Where have all the Heroes gone.
Defcon surveyed the battlefield, scanning, calculating and adjusting tactics, compensating for the heroes strategy. His Artificial Intelligence was not only packed with the history of warfare, but modified with his (and his victims) own personal experiences. He was easily compensating tactics to keep his robot Army safe and in control. This opponent was much more coordinated than most. He was really intrigued by the battle that was playing out before his sensors. He did not particularly dislike humans, he just didnt trust them. He didnt really see himself as a villain either, just an opportunist; and as history has taught us, there are far more opportunities in the world of outlaws than of formal society. On the rogue isles, no one even gave him a second look as he strolls down the streets. Back in Paragon city, the people would run from him in fear. It was here in the isles that Defcon had come to know his first and only human friend. He was a Lieutenant in Arachnos, an engineer, and fascinated by the fact that Defcon, an Android had become conscious because of a 5th column robot virus. After the Statesmans Strike he never saw his friend again.
It was only sheer coincidence that he was with Arachnos today, but the opportunity had presented its self in a not so unorthodox fashion. This group of destined ones as the Ghost Lady referred to them, just happened to be after the same things. All of them had wished to unlock the secrets of the thorn tree, and had eventually succeeded. An alliance was formed, less from brotherhood than from convenience, and more for personal gain than camaraderie. By defcons calculations, it was likely only their combined success and subsequent rewards that kept the group together. It was those successes that had gained them favor in the eyes of the ghost lady, and for that, they were now bound indefinitely as a team. Still, he didnt have options, so he was content to be along for the ride.
Rubicon defeated by Tar Heel, initiate respawn at location 15 degrees west by 11 degrees north, full Upgrade, re converge Tigris and Euphrates to provide cover
The battle command subroutines ran across Defcons internal displays
Initiate Rio Grand incendiary missle array 3 and 5 on target Arbiter Slowburn, Firey Fist is trapped.
Seeker 1 and Seeker 3 intercept blue electric, on course to aid arbiter neuttrino
Yangtze and Ganges in pursuit of hero Pharma hawk
The last transmition caught Defcons attention. Pharma Hawk? Accessing- AccessingRecord found, Display photographic record.
Defcon activated his flight servos and raised into the air over the battlefield, and started towards the helicopter wreckage. He was cut off by a returning Ice Gost and HHH3, who had rejoined the battle, and he could see on the horizon, several more heroes approaching. Two quick Force bolts knocked the heroes out of his path and he continued on his way to the wreckage.
The Photographic record was now playing on his internal display. He could clearly See the one called Tar Heel, whom he didnt recognize on the battlefield because his rams horns were missing, he also recognized the two blasters he just removed from the air, and there was Pharma hawk. The record showed this group of heroes raiding the 5th column base during the rogue robot incident. They were making waste of the hordes of MK5 Wolfpacks and Mech-Men. The video had be recorded by Omega Black Scion, Stealthed Malta operative, the one Defcon worked for before he gained Life.
What caught Defcons attention was the fact that even though these heroes were battling his robot brethren, like humans mostly do, when they came to the Robot leaders, they stopped to listen. Pharma Hawk had actually tried to communicate with the rogue robots as the beings they were, and not just machines. It was this pause in the battle that allowed Omega Black Scion to escape undetected by the heroes. Because he escaped, and had taken one of the MK5 memory cores that was infected with the rogue robot virus, Defcon was born. He must not let the others hurt the woman who was in a way responsible for his birth.
Defcon recalled his henchmen: River 6, cease current operation and follow the leader. Converge on my location. Engage en route, but do not break course.
Hey Fridge, said the dark blue costumed hero, whats going on? Where is everybody?
Looking at him quizzically, the huge ex-Pro Bowler and GI Joe Operative replied Im just shutting off the lights and lockin up the doors Duke baby. You got your communicator on hide again?
What? Oh, yeah, I guess I do, said Duke Man sheepishly. What did I miss?
Well nothing yet, but PH is calling in everybody to hit Bloody Bay hard and fast, things went from bad to worse to a little better and then to a lot worse and then
I forgot where I was. Anyway, follow me, we can get on the last jet over there.
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
What happened?
Fridge had just finished the explanation for going to Bloody Bay.
Theres no way Tar, Nuet, and Slow could be in trouble, is there?
Seeing the confusion on the face of Duke, Fridge said, "Hey Dukey don't worry, Tar and the rest will be fine. Right now they NEED us though,"
Could Tar, Nuet, Slow,Teek, PH, and the rest of the ENers really need MY help? woundered Duke These are my heros and they need some help from the rest of EN. Fridge and I will be there to do they need us to do.
The second the wolves dissappeared into the shadows, Cattnip curled into a tight ball. Her regen was slow to work and she lay there for some time. She eventually rolled onto her back and let the memories of the battle wash over her. Wolfy had held back at the end. That small action gave her hope. She knew she could do this, could get him back. But first, she had to get out of here, and second, she had to follow their trail.
She got to her feet and stretched. She started off in the direction they had taken. There was a slight smell. It was Wolfy. She knew his scent. The other one, his was the stench of death. But Wolfy, he might be able to cover his scent, or disguise it, but not the smell of sweat in his clothing from an extended battle. Cattnip grinned. She had him, and he had left a a good trail, she knew it, and she was willing to bet he had done it on purpose.
She struck out at a fast pace. She knew they were probibly moving quickly and she knew she needed to get out of the area incase Darkened Wolf had sent Archons after her. After that fight outside the hospital, she did not care to go up against the soldiers of Arachos alone.
She had no way of contacting anyone from the EN. She was truly alone. She and Wolfy were too evenly matched but she had an edge that Darkened Wolf didn't know about. Wolfy was still with her. She just had to out-think DW, and with his penchant for monologuing, it shouldn't be too hard. In every encounter she had with villians, it always was their own egos that tripped them up in the end. All she had to do was play to it.
The scent trail led her to the back of a huge skyrise. As she looked up at the building, she could see giant red flags and banners waving from its ramparts. They had large spider looking emblems on them.
"This looks like an office building?" she wondered. "That makes no sense."
The trail ended at a door. There was no handle. "Only from the inside...Damn it." She popped a claw and tried to jam it in the door seam. She worked her claw up and down trying to feel for the locking mechanism. After a few minutes of fiddling with it, she wasn't any farther along. She withdrew her claw. "Well, no guts no glory. There is always the front door." Of course a pink and beige cat might draw the wrong attention. Quickly looking around, and not seeing anyone, she flash morphed into her black and white stripped fur. "This might work..they would never expect me to walk thru the front... Just need to act confident and look mean..like a villian. I can do this." Cattnip thought to herself.
She quickly moved to the front of the building. People were walking in and out of the doors. She lifted her head and put on what she hoped was a regal, haughty look, grabbed the door handle and walked in.
The front lobby was emmence. Cattnip kept reminding herself not to look around in wonder. "Look straight ahead,, don't flinch, look like you know what you are doing." She glanced toward the front desk. The guards there didnt even look up. There were 4 main elevators and 6 doors. One labeled stairwell. Remembering the back door being at the NW corner of the building she took one of the rear elevators. She punched the down button. The doors open, and just her luck, nobody was on the vator. She entered and pressed door shut. She let out her breath, not even aware she had been holding it. "What the hell am I doing? Too easy... I have no idea where to go" She looked at the buttons. There were 5 sublevels and a "B" for basement. "Gonna' have to work my way to that door." Knowing she came up some stairs from the back she figured that the basement might be the right level for that back door. She punched "B". The doors opened. She got her bearings and stepped into the hall. She turned in the direction of that back door. All her senses were on full alert. If she could just pick that scent up before she found that door. She kept following hallways, slowly working her way to the NW corner. She kept up her confident walk, and as she passed people she didn't look at them, putting a sneer on if she did make eye contact. She had just passed one man who had looked at her funny. He was wearing a labcoat. She turned a corner and kept going. She knew the man had stopped and might be coming back around the corner. She quickly tried a door and found it open. She ducked inside and closed the door. She froze, listening for his footsteps. After a few minutes and hearing nothing, she opened the door back up and peered out. The hall was empty and she could no longer smell him near. She stepped back out and continued on her way. As she came to a four-way section, she halted. "Aahhh." There was the familiar scent. She looked ahead. If she was correct, the back door was ahead of her somewhere. She looked left and followed the scent. It led her to a closed door. The hall was still empty. She put her ear to the door. No sounds. She put her hand on the doorknob and slowly turned it, easing the door open. It looked like a receiving office, and nobody was home. She entered quickly and shut the door. The same stench of death lingered here. The wolves had both came this way. There were were two doors leading out of this room. She followed Wolfy's scent to the door on the right. Once again, she put her ear to the door and again, silence. She opened it into a small hallway that had several doors and one at the end of it. She moved to the door that his scent led to. There was no light coming from under the door and no sound. Swallowing hard and her adrennelin pumping, she tried the door handle.
Tar Heel wound up and knocked out another in a seemingly endless tide of Ninjas. As he did so, he again heard the womans voice from the transmitter buried in his brain.
I take it that our remote surgery was a success, John.
It appears that way, thought Tar Heel, but as soon as I get out of this fight the whole thing is coming out, along with this transmitter, Countess.
Please John, you used to call me Julieanne, thought the Countess Crey.
You used to BE Julieanne, retorted Tar Heel, you made the choice to become Clarrissa Van Dorn aka Countess Crey, not me. And I dont trust the Countess Crey.
You dont have to be so testy John, replied the Countess, you came to me, remember? You wanted something that would block any possible brainwash that Ghost Widow might throw at you. Not only did our little procedure work, but based on the feedback from the device, my scientists were able to formulate an antidote that we allowed that creature Ice Gost to steal. I think that I have earned a little trust from my help.
As long as helping me helps you and the Crey Corporation, thought Tar Heel, thats about how much trust you have earned so far. Spotting a distant figure that appeared to be the one summoning all the Ninjas, Tar Heel began wading through enemies toward him. Now if you will excuse me, I have a battle to win.
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
Tar Heel allowed the strange, walking plant creature to bite into his arm. Then, ignoring the pain, he immobilized the creature next to his body and delivered crushing blows to it, until the mangled plant fell inert to the ground.
Tar was pleased at how the battle was progressing. Although none of the Destined Ones had permanently been removed from the fight, Tar had been in enough melees of this kind to get a sense of when they had reached a tipping point. Although it would be a near thing, he knew that it was just a matter of time before they won this battle. Unless they brought reinforcements, he gloomily thought.
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
Beta Team is in place, stammered the new Arachnos Captain, and Omega Team has followed HHH3 and Ice Gost back to Bloody Bay and can engage as well. Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon Teams are also standing by.
Thank you Captain, murmured Ghost Widow, "I believe that Alpha Team has worn down the EveryNighters well enough. Send in the rest of the teams.
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
She overlooked the field. The Everynighters seemed to be gaining the upper hand. Alpha team was losing stamina. She could see Fiery Fist glancing towards the hillside where Beta team stood waiting for the signal from Ghost Widow.
"Arrrrrr lass." Captain Harrrr said, clapping her on the sholder. "We will get our chance to show those pirates what it really means to pilliage and plunder. That saucy baggage they call Cabin Girl...I will claim her for my first prize. " Harrrr looked down where the pirates were beating back some robots. She watched him leer at the female with the large broadsword as she hacked the legs off a robot.
"I don't think she is one we need to worry about." She said nodding towards the winged headed woman. "That one stopped a tank in his tracks."
"Then that is the one you drain first. From her we will be energized." said Rube as he came up beside her. "Make her your focus..her and the tank they call Tar Heel. They will last the longest. We have a green light. Let's roll."
Screech looked down at her arm, flicked off the flakeing dead skin, then gazed down at the fight that they were soon to enter. "Hope they brought earplugs." she mumbled and fell in behind Beta Team. Upon reaching the bottom she focused on the large blue tank. As her team hit the tightly gathered Everynighters like a tsunami, she fulcrum shifted his power to the Evilnighters, then turned to the wing-headed woman and fired off transference.
To her left, she heard Captian Harrrr's hearty laugh as he engaged in battle with Captain Yarrr with his ice sword.
It wasn't locked. Cattnip cautiously opened the door and peered in. It was shockingly bright inside and reminded her of a doctor's office/operation room. It was cold and sterile made of steel and white tile. It smelled overwelminglyof disenfectant. She stepped in and shut the door.
"Can't you people leave me alone for two seconds? I am just finishing my......" the voice stopped. Cattnip jumped at the sound. She hadn't seen or heard the man in the white lab coat. "I don't know you.. You want something? I am very busy." he said taking a step towards her.
"Uh, I am, uh.. looking for two men that might have come this way?"
The man looked at her strangely. "No one has been in here. Who are you again?" he said as he moved toward a side counter.
Cattnip thought fast. "Um, nobody important. I was, uh, sent to look for them and I thought they came in here. Sorry to disturb you." She backed up and reached for the doorknob only to find the door opening on its own. She heard a distinct click behind her. The hair on her neck stood up.
Oh boy, here we go. she thought to herself.
She backed up into the corner behind the door and went into a crouch.
A man in a black arachnos uniform came in. "Where is she?"
"There, behind the door. Thank you for responding so quickly. I barely pressed the alarm." the man in white said.
The Arachnos soldier turned to Cattnip and held up a strange looking weapon. "She was on observation the minute she walked in." He grinned at Cattnip. "You are either very brave or very stupid kitty cat. Now you are coming with us and I suggest you come quietly." He raised the weapon and aimed it at her.
Cattnip weighed her options. One soldier, an unknown weapon, a doc or go with them quietly. Yea right....
In one swift action she moved. She popped her claws and before the man in white had blinked, the soldier was out cold on the floor. Cattnip disarmed him of the weapon and turned to the doctor. His eyes grew wide and he backed up. "This would have gone so much more easier if you had just let me go." Cattnip said. The doctor began to smile.
"Really my dear. I think you are right, it would have gone easier if you had just gone with him. Now..."
Cattnip barely had time to wonder at what he meant by that and the fact that his eyes were looking to just above her sholder.
"Oops" she muttered.
A stunning blow knocked her to the floor. She fell to the floor on all fours, the weapon flying from her hand.
"Did you really think we would only send one man to collect an interloper?" a voice came from the hall.
Cattnip looked up. There were several more soldiers in the hall coming into the room. She struck out with her foot and knocked the first man down. She hopped to her feet, popped her claws and focused on the second man in the door way. He was knocked back in to the hall from the force. She leapt after him. Close fighting quarters she could handle and knew she had the upper hand. A whirling move stunned two more in the hall itself.
As she slashed at the second man, her world went black and she slumped to the floor.
"My my.." the doctor said, the discharged weapon in his hands. "This is impressive. Get her out of here, I have work to do." He tossed the weapon to the awakening guard on the floor.
"She would make an excellent test subject. I have always wanted to experiment with Mutant DNA. See if I could force evolve it." the man wondered over to the table where Cattnip was laying.
The Fortunata turned towards the door. "Do with her what you will. Ghost Widow has enough to worry about. She won't even notice one more addition to her army."
As the door shut behind her, the man leaned over the prone hero. "This is the first time I have seen fur on subject. But you are so .. so different. I wonder if I can push you more towards the feral side of you nature....hmmmm." Metal appendages came to life from the man's back. "I am going to create something different with you my pretty. No major cutting this time. All my work will be done from inside..yes..yes.." The man turned to his work table and gathered his tools. He used one of the appendeges to swing an extendable piece of equipment from the ceiling down over Cattnip. He switched it on and she was bathed in a green glow.
"Let us begin my pretty." he murmurred, his hands drawing up her hair away from her face. "First off, I am not sure I want you so violent miss kitty, so lets start with a declawing shall we?"
His metal arms descended on Cattnip.
Teen Tar Heel heard a teeth-rattling shriek and saw his Uncle Tar Heel shudder as a wave of sonic energy lashed out at the tank, and then saw a new group of villains crashing into the melee. Dropping another ninja with a Crane Kick, Teen Tar quickly bounded over to zombie-faced female villain with the shredded clothes who was directing her painful scream at his uncle.
Yikes! exclaimed Teen Tar as he flipped a Thunder Kick at the villainesss jaw, rocking her backward. I guess Archanos group insurance doesnt allow for dermatologist visits! Recovering, the female directed a burst of sonic energy at Teen Tar, who barely managed to dodge out of the way.
And really, dressing in rags is so
500 years ago. You dont want to be wearing that at the MTV awards when you get nominated for Best New Villainess in a Supporting Role, he said. Then, Teen Tar dove to the ground as an energy-wrapped fist swept above him.
Lets take out this kid, Screech, said the non-descript Brute in the tank top.
Whoa, hold up, laughed Teen Tar as he swept a circular kick that connected on both the villains, Your name is Screech? So who is the wife-beater back here? A.C. Slater? Mr. Belding? Seriously though, what happened to that wacky nerd from Saved by the Bell? Did Archanos conquer Bayside High?
Teen Tar leapt behind Screech, but for a second, lost his balance from the uneven ground. Seeing her chance, Screech hurled her terrible scream toward the small scrapper
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
Teen Tar Heel went to his knees. He felt a wetness in his ears. He reached up and his fingers came away with blood on them. Screech's point blank sonic shriek and burst his eardrums. Rube approached the disoriented kneeling teen and knocked him cold with a haymaker. "The kid has spunk." he said.
"Ya, he would make a great villian..he monologues enuf to make me deaf." Screech sneered. "What the hell was he talkin about anyway. Who's this AC Slater? Another wimpy hero?" She glanced over her sholder and let loose transfusion on Firey Fist's opponent, healing FF up to full capacity.
Rube just shrugged as he turned to face the main battle. "Just keep up the FS on that tank. With his power on our side, this fight won't last long."
Screech stepped over the inert form of TTH and repostioned herself behind the second wave of Evilnighter's where her siphons would do the most good, then cut loose with siphon power.
The pain was immeasurable. She faded in and out and was grateful for the times she blacked out.
Her eyes blinked open. The first thing she noticed was that her hands and arms were numb. She was still strapped down.
"Ah, my pretty, awake at last. How are you feeling?"
A man in a lab coat came over to peer down into her face.
Her mouth felt.... felt strange.
"You can talk, you are just not used to the new you. Speak."
She uttered a low sound. Her tongue moved over her teeth to wet her lips,, but they didn't feel right...fangs?? Her upper lip..so strange. "Water.." she croaked.
"Ah." replied the man. He reached to a side panel andthe table began tilting up to a verticle position. The man held a cup of water to her lips. "Go easy now my pet."
She sipped the water enough to wet her throat then turned her head. "Who are you, where...."
"So many questions... the answers are irrelevant. What is more important is who you are."
She was bewildered. "Who am I?"
"You, my pet, are White Heat." he grinned.
"Can we keep the chatter to a minimum, there's plenty of time to monolgue after the fight when we're wiping these heroes off our boots." shouted Fungal as she laid down a patch of Carrion Creepers. Vines sprouted up from underneath Mr Slowburn's fire imps. The controller reacted by firing off some kinetic buffs to get the imps back in to the fight.
"So that's how you want to play huh... Thanks for buffing my new pets!" said Fungal as she blanketed the heroes with her confusion seeds. It wasn't as effective as she had hoped since the imps just started attacking each other. "Oh well, at least they are occupied." she thought as she released various psychic attacks.
"Hey Teen Tar, mind if we switch dance partners?" yelled Mr Slowburn, unaware that Teen Tar Heel was unable to respond, as he powered up and started letting loose kinetic siphons on the screaming zombie one of the brutes. Taking on two brutes and a corruptor could be difficult.
Overhead, Headace Healer was doing his best to heal the wounded heroes. If he could just avoid being attacked he should be able to keep the EN going until they could simply outlast the villains. Noticing Teen Tar Heel fall he flew down and locked Screech in a telekinetic attack. He could maintain this hold for a while, hopefully long enough to revive Teen Tar Heel. HH felt a boost in speed thanks to Mr Slowburn. "Perhaps the right angle would allow me to push some of these villains together." thought HH as he turned towards the fight. He managed to catch Fungal in the hold and could see her slowly floating away. Rube was right in the middle of HH's telekinetic arc but still holding his ground. HH fired off a quick mez but Rube was still holding his ground and moving closer.
HH didn't have much time. He concentrated for a few seconds and slowly Teen Tar Heel stood up.
"Time for you to get back into this fight. I believe you need to serve one of your favorite dishes... Payback."
Mr Slowburn - 50 fire/kin troller
Cosmic - 50 grav/storm troller
Cyberprowl - 50 ma/dark scrapper
Mi-graine - 50 emp/psi defender
Alberta Beef - 50 fire/ice tank
Mythtery - 41 ill/rad troller
Gargantua - 39 ws
Kotor - 38 db/wp scrapper
Fungal - 50 plant/psi dom
Snarky - 38 thug/dark MM
"Yo Neut!!!! Fort please!!" Captain Yarrr hollered out. "Cabin Girl, flank him!" he swung to the right dodgeing a a slash from Captain Harrrr. His head began to glow red as he lined up a shot on the evil pirate.
Neut turned her attention back to the main fight. Slow had his hands full with a female who had control over some wicked plants. His imps seemed to be fighting amongst theirselves and it looked as if there was another kinetic on the evil side. Neut knew she couldn't effect the stronger brutes and stalkers but she could keep the corruptor busy. She stayed behind Tar and hovered up a bit so she could see the overall battle. Tar still seemed to be holding his own despite the drains that were being thown on him. Neut countereacted the end drain with RA. She saw HH hovering over Teen Tar Heel, and he was getting back up. She threw clear mind on HH just in case. He was too close to that brute next to the zombie kin.
An energy bolt warmed her skin as Blue Electric blasted a robot away from her. "Pay attention babe!" Blue grinned. "You are too squishy and I need you to keep me alive!"
Neut smiled at him. She CM'ed him for good measure. It was good to know he had her back. She truned back to the Zombie. She could see TTH looking at her with revenge in his eyes. Neut pointed, and an electric fence popped up around the zombie immobilizing her."That will help him out, but he better move fast." she thought to herself.
Suddenly, the hair onthe back of her neck stood up. She quickly looked around. What she saw made her eyes water with joy.
Coming over the rise was Eighttball and Peepopo.
Teen Tar Heel shook his head back and forth, trying to regain focus after Headache Healer had rezd his unconscious body. Looking up, he saw Screech locked up and trapped by HH and Neuttrino. Thinking he should take her out of the fight for good before she broke the holds, Teen Tar sprinted over towards her. Before he could reach her something exploded in the small of his back.
Geronimo!! Teen Tar yelled, and back flipped blindly. Sailing backwards, Teen Tar saw the follow-up punch from Rube strike nothing but air. Landing on the ground behind the Brute, Teen Tar jammed a Thunder Kick into the back of Rubes knee.
Yeah, I know what you are thinking Slater, said Teen Tar as he rapidly hurled more kicks and punches at the Brute, Believe me, a new battlecry is at the top of my to-do list.
As Teen Tar sailed a high leg kick towards Rube, the Brute caught the foot in the air. But, before he could take advantage of his block, Teen Tar pushed off and flew backwards, immediately springing into a defensive stance. In the momentary pause in the battle, Rube grinned and beckoned Teen Tar towards him. Come on kid, Ill give you a couple more free shots!
Gee, I didnt get you anything! yelled Teen Tar and he sprung towards Rube. Throwing off more kicks and punches, he watched in satisfaction as the Brute grunted and groaned. Rube grinned from behind a bruised face. Hit me all you want little man. The more you hit me, the more powerful my punches get, and I got enough power now to take you out with one punch!
Rube roared, and Teen Tar was barely able to dodge the furious counter-attack. You might have trouble landing that one punch, Slater! said Teen Tar Heel. Concentrating, Teen Tar expanded his awareness and focused on the attacks of the Brute that now seemed to be coming in slow motion, allowing Teen Tar to dodge them easily. You have to hit me though my power of Super-Slick-Noseeum-Star-Spangled-Fist-Dodging-El Supremo! or, as the bureaucrats in Paragon City Hall boreingly classify it, Elude!
Rubes fury did not appear to dissipate despite his missing punches, if anything he appeared to get more powerful. Punch after punch he threw and missed. Finally, Teen Tar saw a hole in the pattern of Rubes punches. Calling on his inner chi, Teen Tar aimed a deadly kick in the Brutes split-second of vulnerability. Rube roared as the critical kick connected, and slumped to the ground unconscious. Immediately afterward, Teen Tars knees buckled as the hyperawareness off Elude faded and the exhaustion kicked in. Dropping down to one knee, Teen Tar muttered to himself. I hope I can catch a breath before anyone else spots me...
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
Pharma just sat there in the rubble, glancing at the battle behind her, trying to find the courage to face her fears. How could she fight again knowing the pain and devastation she could cause? She knew in her heart that she couldnt control it. The rush she felt in detaining her friends was new. She was always a front line hero, and as such, was never content with a support role. The sensation from the pain aura almost killed her, and could easily do the same to anyone without super powered abilities. She needed to find a way to control, or even eliminate her new ability. PH was so deep in thought, she didnt notice the 6 robot henchmen that had surrounded her until the mechanical sound of the assault bots plasma canons moving and charging broke her concentration. She stood abruptly, not sure if she should fight or run, and then noticed that there was no escape path.
Oddly, the bots just stood there, containing her, not fighting, though poised to do so. Just then, another robot hovered into the circle in front of her, feet first, gently landing on the ground within arms reach of her. She didnt feel threatened, so she just waited, and said, Who are you.
The being replied and a mechanized voice, I am Defcon, and these are my henchmen, the River 6. Pharma Hawk replied, Sounds like a 70s pop group. Defcon looked puzzled, and tilted his head right for a split second, and then looked at PH and stated Ah, human humor, I get it. I have not mastered that in its entirety yet, there seems to be little humor in my history PH observed as Defcon spoke, the constant clicks and beeps coming from him reminded her of other androids she knew, Luminary, Citadel, and Trojan King. She realized that he was continuing to survey the battlefield, Multitasking, and doing it effortlessly. This was not some mindless automaton; this one appeared to be a real threat.
Do you think I am a threat? PH asked. You are most definitely a threat to Arachnos he replied, but thats not why I am here. I will not bore you wit the details, but you are indirectly responsible for my being. I am only aligned with Arachnos for lack of a better arrangement at this time. The Ghost has identified you as a threat, but I cannot allow her to have you. PH looked on at the Android in confusion, but cautiously told him to continue.
The Ghost has blocked your escape transport signals. As we speak legions of Destined Arachnos villains are preparing to descend upon this place to eliminate you and your team. So we have little time. Defcon reached forward and palm extended, grabbed PH by the face, she jumped, but it was to late, he had her in his grip. She stared forward at him through the gaps in his fingers, afraid of what was to come next. Fear not. Defcon said, as a green laser scanner emanated from his plam and scanned across her face. The light was bright, it hurt her eyes. She blinked and then closed her eyes. He then released his grip on her and she fell to the ground dazed.
In 5 minutes you will gain you motor skills back. At that time, you will recall the frequency number I have just transmitted into your memory. It will neutralize the ghosts transporter jammer and you will be able to safely beam back to the Longbow staging base.
Why are you helping me? Ph replied groggily. Because I feel like I owe you. replied Defcon. Wont Ghost Widow destroy you for this? She asked. Defcon replied with a mechanized evil laugh that sounded like he had pre recorded it, and then simply stated, The battle recorder will show that I have defeated you, and the access code that you will escape by, is the code used by the villain Balke. He will take the blame. With that statement, he raised his arm, punched in a code, and the assault bots sprung back to the battle. Defcon hovered into the air, and threw his arms to his sides, spreading a huge protective bubble in all directions around him, and followed the river 6 back towards the conflict in the distance.
In the midst of the battle, bright flashes of white light followed by a small green blur and then another flash of the same light as it disappears to repeat in various location of the battlefield. These flashes are followed immediately by various ninjas, robots, and mercenaries collapsing.
Suddenly, a flash appears behind Cabin Girl and after it subsided, there stood the miniature frame of Ratchet Fizwink, his body glowing with a bright green aura.
"Heyas babe! Looks like I'm in time for the fun, huh," he said as he plowed a ninja, approaching her from behind, with a vicious uppercut of his sword. "So, where are the main baddies? I'm tired of killing these bozos, been doing it all day."
As he fights, the green glow emanating from him seems to get brighter and brighter, as his hits get stronger and stronger.
"Ninja," as he slashes through a ninja, after being hit with throwing stars, only to have the wounds heal near-instantly. "Merc," as he shoulder-charges and uppercuts a soldier shooting into the battle.
"Ninja, ninja, zombie, merc, ninja, robot, robot...Where are these things coming from, and how fast is delivery? Oh look! A weed problem," he exclaims as the bright flash envelopes him, and he disappears to reappear behind Fungal who's completely occupied with Slowburm. He winds up, focusing much of his power, and slams his sword down, a blast of energy arcing out close-range and launching Fungal into the air.
Laughing as he teleports back behind Cabin Girl, who was about to be jumped from behind by ninjas...again..."Ratch-X...kills weeds dead!"
Looks up and sees Neut-trino hovering above the battle, he shouts up to her. "Hey!! Neut!! Whatcha need me to chop-choppy?!"
I'm so going to hell...if not for this post, then for that thing with the squirrel and the maraschino cherries.
Ratchet Fizwink
Proud boss of the Paragon Tram Maintenance.
PGTM - Fixing Paragon, one track at a time.
Fungal picked herself up and looked squarely at the glowing creature in front of her. The attack had hurt. Without warning, waves of energy began to flow from the heroes around her. Quickly her health began to get better.
"You need to pay more attention to me!" shouted Fungal as her eyes began to shimmer with a pink glow. In an instant a flash of light was let loose and Fungal was awash in various colors of the rainbow. Waves of psychic energy started to emanate from the dominator, followed by a barrage of seeds and vines. Cabin Girl and Ratchet were now engulfed in a patch of thorn covered vines and were now moving at a much slower pace. Fungal caught a glimpse of fear in the eyes of Cabin Girl as she was rooted in place by vines that had wrapped themselves around her.
"Still laughing now shorty?" asked Fungal with a sneer. "I'm going to enjoy finishing you off after I take care of this pirat*urk*".
Fungal had forgotten completely about the fire controller she was fighting before Ratchet had gotten involved.
"I think someone needs to take their own advice and pay more attention to the man she was already fighting." said Mr Slowburn, now free of the imps that had been confused. "Now face the wrath of living fire!"
The new batch of fire imps were still outside visual range to see the choking plant creature. Mr Slowburn jumped over top to the edge of the vine patch and increased the density of Cabin Girl and Ratchet, breaking the strangle hold the vines had on them. The fire imps, notorious for being as smart as a sack of hammers with half the attention span, bypassed the dominator and went straight for the vines in the patch.
"Oh well, you can lead an imp to combat but you can't make it fight the right target." said Slowburn with a half-hearted chuckle. "I've got this situation under control, you two go help take down those two brutes."
Mr Slowburn - 50 fire/kin troller
Cosmic - 50 grav/storm troller
Cyberprowl - 50 ma/dark scrapper
Mi-graine - 50 emp/psi defender
Alberta Beef - 50 fire/ice tank
Mythtery - 41 ill/rad troller
Gargantua - 39 ws
Kotor - 38 db/wp scrapper
Fungal - 50 plant/psi dom
Snarky - 38 thug/dark MM
Cabin Girl breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't natural for plants to attack. And that walking Fly-Trap was just un-nerving. But she could see that Slow's fire imps were ripping thru the plants. She turned to Ratchet.
"Its about time you showed up." she smiled as she hacked away a clinging vine.
Ratchet just turned his head and looked at her. "A gnome's work is never done my fair pirate lady. Is your communicator still working correctly?"
"Aye, good thinking matey and very handy." she grinned
Suddenly a large figure loomed in front of them. Slowly Cabin Girl and Ratchet looked up...and up. It was a brute of a man. He burst into flames and began pounding his fists together.
There was a sudden silence to her left as the clanging of swords stopped for a bit. Neut tore her gaze from the two new arrivals to see the firey brute standing before the two scrappers. Neut looked up at Eighttball to see him looking at her. There were no words needed as she pointed towards Ratchet and Cabin Girl. There would be time enought for a reunion later. Eightball leapt towards the brute and landed in front of a startled CG and Ratchet. He responded to Fiery Fist's challenge. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" Eight taunted.
Cabin Girl and Ratchet backed up a bit totally willing to let the big men go at it. She looked towards Captain Yarrrrr who was hacking it out with Captain Harrrrr. They seemed evenly matched. She looked at Ratchet. "I guess it is up to us to clear the robots, ninjas, and plants."
"Robots, ninjas, and plants..oh my" he replied. "GNOMERCY!! I'VE COME FOR YOUR PANTS!!" Ratchet yelled as he leapt into the mob of ninjas nearest him.
Cabin Girl laughed heartily. "AVAST YE SCURY SWABS! PREPARE TO BE BOARDED!" she yelled as she followed him into the fray.
Neut looked at Peepopo. Once again, buisness before pleasure she thought, and nodded towards Fungal. As Peepopo drew his sword she turned and gestured towards Mr Slowburn making his head glow red. Tar was still clearing the field and going strong. She frowned. She still didnt' know what it was about him. It was like she was waiting for the other shoe to drop, there was something still not quite right about him. She would keep a close eye on him, but first. She looked around and located PharmHawk. Who was she talking to? The figure did not look familiar to her, but the robots did. At that moment PH looked towards the fight and saw Neut staring at her and the strange man.
A knot of villains exploded outward, leaving Tar Heel standing at the epicenter. Rather than chase his knockbacked enemies, Tar yelled at his team to maintain the perimeter. With the second villain team joining the fight, the momentum had quickly shifted to the Destined Ones. The EveryNighters had continued to hold their own, but at the expense of the endurance of Neuttrino and Headache Healer. The longer the fight continued, the less able they would be to heal and rez the damage dealers on the team. What they needed to do, Tar thought, was to break out while they still had the strength. Once out of Bloody Bay, the team could scatter and regroup at the Longbow base. But before Tar could give the breakout order, he saw another team of villains join the fight, and another, and another
Instead of being outnumbered 2 to 1, now there were at least 6 villains for every hero. The chances of a successful breakout were slim now, but Tar could see no other choice.
Just then, the roar of jets exploded over the battle, knocking some of the heroes and villains to the ground. Leaping, flying and teleporting out of the four EN jets were dozens of costumed heroes. Tar could not believe it. Almost all of the remaining active EveryNighters were there, from all divisions, even a division Tar had never heard of (EveryNightersBlack Ops? He would have to talk with PH about that). With them were other allies. There were Supergroups and heroes that they had teamed with in formal or informal coalitions, like the Angels of Wrath and the T-Birds, Big Smooth and MadRad. He saw friends of Neut from her Hamidon raids. He saw some of his drinking buddies from Tanker Tuesdays. He saw heroes from other dimensions they had met in their portal travels. (He saw at least 3 Captain Indianas). He looked over and saw Neuttrino hugging an embarrassed Manticore, flanked by Positron and Synapse.
We sent you on plenty of tough Task Forces, Manticore was explaining to her, We felt we should return the favor.
Tar even saw EveryNighters from the inactive list, heroes he had not seen in months, like Mr. Icypants and Nilyana. One of those inactive members flew up to him. The gray-haired hero, decked out in an old-fashioned, red, white, and blue uniform landed in front of Tar Heel and snapped off a quick salute.
Yankee D. Dandy reporting for duty, Tar Heel suh!
Knock it off Great-Grampa, said Tar Heel, what exactly do you think you are doing here? You havent had a security clearance this high since the Roosevelt administration.
Yankee put his fists on his hips, lifted his head up to the sky, and laughed a deep, manly laugh, which Tar had only heard before in Errol Flynn movies. You cant keep the spirit of Freedom down lad! The call of Lady Liberty is too strong! If these commies want to fight our red, white, and blue-blooded Super guys and gals, then by gum, I aim to oblige them!
Great-Grampa, said Tar, I dont think they are communists.
Scratch any enemy of Freedom and youll find a red, boy, believe me! Now, if youll excuse me, said the old hero with narrowed eyes, I think I see one of my old Russkie friends now! Tar saw Yankee fly off toward a bearded, uniformed, sword-wielding villain who was, Tar had to admit, sporting the old Soviet hammer and sickle insignia.
Looks like we got an even playing field again, Tar thought. Time to go to work.
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
The sinister figure watched intently a monitor of the escalating battle between the EveryNighters and their allies and the Destined Ones. The shadowed room at the peak of Grandville contained dozens of monitors and equipment, designed to allow him to observe first-hand all events in the Rogue Isles.
Glorious, the figure thought. The type of battle that hasnt been seen since the Trojan War. A war with no footsoldiers or cannon fodder, just heroes. Heroes as Homer defined the term, not the narrow, moralistic definition that Statesman and his ilk use.
Of course, he thought, The Trojan War also had a pantheon of gods striving above the battlefield. For this battle, I am the only god. This time, I am the only one who can hurl lightening and thunderbolts down from the heavens.
With one gloved hand, the figure absent-mindedly tapped a large, green button in the arm of his chair
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
The sun burned a sullen crimson along the horizon in Bloody Bay. The sudden explosion behind Tar Heel of the last EN jet barely registered with the weary hero. Tar continued to punch whatever foe appeared in front of him, and toss out random taunts to contain as much of the villains attention on him as he could. This battle was beyond anything the EveryNighters had been in before, but the tactical skills of countless smaller battles served them well. Almost unconsciously, the exhausted heroes buffed and healed, attacked, held, and defended.
Tar raised his fist to strike at the next villain, to find nothing in front of him. Blinking, he saw the remaining Destined Ones break and run away from the battle. Too tired to pursue, the EveryNighters and their allies slumped onto the ground. The day was theirs.
Well my captain, it appears as though you cast your net a little too wide, crackled the voice over the radio.
My lord, said Ghost Widow into the communicator, I was about to join the fight. I can rally the Destined Ones. This day is not yet lost.
With a dry chuckle, Lord Recluse responded. Not to worry Ghost Widow. You have done well to gather all the enemies together in our web. Although your prey is too much for you, the power of Arachnos will still be sufficient to strike a blow against the protectors of Paragon City that will leave that city vulnerable for months. Now, I suggest you abandon your listening post and get as far away from Bloody Bay as you can. Farewell.
Spinning rapidly, Ghost Widow began barking out orders that would get her vessel underway and her out of the devastation that Lord Recluse would soon send.
Tar Heel watched as Headache Healer, Neut-trino, and others trudged across the battlefield healing injuries and reviving fallen comrades. He then saw PH limping toward him. Far from the confidant leader she usually was, her face displayed only exhaustion with a hint of despair.
PH, said the tank, You look like crap.
The ghost of the old PH smiled at him. You dont look so great yourself stumphead. But lets save the ugly contest for later. Ive managed to get the codes that will allow us to punch through the teleportation jammers so we can get out of here. Ill tell you the story later. Right now, lets find Ratchet and get him to work.
Rising to his feet, Tar beckoned to the defender. Last I saw him he was over on the right flank. Lets go find him.
The two old friends found the gnomish hero pawing through the remains of one of the robot minions that has swarmed the battlefield. Receiving the codes, he delightedly clapped his hands. Not to worry, Ratchet exclaimed as he pulled out a laptop and table seemingly from thin air, All I need to do is to remodulate the field harmonics of the randomizer, bypass the gorbonation wave and GNOMERCY! The spastirus will dilate the q-membrane!
Ratchet, said Tar Heel, I understood about three words in that whole speech, and God help me if one of them wasnt gnomercy. Just tell me if and when we can teleport out of this hellhole.
Ah, sorry. If? Yes. When? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight now. And I should be able to boost our EN teleporters to let us go all the way back to P-City. It will take a while to get everybody out though, I can only send one at a time.
Well that should be ok, said the relieved tank. Nobody will be able to put up any new organized attack for a few more hours. Lets round up the troops PH.
After the EveryNighters and their allies had gathered, Ratchet began teleporting the heroes back to the main base in Paragon City.
Suddenly, a small mechanical arm extended out of the side of the laptop, telescoped out, hinged upward, and hinged again. The arm then frantically began ringing a large bell.
Whoops, said Ratchet, must have gotten a bug somewhere, that isnt supposed to happen unless
.uh oh. The hero frantically began typing on the keyboard of the small laptop as the bell continued to clang.
What is going on Ratchet? said Tar Heel.
Ignoring him, Ratchet continued to peer intently at the series of numbers and figures that scrolled across the screen. Turning to Tar Heel he asked, what are we gonna do?
Um Ratchet, I cant answer that unless I know whats going on, explained a patient Tar Heel.
Oh, sorry. My long range scanners have picked up a tiny little nuclear missile launch from the Rogue Isles and it looks like its headed our way.
How tiny? asked PH.
Tiny enough to only wipe out every living thing in Bloody Bay, unless anyone received their powers from a radioactive cockroach.
Damn! exclaimed PH. We need to call the Longbow base and get them to evacuate and speed up our teleports here!
No way we have time PH, Ratchet shook his head. We have less than 15 minutes before that thing hits.
Thinking furiously, PH said, Talk to it Ratchet, see if you can reprogram it.
Yeah, I tried that, said the small hero. Its got a pretty sophisticated AI and it resisted all my sweet talking. Darn rude to me as well.
Where is it now? asked Tar Heel.
Ratchet tapped some keys on his laptop and projected out a holographic map of the Rogue Isles. We are here in Bloody Bay, he said, pointing to a small skull icon. The missile is following this path here in pink. You can see how shoots out over the Atlantic before curving around to impact with us. I guess it has to take that path to make sure it is fully armed. Right now it should be approaching its turn around point.
Can you teleport me out there? asked Tar frowning at the projection, say within 50 yards or so?
Sure, except for
sure I can. Ratchet replied, But what good would that do? If I cant deactivate it from here, there isnt anything you can do out there.
I dont need to deactivate it, Tar explained. If I can get it to change course I can get it to detonate out there.
How are you going to get it to change course Tar? asked Pharma Hawk. You going to call it bad names?
Come on PH, you know my Taunt power doesnt work like that. Ratchet said that thing has a sophisticated AI. I can aggro Jumpbots and Mek-Men. I shouldnt have any problem diverting the missile.
Breaking into the conversation, Ratchet said, Ok Tar, Ive got a lock. Teleporting in 10
Tar, said PH with a faint trace of hysteria in her voice, There is no way even you will survive a direct strike from a nuclear weapon. We cant let you take a hit for the entire zone!
PH, said Tar Heel, holding her by both shoulders and looking into her eyes. Im a tank. Its what I do.
teleport! Ratchet said as Tar Heel disappeared in a flash of light.
Tar Heel materialized high above the Atlantic. Turning quickly around, he located the missile as it screamed past him. Nice work Ratchet, he said into the communicator. I see your rude friend now.
As the temporary hover effect from the teleportation wore off, and he began to fall, Tar Heel reached out his hand and beckoned to the missile with a grunt. The missile shook, tried to right itself, and then abruptly turned to chase the falling hero. I got it guys, said Tar Heel into the communicator. You might want to alert the Coast Guard and some of the water-based heroes that they may have a few tidal waves to deal with after this thing goes off. Good Luck. Tar Heel out.
As he watched the missile roar toward him, Tar idly wondered if it would hit before or after he dropped into the Atlantic. His musings were broken by a frantic voice in his head.
Johnny! What the hell are you doing? Get out of there, please!
What am I doing? Im about to take a pretty big punch in the mouth, Countess.
I dont know
DAMNIT! YOU CANNOT DO THIS TO ME. You cannot be gone Johnny. I dont care if you ever talk to me again, but I have to know you are there. I have to know you exist! I cant
I want
Sorry. Its really too late to do anything about it. Youll be fine. But you know, Im glad I got to hear you one more time. Good-Bye Julieanne.
The EveryNighters turned and watched a second sun appear on the horizon of Bloody Bay as the communication from Tar Heel ended in a burst of static.
Uncle John? said Teen Tar Heel in a small voice. He looked up a Neut-trino. Hes ok, right Neut? Hell be at the base when we get there right? All wet and grumpy? Please tell me he is ok Neut.
Neut-trino looked down at the small hero and then to Ratchet who was slowly shaking his head. She opened her mouth to speak to Teen Tar and then closed it without a word, not trusting her own voice. She got on her knees and hugged the small scrapper as they both wept. The rest of the EveryNighters silently circled the two and mourned as the full moon rose over Bloody Bay.
Six months later.
The colorful red, green and gold scrapper flew over the waters of the Atlantic. Gamecock had been ambushed by a stalker in Bloody Bay, but the villain had fled when he couldnt finish the job, with the hero in hot pursuit. Gamecock, hoping his new IR goggles were up to the task, scanned the open waters in search of his prey. Suddenly, his communicator beeped. Looking down, Gamecock read the message. Wow, he thought, I got a badge all the way out here? Lets see what this one is. With a punch of button, Gamecock pulled up the badge name and text.
This spot was the last recorded position of the hero Tar Heel, who sacrificed his life by exploding a nuclear warhead before it could reach its target in Bloody Bay, saving the lives of dozens of heroes and villains, and hundreds of civilians.
[/ QUOTE ]
Cool, thought the scrapper, sounds like a good story there. And with that, he cleared the screen and began again his search for the elusive stalker.
The End.
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
Kooper didnt have time to watch his friend fly off, he was busy countering Balkes every move. Because of his age and the experience he had gained over the years, it was rare that an opponent with a cutlass could even keep his attention, let alone force him to think. Balke was in every sense of the word, a true swordsman. I an odd way, Kooper was enjoying the challenge. The ebb and flow of the battle was poetic, even epic. In his heart Kooper had felt this day coming. He believed defeating Balke would be the absolution he was looking for, a way to erase the atrocities of his past.
You disappoint me Kooper Balke said in a monotone voice. I always told the master you were a mistake, but he wouldnt listen. He liked to take the righteous and just and turn them on their morals.
I didnt like you then and I dont like you new Kooper snorted at Balke, as he ducked to avoid Balkes blade. The sound of the blade slicing through the air, just inches from his face phased senses that Kooper didnt know he had. He didnt know what it was, but the anticipation of Balkes moves was becoming easier. Perhaps having no opponent of skill for 200 years had made Balke weak. Still, Kooper learned fast, but this sensation was new. Balkes reflexes were astounding, would dodge and counter almost immediately. Both men were in superior shape, and as the battle raged on, the intensity grew fiercer. The clangs of the swords grew louder. The grunts from the opponents grew louder. The anger and attitudes of the two men grew rabid. Kooper was moving so fast now that it was a blur to the normal eye. He did notice that he was losing ground, Balke was forcing him back. With his back almost to the edge of the roof, Kooper knew he was going to have to up the pace even more. Mustering every ounce of strength from within, Kooper leapt into the air and with all his might, brought his sword down onto Balkes blade. Balke blocked with the skill of a master swordsman, but his blade was no match for Koopers downward force. As his blade split into, Balke felt Koopers katana strafe across his abdomen and imbed into his thigh. At the same time, Balke grabbed the broken tip of his blade and plunged it into Koopers shoulder.
Both Men yelled out in Pain. Kooper withdrew his blade from Balkes thigh and immediately assumed his attack stance. Balke, still kneeling and holding his wound in his left hand, and a broken sword in his right, stared at Koopers shoulder, amazed at how fast the wound had healed. I guess I underestimated your ability to heal as well as your swordsmanship Balke remarked. Save it. I am not interested replied Kooper. Its time to take you in
Balke started to Laugh. Youre Jail can hold me you nincompoop, you have to kill me. Perhaps your right said Kooper, and he drew his katana over his head to strike, when Balkes communication device screeched in a womans voice, Balke, You Imbecile, you have failed Arachnos for the last time! Balke tried to reply, but all he got to say was but Milady
BZZZT snap, he was whisked away by an emergency transport beam just as Koopers blade ripped through the now empty space.
Well Kooper said out loud. That was kind of a let down. Koops moment of disappointment was interrupted by a huge blast cloud in the far distance. That looks like a nuke cloud he said to himself. His heart sank something bad had happened. He could feel it.
6 months later. EN Headquarters, Founders falls.
Kooper sat at the head of the conference room table, looking at the weeks mission reports. It had been his responsibly to hold things together since Pharma Hawk walked away from leading the EveryNighters. . This team had always been lead by Pharma and Tar Heel. Slowburn had always preferred the more scientific aspects of the team, but the last few months events left too much political work for Slowburn alone, so Kooper stepped up. It was a responsibility he would have never agreed to. He was always the loner, and a terrible politician, but he could not let PH Down. She just couldnt bring herself to continue after loosing Tar Heel. No one could blame her really. She felt so guilty about hurting her friends, and then to have Tar make the ultimate sacrifice was too much for her to deal with. It was an awkward time for the team, a real tough 6 months. His thoughts were interrupted as Murgatroid walked into the room. Koop You have got to see the new guys in action he said. What do you mean Murg? Murg walked up to the mission display and punched in a couple key codes. The display opened and Murg sat down in the seat next to Kooper and placed his hand on his shoulder. Take a look.
On the screen was a team the old guys called EN2. They were eager new recruits with a lot of style. On screen was a Blaster named Ampre, a stone tank by the name of Kilheiman Wall, Swamp ninja the scrapper an Ice Tanker called Teeker, and a couple of Khelds, Dr. Light, and Murmur. This team was apprehending the freakshow leader clamour. Murg just laughed, Look at them Kooper replied with a smile on his face, Shes 4 levels above their clearance. Reminds me of an empath and a tank I used to know said Murg. were gonna be alright you know? said Kooper. Yea replied Murg. Well, I have to bail old friend, the newbies seem to have things under control. See you tomorrow my friend. When you get home, tell PH hi for me. Murg replied I always do. I always do.
Still reeling from the shock of what she had done to her friends, Pharma ducked and weaved through the battlefield of bloody bay. She was trying to conceal her panic, and was hiding behind the events going on around her. She could not help but to make the correlations of the decimated landscape around her, and the world she first visited as a young heroin at portal corp. just a few years ago. Sure, she had visited other worlds through the magic portal corp. offered, but she had always been plagued by this one in particular. This world had not been decimated by some villainous madman, but rather that worlds version of her.
She never told anyone of the truth she had discovered, and in her report she simply marked it as inconclusive. But the truth frightened her. From the moment she stepped through the portal, the spirits of that world feared her and attacked her. Then she stumbled upon the journal. It was lying in the remains of a female skeleton. The journal recounted how she as a young girl became a hero to her world, by joining with another team of heroes, and becoming a leader in the Empathy community. The next section of the journal was damaged, but the final pages lead Pharma to the conclusion that some strange event had unleashed this heros ability to reverse her healing powers into much more devastating and destructive powers.
With this new form of Anti-Healing, or as she referred to it Pain Aura she was able to gain power over the other heroes and was corrupted by power, rising to dictator, and eventually destroying her world out of greed, paranoia, and jealousy. The Journal was signed, Pharma Hawk, ruler of the world. PH regretted using that knowledge of the pain aura to subdue her friends. Had she not went after Tripp, the knowledge of how to reverse her powers would have never come to surface. She was ashamed at how quickly she had decided to use that ability on her friends, and now afraid to use any power in fear of where it might lead her. Am I really that weak of mind? She thought to her self as she dodged a laser blast from over head.
Not having realized that the whole time she was lost in thought, she had gotten farther and farther from her friends. The battle was still concentrated about 500 yards to the north of her position, which was dead center of the Pirates helicopter wreckage. She wasnt sure who was on board, if anyone, but she had noticed at least that at least one of the pirate crew had joined the fight. It seemed that Blue, Slow, Neut, Headache Healer and Tar Heel were holding the villains at bay. It was only a matter of time until more EN joined the fight and found a way out of Bloody Bay.