Invulnerability/EM Guide For The Unhappy Tank - I8




Hello everyone. Let me first say that this is my first attempt at a guide so please bare with me if you would. I should also point out that I’ve never really thought about doing a guide before, but based on the recommendation of a few people who really like my build advice for their Inv Tanks I have decided to try my hand it. I also like to think of it as a thank you to all the wonderful people who have spent much of their precious time in building other guides that have been EXTREMELY helpful to me in the past.

With that said, let me first say what this guide is not:

First and foremost, this is not a guide that teaches the basics of tanking. There are so many good guides out there that can tell you anything you need to know on how to start being a tank and how to do it effectively. All you need to do is go to the Guide to Guides section above and check some of them out.

Similarly this isn’t a guide to basic Invulnerability. The build advice I’m giving is tailored more for the disenfranchised tank looking to try something new and enjoy their tank once again.

And lastly, this isn’t really a guide to Energy Melee. Any of the Tank Secondaries can be inserted in place of EM, it just so happens that I really enjoy EM and what I’m using on my primary tank.

The Guide:

As I said above the purpose of this guide is to try and help those tanks (who like me) have weathered all the changes to our AT and have tried MANY different builds to keep enjoying one of our favorite classes, and who are willing to try something that might be a little different than they’re used to.

It will also become very apparently quickly that this build is based on a Scranker design (which is to say a Tank who thinks she is a scrapper). I personally love soloing my tank and have no problem doing so set at higher level difficulties, and can adapt quickly to team settings when called to. However, don’t let my Scranker tendencies scare you Tanky-Tanks away from this build. I’ll include some advice on how to really “Tank” out this build at the end.

Well enough about that, on to the build:


Resist Physical Damage (RPD): RPD is the first of the 3 Passive Resistance powers in the set, and gives a base resistance of 7.5% resistance to Smashing & Lethal damage only.

For this build RPD is not “needed” (though if you want to be as Resistant as possible you could drop an attack to pick it up). To me 7% resistance (roughly 10% 3 slotted with SOs) to basically one damage type just isn’t worth it considering our options.

Temporary Invulnerability (TI): This is Inv’s first toggle power and gives a base Resistance of 30% to all Smashing/Lethal attacks.

TI is our bread and butter, and by far your best choice for your level one power. Take it and slot it for 3 Resistance Buff SOs (and at least one End Reducer…you’re gonna need that endurance).

Dull Pain (DP): DP is Inv’s only “healing” power. However, it does more than just heal you, it also raises your Max Hit Points, allowing you to take more damage than you could without it on.

DP is a must have for this build (hell it’s a must have for any Inv build nowadays). DP is also one of the few powers in the Inv set that you’ll eventually want to 6-slot. Recommended slotting is 3 Recharges & 3 Heals. There are some great guides out there that can teach you the ins and outs of using DP. For me I usually use it when at about half HP. DP just about fills me all the way back up and gives me a good amount of extra HP.

Resist Elements (REL): This is the second Passive Resistance power in the set and grants 7.5% Resistance to Fire/Ice attacks.

REL is another power I skip for this build again due to it’s lack luster base resistance amount. But again, if you’re looking to be a team’s meat shield with only your first attack and Taunt it’s definitely an option.

Unyielding (UY): UY is the set’s second toggle power, and on top of providing more resistance it also grants you much needed status protection (i.e. Sleeps, holds, knockback, etc…). In comparison to TI, UY’s resists are a bit lackluster. It provides only 5% resistance to Smashing/Lethal and 10% to Fire/Cold/Energy/Negative Energy. It also comes with a Defense Debuff of –5% (which basically means running this power makes you easier to hit).

UY is a very controversial power because of its low resistance and defdebuff. However it is a power you HAVE to have, and one you need to slot. My recommendation is to 4 slot it – 1 End Reducer & 3 Resistance Buffs. Some people will say not to slot it because of it’s low base amounts, but for the Non-Smashing/Lethal attacks every little bit counts (especially since this build doesn’t use the Passive Powers).

Resist Energies (REN): This is the third Passive Resistance power in the set and grants 7.5% to Energy/Negative Energy attacks.

As I’m sure you guessed by now, this power isn’t recommended for this build (at least not the Scranker version), but again for those team minded tanks who don’t mind actually talking with their mouths instead of their fists it’s definitely an option.

Invincibility (Invinc): Invinc is the last of the toggle powers in the Inv set, and arguable the most important. Invinc does more to earn it’s end cost than either of the other two toggles. Invinc provides 3 benefits. 1) It is the set’s Taunt Aura, meaning just standing next to mobs while having it running will make them focus on you instead of your teammates. 2) It provides a bonus to ACC for EVERY mob near you (up to 14 I believe). 3) It provides a bonus to Defense for EVERY mob near you (again up to 14 I believe).

If you haven’t already guessed, Invinc is my favorite power in the set and the one that allows for the most variation in slotting. I’m not sure about the numbers (and I’m sure someone will come along and point out any mistakes I make in that department), but I believe the bass ACC bonus for the first mob near your is +5% with additional +1.5% for each additional up to 14. And the base of Defense Bonus is +6% for the first mob and +1.5% for each additional up to 14. No matter what the actual numbers are my recommendation is to at least slot it for 1 End Reducer and 3 Defense Buffs. If you have the extra slots you can also slot a couple To Hit Buffs in there (this is especially nice for those Veteran and Temp powers).

A lot of Inv tanks don’t like to think of themselves as Defense Tanks (especially if they played them back when you just about CAP all of your resistances making you Nigh Unhurtable), but for this build the additional Defense helps to over come the holes in our Resistances.

Tough Hide (TH): The last of the Passive powers in the set. However TH doesn’t provide Resistance of any kind. Instead it provides a 5% bonus to Defense to all attacks (except Toxic and Psi).

TH is the only passive power I recommend taking and slotting with 3 Defense Debuffs. The base amount negates the Defdebuff provided by UY, and the few extra percents will add up quickly with Invic, especially when in big groups.

Unstoppable (US): Unstoppable is your “Oh $h!t!” power. It provides 70% Resistance to all attacks (except Psionics), higher Status Protection than UY, and massive boost to End Recovery (on par with Empathy’s Recovery Aura). This power is a click so it doesn’t cost much End to use, and can be used with all your other toggles, meaning you’ll be well past the S/L Resistance Cap, and damn near the Non-S/L caps. The downside of course is the crash that follows this power’s 3-minute lifetime. Once the power wears off you’ll be reduced to roughly 10% health and most likely 0 End (though I’ve seen it leave enough to leave some toggles running at times).

US is a great power especially for solo play. I often use it when fighting Purple bosses just for the +End Recovery. You just have to be mindful of that crash. Thankfully with the “new” power deactivation indicator you’ll know when the power is crashing and can get away before it does so. Recommended slotting is 3 Recharge SOs.

Necessary Pools For This Build:


Aid Other or Stimulant: You have to take one of these powers to get Aid Self, so the choice is yours. Aid Other is a heal you can use on a teammate from a slightly farther than melee range (though not much), and Stimulant will clear a status effect on a teammate (like a hold, sleep etc.). I personally went with Aid Other since some of your teammates may already have status protection, and just about everyone can use a heal from time to time.

Aid Self: Aid Self is just that, a nice self heal with a decent recharge, and the last link in this build’s armor. The only drawback to this power is the fact that it is interruptible. However, with all that +Defense we’ve added to this build through Invinc & TH (and a couple Interrupt SOs – I currently have 2 slotted) Aid Self can easily be used in the heat of combat and will rarely be interrupted. Currently I have it slotted 2 Interrupt, 1 Recharge, 1 Heal.


Swift/Hurdle/Health: The 2 necessary power choices to get you to Stamina are completely up to you. I went with Swift and Hurdle as I like the unsuppressed movement they provide, as well as the fact that I don’t really need Health or the Sleep protection it provides. But ultimately these choices are based on taste. No matter what I don’t recommend slotting any of these powers past their provided enhancement slot, as you’ll be needing those slots for much more important powers.

Stamina: If anyone says you don’t need Stamina on a Tank build they are simply kidding themselves (unless they are literally just standing around hitting Taunt and no attacks at all). The point is take it and 3 slot it for End Modification.

Other Power Pools:

Any other power pool choices should be based completely on taste or concept for your character. I personally went with the Leaping pool because 1) it fit my character’s concept. And 2) the added 2.5% Defense Buff provided by Combat Jumping cuts UY’s Defdebuff in half, allowing the slots I invested in Tough Hide to do more work for me. If you do go the Leaping route I don’t recommend taking Acrobatics. You don’t need the Knockback or Hold resistance, and it’s End cost is just too high for a set that already gets all of these benefits.

The Build:

You will undoubtedly notice that the Fighting Pool is nowhere to be found in this guide. The simple reason for that is I’m not a big fan of it, especially for a set that has soooo many better options. Tough’s 15% S/L Resistance is “nice” but not really THAT much more than I could get from taking and slotting RPD (and that’s not even getting into the extra end usage). And don’t get me started on Weave’s piddly 5% Defense, which doesn’t even come close to being cost effective for it’s End Cost.

Admittedly, this build is nowhere near any of the Resist Caps that it could be…but that’s really the point. I like to think of this build as a an Inv/SR/Regen Scrapper. This build sacrifices some resistance for nice Defense, and 2 good heals, while still leaving room to build a decent attack chain.

For you “Meat Shield” oriented Tanks it should be apparent where you can stack on the resists. If you’re more into “taking one for the team” than dishing out damage, simply drop some of the attacks I have listed below and take your pick of any of the Resistance powers I skipped.

As I said above I love to solo my Tank (as well as team with her) and this build was the best balance I could find in making her good at both. Also, it should be noted that I’ve had more fun playing her with this build than ANY other build she’s had…even during the Pre-Ed and UY-Nerf eras.

For the following build don’t mind the level additions of the enhancements. I threw this build together for this guide, and to be honest, I’ve done so many respecs I can’t remember when I slotted what. Also note that this version had Taunt in the 3rd spot and Bone Smasher in the 4th spot in the secondary listing. In my actual build, I took Bone Smasher at level 4 instead of Energy Punch (which I did take and slot as listed, but much later in the game).

Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (
Name: Tesa Ravencloud
Level: 35
Archetype: Tanker
Primary: Invulnerability
Secondary: Energy Melee
01) --> Temp Invulnerability==> EndRdx(1) DmgRes(3) DmgRes(3) DmgRes(5) EndRdx(33)
01) --> Barrage==> Acc(1)
02) --> Dull Pain==> Rechg(2) Rechg(7) Rechg(13) Heal(34) Heal(34)
04) --> Energy Punch==> Acc(4) Dmg(5) Dmg(7) Dmg(11) EndRdx(34)
06) --> Combat Jumping==> EndRdx(6)
08) --> Unyielding==> EndRdx(8) DmgRes(9) DmgRes(9) DmgRes(11)
10) --> Hurdle==> Jump(10)
12) --> Bone Smasher==> Acc(12) Dmg(13) Dmg(15) Dmg(15) EndRdx(17) Rechg(17)
14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14)
16) --> Swift==> Run(16)
18) --> Invincibility==> EndRdx(18) DefBuf(19) DefBuf(19) DefBuf(23)
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20) EndMod(21) EndMod(21)
22) --> Whirling Hands==> Acc(22) Dmg(23) Dmg(25) Dmg(25) EndRdx(29) EndRdx(29)
24) --> Aid Other==> IntRdx(24)
26) --> Tough Hide==> DefBuf(26) DefBuf(27) DefBuf(27)
28) --> Aid Self==> IntRdx(28) IntRdx(31) Rechg(31) Heal(31)
30) --> Build Up==> Rechg(30) Rechg(33) Rechg(33)
32) --> Unstoppable==> Rechg(32)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Gauntlet==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==>

As you can see I’ve slotted a few extra End reducers in TI and Whirling Hands because I was running into some Endurance issues even with Stamina 3-slotted. However, those 2 slots greatly conquered the problem and I can now charge through a higher level mission solo without having to stop, rest, or pop a blue.

For the future, I’m been thinking of dropping Energy Punch altogether once I get Energy Transfer and Total Focus and picking up Hasten instead to have my more powerful attacks up more often when I need them, and once I get to those levels, I’ll update this guide with that info.

Until then, I hope this guide is helpful to some people and please feel free to comment on it (especially if you give the build a try).

Thanks for taking the time to read through my rambling and please let me know if you have any questions.

Happy Hunting,
-Sister Andara




Based on a friend reading the guide and not understanding how my version of Inv differs from how most people build Inv Tanks (he’s very familiar with the game but not so much with Inv as a whole), I thought I would add a little clarifier. This may be especially helpful for newer tanks who might like to try out this build.

The biggest difference in my Build here is the sacrifice of Resistance. Invulnerability has long been considered a “Resistance” set. While my version does still rely heavily on Resists (2 Toggles with 4 slots each), I’ve just found that the other options at our disposal in this set are better (at least for me).

To my mind, Inv’s biggest weakness isn’t Psi or Toxic (which it basically has no defense for) but rather it’s piddly defense of ANYTHING that isn’t Smashing or Lethal. The only way to counter this is to take REL & REN and waste a whole lot of slots to get a whole 10% (roughly). However, the Defense Bonuses given from Invinc and TH DO work against those attacks and give a much better rate of survivability than the passive resists do.

On top of this, the 2 heals (Dull Pain and Aid Self) work to heal ALL damage that is taken, meaning it gives you a defense for those Psionic and Toxic attacks. I’ve found that having a well-rounded arsenal of defense options greatly increases my survivability, and I’ve found it to just be more fun to play. As I stated above, it’s kind of like playing a toon that is a mix of Inv/SR/Regen, but with a Tank’s Hit Points.

I hope that clears up some questions people might have. But if not please ask!

-Sister Andara



I have to agree that Aid self is way more useful than the passive powers. Since I came back in I-7 (I left in I-5 after the nasty nerfs to regen, invuln and burn), I have respeced into a pretty similar build, except I got Stun. I want to be able to mez bosses and annoying enemies... including other players in PVP. I also have some Hami Os in certain powers like Invinc and TF.

[/b]Level: 50
Archetype: Tanker
Primary: Invulnerability
Secondary: Energy Melee
01) --> Temp Invulnerability==> DmgRes(1)DmgRes(3)DmgRes(3)EndRdx(31)
01) --> Barrage==> Acc(1)
02) --> Dull Pain==> Rechg(2)Rechg(5)Rechg(11)Heal(15)Heal(17)Heal(17)
04) --> Bone Smasher==> Acc(4)Dmg(5)Dmg(7)Dmg(13)Rechg(23)EndRdx(34)
06) --> Air Superiority==> Acc(6)Dmg(7)Dmg(11)Dmg(13)Rechg(23)Rechg(33)
08) --> Unyielding==> DmgRes(8)DmgRes(9)DmgRes(9)EndRdx(31)
10) --> Taunt==> Rechg(10)Rechg(15)Taunt(48)
12) --> Swift==> Run(12)
14) --> Fly==> Fly(14)Fly(27)Fly(46)
16) --> Health==> Heal(16)Heal(45)Heal(46)
18) --> Invincibility==> EnzymExp(18)EnzymExp(19)EnzymExp(19)
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20)EndMod(21)EndMod(21)
22) --> Resist Physical Damage==> DmgRes(22)DmgRes(33)DmgRes(33)
24) --> Stun==> Acc(24)Acc(25)Rechg(25)Rechg(27)DisDur(45)DisDur(45)
26) --> Stimulant==> EndRdx(26)
28) --> Aid Self==> Heal(28)Heal(29)Heal(29)IntRdx(31)IntRdx(34)Rechg(34)
30) --> Build Up==> Rechg(30)Rechg(37)Rechg(40)TH_Buf(42)TH_Buf(43)TH_Buf(48)
32) --> Unstoppable==> Rechg(32)Rechg(37)Rechg(37)
35) --> Energy Transfer==> Acc(35)Dmg(36)Dmg(36)Dmg(36)Rechg(40)Rechg(42)
38) --> Total Focus==> Acc(38)PeroxExp(39)PeroxExp(39)Dmg(39)Rechg(40)EndRdx(42)
41) --> Conserve Power==> Rechg(41)Rechg(43)Rechg(43)
44) --> Focused Accuracy==> EndRdx(44)EndRdx(46)TH_Buf(48)TH_Buf(50)
47) --> Teleport Foe==> Acc(47)Range(50)Range(50)
49) --> Teleport==> EndRdx(49)



Thanks for the reply Immortalnite. Yeah my tank is only 34 so no Hammi O's yet

It should also be noted that this is really a PVE build and prob won't work as well in PVP due to the lower Resists.



Great guide I really enjoyed reading it. I have played an ice/ice tank, but never inv/*. I love reading guides that move away from the norm. Look forward to reading your updates!



I enjoyed reading it too! I think you've got good ideas for how to put together a tank that solos a lot (my inv tank is level 49, but is exclusively a team tank, so I've got a very different build). Two suggestions, if you'd like a bit of constructive criticism:

* You claim that RPD provides "almost as much" S/L resistance as tough; I must respectfully disagree: mathematically tough provides exactly twice the resistance of RPD. Of course, this may just be a difference of opinion on the meaning of the phrase "almost as much."

* Based on all of the data that I've read in a multitude of guides, I believe invincibility provides a +3% to-hit boost per target in melee, and the defense is technically 5%, +1.5% per minion in melee range (but the 5% doesn't kick in unless there's at least one thing in range, and that one thing does add its 1.5%, so one thing in range gives you a total defense of 6.5%).

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



Glad you liked the guide guys!

Coulomb2, yeah I know my numbers aren't exact on Invinc, they seem to change every issue and can't keep it straight. Once I get all the right numbers for sure, I'll adjust them.

As to RPD versus Tough. I was referring to 3 slotted RPD versus Tough alone. 3 slotted Tough indeed would be significantly more, but it takes another power to get. And the whole point of this build is to get the best "defenses" with the least amount of powers so you have room for a good attack chain



I'm playing an EM/Inv brute at the moment, and find this guide to be pretty darned good, but there are a few things you recommend that I would not:

Never EVER skip Health on an archetype that is designed to be taking hits. There is absolutely no benefit to taking both Hurdle and Swift, since either one will provide you with an adequate means to moving around in missions. If you're planning on taking Combat Jumping, however, I'd recommend Hurdle to give you tremendous ability to move around the battlefield, unless you're standing in glue, quicksand, caltrops, etc. If you're taking Fly, go for Swift, as Swift assists that power, and is still reasonably quick in missions, especially if you stack Sprint on top of it. While you certainly don't NEED Health, it's definitely something you should not skip if you want to be the best Tanker you can possibly be.

Unless you plan to stand around not attacking, don't recommend slotting armor toggles with endredux before recommending you slot each of your primary attacks (and you should not consider Brawl part of your attack chain... Remove it as soon as possible and never give it a second glance) with endredux. ANY attack slotted with an endredux and used consistently will DOUBLE the savings on endurance versus slotting an armor with an endurance reduction. When you're slotting SOs, the first thing you slot is accuracy, the second thing you slot is endurance reduction. After that, you can put in whatever suits your fancy (damage, more accuracy, more endurance reduction would be my personal choices).

The best point to this guide is the recommendation for Aid Self. It's an amazing power that benefits an Invulnerability archetype a tremendous amount more than either of the passive Resist Elements and Energies.

Also, I notice you've only slotted Barrage with a single accuracy. If it's part of your attack chain, then it warrants slotting equivalent to any other single target attack in your chain, but at the very least, it needs an endredux in it. I'd pull the slots out of Tough Hide to slot Barrage, as in the long run, you'll get much more out of Barrage. Tough Hide IS a good power, but it's just such a low percentage that I can't see the need to slot it when you can get far more benefit from slotting Barrage with two endredux.

The suggestion for Hasten late in the game is a good one, also. By that time, your attacks should all have at least one, if not two, endredux in them, so the crash from Hasten will not be felt at all. You'll never need to slot endredux in your armor toggles if you slot 1 endredux in any attack in your attack chain, and you'll hardly ever see the endurance bar move at all if you slot 2 endredux in every attack, regardless of whether they're deep yellow, or deep green.

I'd also recommend prioritizing 3 recharge reduction in Unstoppable over Build Up. Build Up should be used when you're having a tough time hitting something, or something is extremely dangerous and needs to be dropped quickly. A single recharge will get it back in about a minute, which should be plenty fast, considering you have Invincibility to take the edge off of your accuracy issues constantly.

A final note on Health: Health is so good that you can take it at 14, throw a second DO in it at 15, and pretty much never need to run your armor when you're soloing unless there's status effects being thrown around. With 3 SOs in Health, you'll find that oftentimes you won't need Temp Invuln past 22 except in situations where you pull two sets of mobs at once. Trust me, Health will completely transform your Tanker the moment you take it.

Cheers and thanks for the great guide!



Inv/EM level 50 here. My tank is built for defense but always attacking.

If your toon is strictly a solo toon, then so be it. However, if your scranker does any teaming, your teammates are going to be in serious trouble. My comments are about the suitability of your build for a new player or a teaming tanker.

1. Your build has no aggro management tools, other than gauntlet, until you get Invincibility at 18 and Whirling Hands at 22. This is unacceptable. Take Taunt at level 10 and respec out of it later if you simply hate it.

2. Your build skips Health, which aids nicely in HP regeneration. 3-slotted health combined with Dull Pain will save your bacon in a long, tough fight.

3. You state a desire to take Hasten. After extensive playing with and without Hasten, I can tell you that the endurance burn from using Energy Transfer, Total Focus, and Bone Smasher frequently (not to mention a high-end toggle like Focused Accuracy) is prohibitive. Yes, it's nice to have Dull Pain and Build Up more often, but it's not worth it. Instead, I have gone with 1 ACC / 2 DAM / 1 ENDREDUX / 2 RECH slotting for ET, TF, WH, and BS. The loss in damage is offset by the recharge rate, and frequently the uber-damaging powers are overkill anyway (though it is fun to hit a Rikti Monkey with an Energy Transfer).

4. This one is personal preference, but to me a Passive Power > Toggle Power > Click Power. I like powers that do stuff without me having to do anything. I prefer to use my brain managing aggro, keeping the bad guys off my buddies, "quarterbacking" the team with team chat, and arresting opponents. That's why I like the passives in Invulnerability. They are not great, but they work with just the default slot and cost me no time or endurance. I have noticed a difference tanking Infernal when I don't have Resist Elements.

My Inv/EM "tanky tank" build has 8 of the 9 Inv powers (no Unstoppable) and ALL of the EM powers. I have Hover, Flight, and Swift/Health/Stamina, and Conserve Power and Focused Accuracy from the Energy APP. I have wavered over Unstoppable vs. Focused Accuracy, but other than that, I'm set. I have enough slots for everything (yes, I can even 3-slot the passives if I choose) and can handle any non-Psionic bad guy on the planet. I kept Taunt, so that I can either herd or wade.

I'm not sure who the "Unhappy Tanks" are, but in all likelihood they're folks who'd be better off with a Brute or Scrapper.



I'd like to see your build, Whataguy. At the very least I'd like to be able to compare it side by side with the OP's one. I am more interested in a traditional tank (get the aggro, hold the aggro, shrug off damage all day) than I am in being a pseudo scrapper, but I found some interesting points in the OP build. Did you take the medicine pool? For character concept, I'd prefer not having to use the little tricorder thingy, but if Aid Self is needed for Invuln tanks, then I will work around it.

Thanks to both of you for the information and food for thought!

Teamsaver (Earth/Rad controller) and his trusty hench-boulder, Rocky
RezQ (Emp/Dark defender) member of Paragon City Search & Rescue
iTeam (Robotics/FF mastermind) with apologies to fans of "The A-Team"
Globally, I'm @Teamsaver, on the Infinity server



I'd like to see your build, Whataguy. At the very least I'd like to be able to compare it side by side with the OP's one. I am more interested in a traditional tank (get the aggro, hold the aggro, shrug off damage all day) than I am in being a pseudo scrapper, but I found some interesting points in the OP build. Did you take the medicine pool? For character concept, I'd prefer not having to use the little tricorder thingy, but if Aid Self is needed for Invuln tanks, then I will work around it.

Thanks to both of you for the information and food for thought!

[/ QUOTE ]

Whataguy did not take Tough (or its prerequisite) or Aid Self (or its prequisite). This freed up four powers and about 5-10 extra slots that are typically devoted to these powers. This allowed him to invest heavily in the primary, secondary and energy APP. He had plenty of slots by level 50 to play with. Whataguy did not have capped resistance (from Tough) or regeneration (from Aid Self), but his defense is actually quite good with Invincibility, tough hide, and hover going. Other than against Psi-heavy mobs, he is able to team tank anything.

Under i9, the extra slots will likely be used to get set bonuses in powers he normally wouldn't have 6-slotted.

His build is built around developing an attack chain, getting taunt, and having TI and Unyielding all by level 10. By 20, having Stamina, Invincibility, and Whirling Hands. By 40, having Bone Smasher, Energy Transfer, Total Focus, and Whirling Hands 6-slotted. When I hit 22, I focused on getting Stamina and my toggle defenses 4 slotted with SOs. After that, offense took priority.



His build is built around developing an attack chain, getting taunt, and having TI and Unyielding all by level 10. By 20, having Stamina, Invincibility, and Whirling Hands. By 40, having Bone Smasher, Energy Transfer, Total Focus, and Whirling Hands 6-slotted. When I hit 22, I focused on getting Stamina and my toggle defenses 4 slotted with SOs. After that, offense took priority.

[/ QUOTE ]

OK, I've gone through the hero planner a number of times, and I have not seen how to get Stamina, Whirling Hands, Invincibility, Taunt, TI, and Unyielding by 20. By 22 yes, but not by 20. Unless you sacrifice a travel power, which I could see people doing with Safeguard missions. Did I miss something?



personally i prefer energy punch over barrage for my first melee power... (though i usually leave barrage on auto fire)

as my build is completely [censored]'ed for ED / stamina usage... i'd definitely recommend slotting end reduxs over dmg on your bread and butter attacks (barrage punch and bone) with ET and TF getting 3x dmg
(course invention enhs throws this slotting out the window for ET and TF)

as a side note
Stun io's in EM work wonders for nice effects... like more acc/rech/end red

really i usually slot end red x2 rech x 1 acc x2 and what ever dmg i can fit in... iirc kinetic combat and stupefy are nice together for sets

Saber Spectre Inv / EM Tanker on Guardian
Wraith Scimitar EM/ EA Brute on Guardian
Attack of the s00p3rphr34k ID 49744