Where have all the Heroes gone.
"Thanks Serge, great work as usual." said Mr Slowburn as Serge finished his work. "I'll be back in next week to get my Task Force suit switched up a bit. States has a big assembly planned and I suspect I might need some repairs when everything is over with."
And with that, Mr Slowburn sped out and towards Atlas Park. It had been a while since Slow had see Ms. Liberty. Sure he had paid her a visit when he gained level 50 Security Clearance but that was over 6 months ago. He had grown stronger in the raw damage he was able to deal but his control abilities were starting to slip a bit. Following the last address from Statesman, Slow had decided that would be the last time he reconfigured his abilities. Constantly moving enhancements had gotten tiresome and retiring started looking better and better all the time. The new base Yarrrrr was working on had potential but a nice base costs a lot of prestige. He'd have to keep working to pay his share. There were enough EN around that he'd only have to work a few nights a week, but he was running out of contacts. He'd taken down almost all of the Praetorians and while he had attempted to arrest Dreck a few times, no one seemed to want to finish the job. Maybe it was time for a vacation instead.
Call it a premonition, a hunch, or just a weird feeling, Slow had one of those moments where he just knew he had to go to the assembly by taking the scenic route. It was a nice day and quite a few of the other EN still hadn't been contacted yet so there was still time to wander around a bit.
The scenic route today would include a trip around the northern islands near Talos Island. Nobody goes out there much but today seemed like a good day to. The weather was nice and that odd feeling just seemed to compel Mr Slowburn to head out that way. Nothing could have prepared him for what would happen next.
Without thinking, Slow had used Inertial Reduction and jumped over one of the hills. What a surprise to land right in the middle of a group of strange soldiers he had never seen before. They had some kind of spider symbol that looked like something he had seen in the database a few days before. It looked like the Arachnos symbol. They were supposed to be held up in the Rogue Isles, not in Paragon City.
Slow fired off Cinders and followed it up by summoning his imps. A quick use of Fulcrum Shift and the imps were ready to get to work. It was nice to see that Flashfire and Firecages could still lock down groups just as well as they could earlier in his career. Out of the clouds came a jet and upon landing, more soldiers came out. The numbers would work against Slow but that never stopped him from putting up a fight. The hospital was a quick teleport away anyway.
Sure enough, there had to be close to 30 soldiers surrounding Mr Slowburn. The imps fell first and then the area effect damage just became too much to take. Slowburn fell and plunged in to darkness.
It seemed like an eternity before light shone again. The hospital never took this long before. Yarrrr hadn't installed the medical bay in the base yet so something had to be up. He opened his eyes and had to do a double take at his surroundings. He could see a few bars around him and what looked like clouds outside a window. As he looked to the right he noticed a figure standing over him.
"Good, you are finally waking up."
Still groggy from the awaken someone had given him, he strained to look at where that voice came from. It looked like it came from across the room. The figure moved back to a seat along the wall and the origin of the voice came in to view. It was a woman with pale features and flowing white hair. She was striking, with an ageless look that many people would die to have.
"I've been watching you for some time. You are quite skilled in controlling the foes you face in combat. I've seen you turn defeats in to victories by using some unothodox tactics. You are the kind of person we need in the Rogue Isles. That was why I compelled you to come to my ambush, that is why we blocked your hospital's teleporter, and that is why you are coming with me now. We need skilled people to train a stable of villains so we can strike at the heart of Paragon City."
"What if I refuse?" asked Mr Slowburn, "What if my friends come looking for me? I know they will, I'm supposed to be at an assembly later. They will know something is wrong."
"By the time I'm through with you, you'll be begging to start training my new recruits and you'll turn on your former friends without a thought. You now belong to Arachnos."
Ghost Widow used some unknown power on Mr Slowburn. The pain was intense, stronger than anything he had ever felt before. Darkness consumed him once again but as he was falling, he noticed his desire to hurt Ghost Widow was diminishing. What was she doing to him. Would he be strong enough to keep fighting.
Mr Slowburn slipped in and out of conciousness the entire trip to the Rogue Isles.
"Welcome Arbiter. You shall be a fine addition to Arachnos." said a strong and commanding voice. "Station him in Mercy Island. Once we attack the prison we will have plenty of new recruits our new Arbiter can train. If he proves himself there we can look at other stations and perhaps a higher place within your organization."
"Yes my lord." Ghost Widow said quietly. "Perhaps he will train the very one we seek in that prison..."
"And perhaps he will become strong enough to aid me in your downfall..." she thought.
The hero known as Mr Slowburn was now a former shell of what he once was. Standing on a podium training low level villains was not his idea of a retirement plan. What will his friends say when they see he is missing. It would be fun to take them down, perhaps I can start my own faction here and eventually rival Ghost Widow or Mako. Time will tell. For now, Mr Slowburn will bide his time as an arbiter until it is his turn to set a few traps.
Mr Slowburn - 50 fire/kin troller
Cosmic - 50 grav/storm troller
Cyberprowl - 50 ma/dark scrapper
Mi-graine - 50 emp/psi defender
Alberta Beef - 50 fire/ice tank
Mythtery - 41 ill/rad troller
Gargantua - 39 ws
Kotor - 38 db/wp scrapper
Fungal - 50 plant/psi dom
Snarky - 38 thug/dark MM
Tar Heel sat in the half-completed conference room in the new EveryNighters base. He was glad to see the turn out of the level 50 heroes in the room. Mr. Slowburn was the only one missing that he really expected. Murg and Kooper were out on assignment. Teen Tar Heel was absent as well. Probably sulking after Yarrrr popped him with that whiskey bottle, he thought.
Just then, Statesman flew into the room. Grandpa always said it was bad manners, flying indoors, Tar muttered under his breath.
Greetings EveryNighters, said the man who put paragon in Paragon City. Id like to thank you for meeting with me on such short notice, but we have a situation that is a danger to Paragon City and to you. In short, there is a surge of activity in the Rogue Isles. Seers with M.A.G.I. predict full scale invasions sometime in the next few months from Ararchnos troops as well as hundreds of new Elite Bosses and Arch-Villians. The EveryNighters have
a vital role in this upcoming conflict.
Excuse me sir, interjected MSgt Black from the back of the room. Statesman waved his hand and the old soldier continued. I will not shirk from my duty sir, but why us? My powers have changed and gotten weaker somehow. It has affected everybody in this room to a greater or lesser degree. If this threat is this vital, our weakened condition may become a liability. Why not bring in other SuperGroups to help or handle this threat?
I am aware of this condition Master Sergeant. Positron has been testing in secret since March on the phenomenon. It is affecting all higher powered heroes, not just the EveryNighters. All we can say for certain is it is not related to the city wide power-outage of a few months ago, although it may be related to the
solution to that problem.
Maybe it was his imagination, but Tar thought he saw Statesman wince at that statement.
What we do know, Statesman continued, is that while some of your powers appear weaker, it is really the enhancements that you use to boost your powers are beginning to lose some effectiveness. As long as you boost your powers in a more diversified fashion, you should be able to perform as well or as better as you did before.
Murmurs of disagreement rose from the room, but Statesman appeared oblivious. Tar was glad that Teen Tar wasnt here; he would have seen this as the perfect opportunity to hurl his hare-brained conspiracy theories at Statesman. Where was he anyway? And what is that racket in the hallway?
Before Tar could investigate the increasing commotion outside the conference room, Pharma Hawk spoke. Putting the power issue aside Statesman, Sarge has another point. Why us? What do the EveryNighters have to do that Angels of Wrath or Paragon SWAT or the Twilight Avengers or any other SuperGroup cant do just as well?
Statesman stared at her in silence for a moment, appearing to size up PH and debating internally his next few words.
You recall that I indicated that there were dozens, if not hundreds, of new Elite Bosses and Arch-Villains predicted to join in the upcoming invasion. The question we raised was where would they come from? Thanks to some surveillance taken at great risk to some heroes who will remain nameless, we have a partial answer. They are being and will be trained at an accelerated rate, by former top heroes of Paragon City. Take a look at these slides.
Statesman showed a series of pictures of a group of low-level thugs clustered around something labeled an Arbiter. They were obviously receiving training and assignments from this individual. The last photo stopped on a close-up of the Arbiter, a short, slim, elf-like human female, wearing a twisting metal, revealing costume.
Tar caught PHs eye. Its Trip, he breathed.
Indeed, said Statesman, most, if not all, of the current and future Arbiters appear to be former members of your SuperGroup, the EveryNighters.
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
Neuttrino could only sit and stare at the slides. There were no words. There was only stunned silence from the people at the table.
She looked at the faces of the EN who were there.
"This isn't happening." She looked at Tar. "This can't be right! Tripps would never...she couldn't..I know her! She is not capable of .." Neut choked up.
Shelooked around again and something occured to her immedately..
"Wheres Slow? He was right behind me?"
The room filled up with some of his old friends, Peepopo stood with his back to the wall with a concerned look. As Capt. Yarrr walked by, he grabbed the bottle of rum from him and took a drink. Yarrr, indeed knew something was wrong, but did not say a word as he knew that peeps will ask for help if he wants to.
Peeps had given up the control of the pirate division over to capt. Yarrrr after a long night of shot challenges and playing chicken with cars, he decided that the pirate lifestyle was in the past for him. Since then he had been working the late night shift training new recruits.
The concerned look on his face was not what states had to say, since he already had prior knowledge from stealth recon missions by his trained recruits. Prior to the meeting, he had sent Chata, and DD to possibly connect with koop and murg to retrieve Slowburn. They have missed the last two check in points.
As states came to the last slide, a bottle of rum flew across the room smashing against the wall as peeps left the room. Coley chased after him as the meeting went on. Im going in after them said peeps. Knowing that she was 7 months pregnant, she would not be able to follow him in and stood there speechless.
Not without me, youre not from a familiar voice above them. It was neut. She had been worried and came out as well to ease drop. Neut hovered down, looked at Coley and said, this is not the time to nor the place to deal with our issues, there are more important matters at hand.
with what states said about the enhancements changing in mind, Coley looked at peeps and cried, You are weaker now! You cant be serious that you can handle the amount of damage and deal the amount of damage you used to.
its my fault, I should have ended this along time ago, and I should have never put them in this danger. Clueless to what her husband said, Coley kissed Peeps on the head and walked back inside.
Neut knew exactly what he was talking about. It was long before any of them had become an everynighter that she found out. Peepopos youngest brother beebobo was an officer of Arachnos. Peeps has since sent recruits to find information about his brother and his whereabouts. The last information he received was that he was stationed alongside of slowburn.
As the two of them started to walk to for the tram, tar heel and ph walked out. They stood in front of neut and peeps way. you need to not let your personal issues compromise what we have planned now. Said ph. We need to be smart about this and plan, stated tar heel.
Compromise! Are you kidding?! You know we have a rat on the EN. There is no way we can have a serious plan without it being compromised from the start. peeps argued. Ph, in a calm voice said exactly, we have a rat maybe more, now lets smoke them out.
Blue slipped out of the room quietly, adjusting his cape as he walked. He'd been out of the game for a while, for a long time really...since parting ways with his former Supergroup, the Angels of Wrath. But truth be told, he llived for the thrill of it all and so when Neut came to him with an offer to join the Everynighters, it seemed too sweet to pass up. It certainly felt good to be back in uniform, even if he was a little rusty.
He cast a glance over at the small gathering, but gave them a large lead, not wanting to listen in on what was not his business. He was a new member of their team...though he'd worked with them before, it had always been in passing and never anything formal. So he decided best to bide his time and wait...see what progressed. He was always ready for a good brawl....but the lines were starting to merge...and who were his opponents...or more importantly, his friends?
One thing was certain, Arachnos was coming, and with him, a new tide for the heroes of Paragon City. And everyone had to be ready for the next move.
PH sounded preoccupied, thought Kooper. She was clearly disturbed that Murg had disappeared, yet she seemed distracted. Some meeting was going on, and it seemed to have the heroes at HQ on edge. I didnt have time to get details, I had to get back on the trail, I need answers. I will not leave here without answers.
I remember meeting him the first time at the cardinals office. It was the same day I was sent to deal with Lord Omar. It was my last day as a normal human. I did not realize it at the time, but it must have been his doing that doomed me. I believe the cardinal referred to him as Balke. I was only a captain, so I was not privileged to mingle with the members of high society.
It was several years later, possibly decades, the past is fuzzy to me still from the time I was under the curse. It was as if I was an outside observer to the events of those years, helpless to do the right thing, but that is another story all together.
It was the second time I seen this Balke, through the eyes of the curse that I realized he was not just some French nobleman. Through the orders of the master, myself and 3 others were to bring a group of villagers to the palace. The master no longer hunted, he didnt need to, he had us. When we brought the villagers in, we were dismissed as the help often was, like trained dogs. As the doors closed behind us I heard screams and cries for help. For a moment, I seemed to be in control of me, and turned to try and see what was happening. thats when I was stopped by a 7 inch dagger piercing my shoulder, and a club to the head. The pain was not so bad, not nearly as bad as the feeling of viewing my life under the control of the count. In any case, at the other end of the dagger was Balke. He admonished me and told me that I was never to see the master.
Of course now I realize that Balke was the masters keeper. I had always assumed the master met his demise at the hands of the hunters, but had that been the case, Balke would have perished as well. He must be the reason I am free of the curse; for that reason, I should be grateful, but I must hold true to what is right. I must make right the atrocities of my past, even if they were not in my control. Balke was a cruel and evil man, twisted by power. I am certain that he is not here for the good of mankind.
The Man in the boathouse, was Balke. Since the release of the curse, I have not encountered another who was like me. If Balke is like me, the heroes of paragon city have a true adversary. If Arachnos is recruiting super powered villains, this is worse than I thought. PH said Something Big was happening, and I must be in the cusp of it. Murg must have been as well.
I cannot let this distract me, I must get back on Murgs trail...
"Wheres Slow? He was right behind me?" Neutrino exclaimed.
Captain Yarrrrr had had enough. He gulped down the rest of the rum and whipped the empty bottle into the view screen, shattering both. "[censored]! What's the real deal States? Why the Everynighters? What do you know, and what aren't you telling us?"
"We don't know anything more than you. We're planning a Longbow strike to try and create a distraction for some undercover Longbow agents to go in undercover. We'll know more soon."
"There's something you're not telling us, and I'm going to go find out what."
With that, Yarrrrr stormed out of the room, grabbed his broadsword and went to the workshop. After spending 10 minute at the forge sharpening his sword, he left for Independence Port. After Yarrrrr untied the Scally Wag, the ship set sail for the Rogue Isles.
Just after leaving port, he heard some clanging from below. Upon investigation, he found Cabin Girl and Captain Harrrrr sparring off.
"Cabin Girl, we're going to the Rogue Isles, the city's teleporters don't work there, you might want to stay behind."
"Are you serious? 3 pirates? What the hell could stand in our way?"
"Good point. With you at my side, no enemy stands a chance."
With that, Captain Yarrrrr settled in for the sail to the Rogue Isles, and relayed what had happened to his fellow pirates.
Ugggggggghh. My head is killing me! Teen Tar Heel groaned as he rose groggily to his feet in the EveryNighter base. That stupid pirate. I can stand in the middle of a dozen Hellions shooting bullets and dodge every one, and that half-drunk Peter Pan reject one-shots me with an empty liquor bottle. Lucky. And now Uncle Tar is gonna be ticked because Im late for Statesmans briefing
Teen Tar peered down the hallway. Either Yarrrr hit me harder than I thought, or we have a giant plant marauding down our hallway. Teen Tar saw a huge Venus Fly-Trap slowly shuffling toward him. Behind the monster, he saw some paramilitary types in some kind of spider armor, and a beautiful woman wearing wrapped green ivy and not much else. Teen Tar also thought he could see a dazed J Five behind the woman.
Sever their heads and post them on spikes in the main hall as a message to all of the other EveryNighters that their fates will be the same. Save this one for me." The villainess was saying.
Sweetheart! yelled Teen Tar Heel, I am touched, truly, but dont you think roses would have been a more traditional present?
Impudent child! screamed the woman. I am Avenging Ivy, and your head will be the first to decorate this base!
Youd have to talk to Yarrrr about that, said Teen Tar as he dropped one minion with a Storm Kick to the head and a Thunder Kick to the crotch. Hes the interior decorator. Although severed heads might fit in with the whole pirate theme he likes. Id prefer some movie posters or track lighting myself.
Whoa, said Teen Tar as he left out of the mouth of the giant flytrap and landed on another minion, wiping him out with an Eagle Kick. Audrey 2 here needs a better gig than henchmanhood. Maybe you could take Little Shop of Horrors on the road Ivy?
GAAAAAA! screamed Ivy as Teen Tar leapt straight up out of a patch of green tendrils that had suddenly appeared at his feet.
You really need to work on you monologueing, babe. said Teen Tar as he dropped the last of the spider soldiers. You should look up Nosferatu, he could give you a couple of pointers. Tell Nossy I sent you, he might give you a break on the price.
Enough of this! yelled Ivy. A burst of thorns exploded from her body. Teen Tar dodged most but some of the poison tipped projectiles got though. Teen Tars super human reflexes slowed, and the giant Fly-trap grabbed his leg.
Crap, thought Teen Tar. Where the heck is everybody anyway? Has Statesman bored them all to death or something? Yo, he weakly yelled out. A little help?
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
Ice Diva arrives at the door of the HQ of The Everynighters. Just as she was ready to ring the buzzer, Peepopo opens the door and almost runs into her. "Hey Ice Diva what's wrong?" Peep says sounding very serious. She cries "Why didnt you guys tell me he was missing?" as she rushes into the the hallway leading to conference room meeting Neut on her way. "Whats wrong Ice?" asks Neut " We have a serious situation here."
Ice Diva goes into the conference room and sees Statesman "Oh my" gasps Ice Diva. She looks around and see the familar faces of Pharma Hawk, Teek, Tar Heel, Super Swamp, along with Peep and Neut who follow her in.
"I was with Princess Grace and StarOmega in Firebase Zulu when I got this message, I only heard the first part of it. Here." She plugs in the device into a console and starts the recording.
Everybody hears radio static, pops fizzle and it sounds very distant.
"Oh my god I hope somebody gets this, I hope the everynighters will hear this. I have been trying to contact the everynighters for so long. Please, whoever gets this let them know. I think I have been gone almost 6 months" Eighball sighs. "I think, oh god I dont know! I was visiting my family's grave markers in Boomtown to say hi and to wonder why my powers were acting strange, but the markers were broken in pieces. I thought who would do this, when I heard a female voice behind me say " Well, Well. You came to us. How nice. thank you Eighttball, TAKE HIM!" That was the last thing I remember. Now, I dont know where I am, they have been running test and torturing me ARRGGHH !!! PAIN the Pain. They never asked any question, Why, oh my god why!! I can't see who they are I have a very bright light in my face all of the time. I did hear them say to send me back, but I am still here. I think they sent a double in my place, I hope he has not hurt anybody. Boy if he hurts Neut nothing will stop me. Neut I love you, Oh no!! I hear them coming. "buzzzzzzzzzzzz crackle" Ok ok I gotta stop now, also I heard a name of Hulk"bbbbbbbbbbbbuuuuuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"ch out for him! POPSNap radio static"
Ice Diva stops the recording and looks around they are all confused and little scared. "So this is not a joke 8 is playing on us?" she laugh nervously. "Where is Eighttball?" her voice gets louder.
In the distance she hears "I am right here Ice whats wrong" she hears him coming to the conference room "Greetings all, whats wrong Ice?" he asks again. He looks around at the team, his features change and become hard and his smile turns into a sneer "Ahhh , you now know. No matter." The room is completely silent. Ice Diva whispers "I dont think that is Eighttball" and before anybody reacts he slams both of his hands together at an incredible speed repeatedly. Slaps them with ear shattering explosions. Everyone is forced to the floor or up aginst walls. The doppleganger then turns and runs at superspeed out of the base. He is yelling into a comuncation device "My cover is blown!, HAHAHA Hulkster come and get me".
Ice diva recovers "Oh no what is going on and where is the real 8?" PH recovers and sees him run out the door and mutters "I think we have our rat".
Returning from Tibet is going to be a huge change, thought a small figure standing at the transit stop. With his ungroomed appearance, he stood out like a sore thumb, even in a city filled with tight spandex and flashy capes. If those monks have taught him anything was that he needed to be more humble in the presence of civilians.
He had gone to train with the monks to seek spiritual alignment after being weakened mentally, physically and spiritually from his battle with Antimatter. The disappearance of his mentor Brawl will always haunt him, as his investigation dead ended at Antimatter.
He had not seen anyone for almost a year. He scratches the area around his worn and faded eye patch that cabin girl gave him so long ago and wonders if things have changed at all.
As he steps off the transit in atlas park, he feels uneasy as its seems someone is watching him. He doesnt break a stride to not give away his uneasiness. He reaches for his communicator and realizes an empty void where it was supposed to be. Then he remembered that it fell out and shattered at the bottom while climbing up the monks mountain in Tibet. He makes a quick move around the corner and stops waiting against the wall, looking to see who is following his path.
A figure crosses his path. He sneaks up behind the figure. Her bandanna and her broad sword was a dead giveaway. It was cabin girl. Why are you following me? It is you! I thought so but I wasnt sure. Said cabin girl with so much excitement she could hardly contain herself.
Everyone is at the meeting with States, only lvl 50s though, but you need to catch me up with your adventures over a couple bottles of rum before you go anywhere! After all, you know you missed me. said cabin girl. With a cocky look, he stood there and smiled. Neither of them could remember the last time he smiled.
On the way to the scally wag, he notices the city seemed pretty empty of spandex and capes. Something isnt right, he thought, but decided to worry about that when he is required to deal with it.
Boarding the ship, he sees another familiar figure passed out on the deck with an empty bottle of rum next to him. As he walks up closer, this still figure springs up and tackles him! Ha, smelled you coming for a mile away, you actually smell bad, and coming from me you really need a bath. Without hesitation, Harrrrr tosses him overboard as cabin girl is crying from so much laughter.
They sat in the cabin below with a bottle of rum passing around. He sat dripping wet while laughing with Harrrrr and cabin girl talking about old times. Do you remember the time we stole Yarrrrs pet pig and dressed him up in a tutu? asked cabin girl as the whole cabin cried in laughter. With tears in Harrrrs eyes he had a hard time saying well he didnt like the pig after seeing him in a tutu, so we ended up having pork for dinner!
As the weary traveler sat there, he felt his eyes getting heavier and decided to lie down. The laughter continued as he falls fast asleep. Wonder if we should tell Yarrrr that Lil Popo is back? Harrrr asked cabin girl. Dont know, lets have him rest for now. He needs it, answered cabin girl.
Standing there in silence, she wonders if Yarrrr will let the past go, since lil popo was like a little brother to him. His warnings to not go after Antimatter was so hastily ignored
.Only time will tell. As she stood there, Harrrr playfully smacks her in the head with the empty bottle of rum. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you are soooo going down she shouted as she pulls out her broad sword and chases Harrrrr.
Yarrrr! barked Tar Heel into the communicator. <bleep>it Yarrrr we have a serious situation here! This in no time for you and your merry men to go off all
Willy-Nilly? supplied Neut helpfully.
Willy <bleep>ing Nilly! Weve got enemies that have already taken down HHH3, probably Slowburn, and possibly more! Whoever it is also took out Eightball months ago and replaced him with a look-alike! We need the whole <bleep>ing team for this! What do you and the rest of your idiot crew think you are going to do? Take on the whole <bleep>ing Rogue Islands? Hope Lord Recluse is pre-occupied with the Jimmy Buffet Live album you give him? Knock Slow upside the head with a belaying pin and hope that reverses any mind control? DONT <BLEEP>ING ANSWER THAT! I'm haveing a hard enough problem keeping <bleep>ing Peeps from going off half-cocked! Listen Yarrrr, you and the rest of those pinheads on that boat better limit yourself to recon! RECON <BLEEP>ING ONLY! Let us know what you find and well work on a Plan! DO NOT ENGAGE! If you dont wait for the rest of the <bleep>ing SuperGroup, the only <bleep>ing team youll be on is the <bleep>ing midnight shift at a <bleep>ing Long John <bleep>ing Silvers! We are clear! Tar Heel cut the communication without waiting for a reply.
Ummmmm, said a blushing Neut. Dont you think you were a little hard on him Tar?
Hey, hes a pirate, grinned Tar Heel. Do you expect us to talk out our problems?
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
Thump, thump, thump, thump, was the sound that pounded through Murgs head. He could not concentrate over the throbbing pain from the hit he had taken. Its a good thing my armor absorbed the blow. He thought to himself. I cant think! I cant concentrate with all that thumping in my head he remembered stealthing into the arachnos base to eavesdrop on a conversation between what looked like a petty thug, and some shark man. The Shark man seemed to be some kind of human hybrid, which clearly didnt need water to survive. That made Murg uneasy. All of the Crey experiments trying to build heroes from genetic experiments often lead to more failure than success. Sure, Synapse and Ice Gost were good examples, but it was their morality that separated them from the evil intention of Crey. There are dozens of other examples to the contrary. The animal Hybrids were rarely successful without driving the subject deeply into a dangerous mental state. Bad mental state and super powered ability was not something Murg wanted to deal with at the moment.
In fact, Murg was pretty sure that the hit from Behind was most definitely super powered. He had barely gotten into a position where he could hear the conversation, even though he had difficulty understanding the shark man. The words kidnap, and Firebase Zulu were all he could make out before the crippling Blow sent him flying.
With the armor taking the brunt of the attack, Murg spun in midair to get a look at his assailant. It was a Lizard looking monster that seemed to be disappearing back into his surroundings, and moving again in Murgs direction. Murg noticed that the blast had knocked off his helmet, so he realized his retaliation would be dangerous. He took a cue from this invisible stalker, and stealthed himself. Murg knew that the invisible game of cat and mouse would be dangerous for him without his full armor. He seen that the ruckus had alerted the shark man and the thug, and the thug had his helmet. CrapSickles! Murg thought, now what am I going to do. Im inside enemy lines. Without my armor, my blasting ability is diminished, and Im playing a game of invisible hide and seek with a chameleon the size of Tar Heel, who can likely kill me one shot without my helmet. "and I can't hear myself think over the thumping in my head." I like the odds! he laughed, lets see what your made of here in the petting zoo. Now that I'm a gimp, you "Might" have a shot
It is truly magnificent. I miss this place when Im gone so long. B-17 thought to himself as he flew across the sunset skyline of Paragon City, returning from several months away.
B had just returned from his duties with the USAF. While gone he had noticed that the cybernetic arm that give him his superpowers had not been functioning correctly. His resistances had decreased tremendously. The engineers ran some scans and tests to find the problem. The power cells seemed to be too unstable, draining the effectiveness of the energy generators and worse yet, possibly leading to a supercritical explosion. After many repeated test and modifications the engineers seemed to have stabilized the cells, only problem is that the generators had to be toned down permanently leaving B feeling a bit more vulnerable. Still thought, he was filled with the confidence that he will do whatever it takes to bring the villains that plague Paragon City to justice.
While cruising over Kings Row, a fiery explosion erupted in the distance. I dont think those are fireworks. Guess Ill take a look. B whispered to himself. As he approached the scene, he saw the smoking bodies of a couple Skull thugs and a young woman looking up talking to someone in the adjacent building through an open window. Landing on the street, B heard the woman thank whoever was in the building. Seeing and hearing she was fine, B checked the bodies of the Skulls. They seemed like they would make it but were in very rough shape, still smoking from the blast, obviously the womans savior was a bit overzealous in teaching the Skulls a lesson.
Dont worry, Im sure theyll live. If not, its just a little less trash for the police to dump in the Zig. Came a familiar voice from the window.
Kid? B spoke out loud.
B? Wow, B-17back in town, my day keeps getting better and better. Kid Blister said sarcastically.
Good to see you too. Long time no see. Good work helping the lady but dont you think you went a little over-board? B said in the fatherly tone he always seemed to take when talking to Kid when they were in the Aero Dynamos together.
Why dont you worry about yourself, B? Kid lashed back angrily, flames igniting from his eyes. Im really not in the mood for one of your wannabe-Statesman, holier-than-thou speeches! As quickly as his anger erupted, it disappeared. Kid Blister turned from the window, sulking back into the darkness of the room.
As long as B-17 had known Kid Blister he had never seen him like this. KB was always a free spirited, cocky, fun-loving kid. A bit hot-headed, often careless and sometimes over-the-top in his sexual banter with the ladies of Paragon City but never one to be sulking around, obviously down about something.
Deciding that trying to help his friend was more important than worrying about drawing his ire; B flew up to the window and entered the building. Through the darkness, he could barely make out the Kids figure sitting atop a table on the far side of the room. Kid Blister was holding something or things but B couldnt tell what they were. With a deep inhale, and not knowing how KB will react to his uninvited intrusion, B strode forward.
You know this place was gonna be FORCE Headquarters? Kid flatly stated. Funny how things change in a year. Four of us came to Paragon together
me, Doc, Baen and Tony. We had huge plans to kick @$$ in PC but things started changing. Tony Starknaked up and left Paragon, he couldnt take the vertigo he developed from too many hospital teleporter trips. Baen-Sidhe Ive heard is around somewhere but I havent heard from her in a very long time. I took some time off to go to college. During that time, Doc Ranger bumped into the EveryNighters. I felt pretty crappy the day he told me he was gonna join them but we still talked all the time and he came and partied at the dorms so it was cool.
Kid paused a few seconds, fiddled with the objects in his hands and then continued.
Then the Winterlords came to town. I was on Christmas break and finishing up the hoverboots I designed when the attacks went off the scale. I came to help in Atlas Park where I bumped into a couple of the Aero Dynamos. We teamed up and put down several of the WLs. Afterwards they convinced me to join and school was getting boring anyway. I made good friends in the ADs, some very fine ladies. A wry little smile crept onto his face for the first time. It didnt last long though. Flying wasnt really my thing. Way too slow. Plus Doc had talked to me about joining the EveryNighters; wed be teaming up like old times. So I jumped at the chance and this is where Ive been and its been good times
The EveryNighters are great heroes and friends. B said. I had the pleasure of teaming with them on many occasions, including Doc. Definitely great people to have on your side.
Kid mumbled.
So whats got you so depressed? B-17 asked with genuine concern.
Depressed? Im not depressed! Youll never see me depressed KB blurted out trying to sound convincing. Ah maybe bummed a bit, I guess
he conceded.
confused too.
Kid Blister ignited his hair, illuminating the room. He held up the objects in his hand for B to see. It was two old communicators of some sort. These were Docs. He just gave them to me yesterday. One is his old FORCE com-link, the other his original EveryNighters one. He told me he was leaving the EveryNighters and wanted me to have these. He wouldnt tell me anything about why or where he was going. He seemed very distant or preoccupied. As he was leaving, I actually made a joke about him retiring and hanging out with Statesman. He gave me a glare that sent chills running down my spine. He then left without saying another word. It was really, really weird.
I couldnt imagine Statesman doing anything that would cause Doc Ranger to be that angry at him. B stated in a defensive tone.
Of course not, States is all goodie-goodie this and patriotic that...blah, blah, blah
Kid scoffed. But I feel like something is up. Just no idea what.
Is there anything I can do? B asked.
Kid thought for a second. Nah, I think Ill do some looking into it myself first. I made a few adjustments to the EN com-link of Docs, I was able to pick up that something was going down at headquarters, something big it sounded like. Its only for the SC50s but well see what I can do., that devious smile once again showing up on Blisters face.
B smiled knowing that Kid was one of the most resourceful people he knew. B reached behind him on the back of his belt and pulled something off, tossing it to KB. It was an Aero Dynamos communicator, in fact the same one Kid had while he was with them. If you or the EveryNighters ever need anything at all, dont hesitate to call on myself and the Aero Dynamos. Youll have our support anytime you need it. At that, B gave Kid a salute.
Kid gave a thumbs-up in return. I guess youre not all bad for a boring ol stiff, B. Kid leapt down from the table and started running for the window only to pause. "Hey B, there is one thing you can do for me. Tell the ladies of the Aero Dynamos I said hey. I know they missed me
especially, Hexy and Kamey! With that Kid gave a wink, jumped through the window, burst into flames and was speeding into the night.
Will do Kid. B said to himself knowing KB was long out of earshot.
B-17 took to the skies trying to figure out where to head next. B checked his scanner for recent even in Paragon since hes been gone so long. Hmm
Sirens Call has been opened back up. Sounds like a good place to start.
With that B-17 disappeared into the night sky.
Cabin Girl winced and rubbed her ear as she put down the Communicator. "Is Tar ticked or what?..Bah, he will get over it" she smiled to herself. "Still , my Captain needs to know"
She walked up to the front of the ship where Captain Yarrrr stood, brooding. She came up behind him and slipped her arm about him, leaning into his strength.
"Yarrrr, Tar is beyond pissed with us. Recon only he said. Sounds like they have a plan but he didn't say. Guess I can report back on our findings or whatever we run across?"
Yarrrr stared straight ahead. "Yea." he muttered. "Who's the stowaway?"
Cabin Girl flinched and turned away. "It's Popo. He's back from his journey." She turned back to him to gage his reaction. Yarrr didn't move. "Have him thrown overboard." he snapped coldly.
"Sure" CG laughed. "Harrr already did that, the man needed a bath so badly. He's below sleeping. Yarrr, he ..." she hesitated. "Something is not right with him. Something happened to him out there..He has changed. I think it's time you forgave him and got on with it. We need him for what's coming don't you think?"
"Think! Think?" Yarrrr barked. "Thats all we ever do is think! I am tired of thinking!" he started pacing. "We are going to the Rogue Isles. We are gonna find Tripps and whoever else those bastards have captive, then we are gonna lay waste to the entire isle! I am going to beat them down so bad that even in thier sleep, they will have nightmares about me!" he glared at CG. "And if those 'Thinkers" want to help, then they better get off their duffs and haul [censored] over here or there is gonna be nothing left for them but to sweep up after me."
CG crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Feel better?"
Captain Yarrr stalked over to CG looming over her with deadly intent. Cabin Girl stood her ground. Never had she seen him look so deadly. "Either you are with me or against me. And if you even think you are gonna stop me.....then get off my ship."
Suddenly, there were sounds of swords being drawn. Captain Yarrrr whipped around drawing his own sword. Cabin Girl drew hers as well and stepped into place beside her Captain.
Captain Harrrr and Lil Popo stood there, swords at the ready and pointed at Yarrrr. "You are not throwing anyone off this ship. You ain't gettin rid of us that easy." Captain Harrrr held up his communicator. "Tar wasn't exactily too soft spoken about he wants us to do. We are to proceed to the Isles and find the location of Tripps. And there is more. Eightball has a double that may have been ratting the EN out. They are hot on his trail now. Slow has been recently kidnapped and something about Murg. He is MIA as well. Besides that, it's pure chaos over there. Lot's of yelling going on. Now then Yarrrrr... what are we four gonna do about it? He said as he lowered his sword.
Yarrrr stood straight, looking at Popo. He started to grin. "Well, we are gonna beach at the Rogues Isles and find our lost EN. And heaven help those who get in our way."
Cabin Girl laughed as she sheathed her sword. "Ok, who's up for a picnic on Mercy Island?
At that moment from up above in the crow's nest. "Land Ho!!" cried First mate Fizwink. The pirates looked up to see him pointing toward the Isles. They turned forward and stepped up to the railing.
"They have no idea of what's coming. I almost feel sorry for them" said CG wistfully.
"Wait till the get a load of us" Lil Popo murmered
"Poor bastards" Yarrrr growled.
"Aye" Harrr replied.
All four pirates were grinnin as they looked towards the Rogue Isles.
Murg Stood Silently, eyes closed, Listening. The thumping in his head had receded; he was concentrating on finding his invisible assailant. No footsteps, no breathing, no movement, the big lizard is trying to find me as well.
Murg moved towards the corner of the hallway, surveying the tactical landscape for things to use to his advantage. How does one flush out an invisible lizard? He thought to himself. Invisible Lizard Bait, its risky, but effective. Murg turned off his stealth field for a brief moment, and then re-engaged. He paused to listen, crouching to the ground. Sfff.sff.sfff.sfff, he heard ever so faintly coming his direction, the cad had taken his bait. Timing is Crucial he thought, remembering the pain of the last strike. Suddenly the sound stopped, which meant the beast had lost him, or was ready to strike. Murg did not waste time, he immediately let loose the full arsenal of his energy attacks in all directions outward from the wall, and finally set off his nova attack. BLAM, the blast was loud and strong, even in Murgs weakened state, the blast was impressive.
Much to Murgs dismay, there was no lizard laying in the blast rubble, just a lot of wallboard and ceiling tile exposing pipes and wires from above. Exhausted from his failed attempt to connect wit the beast, he started to limp towards the exit, when the beast materialized before his eyes and landed a double overhead blow that knocked Murg back into the pile of rubble. Murg rolled as he landed, he was stunned, but not beyond reaction. Now your going to get it you big Gucci bag Murg snorted at the villain. Murg stumbled to his feet, and mustered his energy for a couple rapid shots, the first missed, but the second one landed mid chest to the beast, knocking him about 20 feet down the hall.
The beast snapped back to his feet, obviously angry for the turn of events and started to disappear into stealth mode again, yet this time, not silently. As he walked towards murg he said, My name is Skink. I am an assassin Stalker for Lord Recluse. I have been following you and your friend since your arrival, and I find you both annoying. It is time you stopped, you see when I am invisible, I am 3 times as powerful, and when my assassins strike lands, I promise you will not feel a thing.
Impressive as that sounds quipped Murg, I think Im going to have to pass on the offer. Die Imbecile Skink screamed, and murg heard the pace of his step increased to a run. Murg fired a volley in the direction of the sound as a distraction, and then sprang into a back flip down to the corner where his nova blast detonated, and falling flat on his back into the rubble. Peering down the hall in the direction of the noise, he watched. Reptilian feet impressions were now pressing into the dust on the floor, murg could see skink descending upon him rapidly. Murg pointed his hands up and let a power burst rip into the overhead wires and water pipes. The Spray of sparks and water showered to the floor in a glimmer of electric light outlining the hulking lizards form, Skink was exposed. Murg rolled to his right and sprang to his feet just in time to avoid Skinks assassin strike, turning 180 degrees to deliver a bone smasher to skinks head, driving him to the floor unconscious. Murg breathed a sigh of relief as he looked down at the unconscious villain and said, Good lord I am glad youre not a tanker.
Ratchet Fizwink had only been a member of the EveryNighters for a relatively short time, and a member of Yarrrrr's crew for even less time, but he'd proven himself quite...useful. Several of his ingenius gadgets and inventions had been patented and put into use throughout Paragon, and even EN's base. Most notable of which are the Inter-Spacial Gyro-mechaincal Dimensional Stabilizers, which are used in the latest model of devices used for teleportation around Paragon.
Because of this (and his twisted and failry psychotic sense of humor), he quickly made friends of the EN group, and quickly rose through the ranks as a member of Yarrrrr's crew.
"LAND HO!!" shouted First Mate Fizwink up in the crow's nest of the Scally Wag.
After pointing out the Isles in front of the boat, though he never understood the need to point...after all, it's a gigantic spot of NOT water...but now wasn't the time for that argument, he hopped out of the nest, grabbed one of the ropes and slid down to the deck.
"What preparations'll we be needin', Captains? I'd be more than happy to break out the guns I modified! You know, the ones with the 'nade launchers, taser, laser-guided missile, and toaster ovens...I've even got the mini-fridge stocked with Hot-Pockets!" Fizwink asked excitedly...the little guy definitely enjoyed his tinkering. Though, no one has any idea why he decided to fix a toaster oven onto an assault rifle, bypassing the flamethrower to heat the coils in the oven...
Before Yarrrrr and the others could answer he was already bolting for his bunk to get his trusty goggles, and he really needed to find a better pair of pants...the ones he had tucked into his boots just would not work in combat situations.
"Ahh, been a while since I've had opportunity to wear THESE babies," he exclaimed happily as he pulled out his favorite pair of Lucky Brand, Japanese-styled pants with the orange checker design on the sides. "Oh yeah, now Ratchet's all set...just need my...damnit, where'd I put that stupid sword?"
As he overturned his bunk, in search of his trusty broad-sword, a small black box with a dimly-glowing red light on it.
"What the hell is this," he pondered as he picked up the device and began prodding and examining it's surface. "Hmm...looks like..." After another minute of fidgeting with it, he broke out his name-sake, and begin to pound on the box with a ratchet.
After about 6 whacks of increasing intensity, a small seam appeared along one of the sides. Carefully prying it apart, he split the cube in half, one half empty cover, where the clear "window" was, the other half filled with complex circuitry and the LED that was blinking red.
"Hmm...pretty advanced stuff, but what do you do..." as he closely followed and examined the circuit patterns, microchips, capacitors, etc. "Wow...haven't seen something like this in a while...but judging from the layout, and types of chips in here, it's probab--" he trailed off as he lifted up a piece of circuitboard to reveal a reddish spider-like symbol in a black circle embedded onto an important-looking chip. "Oh crap..."
Suddenly, he jumped up, box in hand, and sprinted out cabin door, tripping over his sword on the way, "DAMNIT!! I don't have time for this!!" he exclaimed as he picked up the scabard on the run to the deck.
"CAPTAINS!! We've got a problem!"
Yarrrrr and the others whipped around to look down at the little green guy.
"What's wrong, Ratchet?" Cabin Girl asked.
"I was down in my bunk looking for my sword, and found this," as he held out the box in front of CG, who looked at it slightly confused.
"Okay, so what is it? It's not going to blow us all up, is it? I remember that last 'little box' you brought me...ruined my birthday. My hair got blown straight back, my cake exploded all over the wall, and you singed my favorite cape..." she said as she looked at him, one eyebrow raised.
"Pssh, no...and that wasn't my fault anyway...the mechanical squirrel I made as a lab assistant demanded ramen in return for lab-work...and since we don't have ramen here, I had to say no...and he just went ballistic. Seriously, he started shooting at me with the guns I was modifying WHILE running around at SuperSpeed!! Anyway, that's not what this is!! It's a frickin' tracking device designed by my uncle, Prof. Wizfink...who started working for Lord Recluse about 2 years ago!!"
As he gave them that last little bit of info, they all realized what it meant. Their "element of surprise" was not only blown, but was predicted.
"I'd bet they not only know we're coming, but planned the whole situation to MAKE us come here! We've gotta be REAL careful of our next move, Cpt. Yarrrrr. What do you need me to do?"
Ratchet's pulse began pounding...would Yarrrrr continue on his original plan of action, and lay siege to the Rogue Isles? Or would he play it safe and delay the attack. Knowing the captain, Ratchet had a pretty good idea what was coming, and starting drawing a mental plan of what tech would be needed, how much ammo, etc.
"Band-aids, can't forget the band-aids, oh, and the hot-pockets...this could take a while, hmm, we'll all probably need a couple fresh pairs of pants, I hear this place is pretty grimy, and uh...OOH! This'll be a perfect opportunity to test out the Mecha-Robo-Fizzy in battle conditions," he began thinking...and subsequently getting entirely off-track, as techno-geek gnomes have a tendency to do.
I'm so going to hell...if not for this post, then for that thing with the squirrel and the maraschino cherries.
Ratchet Fizwink
Proud boss of the Paragon Tram Maintenance.
PGTM - Fixing Paragon, one track at a time.
Ph left the conference room confident that the rat was indeed the Eightball replacement. It had been nearly a year since the original team was pulled off assignment, maybe it was that action that made us a target. Without the group being together on a frequent basis, we would be an easy target for replacement.
The question remained, How long has the real 8 been gone, when was the tape made. What was Arachnos after?
As she walked into the corridor she seen green trails like grass stain trailing into the transporter room.
As she followed the trail, she heard a faint voice say little help She cautiously entered to see Teen Tar Heel on
the receiving end of what looked like a man eating plant. She immediately blasted TTH with a clear mind buff, Adrenaline boost and a dose of full health healing.
There wasnt a villain alive that could stand against a Scrapper Turbocharged with an Empath defender TTH Immediately Sprang into action. The Green clad villainesse was clearly startled by the speed of the events that had unfolded before her.
As TTH prepared to retaliate, PH turned to the villain and said, Lady, I dont know who you are, but youre going to need more help. A lot more. Then she hit her EN Communicator and on Emergency broadcast exclaimed EveryNighters, Code 1 Security Breech on My location, Report!...
"They know we're coming? Good. Cabin Girl and I will make an open assault on the isles to distract Recluse's security forces. Harrrrr, Lil Popo and Ratchet will go with you, I want you to scout out around the isles and get our own visual confirmation on all the arbiters that you can find. Ratchet, I'll need some kind of wearable visual recording device as well. Afterall, Tar said he wanted recon, right?" Captain Yarrrrr grinned.
"Why the hell do you get to have all the fun?" Harrrrr demanded. "It's not like you're the only pirate around here."
"No, but I am the best. Besides, while everyone elses powers seem to be getting weaker, I only seem to be getting faster. Having no super powers to lose can definitly be a good thing. Use your discretion. If you see a situation where 'recon' isn't enough, then go ahead, and do what you think is necessary. Just don't do anything stupid, the Rogue Isles are outside the range of the city's transporters, if you go down, you're not getting back up."
With that, Yarrrrr leaped off the boat, headed for the closest island, and Cabin Girl was only a few feet behind him. Yarrrrr came ashore on Mercy Island. There was very little to threaten him here, so the two made their way towards Port Oakes.
The new villains had not yet been told of the stupidity of attacking Captain Yarrrrr and Cabin Girl, so along the way, the two pirates dispatched many young villains. At one point, one Doctor Viklas sent a few pitiful robots after the pirates. After two well placed headsplitters from the pirate duo, the robots were nothing but scrap metal. The pair took off after sending the foolish doctor to the hospital. A figure stepped out from the shadows.
"Ahh, Captain Yarrrrr, my old nemesis, you haven't changed a bit." Captain Arrrrrgh muttered under his breath. "I've finally escaped from that wretched hell hole you left me in, and after I get back in shape, I will make you pay. But first, I'll murder everyone you know and love. For now, I'll just bide my time." The peg-legged, hook-handed pirate stepped back into the shadows. "Soon enough, you scurvy dog, soon enough."
After ravaging several scores of low level villains, Yarrrrr and Cabin Girl made their way into Fort Cerberus. There they found an arbiter, but he was wearing a helmet. After defeating him, they tried removing his helmet, but it would not come loose. Yarrrrr made sure the recording device recorded everything, in all the vision modes it could, and then took off towards Port Oakes. They would find out who this shy arbiter was later, for now, there was work to be done.
Ratchet smiled the smile of a proud inventor, as he watched the video feed from the Gnomish Pirate-Camtronic he had fashioned out of the skull-and-crossbones on Yarrrrr's hat. After all, the cap'n wouldn't be caught dead without it. A little gnomish ingenuity and a small camera was embedded into the non-patched eye on the skull, and the bones were used as a wireless transmitter on a specific frequency which only Fizwink knew how to tune in. So, he hooked a dvr up to the main transceiver on the boat, and patched one of the viewscreens in his goggles to said frequency as well, so he could keep an eye on their status. After all, Yarrrrr wasn't the type to report in...ever...and Harrrrr would need to know what was going on. Ratchet was glad he had remembered to give Cabin Girl the communicator verion of one of her earrings, so that audio wouldn't be a problem, and he'd pick up on any distress calls she/they made.
"Alrighty then, looks they're already getting into the swing of things, and making waves..." he began chuckling at his own pun, as Harrrrr and Lil Popo rolled their eyes at the gnome's inate ability to crack really bad jokes. "I guess that just leaves our move next huh? According my research," he began as he accessed his laptop, "if we head to the Cap Au Diable, we should get a drop on a couple different Arbiters, one of which didn't show up until about 2 weeks after another one of our members left. This one should be..." he trailed off.
"Who the hell is it man!?" Harrrrr demanded of the vertically-challenged techno-nut looking dumbfounded at his computer.
Ratchet's eyes grew wide (behind his goggles of course, so he's really the only one that knew it...good cover, rarely surprised, but anyway) and his jaw dropped as he watched his information being deleted real-time in front of his eyes.
"I...I'm...being...HACKED?!?! How the hell do I get hacked?!" With this, his surprise turned to rage, and the others could almost swear his green skin got a little greener...but the whole green thing was normal for him, not scurvy or anything, so don't worry TOO much...how he became green, is a tight-lipped secret on the other hand. His fingers began flying across the keys at an unbelievable rate as he tried to both safeguard the remaining files and get a tracker into the airwaves, and find the sneaky, yet incredibly skilled, [censored] hacking his system.
Whoever it is, they're good...looks like...hmm, this is being used also...wow, and that too huh? This guy's gotta be almost as crazy as crazy as me to be able to come up with that...
The Dark Fizwink's smirk grew wider and wider as he manipulated Ratchet Fizwink's computer, downloading all the relevant files, deleting almost all others, and sending Fizwink on a cyber-goose chase...
"Hehe, get the cushy job over me will ya? I'm gonna mess up all your little toys so bad and screw with your head on such a level, that you'll be reduced to finding Playskool toys intriguing! MWA-HA-HA-HAAAAAAH!! 'Gnomercy' this, you little [censored]!" With that last statement he activated a worm/tracking program that would upload any and all new information directly to Dark Fizwink whenever Ratchet shouts his battle call, 'I COME FOR YOUR PANTS!! GNOMERCY!!'...which turns out was about every other 5 minutes. "God, that drives me CRAZY," he yelled as his right eye began to twitch at the thought of hearing that phrase so many times.
Ratchet struggled furiously as he waged the cyber-battle, trying to save his computer. He had managed to trace the culprit to a hotel in Cap Au Diable, though how they were hacking from there was beyond him...
"Unless...DAMNIT!! He's been toying with me," he shouted as he slammed the keyboard with his fists...which somehow pierced through much of the hacker's programs..."What the? Heh-heh...HAHAHAHAHAAAA!" he began laughingly maniacally.
He then looked up to see Harrrrr and Lil Popo looking at him strange.
"Ahem," as he cleared his throat, trying to look calm and collected,"Um...through my sheer technical prowess I have succeded in making the hacker think he had me fooled. And, uh...I broke through his encryptions, and...now, err, have access to his computer...totally on purpose...NOT on accident or anything...yeah."
"You need some help there, mate," Harrrrr commented with a raised eyebrow.
"Pssh...I go through Psychiatrists like Drano goes through a Mechanical Battle Chicken's coolant system." They just looked at him with a dumbfounded look. "What?"
Ratchet returned his attention back to his latptop in time to see a small program get implanted into his system, but the encryption on it was unlike anything he'd ever seen...it would take some work to crack it.
I'm so going to hell...if not for this post, then for that thing with the squirrel and the maraschino cherries.
Ratchet Fizwink
Proud boss of the Paragon Tram Maintenance.
PGTM - Fixing Paragon, one track at a time.
"I swear PH, she means nothing to me!" yelled Teen Tar Heel as the burst of energy and healing given to him by Pharma Hawk took effect. "Don't be jealous!"
With that, Teen Tar caught Ivy under the jaw with a Crane Kick that propelled her backward. Landing, Ivy was immeadiatly surrounded by fire. Trojan King, hearing the alert had turned the corner and threw down the Burn patch that Ivy was struggling in. Yelling in fear of the fire, she tried to escape, but fell repeatedly on the Ice Patch that TK has also applied. Seconds later, Ivy was hit by fists, swords and blasts as more of the EveryNighters entered the fray. Finally lapsing into unconsciousness, Ivy faded out of site as a automatic transporter hummed.
"Somehow I don't think she teleported into the Zig," said Pharma Hawk frowning.
"Nice of you guys to show up for the mop-up work," exclaimed Teen Tar Heel. "I must have put down a hundred of her minions and monsters before I go any love from you guys."
"Save it," said Pharma Hawk. "We've got a lot of work to do. Tar is getting recon from the pirates, and he thinks the EveryNighters will pull an all-nighter trying to put together a rescue plan."
"Great," muttered Teen Tar Heel. "I hate these 10 hour Task Forces. Hey! Who are we rescueing anyway?"
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
Tar Heel popped a blue and washed it down with the rest of the pot of coffee.
Ok, he said, We have been going at this all night. I think weve reached a consensus on what we need to do, so here is the plan.
Tar looked around the crowded assembly room. Every member of the EveryNighters that were available was there. One of Tars few contributions to the layout of the base was a request that the assembly room be purposely smaller than the full membership roster. It was standing room only when all members were present and Tar had felt it added to a sense of urgency. He admitted to himself that he hadnt counted on an entire division of under 4 heroes who were straining to see.
He continued. We have recon from Yarrrrs group and more
recon that Statesman has supplied from the undercover Longbow agents. We have identified three and possibly four of our members operating as these Arbiters out in the Rogue Isles. HHH3, Mr. Slowburn, Doc Ranger, and based on this surveillance tape, Eightball."
I know its 8, a small voice whispered. I can tell.
Tar looked at Neut silently and then continued.
Well, thanks to 8s doppelganger, they know we are coming. Hopefully they wont expect us so soon or on multiple fronts. Thats why we are leaving tonight with 4 separate strike teams for each of our friends. Each team will have a tactical leader and an empath. We are out of Paragons hospital transporter range so keep your empath on their feet, people. In addition, each team will have a lower level teleporter on-board each EN-Jet in the zone for emergency extraction.
Team One will have Super Swamp as lead and Headache Healer as the empath. They will go after Mr. Slowburn. Ill lead Team Two with Neut as our empath to extract Doc Ranger. PH will wear both hats for Team Three who will go get Trip. Finally, Team Four will have Peeps as lead with Taja as the empath and go after Eightball.
Ive notified Yarrrr that he and the pirates need to be ready to back up any of the teams that get in trouble. Otherwise, he should just wreck havoc in the Isles and draw some of the attention away from us.
Team Leaders will choose the rest of their team. You should have no shortage of volunteers. The mission is to get in, get our teammate and get out. This is not a defeat all mission. Do not clear! Feel free to try and talk it out, but expect resistance from our friends. We dont know how deep the brainwashing goes. Knock them out and carry them back. We can worry about how to reverse any mind control when they get secured here at the base.
Ive given the Team Leaders a bit of Council tech that will prevent Arachnos transporters from sending any defeated Arbiter back to their hospitals. It wont teleport them back here or to the EN-Jet, so youll have to carry them out.
Anybody not on a team, hunker down and defend the base against any possible raid or counter-attack. Avenging Ivy got in here somehow so more may follow. Follow up with all your contacts. Lets see if we can get any more information on what Arachnos is up too.
Any questions?"
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
Blue Electric turned around to find a familiar face as he was grabbed quite firmly by the shoulder. Northern Wolf was never one for any great amount of patience....or courtesy for that matter. He did know that if Wolf was going to interupt, there was definately something on his mind. The meeting had turned to logistics anyway, and Blue knew his role...shoot anything that moved, and hopefully not get shot in turn. He'd leave the planning to those more suited for it.
He slipped out into the corridor and followed his old friend, and long-time teammate some distance away before Wolf finally spoke. Though he was never exactly calm, he seemed decidedly on edge today...Maybe because he wasn't out in the Rogue Islands with Cabin Girl getting into lord-knows-what kind of trouble.
"I don't like it Blue..." He stated quite flatly "I don't like it one bit. Do they really think their going to be able to just waltz right in and pull there friends out?"
"They have to try...And they'll need all the support they can get. That's why I'll be going with them"
Wolf shrugged, having expected that statement...Blue was always too willing to jump into the fray...Hell, he knew almost ever nurse and doctor on a first name basis he'd been to the hospital so many times "You all can go looking for trouble if you like...but there's more to this than anyones saying, including States." He stopped, turning to his friend suddenly, and the look in his eyes said quite plainly that this was no question "I'm going to Rogue Isles, and a few from the old Legion are coming with me...we're going in to dig for answers, not add to their count of fallen heroes."
"I'm surprised you didn't say you were going alone..." Blue thought about it a moment, and finally nodded his agreement...mostly because once Wolf was decided on something, there was no changing his mind "If you find out something that we need to know though, get ahold of the team leaders...Your getting older my friend, you can't take on an army by yourself these days.
"Says you..." Wolf grinned viciously and slipped out of the base.
Blue almost felt sorry for any villain foolish enough to cross Wolf...sure, he was a hero...but it was a fine line where he was concerned. The blaster started back towards the conference room, and oddly enough, he was almost looking forward to the mission...if only there weren't so much riding on it.
It couldn't be him. He was still as she remembered him. He looked like he was in a hurry..but when had Northern Wolf ever not been in a hurry? she thought to herself. "No way is he gonna remember me."
She had been mopping up on a lead she received from Indigo. She had just come out of the office when she saw him.She smiled remembering the good times they had had together and the all the odd looks they got as a crime fighing duo. "I should say Hi.. see whats up."
She poured on the speed and caught up to Northern Wolf at the tram.
"Meow Wolfy" she purred in his ear as she came up behind him.
His eyes went wide. "Cattnip?!?" he replied turning towards her. "It's been forever and a day. Where have you been?"
"Oh, you know, this, that, keepin the baddies down to a minimum. Actually took some time off after a mission gone wrong. Those Malta sappers really had my number. My regenerative powers aren't like they used to be. I can still mop up though, just takes me longer. You might say I have been somewhat of a 'Lone Wolf' lately. I just left Final Option SG. Wasn't really what I wanted anymore..ya know? Got restless"
"Anyway. saw you coming out of that building there and thought I would say hi! What's up?"
Wolf looked at her and grinned. "On my way to meet up with some rogue pirates. Get in on the action in the Rogue Isles. The Everynighters have a bit of trouble and I am itchin for a fight"
Cattnip looked at him and grinned. "Well, I can phone in my report to Indigo. I have some time....want a bit of company? Just like old times?"
The Paragon Tram pulled up to the station. Northern Wolf looked at Cattnip. "Dogs and Cats working together?"
She replied, " Total chaos. What's this world coming too?"
Wolf laughed and got on the tram with Cattnip following. "So, we are going to rescue a bunch of pirates?" she asked as she chose a seat.
"Not quite. Just going to give a bit of back up. It's gonna be rough." he said as he sprawled in the seat next to her.
"What.. I am gonna muss my fur? Get my tail stepped on? Get my whiskers kinked? Sounds like good times"
Wolf just smiled.
They quickly made their way to the connection tram to the Rogue Isles. They disembarked in an area called Warburg. Cattnip glanced at Northern Wolf. He could see that preditory glean in his eyes. He was all about the hunt. She fell in step beside him, falling back into the old pattern. She was amused that it was like gettin on an old bike again.
"I've missed this." she murmered.
They roamed the streets, keeping their eyes peeled for anything. Everynow and then they would run across a fight going on. There were some heroes currently at work trying to clear the streets. Carefully and quietly, as not draw any attention to themselves, they skirted the street brawls and continued their search. They stowed on board a ferry they found at dock, ready to depart. When the ferry docked, after waiting till all the passengers disembarked, they got out and made their way inland.
"Cap Diablo..what kind of name is that for an Isle?" Cattnip whispered? Wolf shook his head and continured on. They slowly headed toward a large round domed building at the top of a hill.
"We get on top of that, and we should be able to get a better layout of where we are." Wolf said over his sholder.
Suddenly Cattnip paused, her tail bristled. She popped her claws. Wolf immediately followed suit and went into a crouch. All around them came the sounds of hissing.
A giant Cobra reared up with a dozen snake warriors behind him. Clearly they were outnumbered Cattnip thought.
"Just like old times eh Puss?" Wolf said to Cattnip. They had gone into a back to back fighting stance.
Cattnip let out a hiss of her own. "Everyone knows a cat can stare down a snake, but these poor fools don't know any better. Shall we?"
Wolf moved lightning fast with a focused strike that knocked the Cobra back into the others.
"Hey!" cried Cattnip. "Save some for me!" She leapt into the fray, claws slashing the nearest snake warrior. Before her first target dropped, she had eviserated the one behind him.
Within seconds, it was over. The snakes lay on the ground. Northern Wolf and Cattnip stood looking at the carnage.
"Good job, I see you haven't lost your touch Cat."
Cattnip sheathed her claws, looked at Northern Wolf and grinned. "And you haven't forgotten how to show a kitty a good time. I want more."
He just laughed. "A gentlemen always obliges a lady. Shall we?"
Ratchet had just finished re-securing his laptop when his normally quasi-psychotic grin got a little broader. He had just gotten the message from ENHQ saying that the pirates would need to come up with a diversion to draw the attention away from the teams going on the rescue missions.
"Hehe, we get to, 'make some noise' to create a diversion..." he relayed the message to Popo. "Looks I'm REALLY breaking out all my toys!!"
With that, he once again bolted for the ship's cargo hold where he had stored all of his heavy-assault equipment.
Tigratchet, his "pet" genetically engineered (quite accidental though, we assure you) cat...erm, hybrid...whatever...peeked her head around the corner of a box in the corner.
"Whatcha doin'? Lookin' for my food? It's in the box marked 'Meow-Mix'...and I'm starving."
"Nope," Fizwink replied, "I'm getting all the hard-hitting stuff...where's the crate of my Kamikaze Nuclear Squirrels? Also, I'm gonna need the Battle Chickens, Techno-Turtles," and he just continued listing off his strange inventions as the cat-girl's eyes just grew wider and wider...and her one eyebrow got higher and higher.
As he pulled his toys out, he found his oldest robo-pet, Torchy, a once-fire-breathing metallic dragon, and more recently smoke-blowing rusted chunk of metal.
"Wow...THAT'S where you've been," he exclaimed as he picked it up, switching it on and listening to the servos hum noisily with life. "Hmm...looks like we need to get you all fixed up...how'd you like some anti-freeze, huh?"
At the mention of anti-freeze, Torchy started chirping and squirming anxiously, as, like all of his other creations, it used "alternate sources of energy" as he preffered to call it.
After getting Torchy all fueled up, Tigratchet some Meow-mix, and all of his toys on their designated short-range telepads, he strapped on his belt, scabard, sheathed his sword, and threw on his backpack.
"Hehe...they have no idea the amount of 'noise' I'm going to create, hahaha," he began to laugh maniacally and started moving towards the hold door.
"Yeah, those baddies are in for a show, which means you're DEFINTELY taking me!" exclaimed the cat-girl jumping down off a box.
"Oh no, it's our friends who are in for the show, the bad-bozos will be gone before they get to see anything...and I knew I should've locked you back in the janitor's closet in AP...as it stands I guess you get to come cause some carnage yourself."
Tigratchet pulled down and secured her goggles (designed by Ratchet of course) as she ran past Ratchet, out the door and up the stairs.
Ratchet then made a mental note that the first place he was going to head for would be the real location of his mystery hacker. He needed to know if it was his uncle or not...If it was, this whole mission just got a lot tougher.
Oh yeah...note to self...lock Tigratchet back in the janitor's closet in PGTM's office...stupid cat's got more experiments scheduled. Hell, damned thing missed it's Kinetics lesson, He thought to himself as he locked the hold door.
I'm so going to hell...if not for this post, then for that thing with the squirrel and the maraschino cherries.
Ratchet Fizwink
Proud boss of the Paragon Tram Maintenance.
PGTM - Fixing Paragon, one track at a time.
(OOC--This is the beginning of a joint story that started in an email chain for the EveryNighters SG (Guardian and Pinnacle servers). If you are an EN member feel free to post. Everyone else enjoy).
As Urarisa steps into TI, something was different. It was quiet. Very quiet. Ura pulls open her SG communicator only to notice one member on. Herself. Cold chills ran up Ura's back as she put her communicator away. Her entire SG, gone...where could they be...they are the EveryNighters...they should be on every night...or at least someone should. Urarisa runs frantic to find another hero to see if another major attack has happened. Only to find there were no other heroes. She was the only one on
the entire TI island. "NNNOOOOOOO!!!" cried Urarisa. "They have all turned to the dark side." Sadly Urarisa flew to the tallest tower. She took off her cape and hung it over the edge. Contemplating becoming a villain to join her fellow SG. What will become of Urarisa? Will the Evilnighters
overrun the EveryNighters?
__________________________________________________ _
Tar Heel stared at the pulsing communicator beacon. He hadn't answered the call in weeks and didn't know why he still carried it around. Somebody was looking for a team to fight the Evildoer of the Week. The hero's name was U-something, must be one of the new guys. Kind of a dramatic one too. Time was, Tar was one of the toughest SOBs in Paragon, but lately he felt he was getting weaker every month or so. The hordes of bad guys that he used to laugh at began to hurt
more and more. He could still take a punch as well as he ever could, but Council Flamethrowers and DE toxic spit and a dozen other exotic damage dealers, seem to hurt him a lot more than they used to. The eggheads at Biotechnix had said his mutant abilities had maxed out, and all the trainers
he saw couldn't improve his powers or train him for any new ones. He thought that it might have been too many times wading though diseased sewers, or standing next to an active Nuclear Reactor Core, or just munching on Kora Fruit, but he had talked to some of the other old-timers and they felt it too. Pharma Hawk and Mr. Slowburn were making noise about retiring and puttering around the new base they were planning. Last he heard, HHH3 had moved to Vegas and Mr. Icy Pants had a standup act in L.A. Tar had tried to get to the bottom of the problem but all his leads were dry. Teen
Tar Heel thought it was all engineered by Statesman so he'd stay the Big Man in Paragon City. Tar just thought that Teen Tar had been watching too many X-Files reruns when he came up with that conspiracy theory, but he had to
admit, he hadn't come up with any better explanation.
It didn't seem to affect the new guys as much. Guys like Re-Fridgerator still got excited about new their new powers and going Zig on some poor, dumb, bad guy. They still seemed weaker than what Tar remembered about that security level. He couldn't see Fridge taking on that huge room with all
the Devouring Earth deep in the heart of Eden. He'd get a transporter headache with all the times he'd be sent back to the Hospital.
Speaking of which, that case of Budweiser he had consumed that afternoon was giving him a pounding up in the grey matter. One pop of those special green pills would make that hangover go away quick though. Using those "inspirations" to treat a hangover probably wasn't in Statesman's "Vision"
but he figured he deserved them. Besides, he had millions of influence to burn and with nothing new to get for his powers. The only other thing his months of fighting evil would buy him was a new suit from Serge.
Maybe it was time for him to hang up the tights as well. Maybe some of that millions of influence could get him on the football coaching staff at Paragon U.
The communicator beeped again, but it was different than he had ever heard before. He silently read the strange new text message from his "pal," Statesman. He had identified a strange, new threat, and only heroes with a security clearance of 50 could help. Teen Tar Heel would probably just tell him that States would think it would be "fun" to gank a lot of level 50 heroes so he could show he was still the Big Cheese, but for the first time in weeks, Tar Heel felt an itch to do some tanking. He picked up an old communicator, not the one he carried now, but the old, obsolete, beat up, original EveryNighters communicator. He had some calls to make.
__________________________________________________ _
It was late when the call came in. The sound startled Ph out of a dead sleep. Se sprang to her feet ready to fight, a reflex from all the years on the EN payroll. "What was I dreaming?" she thought. Never mind that, where is that communicator. The sound kept chiming through her room,
"where is that thing?" She thought. "it's the old one, where did I put it". There it was, in that box of stuff from the old steel canyon apt. "Hello, this is Pharma, what's up?"
"PH, its Tar. We have to Talk." It was good to hear his voice, it had been quite a while, months in fact. Ever since the First group of EveryNighters hit 50, and were assigned more administrative jobs they had been out of touch. Even more so since Doc and Neut came aboard, a team as good as ours didn't need 3 Emapths, so she concentrated on behind the scenes work coordinating Defender strategies with Headache Healer, some assignment from the bureau of super powered affairs.
"Ok" she replied, "Go on." She figured it must be serious, because Tar always liked to chat a bit before getting to business. Not tonight, he was right to the point.
"it's a message from States, Clearance Level 50 Only, I need you to find Kooper, Murg, and whoever you can find, but 50's only. States orders."
"Ok, I'll get right on it. Where Should I tell them to meet?"
"I'll be in touch with the details, States was very secretive, I just needed to start the ball rolling"
"Tar?" She said, "Yea PH?" he replied. "It's Good to hear your voice again." Then she ended the signal, He didn't answer, but she knew he could
hear him Smiling. Not that creepy Smile Teen Tar Heel Always gives her. That kid is one big super powered hormone. She thought, then laughing to
herself as she dialed Mr. Slowburn, maybe one day Teen Tar will be as classy as his uncle, hehe but probably not.
Busy Signal? In the 21st century? Who could slow be talking to on the old EN channel? And why doesn't my priority code override it? Probably discussing the new base details with Capt Yarrrr, that pirate has flair for nostalgia, he probably still carries the old comm. link.
"Why us? Why Now?" "After all the odd things that have diminished our individual abilities, what could possibly require the old team?" The new heroes are all spectacular. Neut, Doc, and Peep have trained them flawlessly. In many aspects they are all better then the original team.
"this is going to be harder than I thought" she muttered to herself, Kooper and Murgatroid are on assignment watching Warburg in the Rogue isles. HHH3 has all but disappeared. I think Uarisa knows where Swamp is. I am sure I can find Sarge In Peregrine Island training his own team of bad [censored]
heroes. I know he's off world on some portal mission, I'll text message him on the private channel.
Let me try Slow again. "Ring"....
__________________________________________________ _
Meanwhile, in the Mole Point, Mr. Slowburn anxiously checked his watch. "Look maam, I'm sure this delivery you have for me is urgent but the walls of this cave are blocking my cell phone."
"Please be patient. Azuria's package is almost ready. We're just finishing the safeguards for the suitcase and preparing some runes for her vault. Seems like she is always forgetting to close the thing."
With that brush-off, Slow waited for what seemed like an eternity. The only upside was it gave him time to polish the boots on his new costume. Roaming charges are bad enough in the Shadow Shard but not having any signal always
gave Slow an extra reason to worry. Sure that new fangled containment he seemed to have discovered sure helped him in combat, especially when facing Arch-Villains, but he just didn't seem to have the strength to summon 15
fire imps like he used to and his area hold power was taking more and more out of him each time he used it.
"Here you are Mr. Slowburn, one necklace I need you to deliver straight to Azuria."
"Thanks maam, I'll be sure it gets there. Atlas Park is a quick trip once I get back through the portal."
*Hopefully Yarrrrr has the teleporter working, it would save me a lot of running.* Thought Slow as he zoomed off from the Mole Point. *Uh oh....Ambush. No problem.... Phase Shift should get me through, FBZ is only a minute away.* And with that he activated phase shift and took off
through the Circle of Thorns ambush. *Huff... Puff... I can't seem to stay phased.... Oh crap!* Phase Shift dropped when he was still a ways away from Firebase Zulu. Suddenly his feet were stuck to the ground with dark tendrils coming up from the ground. Slow had seen this many times before.
He had dispatched many Ruin Mages before, sometimes 2 at a time, but this felt different somehow. His life was fading away faster this time. It seemed like every attack was finding its mark. Slow quickly popped a break free and resumed his path to the portal. He would not be stopped and Azuria would have her artifact. He jumped for the entrance, popped a respite, and made a beeline straight for the portal. *Not today boys... Not today.* And he jumped through the portal.
Safely back in Peregrine Island, Slow stopped for a quick rest. Sadly, there is no rest for the hard working controllers in Paragon City. The giant monster call was being broadcast over all the radios in the Portal Corp office. *No time for that today, Azuria needs this necklace.*
*Hey... I have a signal again.*
"Hello, Slowburn here"
"Slow, Tar is saying States has need of some level 50s."
"Where does he want us to meet up? Please say Atlas Park. Azuria lost that blasted necklace again and this time I had to go all the way to the Shadow Shard. My new boots almost got scuffed on the way back to FBZ."
"Just come back to the base. He's still working out the details and should get back to us shortly. In the meantime we need to get all the level 50 EN together. It sounds big."
"OK, I'll be there shortly. I'll take a quick detour to AP to see Azuria and then I need a quick stop at Icon for some polish. I assume Peep, Doc, and Tritus are close by. Neut should be getting back soon too, I can hear some pedestrians chatting about her last press conference."
__________________________________________________ _
Yarrrrr awoke with a start. He heard a familiar noise in the distance. Wandering over to his desk, he found his old EverNighters' Communicator warbling in the bottom of the drawer.
"Two in the afternoon? Who calls this early? Whatever, it can't be important."
Yarrrrr walked out to the half constructed main room in the new EveryNighters' base. The teleporter was destroyed. The Captain's broadsword was jutting out of the base of the unit. Yarrrrr tried to remember how that happened. He vaguely remembered a huge fight with Captain Arrrrrgh, but he also saw a few empty bottles of rum, and figured he let his imagination get the better of him. Good thing the
city pays for everything on credit.
Then Teen Tar Heel walked in. "Let me guess, the teleporter threatened to steal Cabin Girl away from you again?"
The Captain winged a rum bottle across the room right into Teen Tar's forehead. Knocked Out Cold. "Serves him right, little punk." Just then, Tar Heel walked in. Tar looked down at his nephew on the ground. He gave Yarrrrr a dirty look.
"What? I'm a pirate. Did you expect me to talk out my problems with him? It's not like it hasn't happened before, he should know better."
"Fair enough. States called, there's something big going on, Security Level 50 only."
"What, is the Jell-O mold loose again? I'm telling you, that thing is a liability, we know where he lives, why don't we just set up a police drone?"
"No. Something different."
The Captain wedged his sword out of what was left of the teleporter. "Sorry, I guess we're gonna have to hoof it."
Yarrrrr grabbed a half full bottle of Captain Morgan's Special Stash, took a swig, stashed it in his belt, and followed Tar Heel out the door.
__________________________________________________ _
Things were going well. The Press Conference went off with out a hitch. The new recruits were showing well and were developing nicely. The EveryNighters SG and Legacy was in good hands. "I am so tired and these heels are killin me.'" Neuttrino thought to herself. She was lookin forward to portin home to the new base and soakin out the aches and pains in newly installed hot tub. She pulled out her communicator and activated the porter. Nothing. "What the hell?" she muttered and punched the button again. Nothing. Neut sighed. She grabbed her briefcase and lifted off into evening sky. Paragon city was so gorgeous at sunset she thought. " I could fly forever as long as the sunset remained.
So peaceful"
At that moment she heard screams coming from the streets of Kings Row. Looking down she saw a new hero trying his best to rescue a group of ladies from some Skull beatnik purse snatchers He was overwhelmed and goin down
fast. Neut swooped in and healed the hero then gave him an extra power boost to help him along. She stuck around while he arrested them then took off for the tram. A faint thanks reached her ears as she soared higher. She smiled
to herself and remembered the old days of zooming in and out of buildings doing run-by healings. "Always glad to be of service" she thought to herself, grinning.
As she landed at the KR tram her communicator went off. "Wow!" she exclaimed out loud looking at the communicator. " I can't remember the last time....
hmm" "Hello Neut here." she answered. It was Dr Slowburn.
"Slow!!! Good to hear
from you hun! What's up?"
"I am just here at Icon getting my boots buffed. PH called telling me that Tar is assembling all Lvl 50s at the base. I am about to head there myself" he said.
"What, are Yarrrrr and Peep at it again? You remember what kind of damage they did last time they sparred? What is busted now and who am I patchin up this time? Did Yarrrr actually manage to hurt Peeps?"
"No" Slow replied. " PH didn't say, but something is up. Something serious. Just get a move on"
Hearing the serious undertone in Slow's voice was disconcerting. "Ok, I am on my way. Need a lift or are you almost done?" "Just heading out now. Meet you there"
"Gotcha.. see you in a bit.. Thanks"
She hung up and boarded the tram. Neut mulled over what Slow has told her. "Tar assembling the veteran team. What in the world." She thought about the many adventures and missions she had been on with the team and wondered if a
new mission had come up. As the city sped by, Neut gazed out the tram windows. It came over her slowly. The old excitement, the rush of heading
out on a dangerous mission, the adrenaline rush that came from keeping her team alive and powered up. "One more mission, just one more before....." She hung her head. Could she do it? Did she have the strength? Neut looked up
at sun setting in Steel.
The gleam was back in her eyes. She smiled.
Kooper moved through the brush like an animal stalking its prey. "I have to keep him in sight" he thought to himself. As he moved into the clearing, the moon light illuminated his view, confirming what his heart knew to be true, that villain had Murg's helmet.
It had been two days since he heard from Murgatroid. He made the Sunday checkpoint rendezvous, and reported that the activity in port Oakes seemed suspicious. Longbow had asked for volunteers to assist in surveillance of some suspected Arachnos' activity, and the two of us headed out. Murg was supposed to watch the longbow base in port oaks, and his Sunday report was not completely conclusive. There had seemed to be a build up of petty thugs from the recent Zig escape, but no real info as to why they all had
conglomerated here. When he left Sunday he never made the next checkpoint on Monday morning.
The feelings of guilt began to express themselves in Kooper's sense of urgency. He had to get closer. "I should have gone with him" he thought. "Damn Blasters always think they are indestructible." "If anything has happened to him, someone is Gonna Pay Big!"
Koop silently slipped up to the boathouse, carefully peering into the window, he noticed two men talking. "I recognize that guy! But from where?" Kooper's mind raced as he tried to place the man's face. "Could I be wrong?" "I have lived 300 years and not forgotten a face, but this one..No...I
couldn't be."
"If I am right, we are in trouble" he thought. "I have to get this info to the EN base ASAP.
As Kooper turned to run back to a secure location, his steps progress was cut short. BLAM! Is all he heard, and the pain on the back of his neck was immense. The Blast sent him crashing through the adjoining boathouse and into the bay of Port Oakes.
By the time Koop hit the water, his innate healing abilities had already repaired the damage he received from the assault, and he quickly jumped into the air to see if he could identify what had happened. It was too late, he
had only caught a glimpse of someone, or something going stealth and running off into the city. He knew his perception was to low, he would not be able to follow. What was worse is that the two men were long gone as well, and
so was Murg's helmet. "What hit me?" he thought, "It's a good thing they hit and ran, because I'm pissed!" "I better call HQ and get back on Murg's Trail; I hope Murg didn't take a hit like that"...
__________________________________________________ _
Teek was rolling down the road in his new Escalade. 22's on the ground, bass thumpin. Life is good in retirement. Heck, it only took him three months to rack up 60 million. What started out as a career for the good of the people is now about the 3 G's. Girls, Gold, and Glory.
With all the money and fame, why not retire? The villains are
getting more dangerous, and he can't seem to improve his abilities anymore. He bought a nice place in Founders Falls, and now travels to Peregrine Island to watch the Arena matches from his luxury box.
I haven't forgotten how I got here. A great bunch of heroes who took me in when I was young. The EveryNighters. Their passion for the hero game is like a narcotic. You gotta have it. I got into the hero business a little late, so I never got to fight with the legends. Pharmahawk,
Eightball, Neutrino, Tar Heel... WOW! I sure feel lucky. Fighting along side my twin tank, Trojan King, fueled my ascension to level 50. But, with great power comes.................A LOT OF FREAKIN MONEY!
Just then, I heard a strange sound. I looked around and realized it was an old "hand me down" communicator. It was given to me by HHH when he retired. He said a call might come in someday. "Keep it close".
"Hello" I said. "Who is this?" Where is Trips?" came the bark from the other end. "This is Teek I said. " Is this.....Tar Heel?!" "Yeah, hey listen, there's a big deal goin down. Statesman is rallying all the level 50 heroes. You up for a challenge"? "For the opportunity to fight along
side you? HELL YES!"
"Hey, I heard some drunken Pirate thought your niece, Teen Tar Heel, was a guy! That Captain Yarrrr needs to lay off the rum!" I said. "Ha Ha"
said Tar. "He's just a crazy pirate anyhow......................."
__________________________________________________ _
The day had started out like any other normal day in the life of J Five, but it was no normal day. One year ago on this day his mentor Capt. Overload had mysteriously disappeared while fighting crime on the streets of Paragon. Not a day had gone by that he hadn't thought about his teacher and friend but the anniversary had come as a bit of a shock. He knew who he had to talk to.
J was using the new base as temporary sleeping quarters while some plumbing was being fixed at his apartment. At least that's what he allowed himself to believe, he knew that he could have showered here and gone home to sleep, but the added security of being in the base with the rest of the EveryNighters around was comforting in these trying times.
He walked out of the dorm area towards the kitchen to get a better signal on his cell. It looked like someone had gone on a bit of a bender as there were a few empty rum bottles on the counter accompanied by only one dirty glass..... then he noticed something he had not noticed in quite some time. There were voices coming from the Main Hall, familiar voices. Being relatively new to the ENs he wasn't sure he had a place at the meeting but one thing was clear, all of the level 50 EveryNighters were there, even a few he had never met before, and from the sound of it they had been summoned by the call of The Statesman himself.
He decided that before going in, he would make his call #1 because it was important and #2, because this seemed serious and he had some things to say. Electric Lady was already awake when the phone rang, and she knew without looking at the caller ID who it was.
"Hi J Five", she answered. J let out a sigh and said "Ahhh You knew it was me, you always were very perceptive, just like your father." "Thank you, I'm so glad you called.... sniff... so very few truly understand." J Five knew that even he could barely understand but also understood that the depth of his understanding was immaterial, he had lost a mentor, but she had lost a father.
"Listen El," said J "there's a chance that he's still out there somewhere, and as long as that chance exists, and as long as I'm a level 50 hero of Paragon City, I will do whatever is necessary to find him." "I know that J, and I thank you but its still so very hard to take the truth. Maybe you can come over tonight.... I really need to talk to someone and Mom still refuses to talk to me about it, she refuses to believe he's gone and insists he'll be back any day now. Honestly I love her, but I can't deal with that right now. I need you,"
"El, I'll be there when I can, but something is going on here at the base, and I don't know what it is, but it's big. All the 50s are here and it seems that the call was sent out by Statesman himself." He listened to the silence coming from the other end of the phone. Then she erupted. "You don't have to go, I know you're a 50, but you don't have to go. Someone has to stay and guard the base, you can do that, then I won't lose you like I lost him. DAMMIT J FIVE YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME!!! NOT TODAY, NOT TOMORROW, NOT EVER!! I CAN'T LOSE YOU TOO. I CAN'T Lose you too. I can't lose you too........ why today?? Why today of all days?" and she sobbed quietly pulling the phone away to muffle the sound. J Five walked back toward the kitchen for more privacy.
"El listen, life is hard and we've chosen a harder path than normal. We're heroes. Without us who will save the city? Who would stand and fight and risk death to protect the innocent? Do you think I would shy away from all your father's teachings now when they are needed most? I promise you I will be there tonight, but whatever tomorrow brings, I cannot promise I will stay. To turn my back on what I believe would be to spit on your father's name, and that I will never do not even for the love of his only daughter. I will be there tonight I promise." Stubbornly agreeing El quietly said goodbye and hung up the phone.
He set the phone down and stared at the floor, rubbing his temples with the tips of his fingers, and he heard a scraping noise coming from the dorm area. As he went down the hall to investigate he knew something was wrong and though he wanted to, he felt drawn by a powerful force, beckoning him toward the place where he had just awoken from. His body took over as he walked into the room and he felt his hands reaching for his trusty Katana.
"You look just as Capt. Overload said you would" said a raspy woman's voice. His vision was becoming a little cloudy but all he could make out was a villainess dressed in green "you can stop right there" J Five felt a thorny vine slowly sliding around his legs and holding him from the waist down. "I'm Avenging Ivy and your former mentor has hired me to come bring you to Mercy Island to our base where you will be trained to become a villain mastermind like he has become. I hope you like robots." He detected the smell of poison gas and as he tumbled toward darkness, Ivy turned to her minions and said "Destroy the base, there should be very few heroes here this time of day, but leave none alive. Sever their heads and post them on spikes in the main hall as a message to all of the other EveryNighters that their fates will be the same. Save this one for me."
His last thought before he reached blackness was "They have no idea what they're in for....."
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute