What is the Origin of the Term, "Nerf"?

Abigail Frost



At the risk of being cynical. What difference does it make what they call it? Corporate america has this bizzarre disease where they think they can couch things in creative language to make them "right-sized", "happy-sized"; well, not literally. Frankly, I would have more respect for Posi if he would just call a spade, a spade.

I'll admit, I regularly search on him and States. I'm kinda hoping for some announcements of change; and I was more then a little bit surprised he matched on this thread. I didn't think the devs would touch this with a ten-foot pole.



Is Castle's sig quoting everyone's favourite robotic assassin from KOTOR?

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From KOTOR2, and I think it was one of the other HK models, but yeah.

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I just finished playing it again. I love the game.

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I'd probably love KOTOR2 too if it weren't for the fact that one of my CDs doesn't want to be read any more so I can't re-install it. :sob:



Is Castle's sig quoting everyone's favourite robotic assassin from KOTOR?

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From KOTOR2, and I think it was one of the other HK models, but yeah.

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I just finished playing it again. I love the game.

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I'd probably love KOTOR2 too if it weren't for the fact that one of my CDs doesn't want to be read any more so I can't re-install it. :sob:

[/ QUOTE ] Just gonna hoplessly hype that the Kotor2 Restoration project SHOULD be done soon. :-"

By the catapillars hooka you WILL smile!