Champion's Movie Theatre




Being an industrial nation with the closest proximity to the current super power in the world means that our culture is heavly impacted by yours. This movie (read:ad) is about "fixing" some of the generalizations about Canada that we see every day in the tv/radio/print that we get from your country.

And the point about us speaking English and French is not to point out we are bilingual (Im not) but more to point out the idiocy of calling English "American"

[/ QUOTE ]

There's something wholly ironic about a Canadian refuting stereotypes Americans may hold and then add one about Americans themselves.

Please note, anyone saying they speak "American" is a dolt. It's generally a joke Americans use when referring to the worst parts of our population, such as the international phenomena known as "Ugly Americans." For some reason "Ugly Americans" are more traveled yet far less intelligent than your average American.

Now, being from Michigan I can tell you my stereotype of Canadians is a bunch of nitwits who speed, swerve, and break all the traffic laws because they simply drive home and ignore it when we send them tickets. Also, Canadians in Windsor and Sarnia *do* say a-boot. The Canadians in Montreal also say things but I don't listen because it's all in French.

Also, being from Michigan, we know for a fact Canada is NOT number one in hockey (and hasn't been since 1993). The Red Wings are. This means a primarily foreign team based in Detroit pwnz joo. This could definitely be used as a model for most U.S. relations - import a bunch of good things, craft them together into a single GREAT thing, and unleash it upon the world whether they like it or not, usually to increase our level of win.

America, [censored] YEAH!



All I can say my Dear.. is that we Canadians torched your White House and our National Igloo still stands unmelted.

Global @Gender Poison
Imagine your RL Mug on your COH Mug on your Coffee Mug



Already bought it.

[Team] Nicholas Flamel: i turned my mircrowave on
[Team] Nicholas Flamel: it took me out like a sausage
Blueskin, Inc. ~ Champion
Nites of Darkness ~ Pinnacle



All I can say my Dear.. is that we Canadians torched your White House and our National Igloo still stands unmelted.

[/ QUOTE ]

That was the British.


Also on Steam



I'm stumped.. how'd they get the floating floor with telepads waaay up there?

Global @Gender Poison
Imagine your RL Mug on your COH Mug on your Coffee Mug



I just learned how to do the "floating" myself, i will tell you after doing some "floating" work for Omega Directive, I have a lot of respect for those who try this and manage to produce good work with it.

Meltdown Rad/Rad/Mu Corrupter
Badges Earned



Think of the hours of time i could waste re-editing the Coven for the umpteenth time!!!

Global @Gender Poison
Imagine your RL Mug on your COH Mug on your Coffee Mug



its weird, for me not only is the video player being unresponsive but most of the links don't register as links



yeah i think my version of IE is pretty old



thx ash...i upgraded and the site works for me now