TooPokyMon WIP: For my dad....
Im not a fan of pokemon myself, but that is a wonderful piece of art that will make your dad proud
if you have time do you wanna draw torchian? =)
Something you have not done before? Wow, that is really nice. Very nice indeed. Keep up the good work on that. Cannot wait till it is done.
And Torchian, I dont think that is a pokemon...
Looks really good , can't wait to see the finished product
Hehehe, it's my dad's main toon from city of heroes, a name constructed with a variety of puns, stuck on a spike/regen scrapper with all his body sliders turned all the way up. Too Poky = cuz he's got spikes, and because my sister told my dad when she was little that his beard was "too pokey." Too Poky Mon = a play on pokemon and Pokey Man, I suppose.
Anyway, thanks for the lovely compliments, and I'd be glad to draw Torchian, though if you check out my other thread titled "A drawring...", I generally do simpler line drawings which I'll ink and color if that's all right. This puppy has taken a lot of time, and things of this nature shall be reserved for gifts, unless somebody really, really wants one.
- SL
Very nice work, Serengeti. It would definitely be cool to see you do more work like this. But I can understand about the time commitment.
I'm sure your dad will love it!
Awww, that's looking good!!! And such a cute story! <3
O if you want to go on a more brute side lol heres my guy
I am sure your dad will love the piece...and as mentioned great lil background on the genesis of the characters name ~
...the sword is truth...
How about one for my wedding tomorrow? happens in about 12 hours?
You really gettin' married, mate?
How about one for my wedding tomorrow? happens in about 12 hours?
[/ QUOTE ]
Congratz man! Send me a piece of the cake!
Also, absolutely phenomonal work Serengeti_Lord.
Well been a busy week for me, movin' in and new job and all that. But I managed to finish this (as some of you may have noted on my deviant website.) But now, with my internet official, I'll post it here!
TooPokyMon Action
very nice Serengeti....has a definate anime feel to it.
...also, welcome back to the forum....was wondering where you wandered off too. good to see you have returned ~
...the sword is truth...
Anime and yet "wouldn't want to mee it in a dark ally"
Very nice
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
Looks great Serengeti!:
And grats on getting settled and gettin the internet up and running.
[color=#cc99cc]Yay, congrats at being all settled again. That is a very cool drawing as well, good stuff!
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You would not believe how long this has taken me. I wanted to do something special for my dad, and something that I haven't really done before... let me know what you think.
TooPokyMon WIP