Hover Speed




This doesn't really give you numbers, but something to think about:

1. If you can get Power Boost, it'll double your flight rate. Nice way to get extra kick outta Hover for 15 seconds.
2. The JumpJet power also boosts Hover VERY nicely for 30 seconds.



With the I8 hover buff you hover slightly faster than unenhanced sprint if you put 3 SO flights into hover and one into swift. It's pretty good in combat.

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I use hover quite a bit now with my Energy/Energy Blaster - Power Boost and the GvE Jump Jet make it very handy.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned another benefit of hover over flight (in combat): No supression. I can hardly stand to be in flight now during combat (which happens when I forget to switch to hover) as I end up moving slower than hover!



I was misinformed. You were absolutely correct.

I was then rude (though FUNNY! ). I apologize.

Hover does not in fact speed up with level.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Holy cow, I never knew CJ or other powers could cancel out that godawful Flight inertia. Now if only there was some way to keep it on my Warshade through Nova permanently short of dual-boxing a Kinetics Defender....