Tablet Meltdown (need help from tablet users)
I've never heard of the Adesso tablet but I've not really done a ton of tablet research. That being said I have used tablets in the past and when they first hit the computer scene some 10+ years ago
For doing art I've found that a small tablet works better as there is less wrist / hand movement involved to cover the screen and the small size seems to work fine. If you were tracing line art by laying the drawing on the tablet then you'd want a big tablet but that's what scanners are for
I have had a 12x16 tablet that was a bear to work with. I currently use a grapphire 2, which is supposed to be a stripped down wacom/intuos tablet but i've yet to notice any real difference. I think my tablet is 4x5 also. I'd not go over 6x8 though. If you can return the tablet for another I'd do that.
As to gimp working, can't really help you there. It is possible the drivers for the Adesso are just not very compatable, or perhaps gimp has bad support for tablets. /shrug
good luck
Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base
"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh
I think my tablet is 4x5 also. I'd not go over 6x8 though.
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Now you tell me ?? hehe ... I just walked through the door and sat a my computer. First thing I do is read this thread (I had read a few before heading out but not this one, trying to catch up on all the Christmas time posts). Now where was I coming from you ask? Well I had stepped out of the office to go try and buy a Tablet ... they didn't have the one I wanted in stock so I ordered it ... yeah yeah ... a 6x8 wacom graphire ... and then I read that the size doesn't really matter
Anyhoo ... I guess it's just an extra 100 or so dollars ... the 4x5 I had drawn on a piece of paper looked really small ... 6x8 seemed way big enough ... but I had to pick ... so I went with bigger ... I guess it should be ok with your recommendation.
(5 extra days because I wanted the blue one ... I know ... I'm weird)

Char Site | My DeviantArt
Size matters.
Size matters.
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You are still talking about tablets right?

Char Site | My DeviantArt
Size does matter. Even with just wrist drawing, my hands are too large for just the 4x5 tablets. I could try a 6x8, but that might still feel too small. It's too bad that the larger tablets are so incredibly expensive. I'd have to buy a much larger desk too if I ever got a larger tablet. My desk is also too small.
I put my 9x12 on a foldup tv dinner table, it fits perfectly on it and sets it at a nice level, my desk is a bit too high.
A TV tray would make it even lower than my already too low desk. Being 6'2" kind of sucks sometimes as everything is made too small for me. Than again, I think the desk I bought would be too small for most people. It was all I could afford at the time though.
I think my tablet is 4x5 also. I'd not go over 6x8 though.
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Now you tell me ?? hehe ... I just walked through the door and sat a my computer. First thing I do is read this thread (I had read a few before heading out but not this one, trying to catch up on all the Christmas time posts). Now where was I coming from you ask? Well I had stepped out of the office to go try and buy a Tablet ... they didn't have the one I wanted in stock so I ordered it ... yeah yeah ... a 6x8 wacom graphire ... and then I read that the size doesn't really matter
Anyhoo ... I guess it's just an extra 100 or so dollars ... the 4x5 I had drawn on a piece of paper looked really small ... 6x8 seemed way big enough ... but I had to pick ... so I went with bigger ... I guess it should be ok with your recommendation.
(5 extra days because I wanted the blue one ... I know ... I'm weird)
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6x8 is fine for a tablet, you'll like it and at that size it'll give you a bit more balance when on uneven surfaces, like your lap or something.
I'll have to remeasure my tablet to be sure its 4x5 :/ I'm pretty sure but it's been a long time since i've used it.
Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base
"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh
I use a 4x5 Wacom Graphire and I love it dearly. I have smaller sized hands, so I have no issues with the tablet-mapping to a tinier space. Honestly, I looked at other brands, but I saw nothing that made me willing to give up the Wacom even at a cheaper price.
Yeah, I've got a 4x5 Wacom Graphire as well. It feels fine for me, even with my abnormally large hands.
It all comes down to preference really.
I used my 4x5 graphire today. Apparently my hand forgot how to use it because it kept cramping up and hurting
Size does matter. Even with just wrist drawing, my hands are too large for just the 4x5 tablets. I could try a 6x8, but that might still feel too small. It's too bad that the larger tablets are so incredibly expensive. I'd have to buy a much larger desk too if I ever got a larger tablet. My desk is also too
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I'll be finding out next week if size really does matter.
After watching Ebay since Thursday last week, I grabbed an intuos airbrush ($22 shipped) and last night landed a 12x12 intuos without pen/power cable ($27 shipped - "buy-it-now" item). Combining the two purchases with a trip to Radio Shack, we'll have two stations in the house.
Now my 3 year old can stop using her "I-wanna-paint" spell on me every time I pull up to my 4x5 intuos... and hopefully one of my three kids will become a better artist than me
I'll soon let you know if 12" is too much...
Congrats man! That's awesome, I considered a refurbed 12x12, but I wanted an Intuos 3. Great Buy! I don't think it'll be too much!
Congrats man! That's awesome, I considered a refurbed 12x12, but I wanted an Intuos 3. Great Buy! I don't think it'll be too much!
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Thanks Alex.
Yea, the newer models look like a great investment for those who can afford them > USB / Higher Res / fingertip controlled zooming & panning / slick design. Most of them ebay above retail prices though. The best price I've seen a 4x5 intuos 3 was $130 after (Circuit City) Rebate in early December. I watch forums enough to give a heads up next time it's on.
My Google searches revealed pens aren't compatible between intuos 1 & newer, so I really had to stick with a first generation tablet and got really lucky. It's important to google any model number before bidding. FYI - if tablet numbers end in "-A" it's Apple only.
Investment is exactly it, I'm hoping to recoup the cost of the tablet with a few commissions, plus wacom's are tough as nails, so they will last, unless our kitties start chewing the cords again!
I hate the fact that the pens aren't compatible, that's a bit of evilness! As far as I know there are serial and usb tablets, I used a serial tablet on my old mac.
If you look there are some sites that offer academic pricing for all, I think someone on this board was able to get one that way for a bit cheaper.
I'm having a meltdown over my Christmas tablet (as in, I currently wish I could throw it in the parking lot and drive over it until it was smashed into teeny-tiny pieces), and need some questions answered from other tablet users.
1. It's an Adesso 12000 (12" x 9") because the giver was told "get the biggest possible"(not by me), and the comparable Wacom was way too expensive. Does anyone use an Adesso? Would I be better served with a 4"x5" Wacom? (that's the closest in price)
2. GIMP...I need a tablet that works with the GIMP, and this one -will-, but it feels like I'm having to pull teeth to get it to do anything at all. Can someone confirm that tablets work with GIMP without it requiring an act of God to get them to work?