Where have all the Heroes gone.
Good luck PH, said Tar Heel as the EveryNighters filed out of the assembly room.
Good luck to you, Mr. Heel, said Pharma Hawk jauntily. She then added with a more serious tone upon seeing his face, Dont worry Tar, well get them back.
Getting them back isnt what worries me, said Tar Heel. What Im worried about is what happens after we get them back. How are we gonna break the brain-washing or mind control or demon possession or whatever it is? And then I keep coming back to the original question Sarge asked, why us? What is is about the EveryNighters that has Arachnos coming after us? Was there some mission we went on that makes us more susceptible? Or is it personal somehow? One thing is for sure though. We had better figure out what is going on and find a way to stop it or Statesman and the Freedom Phalanx might decide to solve the problem for us.
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
Headache Healer walked out of the assembly room and straight to his lab. Since he had started researching and building the tech for the base he had passed off his patrol duties to his Warshade sidekick Gargantua. Together they had uncovered many of the teleport beacons located in the city and HH hoped they could uncover more in the Rogue Isles. He knew the beacons would work on a slightly different frequency but Gargantua had picked up the Paragon City beacons while teleporting himself around the city so there was a good chance it would work in the Rogue Isles as well.
Bringing a sidekick along would be hard enough but a Kheldian just added a new element of danger with all of the Void Seekers around lately. If HH was to identify those beacons it would have to be risked. Success would mean an easier rescue of the captured EN, failure would not be an option.
The lab was a mess from the earlier fight but Gargantua had cleaned up much of the mess. One of the mobile transporters had been damaged but it was still functioning. Some of these would have to be moved to the jet for the mission but moving too many would cause a problem for the EN that still had to patrol Paragon. HH picked a couple, including the damaged one, and used his Telekenesis to move them to the hangar. He would have time to make the needed repairs on the way to the Rogue Isles.
HH knew Super Swamp, and would insist on Gargantua joining their team, but having been working away in his lab for so long he didn't know many of the newer EN. Who else could they grab from the roster. A defender, controller, and warshade wouldn't last long by themselves going up against Arachnos soldiers. They needed a damage dealer on their team to balance it out. Maybe Super Swamp had some ideas but it couldn't hurt to browse through the personnel files while he waited for Swampy to get to the jet.
Mr Slowburn - 50 fire/kin troller
Cosmic - 50 grav/storm troller
Cyberprowl - 50 ma/dark scrapper
Mi-graine - 50 emp/psi defender
Alberta Beef - 50 fire/ice tank
Mythtery - 41 ill/rad troller
Gargantua - 39 ws
Kotor - 38 db/wp scrapper
Fungal - 50 plant/psi dom
Snarky - 38 thug/dark MM
Pharma headed out to the helo pad with Tar Heels words echoing in her mind, what were they going to do when we get our lost comrades back? If headache healer cant reverse the mind control, perhaps some time with Sister Psyche would be in order.
I can certainly put them to sleep indefinitely, but thats only a short term fix. She whispered to herself as she walked. Pharma frequently would get lost in her own conversations while in deep thought. It was her nature to have all loose ends tied; she was the consummate strategist, a role that defined her spot in EN history. In the early days, the En would fight as a well tuned machine, never missing a beat. It was the EN strategy that seen many villains fall, more powerful than the collective teams power. No matter, raw strength was no match for great strategy and sheer determination.
At that point she realized why they were the target, Of Course! How could we be so blind! She screamed and picked up the pace towards the helo pad. Ive got to get a message to the teams before the rescue teams go in!
Simultaneously, at the helo pad, team 3 was awaiting Pharmas arrival so they could head out. FireBat was going over system checks while Trojan King and Super Teek finalized the landing and subsequent recon plans. FireBat laughed as he watched the twin tanks working. Its like Clones on parade he thought. Still, their results were unquestionable. They both ran as Lieutenants with Teen Tar Heels off world excursions at portal corp., with thousands of otherworldly Villans falling at their sheer power. It was hard to believe that TK was once just a fire fighting android. Had the kheldians not shown up, he still would be, Then where would I be? thought FireBat. TK and Teek had been his mentors, and for that he was grateful. Still, he wondered if there was any reason he was included on this mission, My skills are nothing compared to the rest of the teams, so I suppose its because I know how to fly a chopper he chuckled.
Just then, he heard someone shouting. He looked up to see Pharma running at them in the distance. She was shouting something, but he couldnt make it out. TK and Teek stopped what they were doing and stepped out of the cargo hold. TK initiated his surveillance protocols and went into acute listening mode. He paused for a second, and then abruptly stated. Send a priority signal to the other teams, EN secure code Xray tango, Suspend operation, repeat do not engage. We are being played. Set EN com to Emergency Channel and Await briefing From PH before proceeding. End transmission and he snapped back into combat mode.
Firebat immediately started transmitting the message, but it only transmitted to Team two. Teams one, four and the pirates had already went into silent mode.
Kooper listened carefully as the coralax recounted the story. Some new villain had gained the ear of Captain Mako, who was a genetic combination of sorts. The coralax themselves were genetic hybrids, but apparently only a stepping stone on the way to a genetic super villain army. Arachnos was in the process of breeding, growing rather; super soldiers in from technology stolen from Aeon Labs. In the latest round of testing several coralax were taken prisoner as test subjects. Apparently high ranking officials in the coralax underground. It appears that in this situation, my enemys enemy, was my opportunistic friend. thought Koop as he listened.
The latest product of the genetic soldier making process was a Reptile, Coralax hybrid, which produced some startling results. The Reptilian DNA was tainted with some strand of Alien DNA that the researchers were not familiar enough with, causing some less than desirable results. All of the clones from this batch all refer to themselves as Skink and all of them think they are the only one. To complicate the matter, they seem to be able to replicate automatically when defeated. This would be a good result, but because of the individuality anomaly, they all want to work alone, thus fighting amongst themselves, and anyone around them, as enemies, Arachnos included.
So with the entire group of Skinks auto spawning, Arachnos has lost control of their Aeon cloning facility to this infestation of monsters. our people are in that facility, and we lured your friend there thinking he could defeat at least enough Skinks to allow us to get our friends out. stated the coralax. We have however, lost track of him as well.
Koopers anger swelled with the comments about Murg, he could only think of the trouble he must be in. So you want me to be the next bait Snorted Kooper to the coralax. The Skinks are to powerful for you, so you need me as bait to rescue your friends, while you feed mine to the monsters! Kooper slung his sword from its sheath and pinned the Coralax to a shipping crate behind him, I am not amused by your story! He barked, Tell me where this facility is, and I Might release your friends if mine is not hurt. Otherwise the whole place goes up.
By now, a group of 8 more coralax had encircled Kooper and were closing in. Stand Back my brothers. hissed the coralax. The situation is unfortunate yes, but we have more information that will help you.
Kooper drew his Sword back, yet kept it unsheathed. Continue, but quickly replied Kooper. I need to tend to my friend.
Like most genetic clones, the scientists build in a fail safe of sorts, a poison in this case, that can stop the spawning, and weaken the current clones. however, Kooper rolled his eyes, why is there always a however he thought.
Because of the rapidly mutating strain of the Skinks, the coralax continued, this poison must be introduced before the next generation evolves. We already know of stalker and brute strains of the lizard men, another generation will likely mutate away the effectiveness of the poison.
How do you know this, and why should I believe you asked kooper.
First, replied the coralax, our people in captive are telepathic Second, they have replicated the poison on the inside of the lab, once the staff were ran off by the skinks, our people had free reign of the lab. You will have to rescue them to get the poison to defeat the skinks.
Peachy kooper thought. Give me the location, and lets get this over with said kooper to the coralax. Most excellent, we knew youd see it our way. It replied.
Tar Heel frowned as listened to Pharma Hawks speculation on the EN channel. Well, it makes some sense PH, he said as he shifted and stretched, trying to find a comfortable spot in the EN jet command chair. So you think we are the target not because of our super powers, but because of our successful tactics and strategy?
Thats the gist of it Tar, said PHs voice, floating over the channel.
Yeah, well, God knows it was the rare villain that we fought that wasnt dumb as a bag of hammers, and if Archanos wants to take over P City, he has got to do more than just send waves of bad guys at us. If our people can teach them tactics and grand strategy, they may have a shot and taking over Paragon and then the rest of the eastern seaboard. I still cant shake the feeling that somehow its personal though. I mean, we cant be the only Super Group with good tactics and strategy.
Giving up on finding a comfortable spot, Tar stood up and leaned over the communicator pad. Anyway, he continued firmly, it really doesnt change what we have to do. We still have to get our people out and the best way to do it is to hit them hard and fast. We HAVE to engage them now. Even if the other teams werent on hide, I dont think we could call them off. Ill keep what you said in mind, just keep a lookout for anything strange, and dont be shy about calling in the pirates for backup. Oh, and by the way, he smirked, take care of Teen Tar Heel. EN2 out.
On the other end of the line, PH frowned, What? she said into the dead communicator. Why would I need to take care of Teen Tar Heel?
You got it PH! shouted Teen Tar as he dropped down out of the overhead utility storage where he had been hiding. With this scrapper-light team ya got, I gotta take care of you! I figured it was just an oversight I didnt get picked for your team, but I didnt want to bother you with the paperwork so I just hopped on board.
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
Tar Heel allowed himself a small smile at the initial success of Team Twos strike. The team had been smashing toward the center of Sharkhead Isle, where their intel had determined the Arbiter formerly known as Doc Ranger was conducting his training. The initial resistance was weak, but continued to scale up as more and more Arachnos troops and other villains came from other parts of the Rogue Isles to stop them. Even then, the resistance felt disorganized and ad hoc, which confirmed Tars opinion that his plan of a quick strike was the best way to get the captured EveryNighters out.
The team had quickly settled into a rhythm, with Tar Heel first leaping into any group blocking their way and getting all their attention focused on him. GA Hick then would round up any strays and join Tar in the center of the melee, while MSgt Black and the other members of the team would pick off the villains in singles and groups.
The energy rifles and flamethrowers of the Arachnos troops, along with other exotic weaponry of the general population of villains were putting out extreme damage on Tar. With careful tactics, Tar was able to bring most of them in melee range. Once there, they switched to fists, clubs and swords, and Tar was able to absorb that damage much easier.
Leaping up on the wall of a small fort, decorated with Arachnos logos and propaganda, Tar finally saw their objective. As he feared, Doc Ranger was leading the attack on Tars team buffing the mass of troops that began pouring out of the fort and debuffing Tar and his teammates, making their attacks and defenses weaker.
Suddenly, Tar heard Neuttrino cry out and saw her health line go quickly from green to red to black on his HUD. Whipping around, Tar briefly saw a stealthed assassin standing over her body holding a large sword and laughing before his view was blocked by hordes of Arachnos troops. He heard the pop of an inrush of air typical of a transportation, and knew that Lady T had teleported Neut back to the EN jet and she would be all right.
Which was more than he could say for the rest of his team. Deprived of their empath, the horde of soldiers began to wear down the rest of Tars team. He saw several of his team go into yellow and red on his HUD and their success seemed in doubt.
Not on my watch. Tar snarled to himself as he reached down deep and called on all the reserves of his strength. With a primal roar, Tar began fighting as a man possessed. More and more of the troops pealed off his teammates and attacked him. Now it seemed as though nothing could hurt him. He was unstoppable. Ignoring the piles of minions attacking him, and leaving them for the rest of the regrouped team to pick off, Tar concentrated on Doc. Tar rained punch after punch on his former teammate as Doc screamed incoherently for his troops to stop him. Sensing that the end was near, Tar wound up for a final Knockout Blow.
Time to log off for the night, Doc, Tar Heel spat as he unleashed a massive punch on the former Defender that lifted him on his feet and slammed him onto the floor of the fort, unconscious.
Brushing aside the minions that still pestered him, Tar yelled into his communicator. Doc is down! Jon, grab him and head for the jet! Everybody else provide escort for her. Ill keep them busy here. When you get safely on the jet teleport me out of here. Good Job everybody!
As the alien hybrid grabbed Doc and flew away from the fort with the rest of the team following, Tar finally began to concentrate on the minions, lieutenants and bosses that still surrounded him. After another minute of intense fighting, he was able to drop the last of them. With that, Tar saw his own endurance and health drain away as his reserves were exhausted. Kneeling amid the carnage to rest before being teleported away, Tar surveyed the battleground and smiled. How does that song go? He thought to himself. `Im not a good as I once was, but Im as good once, as I ever was.`
His communicator crackled. It was Lady T. Tar we have Doc on board. Prepare for teleport. But before Tar could reply that he was ready, an intense pain slammed into his back, throwing him across the fort where he collided with the opposite wall. Lying on the ground, Tar looked up through a haze of pain and saw a large man with smoking fists from the blast that had hit Tar. The man had dual bandoliers over his large chest and his head was completely covered with a strange, mismatched helmet with an oversized eye targeting sensor on one side.
Hiya Tar, the man smirked. I was on my way to see PH but I thought Id stop and say hello to you first, old friend.
As Tar Heels vision blurred and he slipped into unconsciousness, he managed to transmit on the EN channel a digital image of the man and spoke a single word before surrendering to the darkness.
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
Headache Healer looked up from his datapad. They'd been on silent over the EN channel for some time while searching for the various teleport beacons in the rogue Isles. Gargantua had already found the data needed for Mercy Island and Port Oakes but Cap Au Diable was proving to be a little harder to locate. The telepad he had brought from the base was fully repaired and operating near 100% efficiency. The new modifications seemed to be working well and while the first test of the Mercy Island beacon didn't exactly succeed, it gave them enough data to get it working on the second attempt. The beacons weren't much different than those in Paragon City thankfully.
Super Swamp had done an excellent job of hiding their jet. Coating it with a stone cage would provide excellent cover along the shores of Mercy Island. A few curious snake men had come by earlier but they didn't seem to see anything out of the ordinary.
This team was did not have the largest crew. Most of the high ranking EN had their teams set before HH and Super Swamp could discuss the makeup. They had picked up Gargantua for his warshade teleporting and stealth powers but they had also grabbed the tanker Alberta Beef. Not a lot of damage potential on the team but HH was used to not dealing much damage and taking a more strategic approach. The tanker would be there for backup if they needed it. If Gargantua could locate "Arbiter Slowburn" in Mercy Island or Port Oakes then they stood a good chance of getting out without having to fight. As a controller, Slowburn would be vulnerable to Gargantua's gravity holds and HH's psi holds. Once in EN headquarters he could be properly restrained and examined to determine the how to return Slow back to the EN fold.
HH saw a small flash of light as Gargantua ported back into the jet.
"I've found Mr Slowburn in Cap Au Diable working as some kind of enhancements broker. I think I've also gotten the last data we need to establish the beacon there too."
"Good work Gargantua. I'll start compiling the data and working on creating the beacon. Stay here and rest for a bit, you've earned it. Thanks to you, our phase of the mission should be over soon."
Mr Slowburn - 50 fire/kin troller
Cosmic - 50 grav/storm troller
Cyberprowl - 50 ma/dark scrapper
Mi-graine - 50 emp/psi defender
Alberta Beef - 50 fire/ice tank
Mythtery - 41 ill/rad troller
Gargantua - 39 ws
Kotor - 38 db/wp scrapper
Fungal - 50 plant/psi dom
Snarky - 38 thug/dark MM
Though he tended to hunt alone, Wolf would never turn down the company of the cat, even if every fabric in their very beings said they should not work so well together. As they made their way down a damp alley way, he couldn't help but wonder if her thirst for comabt was even greater than his own. He couldn't help the smile that crossed his lips before turning his mind back to the hunt. The pirates were out there somewhere, and likely Cabin Girl was getting into no end of trouble without him...and it just wasn't right that she was having so much fun without him.
As they approached intersecting alleys, Wolf stopped and raised one hand, unsheathing his claws at the same time. Catnip immediately followed suit, watching as the Wolf lept ahead to scout the area...but she was no fool either, she could sense that trouble was near, and this was considerably more dangerous than a couple of snakes.
Wolf followed the...feeling...along many alleys, but whatever it was seemed to be one step ahead of him all the way. The moment Northern thought he had...it....cornered...it wound up trailing off into another direction, always just out of sight, just out of reach. It wasn't until he heard the felines howl that he realised he'd just been had...and whatever he'd been following had led him right back to his friend. As he rounded the corner, he saw Catnip struggling to get back up, but otherwise, she seemed unharmed. He resheathed his claws and picked up the pace to go to her aid...and that's when he first saw what he'd been following. As if materialising out of the shadows, a figure dressed in black leapt over the prone Catnip, dark claws flashing brilliantly in the moonlight, and faster then anything he'd ever faced, he felt the claws rend through his flesh, felt the burning pain course through his veins. He was a helpless child facing a much greater, much more practiced opponent, and he was taught the true meaning of fury. He fell back against the wall, and was powerless to stop him as he calmly approached Catnip and activated her emergency teleporter...sending her only god knew where.
"So...you're what Crey did with my DNA are you? Pitiful...absolutely pitiful"
The voice was mocking, not just the tone, not just the words....that voice, it was his own. But how? He looked up grimly as the figure turned, and for the first time, Wolf realised that he could look into the mirror and see the very same face. The Stalker approached him, grabbing him firmly by the chin and raising it to look into the Scrappers eyes
"I knew one day we would meet...one day I would wipe the filth that you are from memory. You shouldn't exist...your an abomination, a shadow of perfection"
Wolf struggled to speak, but the pain was almost unbearable....for some reason, he wasn't regenrating, but why was beyong him "How....did they copy me...who did this"
"Copy you?" The assassin just laughed, tossing Northern head back into the wall as he stood upright "Why my dear boy...I'm the original...your nothing but a science experiment gone horribly wrong" With that, he lifted his boot and the last thing Wolf saw before darkness engulfed him was it fast approaching his face
Blue paced back and forth on the jet, waiting for PH to make the call, to get them off the ground and into the action. Some the others were already engaged, and here he was was, stuck waiting well out of reach from where he could be usefull. He didn't mean to be impatient, PH knew what was best, since, had it been up to him, he likely would have tried to take on the Rogue Isles alone...which likely would have resulted in a very brave, but very useless death. So instead, he kept pacing, kept throwing questioning glances over at PH, waiting for the word, waiting to be unleashed, to do his part.
"Soon I hope..."
Cattnip suddenly found herself in the hospital. Her head was still hurting from the blow she had taken in that back alley.
"Never saw that coming..sheesh" She stepped out of the porter and turned to look for Wolf, sure that he was following.
She waited for a good 5 min... nothing. "Oh man. This can't be good. Something has happened" She started down the hallway when the porter next to her brought in another person. She turned to look.
Cabin Girl suddenly found herself in the hospital. "$%!$ it! I had you!! &%*#@ Yarrr.. goin off like that... when I get my hands on you..you are so gonna be on your knees apologizing to me. %^#%@$ pirate " the expletives slowed to nothing as she realized who she was looking at. "CATTNIP!!!! Oh my god! Its been forever!" She stepped out and greeted Cattnip.
Cattnip couldn't believe her eyes. "Cabin Girl! It's so good to see you!" She stepped up to CG and gave her a big hug. "How odd to see you here? What are you up too?"
"Oh you know, runnin amok in the Rogue Isles, takin out baddies.. pilligin, plunderin,, what I do best. Well, at least until I got broadsided by a group of Longfangs. Just about had them if Yarrrr hadn't have got distracted" CG cocked her head. "What about you? I haven't seen you around?"
"Well" Cattnip sighed, " I ran into Northern Wolf and decided to run with him a bit. He hasn't changed much. But something odd happened. WE were both taken by surprise by.. someone. Was weird too, I just caught a glimpse of a shadow before Wolfy sent me here. And that is weird too. He has never done that before." Cattnip looked sad for a sec then flashed CG a big grin. "But hey, ya just gotta get up and go again right CG?"
"Right! And I need to catch up to my Captain before he gets in over his head. Hey, wanna come along?"
Cattnip hesitated." I really should try to find Wolfy, but I justt can't get over why he did what he did....like he didnt need me. Ah well. I haven't been up to speed really lately." Cattnip sighed. "Sure, I will go with you. Maybe I will run across him."
Cabin Girl slapped Cattnip on the sholder and smiled. "Let's go."
As they started toward the door, another porter went off and out stepped Neuttrino.
"Ahoy lass!" Cabin Girl said welcoming the confused Neut.
Neuttrino looked around and muttered"This is not the EN Jet" She looked at CG and said, "I am not supposed to be here. I have got to get back to Tar. He needs me. He is in over his head and I was ordered to stay with him." She quickly stepped out of the porter and headed toward the door.
"Hey whoa girly." Cabin Girl halted Neut. "Lets travel together. I gotta feelin we are all headed to the same spot anyway. Safety in numbers right?"
Neuttrino nodded. "Let's get a move on then. Things are out of control and happening way too fast. If Tar goes down, we are in serious trouble. I can't let them get their hands on him."
"Who are them? asked Cattnip as they opened the door to street and stepped out.
As the ladies hit the steps, they heard the sound of las-guns being fired up. They looked up to see an ambush of arachnos LongFangs with a Mistress Tarantula waiting at the bottom of the stairs. "Neuttrino!! You will come with us. You are wanted by Recluse himself. Surrender now."
Cattnip looked over the group of villians as she felt an energizing glow come over her. "Dang Neut, look, they called out the army just for you. He must really want you." She popped her claws and crouched.
"Ya, you must be dangerous or somethin. My kind of odds." Cabin Girl laughed as she drew her broadsword, a red glow brightening up her eyes.
Neuttrino looked at the Mistress. The two scrappers were buffed and ready. "What does Recluse want with me?"
The Tarantula rose up."You stupid hero. We have begun to take your most powerful. You have no idea do you? You will be the downfall of your meddling group of Everynighters. How I relish to see you fail. GET HER!"
Ratchet was getting a little worried as his goggle's readout displayed various energy surges, similar to those of hospital teleportations, from the various EN members he'd been monitoring.
Hmm, I thought the hospital teleporters here weren't configured for hero signals...
He made a mental note to do a little digging after he finished investigating the apartment building he'd traced the earlier hack to. Place was one of the most run-down buildings he'd ever set foot in. Chunks of wall missing, flourescent lights hanging from the ceiling by power cables, and so much rubble and debris, it'd be hard to imagine anyone living here now, much less paying for it.
As he walked down the various hallways, he couldn't shake the idea that he was being watched...but there wasn't anyway there'd be a working surveillance system in this place. As he rounds a corner, he hears a footstep behind him, and takes off around the next corner, stops, whips around with his sword drawn, waiting for whatever it was that was following him.
He begins cycling through his goggle's vision modes, and sees a heat signature when he gets to infra-red.
Hehe, I SEE yooooouuu..., he thinks to himself, as a small smile crosses his lips. The figure continues moving slowly towards him, and he decides to "relax a bit" and stands up and turns to his left, looking back down the first hallway. The figure gets within sword-reach, but he decides to wait for his stalker to make the first move. Sure enough, once the hidden assailant is within arms-reach, he crouches down, and looks to be focusing his power.
Ratchet quickly jumps over the assassin, whips around and lands a powerful uppercut, sending the cloaked enemy into the ceiling, which rains down broken tiles. The cloaking effect fades, and Ratchet is startled by the similarities between himself and the stalker...same build, hairstyle, hell, they're identical down to the pants...the only difference being the pitch-black skin-color of his assailant.
In this moment of surprise, the stalker leaps to his feet, launches a roundhouse that sends Fizwink spinning to the floor, and with a wave of his hand, the assassin disappears from his sight...and judging by the sound, down the hall.
"What the hell's going on here? Why did that bozo look like m--" his question was cut short by a volley of laser blasts tearing through the wall beside him, followed by a chunk of ice freezing a huge section of said wall.
Quickly jumping up, he looks in the direction of the attacks in time to see 5 robots shooting at him, a white lab-coat-clad midget with a funky top-hat standing behind them with a very disturbing grin, and beside him, another midget...this one looking more on the cyborg end of things. Green visor over top half of his face, but sporting that same weird grin.
Barely deflecting a couple laser blasts with his sword, a couple more bounce off his shoulder armor, sending him reeling back into the wall. Standing up, he focuses his power, steadying himself, then charges right into the robots, slicing through 2 of them in one slash, while slamming his sword into the ground, sending a shockwave that sends two more to either side of the hallway. The last bashes him in the chest before he can spin around to get an angle on it, stunning him just long enough for a wave of ice to coat him from the ground up.
Helpless and immobile, he watches the robot stand down, and the two grinners walk toward him.
"Well, looks like you're a stubborn little guy," said the one in the lab-coat, "but do you have any idea how expensive those 'bots are?"
"Pssh, cheap craftsmanship. Come on, any decent robot should be able to take more than one or two swings from a sword. Then there's the whole laser thing...couldn't think of anything more original?"
Lab-coat chuckles a bit, "Hehe, there's that Fizwink sense of humor. We were told you were a sarcastic one."
"Can I kill him yet? I really want to kill the original myself," says the cyborg, as his hands begin to frost over, and a large chunk of ice-spikes form.
"Not yet...Recluse said to bring him in alive. The mechanical expertise of this guy is remarkable. And Recluse would LOVE to know how to control this "Gnomercy" power. Now, he didn't say conscious or not, so," as the grin got a little wider on both of them.
Last thing Ratchet sees is a small ball of ice heading right for the dead middle of his goggles... Great, snowball from he--
I'm so going to hell...if not for this post, then for that thing with the squirrel and the maraschino cherries.
Ratchet Fizwink
Proud boss of the Paragon Tram Maintenance.
PGTM - Fixing Paragon, one track at a time.
Yes team, I am aware that we are the last team to deploy. Pharma Hawk stated. We already know that Team 2 has successfully engaged, and the Tars team has located Doc. The Pirates have not reported yet, and Headache Healer is still radio silent. I fear that EN is a target for strategic reasons, Tar thinks its more personal. She continued, Somehow I am afraid we are both right. Pharma Paused and looked at her team, she paced and stared at the floor, then spoke directly to the group. By now most of you know that there are more of us missing than not. Furthermore, Trojan King has been called to aid the Kheldian alliance, it seems that Bynari and Auroris have found a Quantum smuggling ring and need aid of their protector. This leaves us Light as an assault force, but then, thats why you were all chosen for this team. Pharma Leaned back on the pilot seat and swiveled back towards the team. I selected each of you because of you record of solo combat. We are going in recon and stealth to extract Trips. Blue, You and Super Teek have Tactical. FireBat is pilot, Teen Tar and I will be goin over the intelligence. Lets get this bird in the air. She concluded, Are there any Questions?
No Maam said Teek as he turned to wish Troajn king good luck. Firebat looked concerned, but sat silently as he fired up the helicopter. Blue and Teen Tar Heel looked Giddy with excitement she thought. Those two and their head busting fetish She laughed to herself as she snapped her seatbelt.
Just then, Teen Tar heal shouted, Hey PH, whats the in flight movie? She glanced back at him through the cockpit door and said in an ornery voice, the notebook.
Oh Man Cried Teen tar Heel, isnt there anything I can do to talk you out of that? PH Just Smiled.
The Chopper ascended into the afternoon sky as Trojan King watched his friends leave, he wondered if he would see them all again.
Murg moved silently down the dark corridor. His stealth field was activated, but he was still uneasy after his encounter with the skink. The monster had incredible strength and agility for his size. Murgs grandmother always told by him that he was indestructible, that she had used a gypsy spell to make sure he did not fall victim to his familys curse that the men wouldnt live past 30. he always thought she was a little loopy, but then again, he was 32, and could take a beating like no other hero and always bounce back. He hoped she was right, but was not content to test the theory on this day.
Dang Murg thought, This corridor goes for miles! I dont see a door or a turn, he did get the sensation that he was slightly descending. Figures he muttered to himself, Without the nav sensors in my helmet, Im worse than a boy scout washout with directions.
He continued to follow the dark hallway for what seemed like an eternity, though in reality 35 minutes had passed since his encounter with the skink. Murgs strength was returning. Finally, a dim light shined into the corridor about 300yds ahead. Murg decided that airborne travel would be best as he would be silent, and he lept into the air, activating his flight servos in his suit. He closed the 300 yards in seconds. The light was coming from a small lab door window. Maybe this is my way out! he thought.
As Murg approached the window, his face went stone straight; his usually jovial outlook became stoic. As he peered through the window in stunned silence, in plain view, were giant bio tanks. The ones like the crey used to clone the protectors. Floating in the tanks were Clones of the Skink. The room was roughly the size of a football field; at least as far as he could see with the dim lighting. Murg just stared into the room with the look in his eyes degrading from hope to panic as he muttered a single word to himself. Crap
Kooper ran across the roof of the building that the coralax told him was where Murg was at. He pulled his sword and ripped through the roof exposing the ventilation ducts; it was exactly as the coralax had explained. He dropped through opening and cut a hole in the shaft. Once inside he began making his way through the shafts to the central elevator shaft. He dropped onto the top of the elevator platform, and began repelling downwards. The Coralax had explained that their people were on the 13th sublevel. lucky 13 Koop thought.
The building was another fine work of deception. What looked like a two story warehouse from the outside was just a front for the weird secret lab buried below. How in the world could all these secret buildings exist? What was the deal with real estate in the rogue isles? After all, the isles were a known safe haven for criminals and morally challenged types. Why do they have to hide? Its practically lawless here, even Arachnos builds forts in the open here. I will never fully understand the criminal Logic he spoke aloud.
And you never will Hissed a Voice in close proximity.
Kooper was startled, but didnt show it. He calmly continued to descend, yet cautiously.
to Whom do I have the pleasure of Conversing? Quipped Koop. Your Slayer, Hissed the voice confidently.
The response was so assured in its tone that Kooper started laughing out loud. He released the elevator cable and spun into a back flip doing a single summersault, and landed on the ledge labeled sub level 13, sword drawn mid air, and poised for attack on his landing, still laughing.
Laugh now human, the voice hissed Your Time is come. Now, Kooper replied, thats where your wrong, I am not completely human Looking up the elevator shaft he could see two stealthed figures closing in on him, with a third shadowed figure following two floors above. Kooper retained his keen vision from his days under the curse, and had a much higher perception to cloaked enemies than most heroes. The stealthed figures were somehow crawling on the walls. It was creepy, but hed seen weirder things.
No More Talk! shouted a new voice, coming from the direction of the shadowed figure. It was deeper, not as reptilian sounding, and definitely bigger sounding.
Kooper watched as the two stealth figured closed, he was banking on the fact that they thought he couldnt see them. He ducked into the sub level 13 hallway and backed down the corridor facing the door. The two creatures lept through the door before it closed. They were surprisingly fast. The first proceeded towards him along the right wall, clinging near the ceiling. The other crawled on the opposite side near the floor.
Kooper played along, where are you at? What do you want with me? He pretended not to see them advancing. They did not respond. Just as they sprung from the walls to attack, Kooper lept into the air and spun, sword 90 degrees perpendicular to his spinning body, like a rotating fan. The blade struck both figures simultaneously, and they fell to the floor, and rematerialized from their hidden state. Shocked at what he was seeing, Kooper kept sight of the door waiting for the third assailant to enter. The beasts were large Lizard looking aliens. These must be the skinks. He thought. If the rest are as stupid as these two I will not need the poison
Just then, the door opened and the third attacker walked calmly into the hallway. He was not stealthed; rather he walked in plain sight. It was another Skink, but different. Larger; Smarter looking. Why thank you Mr. Lafollette, thats what I was hoping to find out. Kooper struggled frantically to clear his mind. He knew he had had his mind probed. It had been so long since he encountered anyone capable of doing it. ah ah ah said the large skink, Its to late, You have already betrayed the coralax. Now I know where they are and I know what they plan. Certainly you didnt think we had them captive for their physical traits? We wanted them to bestow our army with their telepathy, so they can all be like me, and not these two rejects he kicked the two skink bodies on the floor as he walked towards kooper.
Koop concentrated hard to get into a state of Zen. He needed to get his mind fixated in the now, so that his thoughts didnt betray him in battle. its of no use Mr. Lafollette, you cannot hide your mind from
the voice stopped and then resumed. Why Mr. Lafollette, you are more talented than Mr. Balke has led me to believe. I think I will enjoy this challenge. The Skink crouched towards the floor, and extended his hands, claws fully extended. lets see if your body is as strong as your mind
Jaster Teen Tar heard his uncles voice weakly float from EN Chat channel on board Team Threes EN Chopper. He saw Pharma Hawk in the cockpit frown and lean forward to view a digital picture that had accompanied the broadcast.
Jaster? Teen Tar heard her mutter under her breath. That dumb kid?
Hey, Double T, said Blue turning toward Teen Tar Heel, Who the heck is Jaster?
Well Ive never met him, explained Teen Tar. but my uncle told me a little about him. Hes like the 5th Beatle of the EveryNighters. Back before the SuperGroup was registered, he ran back in Perez Park and Kings Row with Tar Heel, Pharma Hawk, and the rest of the Founders. When they formed the SG, he didnt join. I dont know why. After that, he just kinda disappeared.
Well it sounds like he is back, replied Blue.
Yeah, but dont worry, there hasnt been a Blaster born that can take out Uncle Tar in a fair fight. And if he got lucky against my uncle, I dont like his chances against a very pissed off Pharma Hawk.
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
Tar Heel rested on the hard, tile, floor of his prison cell. He had been methodically hammering on the metal door of the jail for over an hour, with no visible result. He was just rising to his feet to being the pounding again when the door rumbled open. Immediately, Tar gave a colossal footstomp on the ground. As figures in the doorway fell from the miniature earthquake, Tar leapt towards the door, trusting in speed and surprise to make his escape. Before reaching the door however, a single sharp command barked out and the room was flooded with blinding white light. Tar felt all his energy drain away and he collapsed onto the floor.
Im sure you have faced those infernal sappers that the Malta Group likes to deploy Mr. Ramshorn. Tar heard as he tried to gain enough energy to stand. One of the little tricks of my Lord Recluse is a modification of their guns to contain his more active guests. This entire room is basically the barrel of a giant sapper gun to anyone without
certain protections. Now, can we discuss your situation without resorting to violence?
Grunting his assent, Tar Heel pulled himself up to a sitting position and looked at the speaker. The woman wore a skin tight leather top and pants, with a flowing black cape. Her skin was a ghostly white, and unblinking, pupilless eyes stared at Tar Heel. Flanked with uniformed Arachnos soldiers who accompanied her, the woman squatted, as if talking to a small child, across from Tar Heel, who remained seated on the floor.
Very well then, introductions are in order. John Ramshorn, you may call me Ghost Widow, and we have much to discuss.
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
Mr. Ramshorn, make no mistake, my Lord Recluse will get from you whatever he desires, either by the hard way or the easy way. I do hope you will choose the easy way, Ghost Widow said, as she cupped Tar Heels chin with her gloved hand. The weakened hero was powerless to look away from her blank eyes.
To put this in the idiom of American Football that you enjoy using, consider this a
recruiting visit. My Lord Recluse is putting together a team. A team that will win. He invites you to be a part of that team. In exchange for your loyalty, he will offer you power. Power that has been denied to you. Power that you once had and has been removed from you. Perhaps by your hero Statesman? She spat out Statesmans name as if it were a curse.
Standing up, Ghost Widow glided around the room as she continued. This is your one chance to take this offer Mr. Ramshorn. What will be your reply?
Nonchalantly scratching the back of his head, Tar Heel responded. Ive already got a team. Im sorry maam, as much as I like a girl that talks football, I have to turn you down. I guess youd better try and do this the hard way.
With a faint laugh that sounded like the beat of a ravens wing, Ghost Widow turned and approached Tar Heel with her hands outstretched. You misunderstand Mr. Ramshorn, that WAS the hard way
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
Headache Healer readied the teleporter for one final test. The previous test had been a resounding success but it never hurt to make sure you could duplicate the results. Gargantua had set up a remote monitoring station near the Cap Au Diable beacon so the team got a good view of the last test landing safely on the ground.
I think weve done it my friends. With this teleport pad working both here and back in Paragon, we have what should be the safest way of rescuing our target. Gargantua, is Slowburn still working as an enhancements broker?
Thats a negative. Following our standard mission objectives, I managed to find a nice perch above him when I collected the results of our last teleport test. He was speaking with one of those Fateweavers stationed near him. He was vague but it sounded like he was going on leave for a few days before he had to choose a faction. Im not sure what he meant but it looks like hell be spending some time in his apartment.
Thank you for the update. If he is spending time off the streets then that will be our opportunity to strike at him without attracting attention. Super Swamp, I need you to release the cover from our craft while we move to a safe distance and re-open communications. Weve got to let the other teams know about our functioning teleporter.
Super Swamp was already on the job. In under a minute, the stone cover for the craft was gone and they were starting to lift off. Soon theyd be just outside the Rogue Isles and could safely send out a message on the EN channel.
Suddenly the ship started to slow in its ascent. The slowdown was barely noticeable at first but it got stronger until the ship began to descend back to the beach. Thrust was at maximum but they were still going down. Something or someone had found them and whatever it was had a strong gravitational pull.
Welcome back to Mercy Island. Ive been expecting you. boomed a voice from a small helmet. The colors were different but the build and choice in attire was unmistakeable. It was Gargantua using gravity control. Shocked to see me? You shouldnt be surprised. With all of the portal hopping you EveryNighters have done you cant honestly believe that none of your alternate selves havent come through to your dimension. In my case it was your own Mr Slowburn that sought me out. I was serving under Dominatrix as one of her lieutenants, keeping an eye on various aspects of her base of operations while she was raiding your dimension with the rest of the Praetorians. I dont like sitting back much and missing all the action so when Slowburn offered me a position within Arachnos as an enforcer under him then I jumped at the chance.
The small figure floated up slightly to face the larger members of the team eye to eye.
Arachnos has quite the reliable network and information flows freely here for the right people. Lord Recluse has known of your plans all along and he will stop you. As I speak, a number of your friends are currently enrolled in the recruitment process. Soon he will have all of you under his control.
Enough with the monologing. This is the same sad speech we heard from all the Arch-Villains weve faced over the years. This is the end, you will meet your doom, take over the world, yada yada yada. It never changes with any of you. The EN have beaten every Arch-Villain theyve faced and they will do the same to Lord Recluse when the time comes. HH said, clutching the side of the ship. He could feel the strength of the gravity field increasing. If he could just push the right buttons, he thought, then just maybe theyll have a chance to break free and take this new Gargantua down.
You think Im wrong? Prove it big man. Show me how you think youll defeat me. Not one of you are strong enough to beat me and I can have you immobilized indefinitely. You have no where to go but with me.
HH could sense he had a little movement in his feet. This could be the chance he needed. A quick nod to Super Swamp was all it took. They both attacked, one with telekinesis, the other with volcanic gasses. The new Gargantua was taken back for a second. The gasses had missed but the telekinesis had him pinned against a rock wall. The gravitational hold on the ship had weakened enough to allow Alberta Beef to fire the thrusters. The ship started rising again.
Quick you two, lock him down and then get back to the ship, weve got to warn the others they know were coming. HH commanded.
Super Swamp and the warshade Gargantua attacked and locked down their target before jumping back into the ship. What they didnt expect was this new Gargantua using a break free.
You think you can get away? he yelled, Im stronger than all of you put together. It was that moment that he chose to open up a wormhole in front of the EN ship. Almost instantaneously, the ship was warped in a new direction, straight down. There was no time to stop. The ship crashed to the ground and erupted into flames as the thrusters fuel lines were compromised. The twisted hulk of metal was nothing more than scrap. Scrap with 4 heroes inside looking for a quick way out.
"Mr Slowburn, I'm afraid you might want to inform Ghost Widow there has been a change in plans." The team sent to extract you might be a little difficult to convert since I may have just killed them while they were attempting to flee."
"Don't bother looking for them. They may have had a lot of brains on that team but they certainly weren't the most combat ready of the EN. It would have been nice to convert the controller and empath to our cause but they were always expendable. Leave a few drones behind and have them start patrolling the shore and cliffs in the area. If the heroes survived, the drones will let us know. Right now I need you to come back to the tower. Ghost Widow wants us to view her recruitment of Tar Heel. Slowburn out."
Mr Slowburn - 50 fire/kin troller
Cosmic - 50 grav/storm troller
Cyberprowl - 50 ma/dark scrapper
Mi-graine - 50 emp/psi defender
Alberta Beef - 50 fire/ice tank
Mythtery - 41 ill/rad troller
Gargantua - 39 ws
Kotor - 38 db/wp scrapper
Fungal - 50 plant/psi dom
Snarky - 38 thug/dark MM
The missile impacted with the helicopter without any semblance of a warning. It was completely undetected by neither equipment nor super powered being. The last thing she remembered was getting the transmission from Tar Heel. A peculiar message at that, it was just a single word, jaster. After that there was an explosion, and she remembered seeing the cargo section flying away from her, Blue, Teek, and Teen Tar Heel flying in separate directions. She didnt recall seeing Fire Bat at all after the impact.
With her vision now clearing, and her head beginning to gain clarity, Pharma Hawk sat up, brushing the rubble off of her body. She had landed at the edge of a dense forest. A quick survey of the area didnt yield the whereabouts of her crew. She was concerned, but knew that they could take care of themselves, after all, besides Blue Electric, she was the only passenger on board who was not super durable, and blue could self heal. If she made it, they must be ok. Terrific she thought, Im supposed to be the pillar of strength and my team never even makes it to the isles. No matter she thought, its how we react to the unexpected that makes us who we are. With that thought, she stood, and immediately fell. She hadnt even noticed the broken ankle until she tried to stand. Guess I took more damage than I thought, she said to herself as she sat back down to concentrate on healing the break. She felt the warm strong glow of her empathic powers surging through her leg, washing the pain away. Lets try this again she said to her self as she stood once more.
Pharma moved quickly into the brush. She knew that whoever shot them down would be looking for confirmation of the kill. Her EN comm device was lost in the chaos, so she was on her own. Being alone was a rare occurrence since the formation of the EveryNighters, but she wasnt the helpless sort. Very early in her career, she took a lot of heat from the paragon press because it was unpopular at the time for an empath of her ability to be able to fill an offensive position. It was rare for a defender to do solo work. However, she was never one for labels, and always believed that defenders, empaths especially should not be helpless, and focused on her electrical and mental powers as well as her healing. In fact, thats how the EveryNighters were born. A chance happening of 7 individual heroes, who like the clockworks they were so famous for defeating, took to the streets and brought big named thugs to justice, literally every night. It was HHH3 aka trip that first coined the phase to the paragon press corps, from there it stuck. They began to use the name EveryNighter for Tar Heel, Cycloptic Chick, Trip, Msgt Black, Ice Gost, Headache Healer, and Pharma Hawk it was a chance meeting of the seven of us that proved to us all that we were exponentially better together than alone.
It was nice to remember the early days. It was a simpler time. In those days, it was just easier to be a hero, less politics, less burden of knowledge. However, it was the days preceding the official formation of the EN that troubled PH at the moment. Before she even learned to harness her powers to be able to fly, trip, ice gost and PH would run security details in Perez Park. During one of these patrols, they came across a particularly large group of clockworks. In the middle of them all were two other heroes, who were quickly getting in over their heads. PH, trip and Ice joined the battle, Trip and Ice blasting clocks at will, and PH healing the team so that they could stand against the superior numbers.
This is how they met Jaster. He was a jovial spirit, a very eager and brash young blaster. He was a tech hero with a mean assault rifle and various gadgets who often reacted rather than thinking. Still he was a lucky sort, almost charmed at his ability to succeed. He was much more of a loner than a team player, his style never lent itself to being in a group. Trip and PH joined Jaster for several weeks after the Perez park meeting, and eventually joined his super group, the jesters court. As the weeks progressed, and the press corps continued to herald the EveryNighters, the seven sounders agreed that they should form their own group.
The EN were a compliment to each other and together, a force to be reckoned with. A group vote sent Pharma to Atlas Park to officially register the group. The EN was tasked by the freedom phalanx to eliminate the clockwork threat from paragon city, and Jaster never got over his extreme fear and hatred of the clockworks. They had a natural resistance to his super abilities, and that always made his uneasy. More often than not when jaster would face clockworks, it would end with an emergency hospital transport. Although invited to join, jaster chose to take his own path, and eventually just disappeared. He claimed it was his fear of clockworks was his reason for not joining, though PH always felt like it was more personal, possibly a feeling of betrayal from PH and Trip for leaving the jesters court.
The En always talked about jaster, mostly in fun, making comments about his unorthodox style, some wondering what had become of him. By the time Neuttrino and Peepopo had joined the EN, the memory of jaster had became ancient history. The clockworks were contained, and the Freedom Phalanx had sent EN to handle larger threats.
It had been years since she heard Jasters name. Sure, it was always Tar that would crack wise about him, but somehow she didnt think that Tar was making a joke over the radio, and the tone of his voice was unsettling. PH and Tar were close, closer than most. Many times they would be the last two in battle, tar holding the line, and PH supercharging Tar with buffs. She could tell when things got serious, they had been in to many rough situations together, they could practically read each others minds. For this reason, she believed Tars message was a warning, but what was the context?
PH scoured the surrounding area, looking for the other team members. Because of the altitude where the missile hit the chopper, they could be separated by miles. It was EN protocol to do an area search, and then proceed with the mission objectives if at all possible. Having found no trace of the others or even wreckage, Pharma decided to get her bearings and continue to try and rescue her friend. She was certain that Trip was brainwashed, there wasnt an evil bone in her body. Trip surely liked the thrill of the fight, but always knew the limits. She was no villain.
Ph had come to the conclusion that she had landed on an uninhabited island, somewhere south of the rogues Isles. In the distance she could see the faint outline of Mount Diable, so she knew she must be close. She activated her stealth field and took to the air in the direction of Cap Au Diable, she could make Port Oakes from there. Suddenly, She was pulled from the air by the recognizable feel of a web grenade. As she fell back to the island, she activated her psionic armor as a precaution. Hello PH, said a voice coming from behind her, she recognized the voice, it was Jaster.
what have you done with tar! She replied sternly. Now, now, not even a hello for your old Pal jaster said cheerfully as he walked into view. Ive missed you so, he continued. Well it appears that you are playing for the wrong team now, and I do not chit chat with the bad guys said Pharma. Bad Guys! laughed Jaster, You and your Stinking EN are the bad guys! You are all brainwashed and Im just helping you to see the truth Jaster said in a clearly agitated tone. Pharma could tell that her statement rattled Jaster. His body language changed from the jovial kid he once knew, to a menacing opponent. He gripped his rifle with his right hand and had his left hand on his grenade belt. He stepped backwards suddenly and hit PH with another web grenade, and then trained his sights on her.
Awe whats the matter Jas, are you afraid Im going to get loose Pharma Taunted
Shut UP Jaster Shouted, Your not going to talk like that to me! I am in charge here! Jaster always did have control issue PH recalled. I just want to know what you did with Tar, she replied calmly. He got what he deserved barked Jaster. I showed him, I taught him not to take my team from me! So you blame Tar for Trip and I leaving the jesters? Are you serious? asked PH thats what this is all about?
The Revenge on the EN is only the icing on the cake my dear replied Jaster You were always so arrogant about the EN, flaunting your success. I knew it! I knew you werent mature enough to handle it. You were one of us Jaster, there was never a you vs us, you made that up on your own. Retorted PH, You are to blame for that, not EN.
There you go again, PH, you drive me freaking crazy with En Bla bla bla
Im just going to shoot you now jaster said as he raised his rifle and fired. The slug hit PH mid chest knocking her back and free of the web grenade. The bullet went cleanly through, and her healing aura had the damage repaired before she hit the ground. Jaster had anticipated this move and had already started Spraying automatic gun fire in her direction, again, several bullets making their mark on PHs Body. I am sure you didnt face Tar head on you coward, PH yelled at Jaster as she leapt into the air he could stomp you into corn flakes! Precisely why I only did the finishing work replied jaster proudly. without you there to make him invincible, I made sure my minions over powered your dog Neuttrino so Tar would run out of steam. Then me and a couple hundred of my closest friend proceeded to beat him down, until I could make my debut he was really shocked to see me too, you should have seen his face. PH fired a volley of ball lightning at jaster momentarily paralyzing him; she followed with a short circuit attack to drain Jasters endurance. Oh Poo PH, surely you dont think you can beat me he stated, quite sure of himself. The short circuit missed, and Jaster opened fire again, landing PH on her back, body riddled with bullets. You jaster shouted, will not be as lucky as Tar Heel. You see, I only got to beat him, it was fun knocking him unconscious with this very gun. He continued, You see, the ghost widow wants him for some arcane reason. And the ghost gets what she wants. Lord Recluse gives her everything.
PH Struggled to her feet, she was getting weaker, jaster never missed, at some point she would not be able to out heal the damage, so she knew she needed to think. And what is it that recluse has given you jaster? Pharma said calmly What is in it for you, you snotty [censored]! Jaster laughed out loud at Pharmas outburst. Youre an idiot PH, but Ill indulge you. Lord Recluse helped me channel my fear of Clockworks into something useful. Something great! I am no longer afraid, and I am Stronger now, stronger than the EveryNighters ever were. He let me Kidnap Trip for revenge. I knew that shed hate serving him, so thats what she now does. And she cant help it; the ghost has willed it to be, so it is. She will never be free of that curse. Jaster Continued, For each one of you I capture or Kill, Recluse gives me more power. Soon, I will be among his lieutenants, and everyone in paragon city will know my name.
Youre a Fool, Jaster, Recluse doesnt owe you anything, and hes using you. Said PH. Now your just begging to stall the inevitable Replied Jaster, recluse wanted me to bring you back, so we could dispose of you on live broadcast, You and trip, headliners in the arachnos show. A demonstration to paragon City that its mighty EveryNighters can help them no more. It will breed fear, and set the stage for Arachnos to take over the eastern seaboards crown jewel. So I guess it would be bad form to Kill me now Replied Pharma Smugly. HA Jaster laughed, I have missed your sense of humor PH After I kill you here, youll be automatically transported to mercy Island where youll be revived and brainwashed for the show.
Pharma Slumped onto the sand. Jaster moved closer. Bye PH he said, Next time we meet youll be my Dog he raised his rifle and fired, but Pharma wasnt done. She dodged the slug and leapt back into the air above jaster, and quickly landed a swift kick to his face, knocking him backwards. Pharma knew that jaster, Like all blasters was weakest at close range, and she intended to take the fight to him. But
. Jaster Gasped, Youre an empath! He said in a surprised tone. PH did not say a word, She continued to land electrically charged Punches and kicks to Jasters body. He retaliated by swinging his gun at her and reaching for his grenade belt to try and put some distance between them. He was completely caught off guard that she could engage him in had to hand combat. Empaths dont fight he yelled. Ph responded by separating his rifle from his hands with a lightning blast to his arm. The gun went flying into the surf. Ph stayed on him relentlessly, Kicking Punching, short range blasting, Jaster stumbling backwards still in shock over the whole chain of events. Jaster managed to get a grenade loose and lob it at Pharma, but this time it didnt land, she caught it mid air and flung it back at him. Her rage was so high now that she was moving like a Broadway dancer, perfectly choreographed moves, all working on concert to the final goal; Kicking Jasters tail.
Jaster, now trapped with his own grenade, stood there in disbelief. How? he muttered. Jaster, you dumb punk said Pharma, theres just so much you dont know and with that statement she blasted him with a testla cage, and fired a point blank snipe at him. Jaster was down. Stronger Indeed Pharma said calmly.
Just then Pharma heard a noise in the brush behind her, it was Teen Tar Heel, PH! Are you OK, Im here to rescue you! he said. Well your timing is impeccable PH replied. Teen Tar walked up to the unconscious Jaster and stared. Wow, I guess I was right about him not standing a chance against you. Teen tar said. Thanks for the vote of confidence lil feller. I wasnt so sure there myself Replied PH. Ha TTH Laughed, Youre way to modest, Uncle Tar always says hed rather have you in a fight than most scrappers. I guess you really are pretty tough. Teen Tar continued, That is SOOO Hawwwttt. Oh stop you big hormone! Ph replied. Have you heard from the others?
Well Blue electric reported from mercy Isle, it appears some junior thugs thought they captured him, he played along for the ride back to Mercy, and then kicked their collective Axxs said TTH, So he is in position in Mercy. Super Teek took Bat back to Talos Island, I guess Bat seen the missile coming and used himself as a shield, so he needs a little patching up. Im relieved, its good to hear everyone is fine said Pharma as she knelt down to handcuff Jaster. TTH, I need you to take Jaster to Dr. Sheridan in Bricks town. He will be able to study Jaster for the effects of any brainwashing. Dr. Sheridan works with Numia on cases like this. Hopefully he will hold the key to being able to reverse the effects on our fellow EN.
But what about you TTH replied, dont you need
TTH stopped before finishing the sentence; as he lifted Jasters Body over his shoulder. I suppose youll be ok He looked at PH and Smiled.
Ph patted TTH on the shoulder, and then took the emergency transport beacon off Jasters belt, and an access card out of his vest pocket. I do have a plan She said, and then she switched on her stealth field, and hit the activator for the emergency transport. I have a dear friend to visit She said to TTH as she disappeared to god knows where. Good Luck Teen tar said staring at the space where Pharma disappeared, Good Luck.
The blast had caught everyone offguard. One minute he was sitting at tactical listening to Teen Tar explain what little he knew about Jaster...and then thunderous blast, the concussion making spots appear before his eyes. It was the sound of rushing wind that finally brought him to his senses, and as a mere reflex, he gained altitude before attempting to get his bearings.
He watched as the fiery wreck of the Helicopter plummeted to the the earth, a beacon to any villains in the area...and that area was about the whole breadth of the Rogue Isles. He looked about for any of the others, as well as preparing to follow the helo down to search for the rest of his team. It was at that moment that his eyes caught sight of a line of Sky Skiffs headed his way. For a moment, he considered taking the fight to them...but now was no time for foolishness...it was a long fall down, and an even longer trip to Paragon. Three of the Skiffs broke off from the main group, tracking the path of the burning helicopter, and without a moments hesitation, Blue kicked it into high gear and dove after the three, lighting bolts streaking across the sky as fast as he could hurl them. Scorch marks appeared on the flanks of the Sky Skiffs, and finally they turned to engage the streaking blaster.
Missiles left plumes of smoke trailling behind them as they homed in on the Electric blaster, and for the most part, he did well enough to avoid them, but the final shot winged him, and the shock turned him around in mid air, the blast being absorbed by the charged armor surrounding his body. It took a moment to catch his breath, returning fire as soon as he could see straight again. He could see the other Skiffs turning to engage as well, and it brought a grim smile to his lips, they'd forgotten about the helo, focussing instead on the single blaster with an obvious deathwish
"Well gentlemen....now that I have your attention..." Blue watched closely as an opening appeared between two of the Skiffs "I hope you won't be dissapointed if I'm required elsewhere!"
With that he slammed his hands together, the resounding shock stunning the pilots only for a moment....and that was all the distraction he needed as he slipped through the gap and put the everything he had into pulling the Sky Raiders away from the accident site "I hope the others made it..." He fired back at the skiffs randomly, keeping their attention focussed on him, occasionally taking a blast from a missile that got too close. He could feel he strength slipping away...and his health...but he dug deeper and pushed on.
It was somewhere over Mercy that one of the Raiders finally got a lucky shot in, and he blacked out, falling out of the sky like a shooting star, as the electrical flashes slowly started to fade. Moments before impact, he came too...but enough time to stop his free fall, only enough to lessen the impact. He landed heavily in a desolate square surrounded by run down buildings. He began to pick himself up off the concrete, prepairing to fight the raiders with his very last breath....but the Sky Raiders slowly veered off...and after a few moments, Blue relaxed, and started to dust himself off "That's right you punks...run while you have the chance"
His victory was only short lived though...as he was quickly surrounded by Arachnos Soldiers, their weapons levelled firmly at his chest. True, Blue wasn't one to shy away from a good fight...but he knew his limits, and this was definately one of them. With a wry laugh, he shrugged his shoulders "So...you caught me. Now what?"
"That's for Lord Recluse to Decide..." A man walked into view, the soldiers allowing him to approach the stricken blaster. The helmet he wore shone of some metallic alloy, and looked to be some kind of spider. He fought back the urge to shiver on the spot...Blue would face any AV singlehandedly...but spiders just plain gave him the creeps
"Hmm....well, I know he's a busy man, and I didn't make an appointment...so I'll just come back another time" Blue turned to the soldiers, waving for them to make a path...he wasn't exactly shocked when they didn't move, but it had been worth a shot
"You always were complacent about things....Blue is it now?...Even when we were kids" The figure in black circled around behind the blaster, watching him closely, waiting for Blue to make his play, which he knew would come. Blue turned to study to other man, a look of genuine surprise entering his eyes "That's right....think back....remember...you weren't the only one with special....talents" He shrugged after a moment, and let loose a low, hollow laugh...there was no humour in that laugh "It doesn't matter now, my old friend. My name now is Chrome, and I've been sent to bring you in, just as others have been sent to escort the others of your team. Soon, all of the Everynighters will be working for Lord Recluse"
Blue's eyes narrowed, and after a moment, he allowed to smile to cross his lips. All the talk had allowed him time to rebuild enough endurance for the fight ahead "Don't bet on it!" Blue reached his hands out to either side and from every solider, including the one calling himself Chrome, electricty coursed to the Blasters fingertips as he sapped there endurance, rebuilding his own. He felt the strength flowing through him, and immediately followed up Power sink with a short circuit blast, the air crackling around them. He watched, satisfied, as they all slumped to ground, their endurance gone. Blue didn't waste any time, and landed a heavy havoc punch to the nearest soldier, driving him into the concrete. With a flurry of blasts, he began attacking random targets, switching them up quickly, no more than two blasts per target. He vaguely remembered hearing Chrome shout "Attack!" but it was two late. He'd already been builiding up the electricty around him, his fists glowed now, there was so much energy being built up inside of him....and when he finally released thunderous blast, the electricty jumped from one body to the next in a chain until they were all convusling in sync before slumping to the ground without so much as a cry for help.
Blue went down to one knee, exhausted once more, but safe...at least for the moment. He reached for the EN communicator, and brought it to his lips "Blue Electric reporting in from Mercy. Helo down, team seperated. Need to regroup. Over." There was nothing else to do now but try and find the others, Blue decided to stay on foot, and quickly made his way down an alley way, away from the scene of the fight.
Well just what the <bleep> you expect me to do? I had a hard enough time finding a uniform that would fit this guy! yelled the tiny, grubby, man in a dirty labcoat into a spider-shaped communicator. The hero once known as Tar Heel stood impassively by, now clothed in the Arachnos uniform of an Arbiter.
Look, the man continued, we will just have to skip the helmet. I cant get it to fit. His freakin head is like stone anyway. He dont need it.
After a pause he continued. He has horns you idiot! I cant fit horns under the helmet! I dont care what SHE says, SHE aint
Hearing another voice on the communicator, the man straightened up and took a far more conciliatory tone. Yes, maam. No maam. Its the horns maam, I cant
Yes maam, I hadnt thought of that. You dont think it would kill him? No maam. Yes maam. Whatever you say maam.
Shaken, the man cut the communications and walked over to Tar Heel. Standing on his tiptoes, the man tapped the two rams horns growing out of Tar Heels forehead with his fist. Looking thoughtful, the man called out. Dmitri! Strap this goon down and immobilize the head. And bring me the laser saw!
Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute
Cabin Girl grasped the side of the ship, heaved herself over, and fell heavily onto the deck. Her regen was kicking in but she had severly pushed her limits. Not even the green and blue pills had helped as fast as she had taken damage and expended her energy in the last battle.
As she lay there she began to weep. She had never felt such fatigue, physically and mentally. Neut was gone. She couldn't believe it. "We were winning, we almost had them...but that thing... oh god" She turned face down on the deck and began to sob. Never had she been so frightened. She had cheerfully gone up against every archvillian in Paragon and successfully arrested each and every one of them. But this ... this.. was unknown.
All Cabin Girl could see in her mind's eye was red lighting and spiders. And then a shadow cast over everything. It appeared without warning, a deafining blast that knocked Cattnip and herself clear across the street. She had no idea where Cattnip landed. She had slowly regained her feet but was dazed. All she remembered was looking up and seeing this..this huge black shadow, picking up Neuttrino's limp body..then seering laughter...then the darkness took her.
Cabin Girl reached for her communicator...it was gone. Lost in the battle she supposed. She sighed and sat up, marshalling her emotions and fears under control. "Yarrrr.. where are you?" she wondered. She knew he would be concerned when she hadn't come back to the fight after she left so quickly. And she knew, he wouldn't be happy with the news about Neut. Or about the last words she heard before she blacked out. "I have her, she is ours. The plan is complete" What did it all mean?
Nuettrino slowly opened her eyes. She had a massive headache and the brightlights just intensified the pain. She put out a healing wave..but nothing happened. She closed her eyes and tried to relax. She reached deep down and felt...nothing. She opened her eyes and looked around. She was laid out on a table of sorts. Cold..unfeeling steel. The room was small with very bright lights above.
A femine voice slid silkily across the room. "Ah, awake at last dark one. How very interesting."
Neut's eyes adjusted to the white skinned woman floating across the room towards her.
"The final piece to our plan. With you in place, we will be unstoppable." The white ghostly woman carressed Neuttrinos cheek. "Nothing to say? Eyes are the window to the soul.. and you are so much like me. You show nothing."
Neut lay still, wanting with everything she had to blast this creature into nothingness with her neuttrino bolts but she was to curious as to what this woman was talking about.
"What happened to my cohorts.?"
"The two that were with you are dead." The woman said as she leaned up and turned away to walk to a door. She opened it and called to someone standing out side. "Come in and get your job done. She's ready." She came back to stand at the end of the table.
A smallish man in a white lab coat came in with a machine that Neut did not recognise.
"What are you going to do to me?" Nuet whispered, fear starting to set in and tried not to show. She tried to move, to activate her powers, anything. She couldn't move.
"You have been immobilized my dear dark one. You can do nothing. But.. you will become more powerful than you have ever known. You will work for us against Statesman's so-called forces of good. And, you will be reunited with your partner Tar Heel. I forsee no-one stopping the pair you will make." the white woman smiled.
"Never" Neut said. "I will fight you. My group will come for me."
"Oh yes.. I imagine they will. I sure hope so" she replied. Ghost Widow turned to the man. "Begin" She turned and looked at Neut. " And make sure she is ready for me. I like this one. I may keep her for myself." The door shut behind her.
NEut started to struggle. No , she thought to herself. This can't happen. Rejoin Tar...he has been taken? Not possible.. not possible.
The man came close to her with a syringe of greenish looking fluid, a grin spreading across his face. "When you wake up, you will be ready to do Lord Recluse's bidding. You will take your orders from Ghost Widow"
"Ghost Widow" Neut muttered. "Who is she, and why does she take such interest in me? I am no-one important really. I am not a fighter, not powerful." She looked at the man beseechingly. "Let me go."
He just grinned. "It's no use you know. You and that tank you call Tar Heel will be virtually impossible to kill. Lord Recluse has great plans for you both. For your entire team. He has just been waiting for the right moment."
He brought the syringe down and injected Neut in the neck. "My favorite part." he said , smiling as he withdrew the needle. "But I agree with Mistress Widow..if I could only read your eyes as the change happens." he tilted his head." I would so love to watch your pain."
"Ah.. you are awake at last
Cattnip slowly regained consciousness, and was very aware of the dank feeling or the surrounding darkness. She Could hear the rush of water, if it could be called water, in the distance, and the ever present smell of decay that festered in the abandoned underground caverns were usually home to all sorts of unpleasant creatures.
She narrowed her eyes, trying, without much success, to make out the shape of the other who was near
the feeling was familiar, and yet
different, very different
malevolent. Not just towards her, it was a general hatred of all things. For a moment, she contemplated rising to face her opponent, but the darkness that concealed him was so great, it could not be natural. Her strength, her will began to fade. Shed already watched a good friend, her greatest ally in any fight, defeated as if he were nothing more than a child. And now Neut, Cabin Girl
so many of the Everynighters were falling like gnats swatted from the air as if they were but mere recruits fighting for the very first time. Her shoulders slumped, and she could not help the wave of sadness that overtook her
for the first time that she could recall, she did not want to get back up. It was over, wasnt it?
Mocking laughter drifted to her ears from the darkness, and she looked up to watch a man dressed all in black, the familiar red tribal adorning the outfit, almost materialize before her, as if the darkness was his own personal blanket, protecting him. He placed the toe of his boot beneath her chin and raised it so that she was forced to look into his eyes. It couldnt be
not him, he wouldnt turn, would he?
But there was something different about this one, about his bearing, and then she looked closer, at the scar that kept his left eye firmly shut. It was an old scar, it couldnt be Northern Wolf, but he was so very similar, almost a mirror image of the one she knew and trusted
Recognition kitten? Well, it seems sending you back just wouldnt stop you, now would it? He removed his boot from beneath her chin and began to pace slowly around her, as if inspecting a prize. Cattnip watched him carefully, his movements. She realized he was even more the hunter than Northern, perhaps even a match for her own innate talent. You might wonder why your still alive. Well, no matter really, since your condition is only temporary. You see, youre a gift you see
to my new pet, and hes been very anxious to see you again
You dont
She stopped speaking abruptly, becoming very aware of the presence of another. Her heart almost skipped a beat as this was a familiar presence, but that sensation soon passed as she could feel the taint of corruption in the very next moment. She rose to her feet, trying to remain aware of bother hunters, both her former friend, and her captor. I know youre there Wolf, I know its you
Her words trailed off as Northern Wolf stepped out of the shadows. His eyes looked haunted, tormented. To an untrained eye, he looked almost vulnerable, but Cattnip had fought by his side too many times, she knew what he was capable off, she knew his strength
she could also sense that this time, they werent hunting together. No, this time, she was his prey.
Her captor took her shoulders from behind, leaning in to whisper into her ear You see little one, hes mine now. And your to be his first test. He laughed softly, but it was a humourless laugh However, to make it sporting...if you can defeat your friend here
Ill let you go. Ill even grant you safe passage back to Paragon City
if you can kill your friend that is
Cattnip let her chin drop, a million memories flooding her mind, countless battles, countless close calls. There wouldnt be any close calls this time though, no heroic rescue, no daring escape
just a fight, no rules, no restrictions, no restraints. She fought back the memories, focused her eyes on Northern Wolf, and crouched down into a defensive stance. She may have to fight him, but she would not be the first to attack. Northern Wolf struggled for a moment, visibly trying to shake off whatever control it was this other had on him, but he couldnt break free, and in the very next moment, he stepped forward as if to lunge in with his claws, but Cattnip had seen in before and quickly flipped backwards like an acrobat has he quickly went for the hamstring. And it had begun
The fight was a brutal one, ferocious as they both gave into their primal instincts, a match of blow, counterblow. Parry and attack. They struck each other so many times, but their regeneration kept them both on their feet until their lungs seared from the continued effort. They took advantage of each others weakness, avoided each others strengths that they knew so well, and all the while, as Cattnip pleaded with Northern, hoping he could somehow see reason, the Assassin watched on, a look of pure pleasure in his one good eye.
An then it happened, Cattnip pressed her advantage, but when she went for one last slash to Wolfs midsection, he parried the blow low, and drove his claws into her side. She hissed in pain, in anger, frustration
countless emotions swept over her. Not for her loss, but for what Northern had become, that she could not have saved him no matter how hard she fought. For a moment, they remained locked in that position, he could have snuffed out her life just then
.but he didnt. And then she heard his whisper, his plea for help, felt his hand on her wrist, raising her claws until their tips just grazed his throat. End it now
end my torment Cat. Please! Dont let me become
She knew he spoke of the Assassin, and for a moment, she truly did try, she tried to grant him his wish, but she couldnt bring herself to take his life, not even now. The hand that struck her was like lightning and knocked her to the floor, the breath rushing from her lungs, already spent from the extended battle. The Assassin grabbed her firmly by the back of the neck as he leaned down to speak to her You havent won
but neither did he. I underestimated your strength
or perhaps I thought too greatly of my pet. No matter. Lord Recluse will certainly have a design for you
until then, your execution is stayed He let go of her and began walking away, Northern close behind, once again on the figurative leash.
I would know the name of my prey, for hear this. I will hunt you down, Ill find some way to make you pay for what youve done to him! Earlier she had had given up, on herself, on her friends. This man, however, deserved to die. And he would if she got the chance. In that moment that Northern had asked her to end his misery, she realized she could never give up, because he wouldnt, none of the Everynighters would simply give up
thats what separated them from the hordes of other heroes.
The Assassin turned around, raising one eyebrow at the cat sprawled on the cavern floor They call me Darkened Wolf, because I let them. I should warn you however
Northern may have been an equal for you today, but I, child, am far greater. He is but a pale shadow of me
a corrupted copy
and by all rights, an inferior model. So think long and hard before you attempt to match me And the two Wolves slipped into the darkness a silent as a whisper
Cattnip narrowed her eyes, a low growl in her throat. All things in due time she thought to herself, but her first order of business was to avoid this meeting with Lord Recluse, then she could deal with the Assassin.
Ratchet woke up in what looked to be a mech-lab. Various robotic components strewn about, wires hanging from quasi-built arms, power cells lying on tables, and various gears and gyros everywhere. To his left he saw a huge computing setup...11 monitors arrayed around a small metallic table with 2 keyboards and a leather-covered rolling chair. The monitors displaying different things, some looked liked video streams, others scrolling codes of data, but one in particular caught his attention...
Neuttrino was strapped to a metallic table, and a man in a labcoat had just injected her with something.
"What in the Gnomercy is go--", he was interrupted as an insane laughter filled the room.
"Hahaha, I was wondering how long you'd be out cold...HAHAHA!! Out cold!!" He strained his head to his right as the same short, white-coated, top-hat-wearing figure from the apartment walked to stand in front of him, hands behind his back. "You know, I was expecting a much better showing back there...especially as people call you "The Talented Ratchet Fizwink"...who'd have though you'd only be able to take out 5 of my robots...tsk, tsk, tsk."
There's something...familiar...about this guy. Hmm, could be the green skin...but I've seen so much of that type of thing since I got here, it's not even funny.
"Hehe, you can't place me can you? Mmm, wouldn't imagine so...you haven't seen me in well over a year now. Not that I resemble much of my former self anymore, though," this familiar stranger mused. "Allow me to introduce myself then! I, am your uncle, Dr. Torkus Wizfink, "he said with a low bow, removing his hat, "Well, I WAS until I got here. Now I make all sorts of wonderful toys using Lord Recluse's technology! And speaking of technology, I see you've picked up quite the knack for it yourself," as he made his way over to a workbench, on which all of Ratchet's gear was sitting...including his broadsword and shoulder-pads.
"Hehe, you know, Mom always told me you were one of the crazy-uncle-types...guess she wasn't kidding! So uh, where'd you get all those crappy bots? I one-shotted those things worse than Hellion!"
Wizfink whipped around, and his eerie, ear-to-ear grin had turned downward, and he stomped towards the vertical exam table Ratchet was strapped in.
"You had better keep that mouth of yours shut," he spat. "I didn't bother bringing out the important robots, as our intelligence had determined you'd go down with just the 5 and Wrenchus!" He then stormed over to a solid-looking door with what looked like time-locks, punched in a code, and the door slid open. As the door opened, a light-green mist flowed from it, and out walked the other assailant from the hallway. "Wrenchus, say hello to my nephew," he said as the grin returned to his face.
Wrenchus walked towards Ratchet, sporting the same grin as Wizfink, and with mist falling from his arms and torso said, "Yo inferior meat-bag. I am Wrenchus Frostwink."
Wizfink walked back to the workbench and began looking at Ratchet's gear.
"Mechanical chickens? Mechanical squirrels? Where do you get your inspiration? The Autobon Society? HAHAHAHA!"
"You know, if you worked more on your robots more than you do at coming up with your terrible puns, I'm sure I wouldn't have sliced those ones as easy. May have even taken two shots per, if you got REALLY good." He glanced back at Neut's monitor, but there wasn't anything new...just that same guy standing over Neut. What the hell'd he shoot her up with, he thought to himself.
"So, uh...what do they have you do around here," he directed at Wrenchus.
"I was specifically designed to apprehend you and keep you under control for reprogramming and integration into the Robotics department--"
"Headed up by me," Wizfink shouted over his shoulder.
"Uh-huh...and what makes you think that's going to happen?" Ratchet replied, just trying to keep them talking while he regained his strength...Gotta get out of here and find out what the hell's going on, he thought.
"Well, you see, that's the beautiful part! We're going to get your friends to...convince you...of the practicality of this choice! Like your friend Neuttrino over there," as he waved at the monitors, "she's going through the first step of our...convincing, hehe."
"Ah-hah...so that syringe she got stuck with is for brainwashing? Nice...must be SOME chemical if it can brainwash her...where could one find something like that?"
Half-paying attention now, focusing more on the strange frog-looking device he had found, "Oh, uh...fourth sub-level of the detention center."
Wrenchus turned to the Dr., "We shouldn't tell him anything. It would prove problematic."
"Yeah, remember what happens in all the Bond movies? Evil scientist gets all blabby, 007 gets loose, and thwarts evil-bonehead plan of world domination...better be careful!"
"Oh, we don't have to worry about you getting loose...Wrenchus here is utilizing your infamous Gnomercy as a power-source. It's quite amazing really. It can get things much colder than your standard frozen gases can."
"So I guess that means you can't use it yourself then...shame...must be really embarassing to be a gnome and not able to use Gnomercy itself," Ratchet says and whistles from high to low."
Absently waves at Ratchet behind him, still playing with the frog, "Pssh, that's why I've got all the robots. And believe me, they're more than enough to handle your precious 'Gnomercy'."
Ratchet's goggles were picking up some movement above them, and he slowly looked up, pretending to stretch his neck, to see Tigratchet sitting on one of the pipes. She nodded her head at him, then raised a finger to her lips, as she crawled across the pipe, and down some cables to the left of the workbench. Hmm, he thinks to himself, gotta work on her stealth field...if anyone was looking at her, she'd be easy to spot...I give myself a cookie for developing the first Peripheral Stealth Field though, and began to chuckle.
I'm so going to hell...if not for this post, then for that thing with the squirrel and the maraschino cherries.
Ratchet Fizwink
Proud boss of the Paragon Tram Maintenance.
PGTM - Fixing Paragon, one track at a time.
Tigratchet suddenly bolted from the shadows with a screwdriver in hand, slashed the leather binding on Ratchet's left wrist, and turned to Frostwink, stretched out her hand, and Ratchet could almost see the energy being pulled from the robot/cyborg whatever it was.
Suddenly filled with drastically more strength, he used his no-free left hand to remove the binding from his right, and broke himself free. Dr. Wizfink stood up startled, dropping the frog on the floor, which then exploded in a blinding white flash. Tigratchet then stretched out her right hand, and Wizfink's movements slowed drastically, while Ratchet felt his perception speed up. He immediately grabbed the disoriented robot and head-butted it, putting a crack in the green metallic visor, and denting the helmet itself. He removed the bindings from his leg, and quickly pushed over the robot, and made his way to the workbench.
As Wizfink slowly pulled up his sleeve, reaching for the keypad on his forearm, Ratchet had retrieved all of his items, put on his shoulder pads, and grabbed sword.
Ratchet ran to the computer array, and punched in a series of commands at a blistering rate...unfortunately, the computer couldn't keep up, and he had to make several backspace trips before he could pull up the information about Neut's particular monitor. He also pulled up various blueprints, schematics, and other potentially-helpful information, and saved them onto a mini-disc, which he handed to Tigratchet.
"Get these to PH, or any of the other team leaders ASAP! Also, get the word out that they knew we were coming. I'm gonna go rescue Neut, and figure out what the hell that chemical is!"
They both bolted out of the room and went opposite directions in the hallway.
Ratchet sliced his way through soldiers, robots, robot-soldiers, soldier-robots, and finally out onto the street.
"Hell, this likes a slightly slummy Steel Canyon, hehe," he chuckled to himself. Then, as he heard commotion from the building behind him, looked for a suitable short-range port location. Spotting one about 100 feet up the side of a building around 300 feet to his right, he tapped the button on his goggles, and was there in an instant. As the temporary hover effect subsided, he grabbed the window sill, pulled himself up, and sat down.
"Alrighty, let's see if we can't get some bearing...and people say men don't ask for directions!"
He pulled out his laptop, connected a cord from it to his goggles, and inserted the mini-disc. He input a command, and all the information was uploaded to the laptop, and all the map information was fed to his goggles' map function. Turns out he was on the island of Port Oakes. He then combined his tracker system with the updated map, and attempted to locate the other members of the EN. Nothing showed up on this island, he'd have to get to one of the others and search there.
"Ah, first things first though, gotta see if I can't report in to the Cap'n," as he keyed in his code to his comm. Nothing for Yarrrr. Next up, he tried Cabin Girl. Picked up a faint signal, but there was too much static. He'd need to get either higher or closer to her...and the latter was kinda tough, as he had no idea. "Up we go then," he said as he eyed the roof's ledge, another 75 feet or so up the side.
"Gah, can't get the angle...gotta do it the hard way," as he packs away the laptop and straps everything to his back. Standing on the window sill (a lot easier when you're about as big as the window itself, as your shoe-size is only slightly larger than the portrusion itself), glanced up, and took a deep breath. On his exhale, he jumped away from the building, turning in the air to find the spot, and hitting the TP button. Missing the opportunity to become a stain on the street by about 15 feet, he grabbed the ledge, pulled himself over and sat on it, overlooking the city below, and hit the comm device.
"Yo! CG! Pick up!" he barked through the channel, which was much clearer now, but he thought he heard crying on the other end..."CG! It's Fizzy!! Hit the button on the tip of your scabard! I put an auxilliary comm unit in your bandana!! Umm...surprise!"
I'm so going to hell...if not for this post, then for that thing with the squirrel and the maraschino cherries.
Ratchet Fizwink
Proud boss of the Paragon Tram Maintenance.
PGTM - Fixing Paragon, one track at a time.
Kooper walked through the streets of Port Oakes practically unnoticed. Of course, he wasnt always mistaken for a hero after all, his somewhat villainous past, and the Skull face mask he wore had many people question his allegiance anyway. Maybe he was being watched, or maybe no one cared that he was here. Quite possibly no one considered him a threat.
In any case, not sneaking around was an advantage. It was much easier following Murgs trail without having to lurk in the shadows. Maybe it was a bold stance to take, but Koop knew he was dealing with the unconventional. No one here seemed to have any allegiance to anyone but themselves. Alliances were shaky at best; everyone seemed to be out for themselves. The only interaction he had with the locals was when they tried to con him. Koop was a menacing looking hero, and yet, no one here seemed to be afraid. Here he was just another fool to be taken advantage of.
As he walked by the pier to the Cap Au Diable Island ferry, he heard something trying to get his attention from behind a shipping container, Psssst, Over here skull man. Koop turned and walked calmly towards the voice. Silently with his hand on the hilt of his sword, He peered around the corner to see a dripping wet creature. He recognized it from one of the EN security briefs as a new threat, it was a coralax warrior.
What do you want with me Creature Kooper Sternly stated. The Coralax just stared at him, swaying right to left, and then finally replied, I know where they took your friend.
Although Koop was enlightened by this confession, he was leery of anyone in this city. And what do you want for this information replied Kooper.
We have watched you since your arrival, and though we are supposed to report to Captain Mako any activity from outsiders, we noticed your skill, and believe that we may be able to help each other. We have not reported you to Captain Makos people, but your friend has stumbled into a situation Muttered the Coralax. We witnessed your resilience against the stalker, and we need you to do a job for us. The creature continued, Time is of essence because your friend has alerted Mako of his presence.
Kooper thought to himself that the stalker must have been what attacked him at the boathouse. Every statement the creature made spawned more questions. Koop resisted the urge to Draw his sword and cut the info out of him, but he simply replied, tell me what you need of me, and tell me where my friend is. I will help