Domestic Blitz II




"What're you looking at?" Claire asked, as she peered over Tera's shoulder in one of the port's many gift shops.

"Oh, nothing." Tera paused, and then pointed to one of the cast iron models resting on a glass shelf. "This. 'The Spire: World's Tallest Building'." A slightly puzzled look crossed her face as she looked at Claire.

"The Spire?"

"Yeah. Do... do we have this?"

"The model?" Claire chuckled, "No. Look at it, it's... garish."

"You know what I mean," Tera said in mock exasperation. "This isn't the tallest building back where we're... where I'm from."

Claire nodded. "It's not. I don't think it was even built. Tallest is... something in Dubai or Taipei, I think."


Claire smiled, and tugged gently on Tera's sleeve. "Hmm?"

"It's ugly," Tera laughed.

"C'mon, then. Let's get out of here. And don't blow our cash on that junk."


Having caught a taxi out of Midway, the pair watched the cityscape fly by the freeway.

Claire frowned, shrugging, "Wish we could've gone through O'Hare, but..."

"But what?" Tera asked, her eyes soaking in this strange new world.

"They're keeping it for regular air travel and cargo. More expansion room up there, or something. Since portals take up less space, they've converted Midway, and..." Claire looked at Tera, and chuckled to herself.

Tera grinned sheepishly, "I don't know... anything about Chicago."

"Yeah... So, wait. Really, anything I say..." An impish gleam came to Claire's eyes, "Well, this one's better, just so you know."

"Of course," Tera giggled. "So why O'Hare?"

"Why what? Oh. Eh, it just would've been closer to home. We're going northeast to Evanston by a ways. O'Hare would have been just kinda due east." She shrugged, "Nothing big, really."

Tera nodded, turning her head and widening her eyes at the sight of a massive, blank-faced black monolith. "What's that?"

"That? The IBM Center. They built it to the proportions of 1:4:9." Claire leaned over, and pointed. "See that grey steppy-building right next to it? Sears Tower. Back home, it's black. And there's no IBM Center, either."

Tera squeezed Claire's hand, slightly concerned. "Huh. So... it's a lot different, I guess, isn't it? How's... Paragon?"

Claire shrugged and shook her head. "Not that different. Well... A lot less metahuman crime or derring-do."

"No, I mean... the buildings and stuff. Your history... you guys still had World War II, right? It's not all messed-up and weird?"

"We did have the War, yes. Weird? I dunno."

"No, these differences, all the things in wrong places, and you're acting like it's normal..."

"Different, Tera. Different, that's all. Like going to a foreign country, right? Like France."

Tera grimaced. "I guess... But at least the French had the decency to speak French."

Claire smiled, and gave Tera a peck on the shoulder. "Parlez-vous Français, madamoiselle?"

"Oh, be quiet," laughed Tera.


Prying the last of their bags out of the taxi's trunk, Tera glanced around the neighborhood while letting Claire pay the cab fare. Suburban houses dominated the street, with their large lawns and tall trees, second stories and attics, garages and longer driverways.

She turned to the brick house that Claire had pointed out a moment before, with two giant snow-capped oaks out front, and tried summoning up her courage, standing, clutching two of the bags.

Claire gave her a playful nudge, "C'mon, it's a bit cold out here. 'Sides. I promise they won't bite."

"You sure they'll like me?"

"Of course! I like you."


"You might get some guff from Dad, but that's just him being protective..."

"How protective?"

"Well, he always keeps a shotgun cleaned and ready..."


Claire laughed as they reached the door, "Don't worry about it, Tera, dear. They'll love you just fine."

And the door opened.









Blitz lay on her new bed in her new room and felt so... alone.

All of her friends -- dead. If anyone besides her had survived the death of her Earth, she had no way of knowing. And any hypothetical survivors might not have come to this universe. Fletcher had not had time to explain where the emergency escape portals would take you; if they were supposed to take every one to the same universe, or if they would disperse the refugees to different spacetime continuums.

Somehow she had wound up here, a place so much like home, and yet so different, full of strangers with familiar, beloved faces.

And Fletcher here was... not a genius.

If it were not for Nick Kinsolving, the despair would overcome her.

She struggled with what to call him. Mr. Kinsolving? No, he was more than an aquaintance to her. Nick? That didn't seem right either. Daddy?

She sighed and smiled at the thought. Daddy.

Like almost every young person who had grown up on her Earth, she had grown up without knowing her real parents. All she knew about them was what she could find in periodicals. And she had had pictures.

The first time she had seen Nick Kinsolving, she had recognized his face. It was the same as the one on the picture she had kept on her nightstand. She loved him the moment she saw him as only a long-lost child can love a long-lost father.

But he wasn't really her father. Her father was Nicholas Arden, and he had died with her mother, Eileen.

And now Nick Kinsolving says that her mother's counterpart is also alive and well, and working at Maggie's Rock, her new home.

She didn't know how she should feel about that. She didn't know what she would do when she faced her.

She shouldn't have told Nick -- Daddy? -- so much about her home universe and her history. Yet, he had asked and at first it seemed only right to tell him.

"Were your parents...special too?" he had asked.

"Mother was," she had said knowing that when he said "special", he meant "super-powered".

"What could she do?"

"She died when I was very young, of course," she answered truthfully, "but I understand she was a 'battery' like me." Which was also the truth. Her mother, Eileen Rose Arden, could absorb and store almost any form of energy and release it with devasting results.

"Did she die when your father did?" he asked, with a wistful look in his eyes.

Blitz could tell he had a romantic notion of her parents dying in each others' arms, loving and affectionate to the end.

"Yes. They died together during the Rikti virus."

She lied.



There was a knock on her door, and Blitz got up to answer it.


It was Nick.


"There is someone who would like to meet you."

Blitz looked past his should to see a tall, striking blonde standing behind him. From the way the woman was biting her lip and avoiding eye contact, Blitz could tell she was nervous.

She also recognized the woman's face.

"Come in," she bade them.

Nick stepped aside and let the woman into the room.

"Rose," he said, "this is Betsy. Betsy, this is Rose, my fiancee."

She smiled at Rose.

"If you don't mind, I'll leave the two of you alone."

The woman spun around and said, "Nick...!"

But Nick just smiled and closed the door as he left.

After a minute of strained silence, Rose said, "He's right. You are beautiful."

Blitz blushed and said, "I had beautiful parents."

Rose laughed, which in turn made Blitz laugh, then they embraced.

For an more than an hour they chatted, Rose telling Blitz about Nick and how complicated he was; about the staff gossip at the Rock and how her boss' ex-girlfriend was working for him and he with a pregnant wife; about Ireland Love's death and resurrection; about her own questionable past and the split that had created two identical people on different sides of the law.

In her turn Blitz told Rose about the Legion of Love and the many times they had saved the Earth from threats both Earth-born and extraterrestrial; about how the United Republics of Earth had given her the Crest of the Order of Bono for her humanitarian efforts after the Missouri quake of 2001. And she told her, as best she could, of how her mother had also been a valiant hero and her father had been a high-level operative in the World Security Agency before they died of the Rikti virus. She told Rose that on her Earth, Nick and Eileen Arden were considered legends for their good deeds and selfless service to the people of the world.

"... and they say they died in each others' arms," she finished.

Blitz and Rose both had tears streaming down their cheeks at the end of the story.

There was time for a little more small talk before Rose excused herself to attend to a previous commitment, then left.

Blitz watched her leave, then returned to her bed.

Truth and lies were funny things. Depending on the circumstances, one could cause as much hurt as the other.

Should she feel guilty for the lies she had just told?

When Nick Kinsolving had told her that her mother's counterpart was employed by the school, she had done some asking around. The giant security guard with the long grizzled beard, had told her about Rose's past; her battle with her "sister", Cracklin' Rosie; and her insecurities concerning her identity.

Rose didn't need to hear the truth: that yes, her father was indeed a high-level security operative, but her mother was something less than heroic. Eileen Arden -- aka the hero known as Bombastic Woman -- was a double agent, a spy for the coming Rikti invaders.

Nick Arden had had to issue the order to arrest his wife, and he had witnessed her execution by atomization.

Blitz flipped open the buckle of her costume's belt and took out a photograph. A beautiful face smiled at her from it. A face that matched that of the woman who had just left the room.

Rose McAden didn't need to hear that she had also had a split persona in that other universe. Blitz had told her the most inspiring lie she could come up with.

It was a lie she had made up to tell herself a long time ago.



Paragon City Dept of Probation office, Kings Row.

The dregs of society sat on a bench outside the office, waiting to check in. Skulls sat next to Hellions, who sat next to Warriors, all of course having stashed their jackets, masks and other things that would identify them as still being in the gang, cause after all that would violate the terms of their probation. They normally avoided each other, but today they sat clustered together as if trying to avoid the notice of the other person sitting on the other end of the bench, a short little sheep hybrid who would be lucky if she weighed 100 pounds sopping wet. It wasn't every day thought Timmy, also known as Marrowsnap, that you see the hero that put you in jail sitting next to you in the probation office .His jaw ached in memory of their last meeting months ago, and he did his best to avoid eye contact.

“NEXT!” barked the voice from inside the office, and to the relief of the thugs Kelly slipped off the bench, polished hooves clip clopping along the worn tile into the Probation officers office. Sighing with relief the hellion next to him shook his head “man, wonder what she's here for?”

Ron Franklin was tired of his job, everyone it seemed who came through here was just going through the motions, not willing to change their ways in the slightest. Some days he wondered why he bothered, it was just a revolving door throwing the scum back out on the streets. He had a couple cases though that did cheer him up, one of them walking into his office. Kelly Lamb probably wouldn't have even gotten probation if Longbow had anything to say about it, but she did plead guilty at her trial for the things she did while she was a villain. Mind control was a legitimate defense, and she could have gotten off, but the sheep hybrid was too honest for her own good sometimes. He smiled as she closed the door behind her, pulling her ever present iPod earphones out. “ Hey Kelly, heard they raised your security level again, congratulations.”

Kelly blushed at that “It no big deal, couldn't let those people be killed by the Silly hats.”

He chuckled “you know every time you call them that , the Circle of Thorn's blood pressure goes up another point.” Looking down at her file he made a note “how's your school coming?”

“Should finish with my GED in another month or so. Not bad for never being taught. There is something I need to ask though.”

“whats that?”

“I need permission to leave town for a couple days.”

He looked up at that. Arachnos had a sizable bounty on head. “the Rogue Isles, some mission there?”

“No, Burbank.”

“you mean, as in California?” He relaxed a bit at that, Arachnos didn't have much of a presence on the west coast “why are you going there?”

She blushed a bit “remember that producer that I recorded that song for? He works with a group that will be on a show there, their normal singer is having a baby, and he recommended me. They gave me plane tickets and everything.”

“Kelly, I don't have to worry about you.” He smiled “just call me when you get there, and each day like normal, and have a good time.”

She nodded and got to her feet “thank you!” she said, turning for the door.

“just one thing.”

“what that?”

“let me know what show and when, so I can set my Tivo to record it.”

She giggled and nodded, waving merrily as she headed out. Putting her folder away, he pulled out the next case, and went back to the scum.



A week ago...

Samantha Budgie, aka Angelflight was trying to concentrate on her new duties in the Youth Police program of the PCPD. She took this new extracurricular activity seriously. She even dressed the way her supervising detective had suggested -- in a manner that would distract and disorient the average thug.

All was going well until the night she met the September Morn. September was a sister to the sisters, and as such, she was an unforseen variable in an already unstable situation.

Budgie flipped out. Inside her, the third sister screamed and begged to be let out so that she could possess September, but Budgie wouldn't let her. She fought her into submission, but in doing so, she lost herself.

The human veneer she had worked so hard to build in her mind was gone. Once again, she was simply an idea, a collection of concepts, a curse spat on the lips of a murderess.

She was the guardian of the sisters. That was her only purpose.

Just as this realization dawned upon her, she began to feel as if one of the Roses was in danger. Not like before when one Rose stole the other Rose. Even if one had killed the other, their souls would have bonded inside the survivor. No, this danger was very real and very imminent.

Rose, the heroic Rose, had gone to Oranbega.

It did not matter that it was another dimesion and another Oranbega. No matter where Oranbega was, it was still a place where one's soul may be stolen and imprisoned.

And make no mistake about it -- the souls of the sisters would make a mage powerful indeed.

So, while she was helpless to follow Rose to that other-dimensional Oranbega, Budgie was waiting for her when she emerged from the portal.

She grabbed Rose and stole her away. She would keep her safe, even if it meant she had to keep her as a prisoner.

For days, she moved Rose from remote location to remote location. One time Nick Kinsolving almost found Rose.

But he didn't.

Two days after she had taken Rose, she went to a food store to purchase the sister some food. A strange man was there.

"My, what a pretty bird you are," he had said.

"I am Budgie." she had said.

"Yes," the man said. "I know who you are, and I know what you are. I've been trying to locate you for... oh... I don't know... a century or so?"

Budgie had looked at the man and tried to remember him. The sister inside her seemed to. She left the store.

She left the store, but she didn't leave the man now. Inside the store a song was playing. The lady in the song sang, "In my heeead, in my heeeeeed; zombie, zombie, zombie."

She knew what the lady was singing about. The man was in her head now.

"Pretty bird," he said.

Two days ago...

Budgie had to leave to a food store and buy Rose more victuals.

It had gotten increasingly hard to keep hidden from both Nick Kinsolving and his friends, and the strange man, Bitner (as he called himself).

When she had finished purchasing food items, Budgie had come back to their hiding place -- on an island near Talos -- to discover that Rose had escaped. Or maybe she had been rescued.

No matter. She had failed to keep Rose protected.

At least the strange man, Bitner, hadn't gotten her. Budgie would know if he had.

He was still in her head.



LAX, Los Angeles, California.

Kelly spent most of the flight pressed against the window. While she could fly herself, 3000 miles would take her a lot longer than flying on Delta, plus whoever got her the ticket was thoughtful enough to tell the airline that she needed a vegetarian meal. It was really neat seeing other parts of the country, she really wanted to go back to that big hole someday, Grand canyon the pilot called it when they flew over it. It was weird as they came into LA seeing a city without war walls surrounding it, though parts of it were still damaged from the Rikti war.

As the plane stopped at the gate she got her carry on, not really having enough to check baggage, wearing a pair of jeans and a blue and white shirt, and her red and yellow scarf. The terminal was packed, making it hard to maneuver through the crowd for someone of her size, her having hooves and ram horns evidently no weirder than anything else in LA. Finally in exasperation she jumped up, hovering over the crowds heads to see which way to go. Ignoring the looks she bypassed the masses heading to baggage claim, scooting overhead.

The driver from NBC held a sign with his passengers name on it. He was told he'd be able to recognize her, boy they weren't kidding he thought as she floated a full 3 feet over everyone else in the mass of humanity coming down the arrival escalators. Ten minutes later they were sitting in traffic on the way to the hotel. Traffic was snarled, up ahead he could see lights from CHP cars, accident or something maybe, the entire highway was stopped. He was pleasantly surprised, unlike many of his passengers she was actually friendly, nor did she want to sit in back with the divider up, instead riding up front with him. She was surprisingly easy to talk to as well, full of questions about the area.

“why is the traffic so bad? Don't they have trams out here?”

“We have a subway, and some rail, but people prefer their cars out here. It's more spread out than on the east coast.”

She thought about that “That's true. Plus you don't have clockwork taking your cars apart at night to make new robots like we do.”

“yeah, for some reason super crime isn't as bad-WOAH!” He ducked reflexively as something from up ahead threw a CHP cruiser, red and blue lights blinking crazily as the car soared overhead, impacting on the side of the road.

Kelly was already out the door “Stay here!” she said as he vainly protested, as she ran to the crumpled wreck. The cruiser was upside down, weak moaning coming from inside it. Reaching down she grabbed the frame, using that as a handle as she pulled it over on it's side, then on the wheels, setting it down gently. Ripping the roof off she found an unconscious trooper, one hand still clutching the radio microphone. As bystanders gathered round one wearing a hospital badge started checking on the injured officer. Narrowing her eyes she leapt into the air, the little lamb starting to glow visibly as she sped towards the commotion ahead.

Khem-Set was angry. Simple job, drive a truck of Dyne to LA, pick up a fat wad of cash, party hearty. But no..they got stopped for speeding, and the driver, a new kid who hadn't earned his metal yet (making it easy to blend in on the trip here while the rest rode in the trailer) got spooked when the cop approached and shot him. No matter, unlike back east, there weren't heroes covering every square inch of this city, so he and his crew didn't have to worry about real opposition. Bullets fired by the panicked cops bounced off of the freakshow tanks armor, his juicers and shockers making short work of the unlucky cops who stopped their truck.

Still, this was beautiful carnage, and it was even on film, news choppers circling the area. Tossing a CHP motorcycle at one he smirked as they darted clear. Nothing the California cops had could stop them! He'd have to suggest maybe moving operations west might not be a bad idea when he got back. They were about ready to get the truck moving when one of the enforcers yelled “#$% me! Cape inbou-”the last of his sentence was cut off with a thud as Kelly hit him so hard he went through the trailer, leaving a freak shaped hole in the side.

With a crunch and acrid smell Khem-Set knew of course he landed on the Dyne...close to a million dollars of the stuff. Turning he didn't see at first who had hit Lam3r, then looked down and blinked.

“aren't you a bit far from your scrapheap?” taunted Kelly. Freaks, she had enough problems with these back home. Khem-Set growled and raised one of his massive hammers, the tank charging “Take her down!”

She just smiled, and hit play on her iPod. As the freaks advanced she started singing, all the while shrugging off massive blows that should by all rights have drove her into the ground like a tent peg. {oh yeah, it was like lightening, everybody was frightening, and the music was soothing, and they all started grooving} She dodged a tesla cage from one of his stunner chiefs, then let fly a blow that knocked poor Hohmer out {and the man at the back said everyone attack, and it turned into a ballroom blitz}

Khem-Set didn't' know what annoyed him most, the fact that the little sheep was hitting through armor plate like it was tin foil, or her cheerful singing along with her music. He was down to one juicer and himself, the juicer tried to get some altitude to get her from above, but she simply flew up and literally swatted him out of the sky. “Dreck ain't paying me enough for this job” he thought as he turned, hoping he could grab a hostage or something in one of the cars.

As he started to run Kelly reached down and picked up a chunk of concrete from a broken slab, hurling it at the fleeing tank {And the girl in the corner said boy I'm gonna warn ya it'll turn into a barroom blitz, barroom blitz} The chunk hit Khem-Set right in the back of the noggin, leaving him splayed out unconscious on the hood of some poor couples Toyota Prius.

It took another hour to get out of there, after giving statements to the police, and waiting for something capable of holding the freaks. Fortunately despite the destruction no one was too seriously hurt, the worst being the cop in the cruiser that was thrown. Unlike Paragon City, the media wasn't used to things like this, and were almost in a frenzy wanting to talk to her. She answered as many of her questions as she could until her driver reminded her she had a deadline. With that she gave a wave and climbed back into the car, heading off for the studio.



Later that evening.

Kelly was nervous. She'd rehearsed the song they wanted her to do several times, but she didn't really realize what a big deal it was until after she called Paragon City to tell folks she made it here alright. The story of what she did on the 405 had made CNN, super powered battles were relatively rare in LA (while in Paragon City, they were more covered as a delay on peoples commutes) The host of the show was really friendly, and asked if after the group did their song if he could interview her. She asked them, after all they did invite her out and she didn't want to intrude, but they thought it was a wonderful idea. So there she was in a makeup chair backstage on the Tonight Show, more terrified than the time Emperor Xanatos drug her along when he met with Lord Recluse back when she was just Lambchop. Taking a deep breath, she tried to relax. After all , they liked her singing enough to fly her all the way out here to fill in, and they were nice people. Just do like she did in rehearsal and it will be fine.
She didn't even know why they had to put makeup on her, she'd never worn it before, though three of the band had it worse than her, wearing blue greasepaint totally covering their faces, all dressed in identical grey jumpsuits. One of them tried to get her to relax, smearing a bit of blue on her nose. That got a giggle out of her, and an annoyed glare from the makeup artist who cleaned it off. “Five Minutes” came the producer, and then it was time.

The lights came on again signifying the end of the commercial break Jay Leno stood on stage as the red light went back on the cameras “We haven't had them here since back in 99, and they've really been on a roll since then. With shows in New York, Chicago, and now Vegas, plus two record selling Albums , and their How to be a Megastar tour they've been painting the town, well, blue. Ladies and genetlemen, Blue Man Group!”

the cameras switched as the curtain went up on the other part of the stage, as the band started their intro. It was the full set from their tour, complete with the drum wall and the screen overhead. As the intro went on the screen and over the speakers said “Rock Concert movement number 14. Bring out a suprise guest singer. Miss Kelly Lamb”

That was her cue. With one of the blue men escorting her she stepped on stage as he led her to the microphone. Just like they rehearsed, it was set several feet above her head. He comicly tried to bend it lower, then she just shrugged and hoverd up in reach of it, then started singing.

“All I see is not for me.
What I want you have not got.

Tried to use things you sold me, no matter what the cost
Tried to go the way you told me, but each time, I got lost
The stairs didn’t lead me anywhere!”

They were right, it was easier than she thought it would be. The lights made it hard to see the crowd, or the cameras. it was just her and the musicians as far as she could tell.

“I’m taking the fire escape up to the roof.
Don’t care if it’s not the way you find the truth.
Time to make this right: to rise above.”

Back in Paragon City the main base of the Defenders of Paragon was packed. Not for a meeting or an emergency..just because the wall monitor was the biggest screen they had. They sat in front of the montior, watching their teammate on national TV. “hope someone's recording this, she's pretty good” said Kozzma quietly as he watched.

“This room and all of you
Who say I should do like you would”

(not that she did what I said really) thought a very angry man. Emperor Xanatos had been randomly looking through the channels, finding his ex-lackey on national television. He unconciously rubbed the side of his jaw, rembering their last meeting in Sirens Call, where she had made it clear she was not a tool to be used anymore. This was live, but California was too far to get there fast enough. Still, he'd let this go too long...

“Tried to live the life you sold me, no matter what the cost.
Tried to walk the way you told me, but each time I got lost
The stairs didn’t lead me anywhere!”

Other eyes watched as well, in the Rogue Isles, technicians who routinely monitored mainland broadcasts for any mentions of the so called 'heroes' on Lord Recluses watch list recorded the performance. Luckily one thought their dread Lord wasn't watching this, he prefrered Letterman, though he would be angry enough when he saw the recording of the defector. One of them shuddered a bit at the thought, Lord Recluse was annoyed enough lately, she had a pretty voice, but he'd probably raise the price on her head so far after this both villians and her fellow heroes would hunt her down.

“I’m taking the fire escape up to the roof.
Don’t care if it’s not the way you find the truth
And when I get up that high, I don’t know what I’ll find
But I’d rather look at the sky than wonder why I let you take my time
Time to make this right: to rise above.”

As the music picked up she detached the mic from the stand and flew higher into the air, they had already planned that part and had cameras at the perfect angle as she hovered in front of the screen, close up shots of the Blue men playing behind her. It was not everyday they had a guest singer who could fly After all, might as well use it to it's full effect.

“I’m taking the fire escape up to the roof.
Don’t care if it’s not the way you find the truth
And when I get up that high, I don’t know what I’ll find
But I’d rather look at the sky than wonder why I let you take my time.
Time to make this right: to rise above.
Time to make this right: to rise above”

The song ended , and Kelly lightly landed on the stage, blushing at the cheers from the audience. The host was back on camera “We'll be right back after these messages” as they cut to a commerical.

((music, Blue Man Group, the Complex, Up to the Roof))



Tessarae had found Rose. It had been as simple as that. Budgie had been unable to protect her. A woman with psychic abilities had tracked them down. No doubt the strange man could too.

Budgie had reached a decision.

Days after Rose was taken from her protection, Budgie met in the high places in the Hollows with Nick Kinsolving. As always, he had questions to which she had no answers.

Kinsolving's questions were moot at this point. She had failed -- at least in this form -- to protect the sisters. The third sister was still in her care, but fought to escape, and with an incarnate now available, it was all Budgie could do to keep her restrained.

So when Kinsolving arrived with his questions, Budgie decided she needed his help in protecting the sisters. She took to the sky and let go of the form she now wore...

Nick Kinsolving watched as Samantha Budgie became a dot in the sky. The girl infuriated him at times with her enigmatic statements and erractic behavior, but right now, he was worried about her. She had abducted Rose for no discernable reason other than to "protect the sisters", and had babbled about some strange man invading her mind.

If someone was invading her psychically, she needed to come with him -- there were people who could help her at the school. But she refused, and now she was fleeing him yet again.

Then suddenly, as he watched, the dot that was Budgie flashed like a spark, and, for a moment disappeared. Then the dot began to grow. Was she falling back to earth?

Kinsolving didn't know what had happened, but he braced himself. He had no way of knowing if she could survive such a fall.

Soon though, he realized it wasn't the winged girl who was falling. It was a book. He stepped aside as it slammed into the ground, and then he stooped to pick it up.

He tucked it into his jacket without taking a look at the title. He knew what it was...

The Song of Cassilda and Other Poems



((Just a bump.))



When you've done the things I've done for as long as I've done them, you can't help but begin to wonder if there's anything left of your soul to salvage.

There was a time when I would not have thought such things - not that I wouldn't have dared, they simply wouldn't have even entered my mind. I had a mission, a purpose, a calling. I knew who I was and I was content with that.

That was before I died.

Now, I stand here, naked before the mirror and, for the first time, I don't recognize the woman standing before me. All my eyes see is a complete stranger.

I can't decide if I think that's a good thing or not.

Why is it so hard to look at her?

I see a shapely body - athletic, perhaps even comely to some. But the scars...years of dedication to the war has allowed the darkness to leave its marks upon my flesh.

I trace them with my fingertips...these reminders of my own mortality.

Bone replaced by metal. Organs no longer of flesh and blood. How much of that which once made me human still remains?

My thoughts drift from the woman in the mirror to the one who will be at my doorstep soon.

How can she find this beautiful?

Is it love, as she claims? Or the nature of her obsession?

The stranger in the mirror suddenly becomes three.

The Ascetic: "It is a violation of your vows to do this with a man, let alone with a woman. Why, the mere thought alone is sinful."

The Warrior: "One must do what one must to ensure loyalty from her troops. You must allow her to have what she wants, or she'll become discontent and abandon your cause."

The Woman: "Perhaps it's past time to let someone into the fortress surrounding your heart."



Myriad rivers, branching out, but all stemming from the same source.

A quiet knock on the door of my sanctum causes the reflections to go quiet. They all look to one another, then to the door, then to me.

Their silent eyes ask the question I do not dare...

Which one shall I listen to?



((Another bump. ))



(( Bumpy thread...*Gets iron* ))



((And just to remind peeps what this thread is for...

It's a place for stories about your character's home life. Or maybe lack thereof.

Explore relationships. Present vignettes of daily life. That kind of thing. We're not looking for big rp plots or plot-driven stories. It's just a way to let others -- and yourself -- get to know your character(s) a little better.))



((Peggy Kirby's/Ireland Love's player has been so good to me about letting me write about her characters. She also has been good at giving me ideas and suggestions. I was supposed to start posting this April Fool's Day, but I kinda dropped the ball on it. Anyway, Maggie, I hope you like this...))

Roy Kirby mowed through the Malta operatives like a Toro Z500 with titanium blades. He moved with un-HEROID-like grace as he dispatched the “sapper” first, then turned his attention to the man in black who was barking orders. That guy quit barking pretty quickly. Two gunslingers were firing round after round of explosive-tipped, armor penetrating bullets at him, but for all the damage they did to Roy’s alloy body they might as well have been shooting him with spit-wads.

He felt unstoppable. He might not have been ten feet tall, but he was bulletproof and for once in his life he was ecstatically happy. He and Peggy had experienced the morning sickness, the Lamaze classes, the painting and decorating of the nursery -- all of the hardships and joys that an expecting couple can share. Plus there were all sorts of unusual complications along the way. This was, after all, Paragon City.

As Roy thought of the impending birth of the twins, he realized he needed to return his focus to the battle at hand..

The only real threat at the present was the Zeus Class Titan. Before Roy had a chance to put out his lights, the operations officer had managed to have the Titan dispatched to the battle-scene . It was almost within missile-firing range. Roy would have to finish off all of these other distractions before the real fight got started.

The two gunslingers smiled as the Titan got closer, and Roy knew they were about to beat a hasty retreat. Just as they turned to run, Roy jumped and landed with a street-busting thud between them, the shockwave of which put them both on their posteriors with their guns dislodged from their hands and laying just out of reach. Roy scooped up the two “cowboys” and threw them at the oncoming Titan. To say that the gunslingers were surprised would be an understatement.

The Zeus Class Titan had already begun its launch sequence, but with two new objects flying toward it, the big machine had to re-evalutate the situation. It was still trying to decide whether the flying Maltas were friend or foe when a streetlamp post whizzed past them, straight into the Titan's missle magazine. The gunslingers impacted the front of the robot just after.

A loud buzzing sound told Roy he had acheived success as the Titan's launch sequence finally activated, but with Roy's projectile jamming the missle loading mechanism, the missles would go "live" without ever being fired.

The gunslingers scrambled to their feet and limped away as quickly as they could.

Roy couldn't just let the Titan explode on the street, so in one surprisingly fast motion, he leapt to it, wrapped his arms around one of its massive legs, then jumped, as hard and as high as he could. As he and his payload cleared the top of the nearby buildings, Roy hoped that the leap had been well-timed. It would be painfully embarassing if the thing didn't go off until after he was already on his descent -- or worse, until after he had landed.


At the apex of the jump the missle detonated. The other missles in the magazine exploded with it. People on the street below "oooed" and "aaahed" at the display. People in the nearby buildings watched, then ducked as the windows of their offices bowed and shook. Only a handful were shattered, and even at that, no one was injured.

When Roy landed on his big rubber-bottomed feet, he was greeted with loud applause by onlookers, both the civilians and those in capes. Humility prevented him from taking a bow. Instead he just issued a deep-voiced, "Aww... geez... I really didn't do that much, but thanks, people."

The first day of April wasn't starting out too badly at all.

After the crowd dissipated, Roy decided to head back to King's Row and check in with the Tyler situation before heading home to his lovely wife, and very soon to be mother of his twins, Peggy.

He was in the air, heading for the Peregrine Island ferry, when he heard two voices: The first was an excited Maggie Love, she was on the Other Guys' comm channel frantically saying, "Roy? Are ye out there? Roy? Ye better bloody answer me!"

"Yeah, Maggie?" he said as he his leap carried him out over the bay toward the ferry.

"Ye need t' hurry on o'er here t' Chiron Medical Center. Peggy's in labor!"

He was descending again now, toward a rocky outcrop, which, when he kicked off from it in another leap, would get him to the ferry.

"B-but," he stammered, "She ain't due fer another couple weeks!"

"Well, tell tha' t' th' wee ones, ye big galoot! Just hurry! Ye promised ye'd be wi' her fer th' birthin'!"

"Just... stay with 'er, would ya Maggie?" he said as he feet touched down on the rocks, "I'll be there direc'ly."

Then he heard the second voice. It wasn't on his comm, nor was it coming through his audio receptors. This voice was internal, a digitized "systems" voice, built into his robot body. Generally he ignored these voices because they usually stated the obvious like, "Pressure is exceeding recommended psi," or, "Lifting capacity has been exceeded." This one bothered him though, because he hadn't heard it in a long, long, long time. Not since Purple Nebula had created his nearly limitless power crystal, the power source for his robot body.

The digitized voice said, "Warning: Batteries are extremely low. Shutdown imminent. Recharge is recommended immediately."

This took Roy by surprise, seeing as how he no longer ran on batteries. The closest thing he had now were the capacitors used to regulate the infinite flow of energy from the gem in his chest. If the energy supply was cut off then his capacitors would hold enough power for an emergency shutdown. But the jewel in his chest…

Roy looked down. The gem was gone. No doubt the explosion of the Titan robot had dislodged it.

No problem, he thought, I'll just change ta human form so I can go back an' find it.

Which is exactly what he did. But that changed his weight from well over 900 pounds to a much lighter 295 pounds, which affected the arc of the leap he was now in the middle of.

Roy Kirby braced himself for the impact. He wasn't going to land near the ferry where he had intended, and his body was tumbling head over heels, so that, even though he tried to twist around to land on his feet, he had no way of guaranteeing that he would do so. When he landed, he landed headfirst on the top of the ferry. He was out cold.



Maggie Love sat in the waiting room outside the Birth Center at Chiron Medical Center in Atlas Park. Every time the elevators’ doors opened, she waited to see Roy step out, and every time, so far, she had been disappointed. She tossed the magazine that lay unopened on her lap back onto the table it had come from and activated her comm..


“Mom?” The voice was just beginning to crack and deepen from a boy’s to that of a young man.

Maggie sighed. Only a few weeks ago, he would have called her “Mommy”, not “Mom”.

“Ben, coul’ ye’ d’ me a fav’r?”

“Sure! Whatcha need?”

“Ben, I need ye t’ go t’ th’ Other Guys’ Base-ment an’ see if ye kin find yer da’ on their GPS system.”

“That only works when he’s a robot.”

“I know, darlin’.” Maggie’s tone was calm, but inside her nerves were fairly percolating.

Roy Kirby was one of her best and closest friends, but he had a mean and selfish streak in him that had many times tested that friendship. If he let Peggy down today of all days…

“Ms. Love?”

Maggie looked up. A young male nurse with a head full of red hair stood in the waiting room’s doorway. “Aye?” she replied.

“Mrs. Kirby is prepped and ready. She’s asking for you.”

Maggie sighed and followed him.

Roy, ye better git yer sorry carcass down here quick.



The haze lifted slowly. Did he make it? Was he at the hospital? How long had he been out.

"Well, well," said a new voice from the lifting fog. "Look what the cat
dragged in!"

From somewhere nearby, something made a sound that started in a "mew" but ended in a "rrrooowwrr".

Roy tried to move his hands, but it seemed they were restrained behind his back. He squeezed his eyes shut hard, then opened them to clear his vision. He was in a small cinder-block room with a dirt floor. Directly in front of him, the head of a grey tabby cat sat squarely on the body of a Fake Nemesis. It did the "mewwwrrrowwrr!" noise again for his benefit.

"Down, Tigg," the first voice said, and the bizarre cat-headed creature backed away and sat down heavily on the floor.

Roy looked at its master, who looked a little like a Freak, and a little like something Dr. Vahzilok might put together with his eyes closed with some spare parts provided by Crey thrown in for good measure.. Whoever it was had the head and most of the torso of a large, muscular man, but that was all the human there was to him. The lower torso was a large ball joint that let the strange man turn a complete circle at the waist. The arms were mechanical and ended with hand-like claws. His forearms looked like twin Gattling guns with the barrels around his wrists, and from his shoulders protruded wicked looking blades. The man's legs looked as if they were straight off of that Titan Roy had dispatched earlier, except smaller.

"I hardly recognized you," the bizarre stranger said, "You've changed a lot in the past two years.”

"Well," Roy replied, his every word bouncing around painfully in his own head, "I don't remember you at all, so we're even."

The stranger shook his head. "Forgotten us so soon? Too bad.”

“Fergot, hell, pal, I ain’t never met ya.”

The stranger loomed over him. “And I see you had all of your ‘improvements’ removed.”

Roy was confused. He had no idea what this freak was talking about.

“Myself? I got major improvements. I went to the Rogue Isles looking for you. Hooked up with some people there. Wound up spending a couple years in the employ of Lord Recluse.”

“Fella, I ain’t got no idea what yer talkin’ about…”

A metal hand came down hard across Roy’s face.

“Don’t you act like you don’t remember! You abandoned us! You disappeared after that Pizzabot and his purple girlfriend beat you and stole the baby-freak!”

Suddenly, it made sense to Roy. This guy thought he was his clone, former rogue Freakshow lieutenant, Zzythe. But Zzythe was dead, killed by a virus designed to kill any one with the same DNA as Roy..

“Listen… I ain’t who ya think I am…”

“Shut up! Do you think it was easy to come back and try to start over? To try to get back into Dreck's good graces? Hell no!"

The metal hand came down hard across Roy's face again.

The crazed Freak continued. "Dreck wouldn't take none of us back. Anybody who was in the Zythe Posse was declared an outlaw and hunted down. Dreck had the Zeepee hunted down like we were dogs. If not for your former connections at Crey Industries, I would have been cut down also, but thanks to them, I have new augmentations, and a new purpose -- a purpose I will begin as soon as I kill you!"

"Look, I'm tryin' ta tell y --"

The metal hand hit Roy again and this time the taste of blood filled his mouth. He caught his breath and spit out a few teeth then said, "That's the last time you'll hit anybody with that hand."

The Freak raised his fist.

He had had enough. Without effort, Roy broke his bonds and stood. He grabbed the raised mechanical arm and ripped it from the Freak's body.

The Freak screamed more in anger than in pain and brought up his other arm. Roy could hear whatever type of weapon was built into that arm begin to charge up for business. He quickly clasped both hands around the gun-barrel-wrist and squeezed with all of this superhuman strength, then he jumped back just as the weapon fired.

The blast backed up and destroyed the Freak's remaining arm, leaving him writhing on the floor. Roy knelt down beside him.

"I tried ta tell ya, I ain't Zzythe. I'm th' guy he wuz cloned from an' even when I ain't in robot form, I'm still strong as the eldritch gods of chaos..."

Roy stopped there. Something didn't sound right.

"That is ta say," he tried again, "I'm super strong even when I'm housed in this weak husk of mortal flesh."

The Freak was looking up as if Roy had gone insane. The expression perturbed Roy and he wanted more than anything to kill the man and grind his soul to dust...

Quickly, he tagged the man for teleport to the Zig's infirmary, then he sat in the cinder-block room alone.

Somethin' definitely ain't right, he thought to himself.

Yes, but things are about to be put to right, his self thought back.

Roy found himself involuntarily changing forms into something not quite human.



((Yeah, for a moment I was thinking...."Bwah...Roy doesn't talk like that." ))

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



“This is your first time having a baby?” the maternity nurse asked.

Peggy nodded.

“Well, usually the first birth goes slowly -- especially with twins -- so try not to use up all of your strength in the beginning stages.”

Peggy nodded again. She desperately wanted Tess. Tess was supposed to midwife her, but Tess was still gone and wouldn’t be back for another week. Peggy wasn’t supposed to be due for another two weeks.

A doctor walked into the birthing room and he was followed by another nurse. The nurse pushed a tray with several instruments on it. Among them was a razor. The doctor stepped to the foot of the bed Peggy lay on and picked up the clipboard with her chart on it. The nurse who had followed him in lifted Peggy’s gown up to her waist and started messing around where nobody was supposed to mess around without asking express permission first.

Peggy closed her eyes as she felt the blush rise in her neck and cheeks.

“Well, Mrs. Kirby, how are we coming along?”

Peggy opened her mouth to answer, but the maternity nurse spoke up. “Very well,” she said, then went into how far apart the contractions were now and how many centimeters she was dilated. Peggy kept her eyes shut while they spoke. She might as well have not been in the room. The only person really paying any attention to her was the nurse with the razor.

Then finally, a familiar voice: “Peggy? How’re ye doin’?”

Though it embarrassed her all the more for Maggie to see her with her feet in stirrups and her bottom exposed, she was very glad to have someone in the room who was a friend and would treat her like a person. She opened her eyes and gave Maggie a red-faced smile.

“Is… Roy here?” she asked.

Maggie smiled but shook her head. “Dunna worry, darlin’. He’ll be here ‘fore yer babes ‘re born.”

Peggy nodded slightly and closed her eyes again. Tears began to well in her eyes as the doctor and nurses continued getting ready for the delivery. When Maggie gave her a hand to hold, Peggy squeezed it and didn’t let go.



“All right!”

Yspwth stepped through the ornately decorated arch of the doorway and into a torch lit room dominated by a large, intricately carved, rune-covered table with a green-glowing brazier in its center and a dozen or so finely crafted chairs arranged around it. The chairs were filled by robed men, some wearing hoods, some with shaven heads, and one – obviously a senior mage – wearing a tall, ostentatiously appointed hat.

The mages turned to look at Ypswth. They did not look upon him with approval. To barge into a gathering of the Oranbega Council in such a manner was unforgivable.

“I mean… er… By the Hoary Hosts!” he said, correcting himself.

The senior mage of the group asked, “What are you expressing such elation over, acolyte Ypswth?”

Ypswth reached into his robe and pulled forth a large green gem. He offered it to his superior for inspection.

“Where did you find this?” the senior mage asked.

“It fell from the sky in Peregrine Island and hit me on the head. I thought it was quite omenistic… omenish… omenly… portentious.”

“Ah. Perhaps.” The senior mage looked closely at the gem. “And this is a… what?”

“It’s a sentient gem. A universe gem. A power crystal. Take your pick.”

The senior mage looked at Ypswth skeptically. “And you know this… how?”

Ypswth dropped his eyes so that he would not be looking into his superior’s, and replied, “Because… I have seen these before. On two occasions I have encountered these crystals; the first time was before I was part of the Circle, when I worked at Portal Corp. It was the summer after my freshman year at college, and I was an intern. A young woman named Mala McFey suddenly appeared from a portal with one of these in her possession. She claimed to have been inside the gem – in the universe inside the gem – and upon a brief scan analysis of it, I came to believe her.”

“I do not understand…”

“Inside this jewel is untapped, infinite power. Inside this jewel is… another universe.” Ypswth nodded his head for emphasis.

The senior mage turned the large green gem over and over in his hands. He studied it. He held it up so that he could look at the light glitter on its facets. “Balderdash,” he said. Then he casually tossed it into a large ceramic urn across the room. One of the other mages was heard to say, “Three points.”

“But…” Ypswth began.

“It is an eye-catcher. A trinket. I saw no ‘universe’ inside it. It will go to the Temple Embellishment committee for their consideration.”


“Enough! We have more important matters to attend to.” The senior mage turned to another of the younger, less experienced mages. “Sasathba, I understand you have something of interest for us?”

Sasathba approached the senior mage. He reached into his robe and pulled several pieces of what looked to be an ornately carved, stone wheel. Everyone – including Ypswth – gasped as soon as they saw it.

“I,” Sasathba announced, pleased at the reaction, “Have before you all of the pieces of the Wheel of Destruction!”

He placed the pieces on the table where the senior mage opened a bottle of Super-Glue and began fitting them together.

Inside the urn, the large green gem began to glow.




People on the streets of Talos Island turned to see what had made that horrible sound, and upon discovering the source of the anguished roar, they immediately ran in the opposite direction.

The thing was eight feet tall and solid black, with brimstones for eyes and a circle of horns around its head. Where it stepped whole trees withered and buildings began to crumble. It seemed to be fighting – with itself.

“Give way to me mortal!” the thing shouted in a deep, gruff voice.

The same voice replied, “Ain’t gonna happen, pal!”

Then the creature’s spiked fist flew up and punched itself in the face.

“Ow! Geez! That hurt!”

“You can’t stand the pain? Ha! Then have another!”

And the fist flew up again.

“Dammit! I’m gonna git ya fer that one!”

The thing suddenly ran headfirst into a brick wall.

“How’d ya like them apples?”

“Oh! I loooooved them apples!”

“Then this’s really gonna tickle yer dinglies!”

The creature suddenly leapt up onto the elevated rail of the Paragon City Transit Line, into the path of an oncoming train. The speeding train hit it and sent it flying back down to the street directly in front of a delivery truck. After a thump-thump the creature lay still for several seconds before it stirred, getting back up on its feet.

The thing stood in the middle of the road for a moment, shaking its head as if it was trying to hear if something was loose in there. Then it took a deep breath.

“I don’t hear ya in there pal,” the thing said quietly.

There was no reply to that.

“Heh! Good! I won!”

“Hardly,” the thing said, and then it leapt.

“Where’re we goin’?”

“What? You don’t like surprises, mortal?”

The dark creature went up in an arc and came down straight toward a high-tension electrical tower.

“Whooooa!” the thing said and began flailing as if doing so would halt its momentum. It did not.


For the second time today, Roy Kirby felt himself sink into unconsciousness.



“You have to work with us, now, Mrs. Kirby…”

“Aye, Peggy, ye mus’ start pushin’…”

Peggy Kirby held her breath against the contractions and shook her head. The whole time they had been married, she had heard her husband’s friends talk about him like he was some sort of irresponsible buffoon. Maybe he had made mistakes. Maybe he had let people down. But every promise he had made to her he had kept.

“Mrs. Kirby, please, you’re only hurting yourself and possibly your babies…”

“Please, Peggy… ye have t’ do this wi’out ‘im…”

Peggy took a deep breath. The next contraction would be coming. She was nearly exhausted. She didn’t wanted Roy, but he wasn’t here, and it had been hours since he had told Maggie he was on his way. He wouldn’t do this. Not to her. Something had to be wrong.

Please, God, watch over my husband. Let him get here before…

Peggy felt the contraction begin.

The doctor said, “Come on, Mrs. Kirby, be strong. Show us what you can do.”

Peggy concentrated, let all her worries go, and focused on the moment.

That’s when things in the room started floating.



Ypswth was the first one to notice a new presence. It was the smell of sulfur suddenly in the room that gave it away. He turned around to see its source, and when he screamed, the others screamed too.

A demon had materialized in the room.

"Sasathba, what have you done!?" shouted the senior mage.

"I- I don't know!" Sasathba replied, his voice still at the level of a scream.

"Well... here!" the senior mage said as with all haste he passed the reassembled Wheel of Destruction to Sasathba.

The passing of the Wheel drew the demon's attention. "Ah! Oranbega," said the creature, "where my minion reign supreme!" Then he looked down at the assembled Wheel. "You have done well for me, your master, the Lord of Chaos, Destroyer."

Sasathba was still in panic mode, but the compliment stroked his ego enough for him to say, "I thank you, my Lord." Then he bowed.

"You shall be the first I shall consume into the Chaos," Destroyer told him.

Sabathsba soiled his pants.

Then a deep, gruff voice said, "Not if I can help it -- An' I can!"

In the blink of an eye, the demon had grown a second head -- metallic and red -- on its right shoulder.

"I thought I had finished you!"

"Nah. Ya just put me down fer a nap. I'm all rested now!"

With that the creature began to pummel itself again.

The mages scattered, hiding in the corners of the room and under the large table. The demon head and the robot head continued arguing as they rolled and wrestled. The thing's body smashed against the wall and the carved stone veneer crumbled down to reveal the common white sheet rock beneath.

This startled the demon head. For a moment the fighting stopped.

Through the arched doorway came another voice. It said, "William Ridley Conover! What's going on down there?"

The senior mage ran through the doorway and up the stairs beyond it to a plain, white door with a plain brass doorknob.

"Uh... nothing, Mom," the senior mage said through the closed door. "Uh... some of our rp props fell and uh... we have to clean it up!"

"Well, you'd better not make a mess down there. Lord knows why I let you have the basement room to play in anyway..."

When her footsteps faded away, the senior mage looked down at Roger "Sabasthba" Driscoll and said, "Maaaan! You didn't tell me it was the real deal!"

"I didn't know!" Roger protested. "I just saw some lady come out of city hall and she dropped it on the sidewalk!"

"That's my Azuria," the robot head said. Then it asked, "Hey, hell-breath, are ya a righty 'r a lefty?"

"What?" the demon head asked in reply.

"Are ya a righty 'r a lefty?"

"Er... I don't... er..."

"Nevermind. I'm a righty."

The creature's right arm suddenly turned metallic and then it crossed over its body and punched the demon head square in the nose. The creature flew across the room and crashed into the urn wherein lay the green jewel.

"Hey!" the robot head said, "My gem!"

He picked it up from the shards of the urn and held it to his chest. It seemed to plant itself there and then gradually, its green glow covered all of the creature's body until the assembled "mages" were blinded by its brilliance. When the glow faded, before them stood the robotic superhero, HEROID.

"I ain't gonna ask ya kids what ya wuz doin' with this," he said as he towered over them, "but next time ya find somethin' that b'longs ta somebody else, ya need ta do yer best ta git it back ta 'em."

The teenagers nodded.

"All right then... Uh... I'll find my own way out."

And with that, HEROID ducked under the archway and went up the steps and out into the Conover house.

Then Jimmy "Ypswth" Jackson realized that something was left behind.

He grabbed the Wheel of Destruction out of Roger's hand and ran after HEROID. When HEROID got outside and with a mighty leap took to the sky, Roger was elated to find that he could too. Maybe it had something to do with that Lord Destroyer dude's voice being in his head.



((See? Jack Chick was so right about DnD!))

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.