Moon Hazard Zone




Very well thought out and written. I love the sound of it.

The only real loophole I can see is with the Travel Powers and the TF. What's to stop people from doing the TF right away when they enter the zone? All people would have to do is wait a few weeks for people to get through the content, then tag along on someone else's TF. Then do all the content themselves with full traval power usage.

Unless, of course, you somehow made it so only people who got the TF contact unlocked could get the benefit. Dunno how easy that would be to code, though.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not sure either. I wanted to remove the travel powers for a temporary time, because I think it would actually make it a bit more of a challenge for level 50's. as is most of us just fly/jump/tp/ss to the mish and that's it, evey thing between is skipped.

I know most of us hate the hollows for the travel time. I wanted a happy medium for this zone.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Awesome! Your in the next update!

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Very well thought out and written. I love the sound of it.

The only real loophole I can see is with the Travel Powers and the TF. What's to stop people from doing the TF right away when they enter the zone? All people would have to do is wait a few weeks for people to get through the content, then tag along on someone else's TF. Then do all the content themselves with full traval power usage.

Unless, of course, you somehow made it so only people who got the TF contact unlocked could get the benefit. Dunno how easy that would be to code, though.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not sure either. I wanted to remove the travel powers for a temporary time, because I think it would actually make it a bit more of a challenge for level 50's. as is most of us just fly/jump/tp/ss to the mish and that's it, evey thing between is skipped.

I know most of us hate the hollows for the travel time. I wanted a happy medium for this zone.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually I like the hollows for that reason. Stuff is actually dangerous and you have to skirt it carefully. I have a level 26 scrapper with no travel powers too, so now every zone is like the hollows I'd like something for my 50 to have to avoid for once.



Updated 07/27/2006

Since they mentioned it. I thought I would bring it back.

Moon Hazard Zone. Level 45 – 50 Zone


Mare Vaporum or "Sea of Vapors" as it is known in English is an area that is shrouded in mystery. For unknown reasons it maintains a temperate environment and a breathable atmosphere. The Atmosphere in the Mare Vaporum was first discovered in the late 1940’s after the Second World War but was classified Eyes Only because of political tensions at the start of the cold war.


The Mare Vaporum was finally explored, albeit in secret, by NASA during the 1960’s, and a secret permanent base was established in the Mid 1970’s. All contact to the base was lost during the late 1970’s. Satellite surveillance showed the base in total disarray and Igneous like creatures roaming the grounds. The base and all personnel were written off as a loss. However, the United States Government and its Allies decided not to abandon the Sea of Vapors for Scientific, Political and Military reasons. A new landing site was selected at a more secure location and in the late 1980’s Moon Base Beta was completed. Moon Base Beta was built with defense as a priority, and while it is primarily a scientific research station, Beta more closely resembles a fortress. To this day Beta is manned by a secret cadre of allied scientists, and astronauts and is protected by Task Force Beta a Top Secret military unit. With the advent of Teleportation, Personnel and Supplies are now routinely Teleported to Moon Base Beta.


Scientific studies of the local ecosystem have convinced our experts that the atmospheric bubble that surrounds the Mare Vaporum has been in place for many centuries. The plant life, within the Sea of Vapors, appears to be terrestrial, and extraterrestrial in origin. In some areas the two differing flora genomes appear to coexist in harmony, while in others the terrestrial and extraterrestrial vegetation are in a constant state of war. These areas are extremely dangerous as the plants are constantly mutating into new and dangerous forms and attack anything that moves. Extreme caution is advised in these areas. The most dangerous of which is in a large crater in the center of the Sea of Vapors. This area has been dubbed the Valeron Valley. Moon Base Beta is slowly being encroached by the more hostile plant life. Task Force Beta patrols the area outside the base and is attempting to curtail the incursion of the hostile foliage. Task Force Beta is slowly being overwhelmed by the local vegetation and any help you can give them is welcomed.


The Mare Vaporum is a huge area that varies from lush vegetation, to desert like conditions. The most dangerous part of the zone is Valeron Valley where Igneous, like creatures and many varieties of plants fight for dominance. The zone is overshadowed by the giant twin peaks of Sugar and Spice. Ancient buildings can be found throughout the entire zone.

Recent news

It has been recently discovered that the original moon base was taken over by the 5th Column in the late 1970’s and has been in their hands ever since. The fighting and the explosions caused during the 5th Column’s takeover caused cave–ins, which disturbed the Moon Igneous and forced them to the surface. The 5th Column units on the moon were cut off from the rest of the 5th column that were on earth when the war with the council took place, leaving the moon as the last bastion of the 5th column. Military Intelligence believes that the 5th Column is building their strength in secret to over throw the Council back on earth. 5th Column patrols can be found fighting with Moon Igneous in the area surrounding the base. It is a hazardous area where an unwary hero could easily stumble upon on going battles between the 5th Column and Moon Igneous, or into traps set by either group.


A new 5th Column Arch–Villain living in the original base. (A kill all mission) Retake Base Alpha!

An Igneous Arch–Villain living in the Caves near the original base. (A find the missing object mission) Find the Missing Satellite!

New Story Arc

With thanks to Weisse_Sturm for giving me the idea "Really, I don't see anyone better to build a giant planet–threatening laser than the 5th. Freaking Nazis, always doing stuff like that. – Weisse_Sturm" Story–Arc: Starts out small something like defeat 50 Nazis to gather information. You discover they have been working on a top secret project for years, but are unable to find out where they are working on it. But you do discover the location of a cave of Moon Igneous. After defeating all Igneous in the cave (By the way these Igneous are upgraded. They can climb cave walls and ceilings, and drop onto unwary visitors) you discover the remnants of a Nazi research station. Your contact is able to tell you that it appears that the Nazi’s were doing Laser research. Take down another 50 Nazis, and you are directed toward another research outpost. This time you must travel deep within "Valeron Valley" the most dangerous jungle in the Sea of Vapors. Fight your way through the jungle to the old Research Station. Find all the clues left behind by the staff when it was abandoned. You discover the location of the laser. It’s being built in a side cavern along the wall of the Sea of Vapors. Find it and destroy it. It’s defended by guards and pill boxes, take them out and then take out the Laser.


With special thanks to Soltares for some new Ideas. (I have in mind something like an Ancient Alien artifact that Causes the Mare Vaporum to have a livable environment) Discover the secrets of the Mare Vaporum – Several tasks, The first of which is to find out what the 5th Column has been working on in a hidden lab. A kill all mish, which ends when each team member has collected one of the items the 5th Column was working on. (each team member would have to collect an experimental alien tech Atmospheric Belt, much like in the Terra Volta Reactor core for the mission to end) You discover that the 5th Column has uncovered some of the alien atmosphere sustaining technology, and have taken samples of it, and have discovered the location of several ancient alien bases located outside of the atmospheric bubble. Your contact has directed you use the Atmospheric Belts to explore each of the alien bases outside the Mare Vaporum on the lifeless surface of the moon.

The bases contain a new race of aliens that appear to have been here for a very long time. The aliens seem to go into a state of hibernation or suspended animation when caught in a vacuum. Some sort of accident a long time ago caused the Atmospheric bubble to shrink to its present size. All the aliens caught outside the Atmospheric bubble went into hibernation awaiting to be awakened by the fist trace of an atmosphere. This race of aliens appears to have been kidnapping people from the earth using Teleportation for hundreds if not thousands of years. Each base contains several ancient humans being held in suspended animation chambers. Your job, defeat all the aliens, rescue the humans and bring them back to the atmospheric bubble of the Mare Vaporum. You must keep them close to you so they remain within the atmospheric bubbles created by your belts when you take them to the bubble. (History Badge – Ancient Knowledge: If you rescue all the ancient humans you discover facts about the past never known before.)

Final Mission your contact has been able to decipher the alien language and has discovered the whereabouts of an extremely powerful Teleportation device capable of transmitting people across interstellar distances. Your task is to defeat all aliens in the base and to disable the device before it can be used to call reinforcements from their home planet. Unfortunately, the return of breathable atmosphere to the base has caused the hibernating aliens within it to awaken as well, ravenous for food after their long slumber... I’m thinking about a nice battle like in the Terra Volta Reactor Core only you’re the one trying to destroy the core / Teleporter with awakened aliens coming in waves trying to stop you from destroying the Teleportation device, and a few waves coming from the aliens home planet via the Teleportation Device.

Upon completion of the Taskforce You find a nice souvenir, a book written in alien script entitled "To Serve Man".

Second Moon Taskforce – Finding the Core

With thanks to graywolf10 for the idea. You speak with Astronaut Lonith located in Base Beta who informs you of a little task that he needs accomplished.

1st Mission – I want you to talk to my fellow astronauts located around the moon, come back when finished. you are directed to speak with 5 different astronauts to learn more about the moon.

2nd Mission – Astronaut Lonith informs you that there has been an Alien Invasion, You must hurry to their Space Ship and defeat them before they can attack! The Space Ship is located in a crater full of all sorts of nasty surprises. You must defeat them all. After defeating them, return to Astronaut Lonith.

3rd Mission – Astronaut Lonith states "Good Job destroying those aliens! Now I need you to find a Drill, a very Large Drill. I’ve heard rumors that the aliens had these in some of their labs. Take this map. I’ve marked down the location of a lab that is believed to have some of these drills. You will need one of these special Atmospheric Belts to survive in the vacuum outside the Atmospheric Bubble where the lab is located. Take this homing beacon and attach it to the drill so it can be teleported away when you find it. defeat all aliens in the lab and retrieve the drill

4th Mission – Astronaut Lonith informs you "Good job! I had the drill sent to a good friend of mine Jim Foro makes and installs Cockpits. He is installing a cockpit on the drill as we speak for you and your teammates. I need you to take the drill down to the center of the moon. Go talk to Jim he should have it ready when you get there. He’s in a lab on the other side of the zone.

5th Mission – Jim Foro tells you "The cockpit is installed. I have a message from Lonith, he needs you to travel to the core and kill the Alien Lord and the Moon Igneous Lord. They are very tough I wish you the best of luck...I hope your Ready. defeat all aliens and Igneous. Upon completion you are Awarded the Moon Miner Badge"

Travel Power Suppression.

The mysterious energy that causes the temperate environment and a breathable atmosphere in the Sea of Vapors also cancels out all travel powers (make the high level Heroes trudge through the Hazard Zone just like the low levels have to do in the Hollows). Upon the completion of the Taskforce you get a special artifact that counters this effect (Allows you to use your travel powers again).

Special Powers

Lower Gravity – Everyone has a temporary power that allows you to jump much higher than on the earth. (I believe the programming and physics could be worked out quite nicely, perhaps adding some extra knockback to attacks also).

Badges Special thanks to graywolf10 for some of the badge and Accolade ideas.

Astronaut Badge – You arrived on the moon. (Located right inside of the Teleporter)

Cosmonaut Badge – You found the missing satellite. . (You found a crashed Russian Satellite)

Monolith – You discovered an alien artifact. (Located on a Large Black Monolith)

Crater Badge – you have explored one of the deepest craters on the moon . (located at the bottom of the deepest crater).

Sugar and Spice Badge – you have climbed both the mountains Sugar and Spice (Awarded upon reading the plaque on the top of both mountains)

Moon Man – you have spent 20 hours on the moon (Awarded upon staying 20 hours on the moon).

History badge – Ancient Knowledge Badge – You discover facts about the past never known before. Granted after you have rescued all the ancient humans from the first task force.

History badge – Spaceman Badge – You discovered the secrets of the Moon. (Awarded after reading 3 plaques about the First landing site, The First hero on the moon, and Hostile plant life).

History badge – Shadow of Man Badge –You have seen and learned why there is a man in the moon. Awarded after reading 7 plaques located throughout the Mare Vaporum, and one located on earth in the Teleporter departure room.

Alien Vanquisher – You have struck fear into the aliens of the moon. (Kill 150 Aliens of any kind)

Flora Badge – you have stopped the encroachment of the hostile Vegetation. (Kill 500 hostile plants)

Moon Igneous – You discovered the Secret of the Moon Igneous. (Kill 500 Moon Igneous)

Alpha Badge – You have found out how the 5th Column took over the original base. (kill 100 5th Column)

Laser Badge – you have destroyed a giant planet–threatening laser (awarded upon completion of the Laser Story Arc)

Moon Miner Badge – you have destroyed all creatures at the core of the moon. (awarded upon completion of the Finding the Core Taskforce)


Moon Accolade – You have completed the Moon Task Force (gives you the power to use your travel powers again)

Moon Logistics Accolade – Obtained by getting, Cosmonaut Badge, Astronaut Badge, Laser Bade, Alpha Badge, Spaceman Badge and the Sugar and Spice Badge. Effects: +DEF to Psi +Res (Mez,Confuse,Stun,Hold) Self Click lasts 2 mins Recharge Very long.

Space Explorer Accolade – Obtained by, gaining the following badges – Moon Miner Badge, Moon Igneous Badge, Flora Badge, Monolith Badge, Crater Badge, Ancient Knowledge Badge, Shadow of Man Badge, and the Alien Vanquisher badge. Effects: + 10% Jump Height (all jumping powers), Run Speed (all running powers), Flight Speed (all flying powers), +TP distance (on all Teleport powers). – Auto (always on).

I would love to hear any suggestions and ideas from you for new badge ideas.


Why I picked Igneous.

The Igneous are only in the hollows as it stands now. I was thinking it would be fairly simple to upgrade them and put them on the moon, and make the zone level 45 – 53 or higher. Other monster groups are in several zones so having some of them on the moon seemed like a good idea. I was thinking that since they are Moon Igneous their powers could be a bit different too. Perhaps cold or, radiation based for the bosses and or the Lieutenants.

The reason for wanting to suppressing travel powers.

Suppressing travel powers would make traveling from one place on the zone to another a bit more of a challenge for what heroes of this range level are used to, and I believe it would enhance the overall enjoyment of the zone. Allowing them to get up close and personal with all the hazards that are available. (Now who would want to miss that?) As stated this is only temporary until the Task Force is completed.

I would like to thank everyone who helped come up with some of these ideas.

Let me know what you think.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Thanks Ace
Imagine Low Gravity + Space Explorer Badge Super High Super Jump



Why not make like A dark side of the moon for Villians,but instead of it bieng a PVP Zone there would be a wall in between the 2 zones?





When I saw the title I thought such a zone would be boring but after reading through It sounds very interesting. I'm curious what the hazard and plant life would be like. Sounds exciting!



When I saw the title I thought such a zone would be boring but after reading through It sounds very interesting. I'm curious what the hazard and plant life would be like. Sounds exciting!

[/ QUOTE ]

Something I posted in the roleplaying forums a while back.

I left the building, and started toward the jungle. I heard weapons fire, and immediately started running with leaps and bounds, toward the sound. I was surprised at how quickly I could move in the lighter gravity. Members of Task Force Beta were fighting the very jungle itself. Some of the trees were attacking them. The plants looked to be tough customers, they were pinging orange, red and purple to me. I focused on the large Tree that was using it’s branches to swat Task Force Beta like they were flies, and doing tremendous damage with each stroke, It reminded me of one of those tree creatures from Lord of the Rings. In my mind I labeled it an “Ent”. I hit build up, and hit it with Block of Ice as I was running up to it. It appeared to have no effect on the Ent. I followed up with Frozen Touch, and the Ent froze in a block of Ice. I then slammed my foot into the ground releasing the “awesome power” of my Frozen Aura. A ring of frost zoomed out in all directions and froze several of the orange bushes that were attacking me.

I pulled out my Greater Ice Sword and dealt a tremendous blow to the Ent. (Ok humor me on this, I’m an Invulnerable / Ice Tank and Greater Ice Sword is my highest damage attack, for everyone else it might be a medium damage attack, but for me its “High Damage”) I followed up with Air Superiority, and frozen fists. That’s when I noticed I was being hit for a lot of damage from some weird looking bushes. They were shooting out toxic spores! I immediately switched targets, and started in on them. I sent out another Frozen Aura, which froze up a few more bushes, and started in on the toxic spewers. The Ent was released from my hold and hit me from behind with a tremendous blow. I ignored it, and froze a toxic spewer in a block of ice, then hit the second one with frozen touch. I ate a purple I was carrying and hit dull pain. I was back to full health and then some.

For some reason the Ent was pissed at me, and hit the ground hard shaking the entire area. A few of the Task Force Beta troops were knocked down, I wasn’t knocked down but with all the shaking I found it difficult to aim my blows, and was missing more than I should. I hit Build up again and Frozen Aura, I was unable to get any more of the minions in it’s grasp but it did keep the ones I had held already frozen a little longer.

I hit the first toxic spewer with another tremendous blow from my Greater Ice Sword, which finished it off. I hit the second one with Frozen Touch again to make sure it was frozen solid, and continued in on it until I finished off.

I then turned my attention back to the Ent; it was starting to annoy me. I dealt it another tremendous blow with Greater Ice Sword, making the entire tree shake. As the tree shook, I noticed that falling leaves were hitting me. Toxic leaves! They weren’t doing much damage, but it was annoying getting hit by dozens of pinpricks. Every time I hit the Ent more leaves would fall. I was finally able to freeze it again with another combination of Frozen Touch and Block of Ice. When it was frozen in the ice the leaves no longer fell on me. I vowed to keep it frozen until it was dead if I could.

Seemingly out of nowhere, vines attacked me, they would reach out and strike me with some sort of electrical discharge. They had a long reach, and while the damage was noticeable I ignored it in order to finish off the Ent. The Ent had a sliver of life left when 3 vines struck me almost at once. The combined electrical discharge was enough to overcome my defenses and stun me.

The minions I was ignoring were now much more of a threat, they were doing a lot more damage! I popped a break free, and started powering up my armors again. I was down to a sliver of life when dull pain came back up again. I healed myself, and finished powering up my armors just in time to be struck again by that damned Ent! I finished it off with another combination of Air Superiority, Greater Ice Sword, and Frozen Fists.

I hit frozen Aura again and got lucky. I froze 5 of the minion bushes. That’s when I noticed the Ent was still moving. Out of the Ent popped 4 smaller versions of it. Mini Ents if you will. I decided to ignore them and ran up to the base of the nearest vine. Hitting it with frozen touch, I switched targets and hit a second vine with block of ice. I ignored the third vine and started in on the first one. It unfroze on me just as I finished it off. The second vine got free also, but I wasn’t worried, because, I had build up and frozen touch ready. I froze it again and was able to freeze the third vine with block of ice. I finished the second vine and started in on the third, I was getting exhausted, luckily I had a blue handy, and ate it. I finished the third vine and then made piece meal of the remaining minions and the Mini Ents. I then did a quick count and realized I still had 83 plants to kill to finish my mission. This is going to be tough. Someone said that if I kill 500 I could get a badge too. I began wondering if the badge was worth it as I headed for the next group of plants.

hope that helps.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Why not make like A dark side of the moon for Villians,but instead of it bieng a PVP Zone there would be a wall in between the 2 zones?



[/ QUOTE ]

I would like nothing better than to make it a non PvP zone. but I have to also realize that Villains do exist. Thus Base alpha should be in the hands of villains, and run by the 5th.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Why not make like A dark side of the moon for Villians,but instead of it bieng a PVP Zone there would be a wall in between the 2 zones?

[/ QUOTE ]

What, you mean, the TERMINATOR? (That would make a great exploration badge name, OBTW... )

(Really, "terminator" is the scientific name for the line between the sunlit side and the shadowed portions of the Moon's surface. Just don't confuse the lunar far side with the dark side... )



Terminator – You have stood atop Mount Sugar as the Terminator passed over you, and watched the moon change from light to darkness. (The terminator is the scientific name for dividing line between the sunlit side and the shadowed portions of the Moon's surface. You can only get the badge at dawn and dusk. Thanks to Virginia_Belle for the badge idea.)

Thanks Virginia. I think it's a great badge idea.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Why not make like A dark side of the moon for Villians,but instead of it bieng a PVP Zone there would be a wall in between the 2 zones?

[/ QUOTE ]

What, you mean, the TERMINATOR? (That would make a great exploration badge name, OBTW... )

(Really, "terminator" is the scientific name for the line between the sunlit side and the shadowed portions of the Moon's surface. Just don't confuse the lunar far side with the dark side... )

[/ QUOTE ]

To be completely correct

ter·mi·na·tor n.
1.One that terminates: a terminator of unpopular policies.

2.The dividing line between the bright and shaded regions of the disk of the moon or an inner planet.

3. A sequence of nucleotides that signals the end of transcription or translation and the completion of the synthesis of a nucleic acid or protein molecule

4.A resistor connected to a signal wire in a bus
or network for the purpose of impedance matching to prevent

For example, a 50 ohm resistor connected across the end of an
Ethernet cable. SCSI chains and some LocalTalk wiring
schemes also require terminators.



Cuppa was kind enough to update this again before the forums went down yesterday.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



i like this idea, but only if villains can go in to.......



i like this idea, but only if villains can go in to.......

[/ QUOTE ]

The original Base was taken over by the 5th. I figgured that is a good opening for them.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



ok, then yeah, im all for it

(by the way, good job Golden_Ace, you have odviously put a lot of thought and effort into this)



ok, then yeah, I’m all for it

(by the way, good job Golden_Ace, you have obviously put a lot of thought and effort into this)

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you, but I cannot take all the credit. I wish I could, but some great ideas came from other forum posters, and I incorporated their ideas into the Zone. I tried to give credit for it where possible. Unfortunately a lot was lost when the first Moon Hazard Zone was deleted back in September last year. Surprised me, I didn’t think they deleted stuff from this section. I had to recreate it from scratch. We live and learn.

My fondest wish is that the Dev's are working or will work on a zone like this for future release. If not, perhaps one day they will. I would like to think some of these Ideas will have an impact on that future zone. So I keep updating it and trying to improve it as time goes on. Thanks for your vote of support. If you have any suggestions I would be glad to hear them.


[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Explain the whole Travel power suppression to me!

Chief of Domestic Affairs. Bring on the ladies.


I11 - The Last Issue



For Cuppa.

CuppaJo Badge – You find the coffee shop, inside Moon Base Beta and you order a CuppaJo from CuppaJo (who else?). She is standing behind the bar, drinking a coffee of course. Costs you 50 Influence. (Hey! Before you complain about the cost remember this is the moon! You're lucky you even get coffee! >< CuppaJo you will be missed)

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Since we all cry for end game content....How about making it a LVL 50 zone. Really put a challenge in it...well you did that with the travel suppression. I also like the idea of the lower gravity.

Great zone idea...I might dust off my 50 emp if they make it.



Since we all cry for end game content....How about making it a LVL 50 zone. Really put a challenge in it...well you did that with the travel suppression. I also like the idea of the lower gravity.

Great zone idea...I might dust off my 50 emp if they make it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not a bad idea, perhaps a 50 – 54 zone? With the areas surrounding the bases 50 – 51, the majority of the zone 51 – 52, and a large area that is 52 – 53, with one small part in the center of that zone level 54’s only. What do you think? Is it to difficult for the zone?

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



I like the idea of making a zone's min level 50, it would give Lv50 players a place where they 'belong', and a way to get away from hungry power-leveling noobies. It would mean you would STILL have something to do when you hit 50, still more content to hit, even if you can't level any further. The Moon Hazard Zone seems like it would be great as a Lv50-only zone.



Personally Ace I think it should have up to level 56's in progressively smaller areas. My controller is sad that the best he can get now is a +4 and you have to look deep in the shard for that.



Ok Red you drew me out.

I’ve asked Cuppa to update the zone one last time, and she was kind enough to do so. I've changing the zone to a strictly 50+ zone. With 54’s being the highest level in the zone, and adding the CuppaJo badge to it.

Now that that is over with.

20,000 (You knew I had to do it).

Now for a name...

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Grats you post harlot!