Hero Versus Hero PVP?




I've seen this come up inside other threads, but I haven't seen an answer that washes.


What is the justification for one hero attacking another hero? Let's set aside the Lobos, Punishers, and Wolverines of the world. Why would a hero attack Superman or Captain America simply beause they could?

All of my characters are heroic heroes. They aren't anti-heroes. There is no justifiable reason for a hero to attack them sight unseen simply because they flew into an area - simply because they can.

I can understand villain versus hero, or even villain versus villain, but hero versus hero? True, one can find instances in the comics where it happens, often actually. But every time Batman punches Superman, there's a good reason. There is justification.

You don't see the Teen Titans hovering around waiting to gank the first hero that flies over to their island just because it's OK.

My sense of immersion in this game is fading. I am a big role-player. My wife is even more dedicated to role-play. This latest turn in CoH/CoV PvP has finally struck a nerve. I am being forced to decide to not only stay out of a zone to avoid PvP (which I typically dislike) but to avoid a situation that makes no sense role-play-wise. It's bad enough avoiding Siren's Call or Bloody Bay because I don't want my hero ganked by villain players, but at least they're doing what villains do.

But heroes ganking heroes. . . where's the role-play sense in that?

The SOLUS Foundation - a Liberty and Pinnacle SG

"The Consequences of War" - Arcs # 227331 and 241496



well...from what I read, the meteorites have a confusing effect (or something) so from a role play perspective, a hero would be attacking what (s)he thinks is a monster or villain, when in fact it's another hero. of course from a non roleplay perspective, people will probably be blasting other heroes left and right just 'cause they can.

Edit: Wait, that's bloody bay... sorry, my mistakes...warburg..warburg...nope, can't explain that one from a roleplay standpoint, unless it's that heroes don't trust other heroes with the weapons...and with base raids...I can almost understand it.



i can't justify it.

Therefore i'll avoid that zone.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Maybe chance to get revenge against that nimbus who booted you off a team for some nonsense reason...

(Hey, I've got a couple of vindictive heroes. It could happen. Just a nice smackdown, nothing serious... )



I'm in RPCongress on Pinnacle (SG CCCP) and on the Congress chat line today I heard the following:

Serial faceplanting with one "hero" after another taking turns faceplanting the same character.

Teams of eight ambushing everything that entered the zone.

"Heroes" eight levels higher than the poor character being faceplanted going after same then hurling insults.

There is no justification for this. It's bullying, plain an simple. And to add insult to injury, as I discovered this evening, NOT ONE of my contacts would give me anything other than the "Go to Warburg and talk to---" mission. NOT ONE. And no alternative mish. I'd take a "Defeat 35 Rikti" over this. I'd take "Come down with Vahz disease again" over this. Anything.

Author of: GOOD TASTE: A Frequent Die-ers Guide to the Turf, Sand and Carpet of Paragon City



To be fair, you can go in, talk to the guy and get out before your PvP timer, uh, times out.

It's like the Hollows. Yes, it gets pushed on you, but only so you know it's there. You can go in, talk to one guy, then leave and never set foot there again.

Character index



Well, on the plus side when CoV goes live and the villains level up Warburg will make more roleplay sence. But until then....I agree.

I was in there yesterday (Thursday) and there was a large free for all/team fight going on at the waterside. They seemed to be enjoying themselves and stuck to that area. People standing on the outskirts (me included) weren't even attacked (good thing to cuz I'd've wiped the floor with them!<LOL&gt. Now, I can understand heroes fighting like that. Sort of like a 'Danger Room' training session. That makes sence, and even the good natured ribbing that was going on.

So, I decide to explore a bit and I find a lone blaster with a scientist trailing him; I ask him if he needs help getting the scientist to safety (I am, after all, a hero and I know there are probably unscrupelous folks about). He invites me in the team (there was a 2nd blaster) and was VERY happy to have a scrapper along. Well, we finish the mission with no problems. I'm happy that so far I've seen no punkish/leachish PvP behavior yet. We go to get another scientist and the guy says, "HEY! There's a scrapper leading a scientist! Let's get him! Get in position, don't let him know we're coming!" Ok, so much for non-punkish behavior. I left the team and seriously thought about helping the scrapper out, except I was now in a moral quandary; attack former teammates to help out a stranger or do nothing? Since I didn't mark their position before leaving, nothing won out. But still, that kind of behavior tees me off. Sure, it's a FFA zone, but why interfere with some loner who's trying to finish his mission? Especialy when some OTHER loner went out of the way to help YOU out? Heck, that coulda been me leading the scientist to safety after all. Ah well.

Important things to know about PvP...unless you're VERY strong or accomplished, don't go alone. Expect to be 'ganked' by multiple foes. Expect leaches to attack you while you're fighting. But ALSO expect there to be nice, decent folks out there willing to lend you a hand. There ARE honorable people around, even in PvP.



As I hardcore RPer, when it comes to my heroes?

I could careless. I'm not going to set FOOT in zones with Hero v Hero combat, so I'm not even gonna give it a second thought either, let the gankers have their fun, it doesn't affect me and my fun.



For you my friend, the OP, and everybody else who agrees with him on this thread..if you're in the RP mode try this: if you think of warburg as an out-and-out warzone thats supposed to be completely offlimits, it makes sense that some heros would be on patrol in order to keep everybody else out. secondly.. some powers you might be able to fit into your RP in order to help you traverse FFA areas like Warburg, are phase-shift or maybe a phase shift temporary power. think about it, then you could travel through warburg or other such areas unscathed.



I suppose you could conceivably contrive some bizarre RP explanation for the goings-on in Warburg. Let's see ... Off-limits zone, Mass hypnosis, ... uh ... ok, I'm out. But why bother. There are plenty of other places to explore in Paragon City.

My character is a hero. I play because I want to play a hero. And this hero will not fire on another hero for any reason.

Personally, I think Warburg is destined to go the way of the Arena. After the novelty wears off, nobody's going to go there. Word has already spread that the zone is populated with munchkins who think it's amusing to ruin your gaming experience, and who believe that *you* should find it amusing as well.

Oh -- and this sort of post is inevitably followed by somebody telling me to quit whining and if I don't like it I should just stay out. Well guess what? I am. Due to the bonehead decision by the design team to require every character to visit the zone, I'll have each of my alts go there exactly once, and for less than 30 seconds. Beyond that, I have no use for the place.