The Kinetic Secondary & You.
Very nice guide. I just rolled up a rad/kin last night, and boy is he fun! Siphon Power + Irradiate ftw! I also find it to be a very good combo, as all the -def of Rad/* allows me to hit with the */Kin powers a lot more often. Seems like it's going to be a very good buff/debuff/kill everything toon.
Holy mother... you nailed that guide man. WOW! My main toon a lvl 35 Illusion/Kin, with the leadership powerpool atm, only Tactics and Menuvers but soon to get assault also, with the leadership always on and my invis always on, alone with my acrobatics and combat jumping (or even my SJ) during a battle and i still never need to worry about End... my Build is one of a kind though because of your guide I think i'm going to possibly get Repel... Mainly if not only for concept and PvP being that how can a stalker hit you with a melle based AS if they can't get within a 7ft range ^_^ I mean man... you wrote up one hell of a guide *saves it to notepad on his desktop for later studying...* lol
Awesome guide. Until I read this guide I couldn't figure out why my heals weren't always working because I thought it worked like twighlight grasp where you give off the healing aura...I made it all the way to level 20 clueless to the fact that it was my enemies that were giving off the aura. After reading this guide and trying this out last night I am kicking myself for not figuring this out sooner.
Morale = Stop being a pansy and get in melee range
I still say siphon speed is fine with 2acc 1 recharge. Granted i always take hasten as well. But with just the 1 recharge i ALWAYS have 2-3 siphon speeds on my kins
Nice guide, with some valuable insight.
I don't entirely agree about Repel, though. I have several */Kin and Kin/* characters, and after playing with a couple of Kin/Sonics who had Repel, I decided to try it out myself on a baby Kin/Elec I rolled up.
Just after taking the power at level 4, I was invited to a lowbie sewer team. Repel was just awesome at keeping me alive when the rest of the team wiped. Repel let me run through the sewers to rejoin the team coming back from their teamwipe.
Repel is great at the right time. Solo, I can generally ignore the melee attackers and focus on those who do the most damage from range first. On a team, Repel lets me protect others. It can be a terrific defense. Against melee-oriented enemies, it is kind of like a personal force field that allows you to attack. you just have to be careful of ranged attackers. You can use Repel to trap an enemy in a corner. You can, to some degree, tank. And with some practice, you can learn to get just close enough to an enemy to be in the healing area for Transfusion, but not quite in the Repel field, so your heal works.
Repel and other knockback powers are absolutely fantastic for certain missions, like the Terra Volta Respec trials. When I did that trial this past weekend, those two Kin/Sonics used Repel to protect one side of the reactor, while my Fire/Rad protected the other side with Bonfire. It was one of the easier times I have done that mission.
In many cases, you can hide around a corner, waiting for an enemy to come around a corner -- Booiiing! Back he goes! With some practice, you can knock enemies back onto area effect powers, like Ice Slick or Quicksand. With practice and thought, there are lots of uses for Repel.
Yes, it uses a lot of endurance, so you have to learn when to turn it off. However, it can also save you and your team from a lot of debt.
Besides, it is a lot of fun, too.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
i have an energy/kin and i learnt about knockback the hard way- however i did learn. Provided that i get whatever secondary i need off first (using aim if i continously miss) i can pwn just about anything: Siphon Speed+Siphon Power+Fulcrum Shift+Nova and in that order
I'd like to add to the guide if I might...
Power pools of choice
3 slot - defence buffs
When stacked with Siphon Speed you can hover around about as fast as someone can walk. If you stack it with two Siphon Speeds, you can hover around about the speed as somone who can sprint. (you can get it stacked 3 times but it's rare and the speed buff is capped at just a tiny bit faster then sprint) This acomplished a defence bonus, as well as puts you out of melee range untill you NEED to zoom in, drop your Transference/Tranfusion - then zip back out of melee range.
Air superiority
With hover / speed boost / stealth combo you can sneek up on air-born enemies, drain their endurance so they are practically defenceless then smack them to the ground with this power. A nice trick.
3 slots defence
Once again if you use siphon speed it will negate the -speed and give yet another power to defend yourself.
Grant invisability
3 slot defence buff
You can not only buff your allies dammage but there defence as well. It is a endurance heavy buff, however once you get Transfusion your endurance worries are practically nulified
You can 5 slot Tactics and Menuvers with 2 endurance reduction, and 3 slots for their respective buffs
1 or 2 slots in to Assault for endurance reduction
3 or 4 slot Vengance. Once you hit lvl 50 and get a few HO's in this one it's a FINOMINAL buff, especailly for corrupters helping out in the RSF.
Hasten - Just because it's hasten. Stack it with siphon speed you are one of the only (if not the ONLY) power set in the game that can now have perminent hasten.
Overall Siphon Speed is the signature power in this build, 6 slot it with accuracy / recharge - and you will unlock the true power that is Kenetics.
I like Ice with Kinetics, I have both a Controller and Corruptor that are that combo, though they both play differently. The graphics of /Kin make me think of auroras up in the arctic regions so they go thematically, as well as the amusing opposite of adding speed and slowing. Ice tends to have more holds than some other stuff, so I'll quite commonly slap my target with a hold or immob before firing off Transfusion, to make sure it stays in position and doesn't get knocked around or even decide to run away for no apparent reason. Its so frusterating to hit something with Transfusion and see it go flying across the room just before it goes off >.< Though the people who use knockback for defense hate it when you immob things. Ice Slick is another good one for keeping things in place for targeting.
I'd really like to see Repel work just because it seems like a lot of fun and a possible butt-saver, though at the same time it does seem to oppose several of Kinetic's fundimental powers. It doesn't fit with my Controller at all since she's very melee and likes to sit in the middle with Arctic Air on, but I may try to squeeze it in with my Corruptor. With the real need for Stamina at earlier levels and so many good abilities to start with its hard to have much room.
I can't speak for any of the other ones, Ice is the only one I've really tried with /Kin.
Character List
VERY nice posting. I love my kin/rad def like no other character, and this is pretty much the way I play him. The only thing I took any exception to is that I routinely ask at the beginning who wants speed, and I have no problem keeping track of the ones that don't. May just be my OCD kicking in, but as long as I have the icons there to blink for me, it's rare that it wears off on anyone.
Also, THANK YOU for explaining FS so well. I usually try very hard not to tell other people how to play their characters, but it kills me to see people wasting the potential of this power. It's also frustrating to be in a group who simply will not stay in range for the buff. Usually I wind up buffing the tank(s), the scrapper(s), and me. I just hate to see the majority of the team lose out on this :-).
I also tend to use repel as my emergency button, especially on 8-man teams when a wipe threatens and I need to get out RIGHT NOW. A quick heal and then hit repel has saved me several times. I rarely use it in any other circumstance though.
Again, overall, a great guide.
Repel has its uses, but you need to be smart in the way you use it. If you play with it a bit, you can learn how to get close enough to an enemy to get the heal from Transfusion, but not send the enemy flying away. It's tricky, though.
At low levels, Repel is a great power to use to run through dangerous zones (like the Hollows or the Sewers). Repel is really the only defensive power in the Kinetics set.
I mainly use Repel as a panic button, or as something to "play" with. As a Panic Button, it really can save you, and maybe your team, from debt. When you over-aggro a bunch of melee-oriented enemies, you can use Repel to send them flying, to give you and your team a few seconds to re-group and run away or pop some inspirations and get back in the fight. It can also be used, with some practice, as a "hold" by trapping an enemy in a corner.
Repel is awesome on any "keep-away" type mission, like the CoH respec trials. One bump sends the guys attacking the reactors flying away. Croatoa has a few "protect" missions, where Repel is great.
And, of course, Repel can just be fun. Playing soccar with another Kinetic with Repel is very, very funny. Run through large groups of low level baddies. Trap guys in a corner or other places.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
Good post ^.^
However, there's one thing I think should be mentioned.
Melee is definitely an optimal place for giving/geting buffs, however, be very wary of groups with large numbers of AOEs. Kins can usually offset the stray lt or boss, or trio of minions with the sheer healing power of transfusion, but when Malta or Council are involved, the volume of explosive projectiles means that it's the stray enemy plus every other lt and boss in the group damaging you. It's a good way for a kin to go down with swirly power transfermabobs blazing.
Nice Guide, but, I have to disagree with you on Speed Boost. Speed Boost increases recharge, which means that heavy endurance users will be attacking more often because of the power.
On a Defender or anyone with Kinetics as a primary, out of the box endurance gain is .966% or almost the same as basic endurance (without Stamina). This is fine for early players, but, in the 30s things change. This is even less for Contollers or anyone with Kinetics as a secondary, out of the box gain is .773 or about 75% of basic endurance.
Since you have a greater recharge of powers, unboosted SB can actually result in a "flatline" gain or even a slight drain. This becomes tougher on a person with Hasten as well (mind the end drop when it wears off).
I have actually seen a Stone Brute complain that a unenhanced SB was not good enough for him, and as a witness, he was correct. He was unable to do what an enhanced SB'er could do for him.
I recommend the following based on playing both a Defender with Kinetics, a Controller with Kinetics, and observation:
SB in a Kinetics Primary: Double Slot with Endurance Modifications. Triple for extra effect. Endurance gain (triple slotted) is 1.91 or almost double basic endurance. Double Slotted it is slightly better than that of a person running SB in their Secondary Triple Slotted (see below).
SB in a Kinetics Secondary: Alway Triple Slot with Endurance Modifications. Endurance gain is 1.52 or 1 and a half basic endurance.
Sadly, even with 3 slotted Stamina, a Kinetics Secondary player will see a much slower return to full blue. I believe if you are not fully green, fully blue... well that is me. Some folks say full is not necessary. I think it is from a psych point of view. Full bar means GO GO GO!
I am Airman America... Super Hero... and I approve this message!
i just started a few days ago and i made my first villain as a tec, corruptor with a primary of the assault rifle and kinetics as my secondary. I know according to ur guide this isn't really good because i would be a melee, but i really wanted to go for a support role that can do damage and heal others without tec getting hurt myself. but this is a great guide and helped me which abilities i should get.
i just started a few days ago and i made my first villain as a tec, corruptor with a primary of the assault rifle and kinetics as my secondary. I know according to ur guide this isn't really good because i would be a melee, but i really wanted to go for a support role that can do damage and heal others without tec getting hurt myself. but this is a great guide and helped me which abilities i should get.

If you want a character that can do damage as well as be a strong support character, you made the right choice with a /Kin Corruptor.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
sweet thank you. when i was reading both kinetics and corruptor i felt they looked good for damage and support. So im glad i made the right choice
The Kinetic Secondary & You.
Ok. Since Im a tad bored here at work, Im going to take some time and put some of my experience with kinetics into writing. Ive played a Gravity/Kinetics controller since day one. When CoV launched, after working my first corruptor to 40, I rolled a second, a Rad/Kin, and leveled him to 40 as well. After that, I decided to roll a Kin/Psy, simply because, I love the Kinetics set, and have decided to specialize in it. Hopeful, some time within the next 6 months, Ill have 3 LvL 50 Kinetic users, one of each flavor. That is my current goal. Anyway, because of this, Id like to think I have some experience on the subject, and will endeavor to share that with the rest of you.
Now, Ill list each power, tell you what it does, and then give my option on the power and my recommend slotting.
1. Transfusion. An AoE heal. You must target an enemy, cast the power, and, if it successfully hits, that enemy will generate a healing aura. The AoE heal is among the strongest in the game. Its only rival is Twilight Grasp of the dark set. This power is VERY handy, all be it a little tricky to get the hang of. You have to learn to pick your targets well, get a feel for the AoE range, and avoid near dead mobs, because, if they die before your finished casting the power, it goes off, but you get nothing in return. When properly slotted, its acc is high enough to make it reliable. I have mine slotted with 2 ACC 3 HEAL 1 RECHARGE. It also has an inherent 10% acc bonus to boot. Take the power, 6 slot it when you can, sooner being better then later, and enjoy. It also has had a new aspect added to the power recently. Transfusion will now debuff a mobs health regeneration rate. This is very handy in an AV, or GM battle.
2. Siphon Power. A damage buff. Im not totally sure of the %, I believe its 25%, but I may be wrong. Its simple to use. Pick a mob, fire, and if you hit him, he gets his damage debuffed, and you and anyone near you gets a damage buff. I highly recommend 2 accs, and you will notice I recommend two ACCs for every power in this set. Our powers are awesome, but require high accuracy to work. Its either hit or miss, theres nothing in-between. Id also recommend 2 recharges. Some people go for 3, but if my math is right, That 3rd SO recharge is only getting you like an extra second or two. (And when siphon speed and hasten are taken into account its worth even less.) Not worth it if you can find a better use for the slot else ware. If you have slots to burn, then go for it, if not, you wont even notice the difference between 2 and 3 recharges.
3. Repel. This is a toggle. A fairly expensive one. And it does what its name says; it repels things that get close to you. I really dont care for this power all that much. Ive learned over the 2 years Ive been playing this game that, I HATE knock back I know a lot of people love it, but I HATE it with a passion. I cringe when I see a storm ANYTHING join my team, or an energy blaster I cant count the times Ive needed to heal myself, only to have the mob I was going to use to save my life knocked out of range Or that nice neatly packed mob thats just asking for a FS blown to the 4 corners of the room thanks to an Explosive Blast or an over zealous Stormier who loves bowling mobs around the room I HATE it when other people knock crap away from me, so WHY in gods name would I do it to myself? I skip this power on all my kins except of Zero G, and the only reason Ive keep it is for concept reasons. If you want this power, be it for pvp, or the joy of mob bowling, then by all means take it. It only accepts end reducers and recharges, so, Id recommend one EndReduc and be done with it.
4. Siphon Speed. I didnt like this power at first. Of course, at first, it was only a running speed buff. NOW, its a run speed and recharge buff. That changes everything. You want this power, ESPECIALLY on a corrupter. It cranks up your damage out put with faster recycling attacks. Add to that your increased damage, and you can become a DPS machine. I recommend 2 ACC and 3 Recharge. Since its recharge is longer then siphon powers, the 3rd recharge does more for you here then it does there. With 3 recharges, you can keep 2 Siphon speeds stacked on you at all times, and when mixed with hasten, your recharge is insane. Some people will tell you this power is as good as super speed for travel. And while I respect their option, I dont agree with it. This power is slower then SS. It doesnt have a stealth component like SS does, and if you miss your drain, your SOL and have just ticked off a mob Ive read about a lot of people who just use siphon speed to get to 28 and then use IR for their traveling. Personally, I think itd be a headache. But thats just my option.
5. Increase density. The mez buster. Its a handy power, despite the fact its ally only. Itll break holds, Immobs, and Disorients, but not sleeps, which sucks but in sleeps place it also protects your teammates against knock back. Its the only mez busting power that does I believe, and that alone should make it desirable. It also offers some resistance to smashing/energy damage too. Thats nice and all, but, keeping your team fully buffed at all times to make the smashing/energy resistance aspect of the power really useful, is a full time job, as the power is on a 1 min timer. Because of that fact, I only use this power to brake mezzes, buff up people who have no knock back protection when we fight knock back heavy mobs, and as a buff if I know were are going to be fighting a lot of mezzers in the next mob. And for that use, the only slotting I can recommend is one damage resist. Dont add slots to this power. Its not worth it. The best parts of this power are un-enhance able, so dont waste slots on increasing the smashing/energy resistance, its not worth it. If you dont team a lot, this is an easily skip able power. Oh, almost forgot, in PvP, this is the only power that can make you unteleportable. Youll be a welcome addition to any pvp team.
6. Speed Boost. Crack. The reason we get invited to teams. The reason every stone tank/brute you run into will propose marriage and offer you a global friend invite right there on the spot. This power is a set defining power. Its an ally buff; it increases run speed, recharge speed, and endurance recovery. It lasts about 2 mins. It recycles in like 2 seconds. Its the ONLY end buff in the game that can be made perma. And it does all that straight out of the box. Its almost scary. My slotting recommendation is 2 slots total, both end mods. I have YET to find a person that can regularly tank their end when hit with a 2-slotted speed boost. Im sure they are out there, but, really, I cant see blowing a slot to help that one guy you may or may never meet, when 2 slots will do for the other 99.9% of the guys youll team with. Heh, Ill even go so far as to say that if you solo a lot more then you team, you should still take this power, and just leave it un-slotted. I can think of NO other power in the game that is THIS effective right out of the box, no slots required. The ONE reason Id ever recommend NOT taking this power is if you plan on NEVER teaming. Then by all means, skip the power. But if you ever team, even if its only a small fraction of the time, to run a TF or a respec or you just bored, you cant go wrong with this power. TAKE IT PLEASE
7. Inertial Reduction. Its Super Jump, but better. Yeah, I said better. This power gives you and your team nearly the exact same mobility as super jump does, and its insuppressible. You can use this puppy in combat. No slow downs at all. But despite how useful this power can be if you dont Pvp and have a travel power already it can be of limited use to you. Me myself, I have it on my Rad/Kin, because I have Super Speed as a travel power, and SS + IR = get there NOW speed. And I like being that fast. I have it on Zero G for concept reasons, and wont take it on my defender because, I wont need it. If youre planning a travel powerless Kin build, you need this power, and youll want it as soon as you can get it. Personally, Id hate to make the grind to LvL 28 relying only on Siphon Speed, but a lot of people do it, so its a personal preference thing. And personally, I like having real, full time travel powers, as soon as I can. Some people advocate getting to LvL 28 with a normal travel power then respecting into an IR build. This is actually a better idea, IMO, then going all that time relying on Siphon Speed, and IR is good enough to be your full time travel power by itself. But, if you exemp down below 28 a lot, it can be a hassle out side of that, I can think of no reason not to do it this way if you really have other powers youd rather have then a normal travel power.
8. Transference. See #1. This power is exactly the same as Transfusion, only instead of healing you, it replenishes your endurance. For as awesome as this power is solo, and its a godsend while you solo, its not as awesome in groups, thanks in large part to SB. A fully SBd team is rarely in end trouble. And thanks to the end changes of bosses and lts, using it as a draining tool is less effective also. About the ONLY time I use this power in a team setting is to replenish the end of a blaster, or myself, after we go nova. Outside of that, you wont use it so much in teams, but solo, this is a STAPLE power. Once you have this puppy, your end worries go away forever. I slot mine just like I slot Transfusion. 2 acc 3 endmods 1 recharge. Some people recommend a 2 acc 2 endmod 2 recharge since this power takes a lot longer then Transfusion to recycle, and honestly its prolly not a bad idea. 2 End mobs will give you back more then half your bar a cast, and youll be casting it more often So thats viable IMO. Im sticking with my slotting; its done me right for 2 years now.
9. Fulcrum Shift. The MOTHER of all damage buffs. The power works like this. You cast it on a mob. The power will hit the mob, then, hit any and all mobs, up to 10, which are in an AoE radius of the first mob, and each mob hit will give off a little AoE buffing radius. If you happen to be near a mob that is effect by FS, you will receive a damage buff of 20 to 25%. EACH. The caster will also give off a buffing aura, thats worth 40%. SO, if you cast FS on 10 mobs that are fairly close together, anyone in the middle of that mob will receive 10 20% or 25% damage buffs. If YOURE in the middle of the mob too, they get your 40% buff too so, this power can be used to buff your personal and your teams damage by 240% to 290%. And, once youre slotted for recharge, you can, STACK it. Which means, that with the sol exception of a brute, you can damage cap anyone in the game. Granted, normally, after the first FS, your team will dispose of the mobs so quickly youll rarely have a chance to take full advantage of a stacked FS, but it does happen from time to time, and its a sight to behold. Add to that the fact that we as corrupters can cap our own damage then let off a nuke . Something I enjoy doing to a very great extent. This powers best slotting is 2 acc 3 recharge. I cant see anyone disagreeing with that. Some people like 3 acc 3 recharge, and if you have the slots, go for it. More ACC especially when your talking about a /kin, is always a good thing. Personally, I think its over kill, but to each his own.
Thats my rundown of the powers. Now, some general advice.
1. Learn to live in melee range. Your heal is melee orientated. Transference is too. So is FS. Melee range is where your true power is. So, suck it up, and jump in with 2 feet. Once youve done it a few times, and learn to use that heal, youll be dumbfounded at what you can do.
2. Team with melees. Come on, it only makes good since. Now Im not saying discriminate against ranged guys, but, the plain truth is, brutes, scrappers, stalkers, and tanks get the most out of our powers. They just DO. The ranged squishes have issues getting into melee range. It scares them. They run away when they take damage, and theres nothing you can do for them if they do. They are out of range of your heal, they dont get the full benefit of FS Now, there are a few that know how your powers work, and they will be AWESOME damage dealers along with you, but they are rare. Your avg. ranged attacker stays at range, and short of SB, there isnt much you can do for them. And thats why I recommend teaming with melees when you have a choice in the matter.
3. Not everyone loves speed boost. No really, its true. You will be asked to not cast it, for a verity of reason. My advice is, do the best you can to accommodate them within reason, but, if an 8 man team has like 2 or 3 guys that dont want it, and the rest DO, its going to get old quick trying to remember who wants what. And youll prolly get a few nasty comments when you SB the wrong guy, and a lot of SB PLZ spam when you forget someone. At points like this, I sit the team down and we take a vote. SB or no SB. All or nothing. I dont DO the short order cook thing anymore. Its not Burger King here people, and your not having it your way. Its compromise time, and if they team cant come up with a compromise, just leave. They arent worth the headache. Youll find a new team soon enough, trust me on this.
Ill not talk about primary powers. I havent played them all, so I cant do them all justice. Besides, the honest truth is, you cant really go wrong with a Kin. We can buff our own speed, our own damage, and have near endless end. Because of this, any primary will do. Pick one you like. One that looks cool, or one that matches your concept, and have at it.
As far as power pools go, it can be interesting with Kins. Why do I say this? Well, because Kins get an End buff that can eliminate stamina. And with 2 powers that increase your movement speed, you can get by without travel powers too. So really, a Kin is one of the most vestal builds you can have. I recommend reading some of the other guides around the boards here on the power pools, and going for there. If you build the Kin side of your powers up right, its hard to gimp yourself, so you have A LOT of wiggle room with your other power choices.
But me personally? I recommend taking a REAL travel power, and, even stamina, although, Ive left my stamina unspotted. Stamina will help with your down time pre Transference, and, in rare case that you actually MISS. And, as far as travel powers go, I need a real one. Siphon Speed alone just doesnt cut it for me. So I need a real one. Anyone will do. Hasten is also nice, but with siphon speed, isnt necessary. BUT, if you run hasten, AND siphon speed, and attack like a mad man, you should differently invest in stamina. Transference can do A LOT, but you CAN overcome it if you go all machine gun on the bad guys.
Bah. Im rambling. Ok, now Ill post my Corrupter build. Its a build Ive worked out to 50 since as of now, I know what the patron pools are, and they dont interest me, as non really fit my concept. Hes a Rad/Kin, currently LvL 40 and VERY eager to get into I7. Hope it helps.
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Name: raideack
Level: 50
Archetype: Corruptor
Primary: Radiation Blast
Secondary: Kinetics
01) --> Neutrino Bolt==> Acc(1)Acc(3)Dmg(11)Dmg(15)Dmg(31)
01) --> Transfusion==> Acc(1)Acc(5)Rechg(9)Heal(13)Heal(17)Heal(31)
02) --> X-Ray Beam==> Acc(2)Acc(3)Dmg(9)Dmg(15)Dmg(31)
04) --> Siphon Power==> Acc(4)Acc(5)Rechg(23)Rechg(25)Rechg(50)
06) --> Electron Haze==> Acc(6)Acc(7)Rechg(7)Dmg(13)Dmg(17)Dmg(48)
08) --> Swift==> Run(8)
10) --> Siphon Speed==> Acc(10)Acc(11)Rechg(23)Rechg(25)Rechg(43)
12) --> Hasten==> Rechg(12)Rechg(34)Rechg(40)
14) --> Super Speed==> Run(14)
16) --> Health==> Heal(16)
18) --> Cosmic Burst==> Acc(18)Acc(19)Rechg(19)Dmg(21)Dmg(21)Dmg(48)
20) --> Speed Boost==> EndMod(20)EndMod(40)
22) --> Stamina==> EndMod(22)EndMod(43)EndMod(50)
24) --> Increase Density==> DmgRes(24)
26) --> Neutron Bomb==> Acc(26)Acc(27)Rechg(27)Dmg(29)Dmg(29)Dmg(46)
28) --> Inertial Reduction==> Jump(28)
30) --> Aim==> Rechg(30)Rechg(37)Rechg(50)
32) --> Atomic Blast==> Rechg(32)Rechg(33)Rechg(33)Dmg(33)Dmg(34)Dmg(34)
35) --> Transference==> Acc(35)Acc(36)Rechg(36)EndMod(36)EndMod(37)EndMod(37)
38) --> Fulcrum Shift==> Acc(38)Acc(39)Rechg(39)Rechg(39)Rechg(40)
41) --> Proton Volley==> Acc(41)Acc(42)Rechg(42)Dmg(42)Dmg(43)Dmg(48)
44) --> Irradiate==> Acc(44)Acc(45)Rechg(45)Dmg(45)Dmg(46)Dmg(46)
47) --> Hurdle==> Jump(47)
49) --> Whirlwind==> EndRdx(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Run(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Acc(1)
01) --> Scourge==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)
@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...