Pose help wanted




Doing a Portrait style pic for a friend but am having issues with the pose , It will eventually be his toon punching out statesman and statesmans head breaking the border of the image .
This is what I have so far /rough WIP

The punching arm is bothering me and a few friends have stated something similiar , I like the pose/layout but the arm is giving me mental coniptions any feedback/suggestions are greatly appreciated



You're off to a good start.



I like that pose, but I think the punching arm looks to long. That could just be me.




I know where your coming from with the punching arm not looking quiet right, still trying to put my finger on it.

Other than that its looking good, hope we get to see the finished product.



Looking good. I think that the shoulder of the punching arm is too far forward - it seems like the punching arm is going back, not forward. I think if you push the shoulder back and rotate the torso around somewhat it should work.

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I think the reason it bugs you is that the body and the arm are really two different poses. If you were to go with the arm pose the chest needs to move in more and if you were to go with the body pose the arm needs to have already hit and flinging towards the viewer. Just my thoughts!



I think I'd try rotating the back hip forward. You gotta step into a punch like that, is all.

It looks awesome though. Kudos to you.



yea, looks more like he's hitting Statsie with the back of his hand, rather than punching him. maybe lower the head a bit like he's moving foward, gotta step into and follow through with a hit like that. rotate the hips a bit. and the shoulders need to come down too I think, more hunched over.

am I making sense?

I /love/ the expressions though. can't wait to see the finished piece.



Yep, I think the problem is with the torso and not the arm. The puncher's torso needs to be turned into the punch more. (and, consequently, the nonpunching arm would need to be a tad bit behind the body).

This is gonna be sooooooo cool!!! I <3 Blackstar!!!



With Poses, what helps me best is mimicking them myself. If the pose is off even a little you'll feel it, and better yet you'll feel exactly "where" it's off.

The Right Arm is good! lovely Rendition of an Overhead Smash. You may want to round off the shoulder muscle though.

The main thing that's off when I assume that pose, My left hand. It feels unnatural in that position. I'd suggest taking it back in more of a "V" formation. Cause that's what feels right to me if I was extending my right downwards, twistin my hip into the motion, my left hand wants to move back and up into a gaurding position.

I can draw it better than explain it, here.

Me 2 bits,




You seem to have two different boxing poses going on.

the upper torso, head and shoulders are more like the center pic here

Your lower torso and arm are more like lower corner pics of this

This index might help you DB. It has collages of many big name fights, with some good action shots of real boxers and reactions to real punches.

Edit:This pic might be what you're looking for DB.



Boo! Zhamed's an arrogant pr*ck! One helluva boxer, but major pr*ck.



You seem to have two different boxing poses going on.

the upper torso, head and shoulders are more like the center pic here

Your lower torso and arm are more like lower corner pics of this

This index might help you DB. It has collages of many big name fights, with some good action shots of real boxers and reactions to real punches.

[/ QUOTE ]
Awesome resource!!

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