Alien Only Inn ((Open RP))
OOC: Would non-human beings from another dimension that don't have space travel count as aliens?
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
OOC: Would non-human beings from another dimension that don't have space travel count as aliens?
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((Yeah, I quess that would do as long as they are in no way human.))
OOC: Would non-human beings from another dimension that don't have space travel count as aliens?
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((Yeah, I quess that would do as long as they are in no way human.))
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Errr.....Never mind then.
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
OOC: Would non-human beings from another dimension that don't have space travel count as aliens?
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((Yeah, I quess that would do as long as they are in no way human.))
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Errr.....Never mind then.
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((Oh? So basicly this guy was a human that was completely different from humans but derived of human stock? Well, if he doesn't tell anyone he could get away with it. But I was really designing this just for spacial alien species.))
OOC: Well, he a draconian, much like Balsk from Cosmic Chess. I think he won't be appropiate because he's very human-like in his mannerisms. Although now that I think about it, it seems kind of hard to not have an alien that's at least somewhat.....
Bah! I'l post him here later.
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
OOC: Well, he a draconian, much like Balsk from Cosmic Chess. I think he won't be appropiate because he's very human-like in his mannerisms. Although now that I think about it, it seems kind of hard to not have an alien that's at least somewhat.....
Bah! I'l post him here later.
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((Lets face it, it's hard to make somethign completely alien, don't worry about. And welcome aboard.))
((Well, I do have something completely alien in my book, though I need to find a good reason WHY it would come to Earth in the first place. Acid and crew certainly wouldn't show themselves in public unless absolutely necessary, what with being a secret organization and all. ))
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
((Can I use an alien that I don't actually have in CoX? Mainly because it would be completely impossible?))
((Well, if extradimentional counts as well, I guess I can add Kei'Thera to the mixing pot, she's shown up in Cosmic Chess and is a 'mage' but while looking predominatly human, is closer to 'elf' (Though if you call her that she gets annoyed... Stupid round-ears, like any race would allow another to name it... >.<
When in danger, or in doubt; Run in circles, scream and shout.
((Can I use an alien that I don't actually have in CoX? Mainly because it would be completely impossible?))
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((Go ahead, I have no problem with bending and breaking the rules of game play in CoX for an RP character.))
((Very well, then Cafea will be arriving soon. It's not so much I can't do his powers. . . it's more what he looks like, haha. . .))
((Bah, why do I have to be first? Not that I've waited that long or anything. . . ))
Cafea warped to the entrance of the Brown Dwarf. He felt fairly confident that, regardless of the colorful clientele here, there were few as colorful as him.
He meant it literally. He body was best described as a large, hovering blob of jelly. It acted as a sort of prism, scattering light in such a way that he appeared to be all the colors of the rainbow at once.
Cafea floated into the inn. He obviously had no mouth to speak of, but all the members of the Collective were accomplished telepaths. His voice traveled through the minds of those around him in much the same way sound travels through the air, and in fact few realized there was a difference.
"Hello," Cafea said to the bartender. "I do not believe I require a cup or a chair, but I would be delighted to enjoy the local atmosphere."
Tiede smiled as she looke over her first guest. "Welcome to the Brown Dwarf." She said as she showed Cafea in. She tried to place Cafea's species, but most of the time she didn't know it. She was use to it, the universe was teaming with life, you can't expect to know all of it, let alone most of it. "Will you be staying the night?" She asked
Cafea glowed slightly gray at the word. "Yes. I would prefer a room with a large window." Night was such an irritating concept; in the depths of space, where he normally lived, there was never any shortage of light to feed on, but circumstances had changed. . . and certainly he could not wander around outside, unprotected.
"Damn it's cold on this planet," Kreigg muttered, tugging down the wide brim of his hat and hitching up the collar of his trenchcoat in a futile effort to stay warm. He ditched his ship in the water off the coast of this tiny island and hoped nobody saw it; Then again, from the looks of the locals they were just as likely to throw sticks at it or worship it as a god than to call the authorities. Stupid monkeys.
His sharp insect-like feet clacked and slipped on the smoothly paved roads.. or was that frost?... and his body was wracked with painful shivers. He looked up and saw the sign for the Brown Dwarf in it's different languages. Fortunately, he recognized one of them. If he couldn't -be- warm, he decided, he'd at least drink til he -felt- warm.
Kreigg picked a path over to the bar and shouldered the door heavily, expecting it to be half-frozen shut, but it swung open with a loud bang. He rushed inside slamming the door closed behind him and panted.
"Ky Glar," he exclaimed to the room. "It's cold out there!" He flopped his hat off onto a nearby table revealing his smooth pinkish head and yellow-tinted compound eyes. He peeled open his coat experimentally and looked inside. "So cold it got me goin a big stony one," he grumbled as he pulled off his coat and dropped it on a chair. Clumps of rock had gathered on his skin, and he brushed them off with one hand in disgust.
Underneath his coat Kreigg wore a tank top and jeans, though the jeans had been ripped off below the knees to allow his insect legs to fit properly.
"Hey, bartender," he bellowed as he tromped up to the bar. "How bout sumthin to warm a fella?"
As the ferry pulled up to the Port Noble dock, an unusual looking hero came up from below deck. He was no more than 4 feet tall, wearing black and white spandex, ice blue sunglasses, and what appeared to be some kind of dark blue crown jutting from the top of his mask. He also had bare yellow feet that looked almost avian, and a mouthguard to match. As he came off the boat, he noticed the sign for the Brown Dwarf. Intrigued by the Home Away from the Homeworld tagline, he walked to the door and went inside. As he saw Cafea, he froze in his tracks. He removed his sunglasses to reveal bird-like eyes, then quickly put them back on and hid behind a table as cover, obviously frightened.
Formerly known as Stormy_D
Cafea made a noise like a string quartet playing a chord that quickly faded away. "Why are you scared of me?" he said to the newcomer, his voice echoing inside the being's head. "Don't tell me you are as xenophobic as those humans that swarm all over this planet."
((Whoops, called you "it". ))
The cowering penguin hero thought for a moment, then responded. "Look, I can understand wanting to protect nature, but eliminating human life to do so is...well, a bit excessive. What's the Devouring Earth doing on Striga, anyway?"
Formerly known as Stormy_D
A delightful chorus of otherworldly bells filled the room. "You think I am one of those idiotic creatures? The ones that want to destroy humanity, despite being products of it in the first place? Oh, forgive me! No, I am a member of the Collective. I assure you, I was never some foolish, self-righteous human environmentalist. If humans are so concerned with the world, perhaps they should follow their own moral precepts, no?" The bells chimed again.
Kreigg turned around and leaned on the bar, his quest to get hammered forgotten for the moment. He rested his elbows casually on the bartop and and streched his feet out in an unconcerned fashion. Kreigg was quite content, for now, to watch the exchange between the two other patrons with a cynical smirk.
The penguin-man stood up, relieved. "Ah...the 'Hamidon Jr.' resemblance threw me off. I'm sorry about getting off on the wrong foot. I'm Monarch Penguin."
Formerly known as Stormy_D
She stalked down the street, the hood of her forest green cloak obscuring her features even as the leather and cloth clothing that was visable from the cloak clearly defined a humanoid female form. Making a sudden stop at the door of the Brown Dwarf, she looked at the signs with slanted eyes narrowed. Coming to a decision, she strode through the door, her very mannerism proclaiming her dominance of the ground she stood on.
Once inside, eyes of royal blue skimmed over the semi- to clearly non-human occupants before she nodded once. Slidding her hood down reveiled a narrow and sharp featured face with hair a brilliant golden yellow pulled into a pony-tail over ears as sharply pointed as her features.
"Good," Kei'Thera murmured, "None of those foolish round-ears her to annoy me." She looked to the woman with crystaline hair and addressed her. "I would seek a room for the forseeable future, is there someone I should address to resolve this matter?"
When in danger, or in doubt; Run in circles, scream and shout.
"Well met," replied Cafea. "I shall tell you my name as well. . ."
A slow, sad melody filled the air, a chorus of instruments without names, but that sounded strangely familiar, as though everyone had heard them once but had long forgotten.
The music stopped abruptly. "Forgive me; I lapsed into my native tongue," Cafea said. "I suppose I must use the human's musical alphabet. C-A-F-E-A. Cafea."
Geez, Kreigg thought, so much for bein entertained. He turned his attention back to the bar and hammered down some cash.
"Gimmie sumthin that burns on the way down and keep em comin!" he ordered the bartender. He drank until he noticed the Kei'Thera enter the bar and watched her out of the corner of his multi-faceted eyes.
"I would seek a room for the forseeable future, is there someone I should address to resolve this matter?"
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"Heh," Kreigg barked at the blonde, "You could talk t'me, toots."
((This is a crazy experiment I came up with. Basicly, we all know that there's a large alien population in CoH and CoV. And not counting the Kheldian. So I thought it might be interesting to see everyone's concepts for alien races. And so the Inn was born, it's located on Striga Island so both Heroes and Villains can get at it easily. Villains are welcome, as long as they don't cause trouble, same goes for those over zealous heroes.. The Inn isn't about spontanous fights, it's really just a social experiment. Basicly, if there's going to be a fight, take it out side. And I don't care if Lord Recluse himself appears outside of the Inn, no one like that can enter it, destroy it, or teleport it into another dimension. Thank you.))
The Alien Only Inn, it stood only three stories tall and was a squat brick building with a light hanging over the doorway giving it a more omnious feel. The light proudly lite up a sign that read, "The Brown Dwarf" Below which it read, "Your home away from the Home World." Three other signs were posted on the walls. "All humans must have an Xeno Chaperon." "No Ritki, Nictus, Shivians, S.P.A.N.C., Space Cats, Space Dogs, Space Weasals or any other creature with the word Space in it's name." "Weekday 6pm - 2am Weekends 5pm - 4 am" Each sign was repeated in two different language obviously not of Terran origin.
Once past the door the Inn changed considerably. The interior was considerably large than it was outside. It seemed to try to imiate a english pub with certain technological improvements. Most of which centered around entertainment. For instance there was a pool table, but near by it was a table designed to play a card game that was only playable with three or more hands. But most of it was easy enough to use.
The bar itself was a bit odd. There was only one tap with an alien language engraved on it. For those that could read it it said, "Molecular Tap." A device that could in theory produce any liquid, many gases, and few solids. Behind it though was the costumary collection of bottles that seemed to be imported from everywhere. There was also a large brass statue of a mouthless god with long lanky arms gripping a spear and a helmet and clawed feet gripping the foundation in a suit of armor. It had a horse like mane of wild hair that floated in the air. There were a few red rings around the spear that had been added by it's owners. It was Fliege, an intergalatic god for Space Travel.
The man behind the bar wore a suit and a scarf around it's mouth which didn't exist. His name was Frosch, he had orange skin which was very poresous. His race asborbed all their nuterients through their skin. He was surpisingly good at mixing drinks and as such had been made the bartender.
If you looked carefully you could see a window near the bar that lead to an amazing looking kitchen from the few breif looks inside. The head cheif was Bilari, he was a stocky creature who looked extremely stiff and when he moved her creeked. He was really a plant alien hybrid, a speicies all his own. He was a bit slow, but very skilled in his own ways. He would put a four star chef to shame. Of course, he had a lot of high tech equipment to help him.
Then there was the owner, the woman who had made this Inn possible. Teide, she was very similiar to human stock in most ways. Her deep brown skin made her a passable human being if she wore a wig. She had no real hair, instead she had tough out croppings of mineral crystals. Her race wasn't made of stone, but they grew mineral desposites all over their body as a form of waste. If you didn't mind that it actually looke very pretty, which was a thought commonly held in Teide's race.
The rest of the staff were an asortment of aliens all of whom needed jobs. Each one livign somewhere in the in. Teide had finished lighting the fire in the fire place. Everything was in order. It was time for the Alien Only Inn to open for Business. She hoped this venture payed off.