Guardian's Hamidon Guide to a Drop Team




Recommended Reading before reading this Guide: Call_Me_Awesome's Guide to First Time Hamidon Raiders. Many of the terms used will be the same as used in that guide.

A. What is a Drop Team and what is it's Purpose?

1- The Drop Team consists of a team of Illusion Controllers, or "Droppers." The team preferably consists of a team of 8, but the job can be done with a minimum of 5. More than one team is very, very helpful with proper coordination and cooperation.
2 - The use of a Drop Team is to attract aggro with Phantom Army (PA) from the Hamidon (Hami) and the surrounding Mitos to reduce damage taken by the other teams fighting the Mitos or healing the Taunt Tank as much as possible.

B. The Powers of a Drop Team

1 - Illusion must be the primary power. The secondary is not as important, as any Illusion controller can contribute to the Drop Team. However, secondaries such as Radiation and Kinetics are especially useful. Empathy and Forcefields can be helpful. Stormers and Trick Archers should lock up all their secondary powers during the Drop Team phase.
Fly and/or hover are essential unless someone on the team has Group Fly. Recall Friend can be helpful.

C. Forming the Drop Team

1 - A Leader is chosen and he/she invites as many Illusion Controllers as are available. I have found that the minimum number of Droppers is 5. I have lead Drop Teams with as many as 18 (3 separate teams). Communications is easiest if you have one team of 8, but the communication issue can be resolved using either local chat or a special Drop Team Channel.
2 - Communication is the key to success on a Drop Team. Also, the Drop Team Leader should be in contact with the Raid Leader (RL), the Main Assist (MA) and if possible the Taunt Tank (TT). On Guardian, we have set up a Drop Team Channel in case we have more than a single 8-man team.
3- The Drop Team is the first team at the Hami Raid to deploy and get the raid underway. It is important that the Drop Team get organized and started quickly, as the rest of the Hami Raid Teams must wait until the Drop Team is operating.
4- If any Illusionists on the Drop Team do not have Fly or Hover, those team members must be joined up with someone with Group Fly. Ideally, the Drop Team Leader has Group Fly. The Leader must recognize that Group Fly is slower than regular Fly, and move slowly enough to not lose the non-fliers. Otherwise, the non-fliers will fall to a quick and painful death . . .

D. Getting Out to Hami Safely and Setting Up.

1-On Guardian, the entire Hami Raid Team meets at the Rock south of the Hamidon Bowl. It is a large flat rock with spires around it that mostly protect the players from the wandering monsters. We call it, simply, "the Rock."
2- All Drop Team members should put the Leader on "follow." Someone, if not the Leader, should activate Group Fly. Any other team members with Fly or Hover should activate their powers at this time as well, but keep the leader on "follow." It may be a good idea to allow a non-flier to lead the Drop Team to the area above Hami so the non-fliers relying upon Group Fly will not be lost on the flight out. Generally. it is best to go straight up from the Rock until the team is far above the tallest spires in the area and far above the top of Hami's Cytoplasm (the "Jello"). Then, move the team out over Hami. I like to center right above Hami himself.
3 - At this time, the leader should advise the Drop Team that he/she is going to drop a "test drop" of PA onto Hami. You are looking for, first, your placement of PA, and second, whether the PA are drawing the aggro of Hami and the surrounding Mitos. Since the PA are invulnerable and last for one minute, you should be able to see them being hit. You may need to lower your team a bit until you can see the PA taking aggro from Hami and the Mitos. Be careful how far down you go, because if you get within range, you or your teammates may draw some unwanted attention. Hami and the Mitos have a very, very long range, and they can shoot and kill anyone in your team far above Hami. If someone gets hit, be prepared to do some quick healing, since another shot may come quickly. When I fly my team out, I look at the horizon of the area and stay just above the tallest rock spires. I then angle my view downward to see the results of my test drop. If my PA are drawing lots of aggro and staying underneath me, then I have found what I call, "The Sweet Spot."
4 - At this point, you have positioned the team. It is best, as the Leader, that you become the focal point and return point of the Drop Team. Confirm that everyone on the team has activated group Fly, Fly, or Hover, if they have it, in case there is an accidental disconnection, or in case the main Group Flier or the Leader get clobbered by Hami or a Mito. If anyone on the team is taking shots from Hami or any Mito, then just rise up a bit. You don't want to go so far up that you lose sight of Hami, if possible, but you want to keep the team safe.
5- Direct the Drop Team to fire off any buffs that will help cycle your powers quicker by increasing recharge: Accelerate Metabolism ("AM") and Speed Boost ("SB"). The more AM the better, as it is an area buff. SB is great, too, but the Illusion/Kinetics teammate must boost each person every two minutes. (This can get tedious.) Dispersion Bubble may help protect the team against holds from the Blue Mitos, but will not protect against the damage from attacks from Hami or the yellow Mitos. Adrenaline Boost may also be used. It doesn't hit all in an aura around you as it is a single target hit and it is not a fast recharge like SB. It can't be spammed on the team list. However you can use it on the Dropper who is using SB on the others, or on a Radiation Dropper to keep the AM's and SB's coming faster.

E - The Triangle Drop Formation (created by the Guardian Drop Team)

The basic concept of the Triangle Drop Formation is to set up at least three sites in the Jello where PA keep drawing the aggro of the Mitos. At first, one group will try to draw Hami's aggro, while the other two will focus on the Mitos. However, to be most effective, the Droppers all need to share in the buffs of the entire team. Therefore, one group stays in place, while others fly out, drop their PA and then come back to share in the buffs.
1- Once you have the buffs firing, all Droppers can begin dropping their PA. The Leader will remain in place, dropping his/her Pa from that position. The PA dropped by the Leader and others staying with the Leader should be drawing the attacks from Hami. This is the "main group," who drop the "main group" of PA. The "main group" should consist of the Leader, the Group Flier (if not the leader), and all non-flier Droppers. This needs to be no less than three Droppers, but will usually be more. It is also a good idea for anyone new to Hami Raids to stay with the "main group," If the "main group" of PA have Hami's aggro, then these Droppers should not move until the Taunt Tank goes in to take Hami's aggro. The "main group" should only move if the position of the "main group" of PA needs to be re-positioned, or after the Taunt Tank is taking Hami's aggro. After the Taunt Tank has aggro, the "main group" can move lower to do pin-point drops to help draw aggro from the yellow and blue Mitos, to help the Mito Clearing Team.
2- The rest of the Drop Team members can come and go at will, whenever their PA have recharged and are available to be dropped into the Jello. Generally, it is better for more experienced Droppers to do this. You want to set up a triangle pattern around Hami, and to keep the PA at the points there continually, the Droppers need to coordinate where they are dropping. One point should be near where the Mitos Clearing Team is going to come in, (generally the south/southwest side ) or near them if they are already in the Jello. The other point can be near the Taunt Tank's Heal team. (The third point is the "main group" of PA, drawing Hami's aggro.) The Droppers will need to dive in to just above the Jello, drop their Pa, retarget the Leader and get back up to the main group so they don't miss buffs. The easiest way to do this is to target the Leader and hit the "follow" key. The team needs to watch for how often the PA recharge. It is also wise to stagger the drops at each point of the triangle, so there is ALWAYS PA on the ground taking aggro form the Mitos. If there are enough AM's and SB's being shared, the Droppers can have their PA recharge just when the PA run out (known as "perma-PA"). This takes about five AM's to accomplish.
3 - It is important to get the PA in the Triangle Formation and on Perma-PA, or as close to Perma-PA as possible, as quickly as possible. However, for the safety of your team, especially if you have new folk, take the time to explain. Take the time to set up so you are all safe. It will take twice as long and cause delays for the entire raid if you rush it and all the Droppers die, and then have to reset.
4 - If one of your team happens to die, DO NOT GO TO THE HOSPITAL. Hopefully someone on your team has Recall Friend. It is best if the Dropper with Recall Friend flies back to the rock and teleports the dead body there. The unfortunate Dropper gets rezzed, then flys and or is teleported, back to the group above Hami. (There is a tricky maneuver that does work with a bit of practice. The teleporter stays in the group and teleports the body straight above the group--the higher the better. If someone on the team can rez, the dead toon must hit "accept" FAST as he/she begins to fall toward the group. When the toon hits the group he/she will be caught by the Group Fly.

F. Working with the Mito Team and the Taunt Team

1 - Once you are set up, have started dropping and have already grabbed Hami's aggro, you can give the signal to the MA to lead the Mitos Clearing Team in. If you have more than 8 on your Drop Team, you can lend help specifically to the Mito Team if they are taking too much damage. Just have two Droppers from the second team drop PA on either side of the Mito team to take aggro from surrounding Mitos. This works if you have a flying or a grounded Mito Clearing Team.
2 - If you have a Taunt Team that goes in to taunt Hami's aggro at any point during in the clearing stage, then you want to send two Droppers to flank the Tank's healing team. (please refer to Call Me Awesome's Guide to being a Taunt Tank for Hamidon) The flanking PA will keep any aggro from nearby Mitos off the Heal Team so they can concentrate on keeping the Tank alive.

G. Nearing the End

1 - As the Mito team clears the Mitos, the Drop Team has the best viewpoint of how many Mitos are left, and which color the Mitos are. I like to let the MA know what the Mitos Clearing Team has left as it clears. I have my team let me know the count, as sometimes it is hard to see from far above Hami. The Droppers setting up the triangle can see, though. Then, I let the MA know.
2 - I cannot stress how important COMMUNICATION is at this time. I keep in constant contact with the MA and the Taunt Tank and my Drop Team.
3 - Once the Clearing Phase is over and the MA calls for the teams to head back to the rock, the Drop Team can just hover above Hami until the Hold Phase is called for by the Raid Leader. At that point, I simply drop my team in on Hami and we begin firing our holds.

Last Thoughts
This detailed guide works for us on Guardian very well but it may not work for all public raids. It really depends on which Architypes show up and how many. These strategies may need to be adjusted for your particular Raid teams.

I would like to thank Local Man(Area Man), Pheadra ("Noor), Call Me Awesome, and Mr Anderson (Dante Skye) for their help and valuable input on this guide. I also want to include the following, as we were all a part of this learning process and strategy. I am honored to call you friends.

Ar Kain, Fakeness, Chimera Fury, Doug Henning, Melmoth, Hidden Fox, Spectacular, Blu Archura, and I just KNOW I am forgetting people!

Hamidon for first timers

Hamidon Raids - a Main Taunt Tank guide



oh uhh... i think you forgot to make a link for.. "Hamidon for first timers" and "Hamidon Raids - a Main Taunt guide"

any way.. i didnt read the whole thing >_> <_<

but im sure its great



Whoops! Neut forgot to link the links, but here they are:

First Time Hamidon Raider's guide for issue 7 By Call_Me_Awesome

Hamidon Raids - a Main Taunt Tank guide, also by Call_Me_Awesome

KNO Official Hamidon Guide by Dante Skye

Read all these and you will know just about all there is to know about Hami Raids! (At least as we do them on Guardian!)

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Good guide, it was interesting to help finalize it. I hope people can put it to good use with lots of success.



Just a simple note: Most Drop Teams have someone with Group Flight, and someone else (or the same) with Recall Friend. Be sure that, when teleporting Illusionists to the team (those that arrive after it's deployed), if they do not have Hover/Fly, that you teleport them ABOVE the team. Group Flight takes a second or second and a half to kick in, and I've seen people fall out of its area before the power kicks in for them.

Needless to say, that's not a happy trip down for them



Thank you for adding that!!

And thanks Area for adding the links back in!!! I thought I had done that right!!

Eveyone enjoy!!



*squee* Yay! I was thinking about writing up a Drop Team guide myself (from Champion), but it looks like you've beaten me to it! Great guide.



Occasionally we lose a dropper that flys down to place PA then we have a TP friend followed by a fast rez.

It's a little tricky rezing in mid-air but we do it maybe too often. lol

We're getting good at it. lol

36 level 50's in various servers...haven't been here in a while. It's now over 50