorite zone in the game and why?
Brickstown or Creys Folly. Brickstown just seems to have a life of its own apart from the other zones as Creys Folly. I can spend hours in either zone street hunting and I never get bored.
Any particular story arcs or contacts that you love to do? Even when you have done them a million times already?
I really enjoyed The Terra Conspiracy arch from Ginger Yates in Founder Falls. I make sure that with every character I have to do that arch.
What is your favorite feature of the game?
What was the most amazing moment you had while playing the game?
I was playing my Illu/Emp and my friend was playing there Rad defender. Well it was late and no one was on to help us out and I had of course gotten the mission to defeat Terra the AV. In any case it took us a long time to bring her down but we felt really good when we accomplished that. Granted Terra is not the most powerful Av in the game but putting her up against a Defender and Controller NOW thats saying some thing.
What is your favorite enemy group?
What is your least favorite enemy group?
Malta and Knives, damn sappers, damn caltrops.
What is one feature you would like to see added to the game?
Loot the dead bodies =D.
What would you say is your greatest strength in the game?
My mouth.
What is your greatest weakness in the game?
My mouth.
If you were any AT in the game which one would you be?
Uh a ferret with Uzis.
With I9 "Breakthru" almost getting here, what feature of it are you most looking forward to?
Wait! Theres a new issue coming out? When?
I remember your "Where's Dee" contest you had. What was the reason you did it and do you have anything else planned to do?
The reason I did it is because Im nuts. It just popped in my head one day and I figured I give it a go. I hope to in the future to shave Lemur Lad and have folks tar and feather him as fast as possible with in a time limit. If they win they get my respect and if they lose they get a pair of undies made completely from Lemurs shaved fur.
How bad is your badge lust?
My lust lies in other things, thank you very much!
Which ones do you like to get the most?
Does not matter, I need to have close to all of them for all my characters.
What one lesson would you learned in game that would be helpful to share with everyone else?
To have fun and not take the game so seriously. Sure, Ive gotten frustrated with a few things here or there but there are some that take to the extremes. I see people complain about the same things weeks or even months later.
Any final things you would like to say to everyone before we go?
Yes, Beef Cake is a hottie! Go get him you single gaming girls!
Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon