Where have all the Heroes gone.




Jaster wasn’t lying, Pharma materialized in a holding cell with a full out video studio in view. No one was around, and her stealth field appeared to have kept her undetected. She walked out of the transport tube and towards the door. The room was full of lab tables and what appeared to be torture equipment. She thought to herself she was glad it was her who initiated the transport. Had Jaster sent her here there would have certainly been a party waiting for her. As she approached the door she could hear voices in the hall. There were two Arachnos guards passing by on patrol. They passed the lab door without looking. Pharma breathed a sigh of relief; she had finally caught a break.

She slipped into the hallway as the guards passed; looking right to left making sure the coast was clear. The hall connected two additional rooms, one with barred windows like a holding cell. The first room was just an office. Pharma entered and started looking for clues. Certificates were on the wall from Harvard and MIT; Doctorates of various sorts in Psychology, Literature, Law, Science, and Medicine. Not your typical villain resume she thought. The diplomas were for a Dr. Xandros Nemecheck. She would have to have him checked out. Someone of this vast educational background could be connected to the brainwashing of her friends.
In the center desk drawer, Pharma found a list of the EveryNighters. It was Tripps handwriting. Eightball was crossed off the list, as was Slowburn, Doc, Northern Wolf, Tar Heel, and Neuttrino. It seems Tripp was the first capture. Pharma’s heart sank as she seen Tar, Wolfy, and Neut’s names on the list crossed off. That must mean they are here somewhere. How was she going to be of any help? She thought. As she sank deeper into despair, she did take comfort in the names that were not crossed off. To her surprise, Kooper and Murgatroid were still not crossed off, and oddly, Murg has been missing from the start of this. She hoped that they were able to help, because with the list of names that were crossed off already, she shuddered to think about confronting them.
Pharma’s thoughts were interrupted by a loud speaker announcement, there were three high pitched tones, followed by a statement, “Dr. Nemecheck, report to the holding area ASAP, Project entropy is unraveling”. The door of the office opened and a large round man ran in and grabbed a book of the desk. PH just stood still trusting her stealth would leave her undetected. The man didn’t even take notice; he just sprinted out of the room with his book. PH Followed.

She was right about the room with bars on the windows, it was the holding cell. She followed Nemecheck closely so she could go through the door behind him. Once in side, she could see a woman in a lab coat, and a tall Persian man with a beard and long curved sword. She recognized him as Sirocco, one of recluse’s trusted associates. Nemecheck rushed up to the two. “There’s a problem with arbiter Entropy, her mind is fighting to come back” stated the woman in the lab coat. She continued,” Upon the news of the Capture of Tar Heel she broke down and Blasted Arbiter Palmer and Seer Devenrue through the wall at Ft. cerebus helo pad.” Nemecheck scribbled incessantly on his notepad. Sirocco spoke, “Dr., we need to understand why this happened with much haste. We cannot afford for the others to come unraveled in this fashion.”
“I understand lord Sirocco, I will get to the bottom of it.” replied Nemecheck. “Fortunately, Ghost Widow was there and put entropy into a state of fear so that we could subdue her for further study” said the woman. “Take me to her” said Nemecheck. The woman raised her arm and punched a few keys on her wrist device, and the back wall of the holding cell started to rise. Behind it was a 5 inch thick Plexiglas cell. The woman inside was Tripp. She was sitting on the floor arms wrapped around her knees. She was trembling, and muttering unintelligible words. Pharma could make out the words, jaster, tar, and PH. Her heart ached for her friend, she had to think, she had to get Tripp out of here. Suddenly, Sirocco turned and looked in her direction, staring. PH froze, she stood completely still, sirocco, looked away, and then turned to leave. He walked away without even looking back and simply stated as he walked away, “Fix this Mr. Nemecheck.”

PH felt like her luck was running out, she needed to think fast. How was she going to get Tripp out of there? Suddenly Tripp stood up, looking through the glass, and said, “PH!” Nemecheck and the woman started looking around to make sure they were alone. “Crap” thought PH, “she’s out of her mind and going to give me away” Just then, BAM, Ph felt the blow to the back of her head and her vision narrowed to a black tunnel and then faded.

“Are you OK?”Tripp asked in a shaky voice. “PH, please wake up. Please. Please” as PH’s vision started to return, it came as it had left, through a small black tunnel. Her pain was still intense, but she could see Tripp’s face at the end of the tunnel. “I tried to warn you” She said, Sirocco knew you were here.” “He came back to take you down.” Tripp continued. “The things they did to me have made me more ‘aware’ of others thoughts and actions. Sirocco was really impressed that you beat Jaster and used his equipment against us….I mean them.” “I am so confused and afraid” said Tripp. PH tried to sit up, but then realized she was restrained. Then the panic hit, she noticed they were back in the Lab room where she transported in, and a crew was setting up cameras. The woman in the lab coat from the interrogation room walked up to them. She was carrying a tray of syringes with a green cloudy fluid in them. PH Still couldn’t speak, instinctively she tried to heal herself, but nothing happened. “They have suppressed your powers PH” said Tripp. “Apparently ghost Widows mind control is only prolonged and not permanent on all people, and especially short on the ones with some psionic ability.” That’s why they were taking you and Headache Healer last” Tripp continued “that’s also why Dr. Nemecheck is here, to try and make the effects last.” “Stop the banter” barked the Lab coat Woman, as she jammed the first syringe into Tripp’s neck. “I’m sorry PH; I won’t remember you in a few minutes. They are going to have me kill you on TV” Cried Tripps as she passed out.
Pharma’s heart sank, she didn’t see any way out of this with most the EN captured or fighting capture. At least she thought that someday, Tar and Slow would regain control and be able to fight back. She hung her head down in defeat. “See you in 12 hours for your big screen finale’” said lab coat woman and walked out. PH didn’t get an injection; “I guess they want me to be me for my demise.”

There were 4 camera and equipment operators in the room with Tripp and PH. Cameraman 1 asked, “Is it cold in here to you guys?” The rest replied, “Yea, a little, seems like a draft from somewhere”. PH could feel it to. The room temp was dropping, and fast. “I’m going to check it out” said cameraman3. “We’re done here anyway; let’s let these two be in peace for a few minutes.” And the crew walked out of the lab. As the door closed behind them, it iced over, and froze solid. PH blinked to make sure she was seeing it right, then a figure materialized in front of Tripps, it was Ice Gost, her one time Sidekick, now protector of Atlas Park. He had his finger up to his mouth telling PH to be silent. He had a syringe in his hand and injected Tripp. PH’s Eyes welled with tears of hope. “I have given Tripp an antidote” Ice said to PH telepathically, he really didn’t speak much; the Crey didn’t design him for communications. They also didn’t Design him with a conscience, but he was good at heart before they created him from the boy he once was, and that carried over in the finished product. PH was so proud, her protégé’ having avoided capture and here for her rescue. The Ice Gost she remembered was the aggro magnet supreme; he could grab more aggro in a mission than Tar. He has grown into a fine person.
“I have been taking notes from Dr. Nemecheck now for about 3 months. I take them to my operatives inside Crey, and they have been making an antidote for me” Ice told PH. “I first tried it on Tripp 3 days ago, and the Doctors think Nemecheck’s work is failing. I am creating an internal wrinkle in their plan and turning them against each other so that we can free the rest.” Ice continued. “First, we need to get you two out of here.” Ice started undoing Tripps restraints and PH’s too. Ice placed a transport beacon on Tripps and activated it, she disappeared. ‘Let’s go PH, and he handed her a beacon as well. They activated and disappeared. They reappeared in a modern base in a submarine port. “Where are we” said PH? “We are in a longbow strike base off of Mercy Island” replied Ice Gost, vocally this time. ‘I spend so much time in Atlas Park, Ms. Liberty has made me an operative for Longbow.” Teen Tar Heel and Dr. Sheridan are waiting for us in the Med bay, they are anxious to “undo” Nemecheck’s work on Tripp and get the information she knows.” PH breathed a long sigh of relief, “it’s good to be here Ice, thank you.”



“Ugh” groaned Teen Tar Heel as he threw down the inert form of Jaster into the holding cell deep within the EN base. “I thought blasters were supposed to be tiny, little things. Looks like Jaster turned down the EveryNighters for the HotDonutsAllNighters.”

Leaving the cell and activating the force field door, Teen Tar quipped to the tall, striking female brunette with skin the red of a Death Valley sunset, “Come on Red, that was funny! Give me something!”

Confused as always over the humor of humans, the alien hybrid Kheldian Jonthoris stared at Teen Tar. Choosing to ignore his odd statements she spoke. “Teen Tar Heel, we have been studying Doc Ranger and have yet to determine how to reverse the brainwashing. We have also began our studies on Eightball and we will begin to determine if this Jaster was also a victim.”

“I don’t think Jaster is brainwashed, I think he went evil the old fashioned way, but you are the fabulously sexy alien scientist, not me. So Peeps came back with Eight? I guess that’s two out of four so far.”

“Yes, Peepopo brought Eightball in shortly before you arrived. He did not tell us what had happened, perhaps someday he will share the story and we and he will sing songs of his battles.”

“You obviously have not heard Peeps sing, Jonny. Look, I’m gonna go get Dr. Sheridan. PH thinks he can help with all this brainwashing stuff. He won’t answer his freakin’ cell. So I gotta jet out to Bricks and catch him outside the hospital on his smoke break. Meantimes hold down the fort and see what you can figure out. Cya!” Teen Tar somersaulted toward the base transporter as Jonthoris turned to contemplate the three one time friends and now prisoners in the EN base.


Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper


Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute



“Booooorrrrrrrrrrrreddddddddddd, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored.” Teen Tar muttered to himself as he lay on his back looking at the roof of the hidden submarine bay. This had been the third time in as many days that he had escorted Dr. Sheridan and others to the hidden Longbow base where PH and Trip had been hiding out.

“…not a typical brainwashing,” he heard Dr. Sheridan lecture PH, “aside from a very weak loyalty bond to Lord Recluse, there really is no control function. Basically, the procedure depresses the systems in the brain that govern moral functions. The victims therefore have no conscious or any other moral imperatives. Now, because of the complexity, it is difficult to….”

Teen Tar tuned out the droning scientist and began again his count of the number of tiles on the ceiling. Why don’t we just go in and get them out instead of talking everything to death, he thought. Team 3 and 4 had been successful, Team 2 had achieved their goal with the loss of Tar and Neut (temporary loss he told himself firmly) and Team 1 had…

“Teen Tar if you want to be a member of this team, you will pay attention!” PH’s voice ran out over the bay snapping Teen Tar Heel upright.

“Sorry PH, this science stuff is a little bit above me. I haven’t had 9th grade Biology yet ya know.”

Clearing his throat, Dr. Sheridan continued. “With the information and this ‘antidote’ that Ice Gost received from hid contacts in Crey, I believe that we can reverse the process with a high degree of success, depending on the individual. You may be able to inject Neuttrino in the field and begin the reversal process, but Tar Heel’s mutated epidermis can not be penetrated except under laboratory conditions.”

Teen Tar Heel raised his hand. Without looking, PH spoke. “It means he has a tough hide TTH.” Teen Tar lowered his hand.

PH and Dr. Sheridan began again to engage is a scientific dialogue where Teen Tar recognized about every third word. His brain again slowly drifted off…

BOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEDDDDDDDD, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored. He thought.


Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper


Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute



The midnight black woman curled around behind the large man in the uniform of an Archanos’ Arbiter.

“Hello Tar hun,” the woman said tapping him on his broad shoulder.

“Neut,” he grunted, focused on the dozen new escapees from the Paragon City prison, answering basic questions about the Rogue Isles and giving initial training, beyond the petty theft and simple violence that most had come with. “How’d you know if was me?”

“Don’t be silly Tar,” purred Neuttrino, “I’d know you anywhere. What I want to know is just what are you doing?”

“I am doing what I was instructed to do by my Lord Recluse, training new villains for his purposes.”

“Come on Tar, Ghost Widow…”

Whirling around to face her, Tar Heel snarled at Neut. “Don’t talk to me about Ghost Widow. Look what she had done to me!” With that, he jerked off is Arbiter helmet, revealing two light blue stumps coming out of his forehead, which were all that remained of his ram’s horns.

Suppressing a giggle, Neut thought fast. “Tar, hun, I’m with you. She is a real <bleep> but you have to admit, being freed of all that hero nonsense was a great gift. Such a great gift, that somehow I doubt that you talking to noobs in Mercy Island was what Lord Recluse had in mind when he instructed her to free you. It is probably Ghost Widow who wants you tucked away in this corner. She doesn’t want you to rise in power here in the Isles because she knows that you could rival and surpass her in power. I say we go out, have a little fun, create some mayhem, smash anyone who gets in our way and then maybe we can take a fight to Ghost Widow.”

“Yes,” said Tar Heel thoughtfully. He barked out a laugh. “That stupid <bleep>! As a hero I could only arrest her, but now that I have been freed, I can KILL her for what she did to me!”

“Well,” pouted Neuttrino, “before you kill her, you have to promise me that I can have some fun with her first. My healing powers give delicious pain when I use them in reverse. So what do you say big guy, want to team up?”

Slamming his clipboard on the head of a new escapee, and throwing his Arbiter helmet out towards the sea, Tar Heel turned to Neuttrino. “Yeah,” he said with a smirk, “let’s go have some fun!”


Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper


Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute



Never in her life had she had so much fun.. or felt so powerful. Indeed, she had been freed just as she had told Tar. But there was something tickling at the back of her mind, something...wrong and she couldn't quite place it. As Neut threw down the broken and twisted body of some nameless hero, she violently squelched the feeling. Power hummed through her. And it was very tangible to her partner Tar.
"Unbeilievable." he thought to himself. Tar brought his fists up and looked at them. Then he flexed. "I had no idea I could feel like this. Kronos, eat your heart out. Nothing is gonna stop me now. Nothing or nobody."
Tar turned to Neut. She licked her lips in anticipation, her eyes glowing a surreal radioactive green. " We have cut a swath from the Zig to St. Martial and back. Bring me a real challenge woman. I want Ghost Widow." he snarled.
Neut gazed at Tar, then looked at his mutilated head. Something.. wrong...NO.. nothing wrong.
"I know where to find her. And in a fitting setting I might add.
Bloody Bay. I believe she was sent there on Lord Recluse's order to oversee a new Phanlanx of Suped up Longfangs. They have them guarding a base I believe."
Tar did not register the fleeting look of doubt on Neuttrino's face as she delivered this information. All he could see was his hands around Ghost Widows throat. His eyes literally saw red. He stalked to Neut, grabbed her by the throat and said.
"You had better be right about her being there or else. I grow bored of this lesser game"
Neuttrino placed her hands on Tar's hands and let loose with a healing wave. "Yes , I know she is there. Now use that anger on her. I will keep you strong and energized. Let me go my big strong arbiter. Prove to me you still have what it takes. I don't think I realized how much it excites me when I see you in action." she purred.
Slowly Tar brought his hands away from her throat and moved them to cup her chin. He grinned. "I'll show you what I still can do. Let's go" Tar turned, and gathered himself for a mighty leap to the Bloody Bay Heli-pad. As he jumped, Neut lifted off the ground and flew after him. As she flew, images came to her. A white room. A small green man strapped down on a table. Pain in her neck and a cold, sinking feeling. A white woman's face, with soulless white eyes filling her vision. Neut faltered in mid air, her hands going to her head. It hurt. There was something she was supposed to do. Something concerning the tank, Tar, that she was now paired with. But what was it? Something Ghost Widow had whipsered to her to do.
"Get a move on girly!" roared Tar as he crash landed on the Black chopper platform. Neut looked up and resumed her flight across Mercy to land gracefully on the plattform.
"After you my dear." Tar said

Blue couldn't believe it. No way that was Neuttrino.. but it had to be. And Tar? No, Tar had horns. This bid guy had... stumps??? Blue was flying over Mercy headed out to a meeting point to hook up with some fellow EN'ers when he happned to spot a giant man leaping through the city. A very familiar looking woman was flying after him. Blue turned to follow and found that they were headed towards the Black Chpper pad that takes villians to Bloody Bay. He floated high as he watched the big man laugh at something the woman said as they entered the chopper. "Holy [censored] I have hit the jack-pot! It's my lucky day! I gotta call the team!" He whipped out his communicator.
"PH! Come in PH! You are never gonna believe this! I found them! I spotted them in Mercy! They are on their way to Bloody Bay! We can get them there! I can't believe this! I found them!"

Ph heard her com go off. She turned away from Dr. Sheridan. "Excuse me Dr. I need to take this." She lifted it to her ear then pulled back suddenly at the loud voice yelling excitedly through the link. "Calm down, calm down.. Blue Electric? Yes, yes, I can hear you fine.. slow down... found who? WHO!!!!!" Ph almost dropped the communicator as the message came across. "where are they headed? Blue! Calm down! Where are they headed. Bloody Bay? Meet us there."
Ph snapped her com shut. She whirled around. Excitement and hope flooded though her. She knew they had to move fast."Teen Tar Heel!! Round up the troops! PRONTO!!" Ph flipped the com open again and punched the all receive button. Her face went grim as she marshalled her thoughts.
"Attention all available Everyniighters. We have a positive identification on Tar Heel and Neuttrino. They have been spotted moving into Bloody Bay. I want all available EN'er assembled ASAP near the chopper pad. We don't know what condition they are in, but for now consider them highly dangerous until we recon and see what they are up too. We don't know the extent of their conditioning. If you see them, do not engage, I repeat, DO NOT ENGAGE till we are fully assembled. PharmaHawk out."

TTH turned to PH. "They found Uncle Tar?"
"Yes, so it seems" she replied. "We have no time, let's move"
"But, its Bloody Bay. I am not ready to go there yet." TTH
PH said over her sholder as she hurried out of the room. "Yes, you are. We are going to need everyone in on this. WE have a chance to get our own back and rescue them. And its going to take all of us to bring those two down. Every last one of us."



“Here,” said PH as she, Teen Tar, Ice Gost, HHH3, and a squadron of Longbow agents ran through the hidden base to the chopper pad. She tossed Teen Tar a small pistol. “Gratz,” she said “you just got a temporary power.”

“Awesome!” yelled Teen Tar Heel. “Umm, what’s it do?”

“Weren’t you listening? Oh never mind. The gun will fire pellets of the "Widowwash" antidote that Ice brought and Dr. Sheridan modified. When the fighting starts, try to get close enough to Neut to shoot her with it. It should knock her out of whatever Ghost Widow did to her. Don’t waste it on Tar. It won’t penetrate his skin. We’ll have to knock him out and get him back to the base to give it to him.”

Just then PH’s communicator crackled. “PH, its Blue, you had better hurry up and get here. Tar and Neut are arguing. It looks like Tar wants to leave.”

“Keep watching Blue,” said PH in reply. Switching to general frequency, PH shouted into the communicator. “All available EN, converge on Bloody Bay. My team is on its way. Engage at will. PH out.”

As the chopper lifted off, PH gravely told her team. “I don’t know if anybody will be in range in time. We’ll have to take them out ourselves, or at least hold them until help arrives. We aren’t taking on some brainless DE out here. We are fighting the best of us. I don’t know if we can win or even survive. If you want out, now is the time.”

Ice Gost wordlessly communicated his answer to PH and sat back in the flight harness. Then, Trip spoke, “I haven’t been as active as I used to be PH, but I will never back out on this group.”

“Well I quit,” declared Teen Tar Heel. Startled, the others turned around to look at him. “What? I’m kidding! Geez did everybody’s sense of humor get nerfed?” he said. “Hey PH, can I drive the chopper?”


Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper


Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute



Headache healer was slowly regaining conciousness. This crash was going to leave a mark. The Warshade Gargantua had dropped to Nebulous form in time for the crash, Alberta Beef the tanker had brought his shields up and absorbed much of the fire created at impact, and Super Swamp the controller had enough oresence of mind to create a shield with his stone cage. HH was the only one who had felt the full force of the impact. Luckily a quick use of Regeneration aura would bring the team back up to full strength momentarily.

"Swamp, can you carve us a hole here and cover us over with enough rocks to hide us from those drones? Just leave us some air holes, our WS can port us out when the drones have left." HH looked around. There wasn't much room left to move in the cabin and the portable medical bay was destroyed. "We can change our costumes and leave our main outfits in this wreckage. Hopefully there will be enough residual DNA on those outfits to confuse the drones. Alberta Beef can torch them with his fire shield. I'm hoping we can make it look like we were burned up in the crash. "

"Good Idea HH." replied Super Swamp. "There's enough of crevice here where we should be comfortable while we wait the drones out."

The 4 heroes quickly set up the scene they were hoping to portray. 4 damaged costumes mixed in with burnt equipment should fool any video transmitted by the drones and some drops of blood on the costumes would fool any medical scanners. The only thing left to do was wait out the drones and then get back to the mission.


"Communications are down with some of your friends. I need you to locate and capture Tar Heel and Neuttrino. They need to be brought back for a little more... re-education. The lateste intelligence indicates they are heading for Bloody Bay." said Ghost Widow as she began to glide around the room. "You know them best Slowburn. Your group was chosen by Lord Recluse for your ability to work together without communication. Your team fights as one under even the most extreme circumstances. That's what Lord Recluse wanted to instill in his latest batch of 'chosen ones'. Villains rarely work well together for long periods of time. Your group will change that or face the wrath of Arachnos".

"I fully understand why we are here and have committed myself to your goal but this complicates things. Tar Heel was not scheduled to be released from your tower for another 2 days. Now I find out that not only did I miss him joining the ranks I’ve now missed him going AWOL too? No wonder Arachnos has problems, they can’t organize their way out of a paper bag.”

Mr Slowburn was instantly locked in some sort of spirit trap. Ghost Widow was using some kind of hold on him. This was nothing like any hold he had felt previously. Ghost Widow’s hold was hot but somehow chilled him to the bone. Slow doubted a breakfree would get him out of this situation.

“You will listen to me and get this straight. Tar Heel’s release to his Arbiter position was a calculated risk. Some of your friends have proven to be a little more resistant to my persuasion than others and that empath assigned to capture you was all but immune. I needed as many EN out in the field as possible to draw the remaining strike teams out in the open. Each strike team we could identify and capture meant more of your group returning to the field to work with the new recruits. With the influx of all those refugees from the Paragon City prison system we need as many instructors as we can get. You will never question my decisions again.”

The hold had been released but the chill still remained. Slow created a small ball of fire in his hands to warm himself up. The chill stuck around for a few seconds and finally started to dissipate.

“I spoke out of frustration and without thinking. Forgive me, it will not happen again. I will do as you ask and track the EN down. I will need assistance in their capture though. I can lock down Tar Heel but it will take all of my efforts, leaving Neuttrino open to attack me and free her friend. Someone will need to occupy her while I’m locking down that tanker. That dominator I picked up portal hopping hasn’t returned yet.”

“My dear Mr Slowburn, whatever gave you the idea you’d be going alone? You will have a Night Widow accompany you. That will be more than enough to keep a weak empath off your back. She will meet you at the entrance to Bloody Bay. An Arachnos operative will have more information on Tar Heel and Neuttrino’s locations at that time. I’ve fed them some intel indicating I will be overseeing a new phalanx of Longfangs. The trap is set and the operative will make sure you are there in time to spring it.”

“I will do as you ask.”

Mr Slowburn raced off from Ghost Widow’s tower towards Bloody Bay. He had never been in the arena against Tar Heel before. Maybe he could convince him to come back to the tower but that was unlikely with Neuttrino now influencing his judgement. This was going to be an interesting night.

Mr Slowburn - 50 fire/kin troller
Cosmic - 50 grav/storm troller
Cyberprowl - 50 ma/dark scrapper
Mi-graine - 50 emp/psi defender
Alberta Beef - 50 fire/ice tank
Mythtery - 41 ill/rad troller
Gargantua - 39 ws
Kotor - 38 db/wp scrapper

Fungal - 50 plant/psi dom
Snarky - 38 thug/dark MM



"HH, we just got the call to move in on Bloody Bay. Apparently Neut and Tar are there and the rest of the EN have been given the order to converge and capture."

"Thanks Swamp. The 4 of us will have a difficult time getting there without transportation but we have to give it a shot. Garg, get ready to port us as close to the ferry as you can. We're going to have to take the scenic route to Bloody Bay but we've got to be there for our friends." said HH. Thoughts slowly began to creep into his mind. They were going to have to actively engage one of the strongest EN on the team. Tar Heel had been instrumental in the capture of so many Arch-Villains and had stood strong while so many had fallen. This was going to be rough.

Mr Slowburn - 50 fire/kin troller
Cosmic - 50 grav/storm troller
Cyberprowl - 50 ma/dark scrapper
Mi-graine - 50 emp/psi defender
Alberta Beef - 50 fire/ice tank
Mythtery - 41 ill/rad troller
Gargantua - 39 ws
Kotor - 38 db/wp scrapper

Fungal - 50 plant/psi dom
Snarky - 38 thug/dark MM



Smashing out the door of the smoking ruin of the Arachnos’ base, Tar Heel snarled at Neuttrino. “Look Neut, I have to admit, smashing a bunch of giant, robot spiders is fun and all, but that ain’t what we came for. If your info is wrong and Ghost Widow is a no show, I say we go knock over some more casinos and beat up some rent-a-cops. Ghost Widow can’t hide from me forever.”

Her eyes glowing with the excitement of the pain that she had brought, Neut languorously smiled at Tar Heel. “Just a few more bases, Tar hun. My info is usually reliable, and we are having so much FUN!”

“Yeah, well, ok, but we had better see her soon…”

“You won’t.” Stepping around the corner was a slender man with a halo of flame surrounding his eyes. “She sent me instead.”

Tar Heel barked a laugh. “Mr. Slowburn! I always thought you were smarter than being a lackey to a third-rate AV like Ghost Widow.”

Mr. Slowburn smiled a thin smile. “I’m new at being a ‘villain’ so I don’t really monologue well. Ghost Widow wants you to resume your duties as an Arbiter. I’m here to make sure you do so.”

“How exactly are you going to do that Slow? By holding me really, really, still until I get bored and give up?”

“I’ll show you exactly…”

“Boys, boys,” drawled Neuttrino, “No need to fight. Slow what ARE you doing running deliveries for Ghost Widow? I know you. You are just as powerful as she thinks she is. All of Recluse’s lieutenants are complacent and sloppy. We could work together and get rid of all of them, Ghost Widow, Scirroco, Mako and their lot.”

“She’s right Slow,” said Tar Heel. “There was no Arch-Villain that could take us down. For crying out loud, I saw you hold a fragment of a god in the Shadow Shard! And now that we are freed we got nothing holding us back. We could rule these islands and then…beyond. So what do you say? You join with us? Or are you content to be Ghost Widow’s lapdog?”


Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper


Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute



"You've made an interesting proposition. Stay within an organization with nearly limitless resources or branch off with a renegade arbiter." Slowburn stepped back slightly. The fire in his eyes intensified slightly. A flick of his wrist threw three small balls of flame on the ground near his feet. The flames quickly grew to become fire imps.

"You two should know by now that Arachnos has spies everywhere. They knew about the EN rescue parties that were organized, they knew where we would be, and they knew how to get to each of us." Slowburn turned his back on Tar Heal and Neuttrino, slowly walking back towards a shadowed doorway. The flames from his eyes flickered in the darkness revealing one of Ghost Widow's enforcers, a Night Widow. "She can reach us no matter where we go and if we betray her she will stop at nothing until we are all lying dead at her feet. I've felt the power she has. She can chill you right to your soul."

"Slow, you better turn to face me. No one turns their back to me unless they are running away." snapped Tar Heel. "This monologue is starting to sound a lot like you are going to throw away a good offer."

"On the contrary Tar. I'm just getting warmed up." Slowburn instantly became englufed in flames. The light intensified and Tar Heel and Neuttrino backed up slightly to get away from the bright light. The light quickly died down to it's normal orange glow revealing 3 imps swatting at a dead Night Widow. "These things are best discussed without any of the eyes and ears of Arachnos around. We'll never find Ghost Widow if she can see us coming."

Mr Slowburn - 50 fire/kin troller
Cosmic - 50 grav/storm troller
Cyberprowl - 50 ma/dark scrapper
Mi-graine - 50 emp/psi defender
Alberta Beef - 50 fire/ice tank
Mythtery - 41 ill/rad troller
Gargantua - 39 ws
Kotor - 38 db/wp scrapper

Fungal - 50 plant/psi dom
Snarky - 38 thug/dark MM



Jumping from the chopper, Pharma Hawk barked instructions to her team.

“Warden, take you men and set up a perimeter. We want to keep this a private party. EveryNighters, follow my lead. Let’s see if we can talk to our black sheep and avoid a fight.”

“Do you think that will work?” asked Teen Tar Heel hopefully.

“No,” replied PH, “but the longer we can stall, the better a chance we have to get some help from the rest of the Super Group.”

PH, Teen Tar, Ice Gost and HHH3 proceeded across the war torn landscape of Bloody Bay headed for the last known location of Neuttrino and Tar Heel. In the distance, they heard explosions and whines of power as other heroes and villains engaged in their own private battles.

“PH, you take me to the nicest places!” said Teen Tar nervously.

Finally, they saw at the far end of a small clearing, the three renegade EveryNighters. The three figures saw and silently watched the heroes approach.

“Looks like Slowburn has joined the party,” muttered PH. “That doesn’t make this any easier.”

The heroes came to a halt a few yards from the silent renegades. Teen Tar Heel stared in shock at his uncle. His horns, twin to Teen Tar’s own, had been brutally hacked away.

“Hello guys,” said PH calmly. “I heard a rumor that you may quit the Super Group and thought I’d come and see what was going on.”

Neuttrino giggled. “Yeah, we thought it would be fun to start a new one. How does ‘EvilNighters’ grab you?”

“I don’t think I’d like to be a member of a group controlled by someone like Ghost Widow,” replied PH.

Tar Heel made a low animal growl at the sound of her name, but before he could further respond, Mr. Slowburn spoke.

“On the contrary Pharma Hawk. We are under no one’s control and in fact all of us have several…issues…with Ghost Widow. Actually, we have been freed of the control of society and outdated social mores. It is ridiculous to expect superhumans to obey the moral code of an inferior species.”

“Pretty words Slowburn. If that is true, then you wouldn’t mind coming back to the base and we can reverse whatever Ghost Widow did to you. Then you could be sure that this was a true revelation, and not some deep laid control by her.”

Mr. Slowburn smiled a thin smile. “Ah but then, how would be know that you would not attempt a similar scheme? I think that…”

“Boooorrrrrinnnng,” interrupted Neuttrino. “Hey PH, as one empath to another, look what I can do!”

Teen Tar saw PH cry out in pain and collapse to the ground, just before he felt a stabbing, intense pain. Crying out, Teen Tar dropped the gun that he had been slowly raising toward Slowburn.


Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper


Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute



Sitting on top of Portal Corps sign, Duke Man was restless. “Hey, you want to bridge?” inquired a passing level 20 blaster.
“Bridge? Bridge?!?! Look I didn’t become a hero so that you could power level your way up to where I am. There are plenty of criminals that need to be hauled in. And besides, doesn’t killing the same Freaks over and over again get boring?”
“A simple no would have worked”, the blaster retorted before heading to one of the many worlds found in Portal Corp.
"Man, being a level 47 scrapper sucks,” thought Duke, the pride of the Blue Devils, “all anyone wants to do is bridge. Man no one wants to take down Infernal. I’ve tried to solo him too many times. All that ever comes of it is more debt for me, and more broken bones. Where are my buddies the Everynighters? I swear I haven’t seen them since the Mercy Islands opened up.” Deftly leaping from the top of the sign, and landing gracefully on the ground, Duke leapt for the Base portal. “Maybe Teen Tar will be up for some one on one,” mused Duke, “ I haven’t seen him in forever and maybe he has gotten a little better at his three pointer.” With that, he entered the portal and was whisked to the base.



Blue had been watching from a distance when the three 'Evilnighters' were confronted by members of their former team. If one weren't aware of the situation, it would almost appear to be a friendly gathering to discuss the latest news...but then, those were different times.

Blue watched as Pharmahawk screamed out in pain, he could see, even from his position above the battle, the look of glee in Neut's eyes as she turned her focus to Teen Tar. Blue's mind raced as he thought of various ways to help his friends...and every single thought that came to mind, came to the same conclusion....he was about to be seriously trampled on.

"Ah hell...this is gonna hurt"

Blue flew in from behind the trio, and once he was right up beside Neut, he layed into her with a Havoc Punch that sent her reeling...and then the fun started. Suddenly he couldn't breath, the air in his lungs suddenly felt as if it were superheated. And the last thing he saw was Tar Heel fast approaching. He couldn't be sure if there was screaming, though he was certain there was...and then darkness overcame him, and for a moment, he was aware that he wasn't quite dead...he wasn't sure wethere to be relieved by that or not.

Northern Wolf watched from the shadows, watched the shattered remenants of his friends fall. The game wasn't over, but it was fast approaching. Darkest had told him to watch, not to interfere, that it was still not time. He imagined that it had something to do with Cattnip, but his new master wouldn't tell him. In time, all would be revealed, but no matter the course of events, once the smoke lifted, the Everynighters would never be the same for it.



Suddenly, Pharma Stood Back Up. This sudden change of stature caught Neuttrino by surprise. Tar Heel Laughed, “Well look at that!” Mr. Slowburn added, “Ph, you are always full of surprises. How could we possibly have underestimated you. You should shed society’s rules and join us” Neuttrino looked upset, and tried to ratchet the pain up a few levels. Ice Gost and Teen Tar heel still feeling the pain, became tenser with the increases effort from Neut. PH, just stood there, visibly resisting the pain, but doing so rather effectively.

“Sadly, I hoped it wouldn’t come to this,” PH stated. “You see my friends, I learned that trick too.” PH said in a sad tone. “and then some” “Please forgive me my friends.” PH said in a shaky voice. She then tilted her head forwards, and looked at her friends with a tear in her eye, and let loose a new Aura. Not the familiar green aura that had saved them so may times, but a more sinister shade of red. The waves pulsed from her body and engulfed her entire team, as well as Tar Heel Mr. Slowburn, and Neuttrino. Ice Gost and Trip immediately lost consciousness, and were swept away by the Em transport. As the waves crossed her old friends, they all too buckled in pain, weakened. Neuttrino, grabbed her head and fell to her knees yelling, “PH, what have you done to me!” Mr. Slowburn was struggling to maintain his stance, using all his concentration to achieve a meditation state. Tar Heel Simply stumbled, and then tried to step forward towards PH. PH and Tar locked in stare for several seconds, and Tar took another step, fighting the pain. PH Glared right into his eyes, and said, “not one more step!” Tar Snorted and stepped forward.

Pharma, took a wider stance, and closed her eyes for deeper concentration. The pain aura was increasing. Neut collapsed unconscious, Slowburn still struggling to maintain his trance, but was failing. Several seconds later, he too collapsed. Tar Heel was physically weakened by this new wave of pain, and stopped, to say “PH, it doesn’t have to be this way!” “ Then he mustered his strength and pushed forwards. Pharma was too focused to speak, yet visibly shaken at tar’s resistance. She stretched her hands forwards, and focused all her ability on tar. Not only had her capture by Sirocco taught her to reverse the effects of her healing aura, but had also taught her to reverse the effects of her ability to absorb pain. She knew it would be incredibly dangerous. His body began to Glow red, and his movement slowed. The drain on his life had finally weakened him, and he collapsed to the ground, followed by a completely drained Pharma hawk. The Em transport did not sweep her away. Tar Heel, Mr. Slowburn, Neuttrino, teen Tar Heel, Blue Electric, and Pharma Hawk lay motionless, lifeless on the battle field of Bloody bay; for the moment, a once again united team.



Silence reigned across the field of battle. Then a low moan preferated the silence. Neut raised her head. As she looked around at the fallen, she spotted what looked like a gun laying near her. She picked it up. It looked suspiciously like an injection gun of some sort. Something in her mind clicked. "Teen Tar Heel had this when they approached." she thought to herself. "This was meant for us....wait..no" She hauled her self to her knees. The others were starting to come around, she didn't have much time. She looked up and heard yelling. Captain Yarrr and the pirates were coming down from the Chopper pad and headed their way. Slowly Neut spread her arms. "I will not allow this to happen!"
Pharma Hawk raised her head and spotted Neut.
"Don't! Stand down Neuttrino!"
Neut looked at Pharma Hawk. "You don't understand what you have done. What we could have accomplished. No more words."
Neut released a wave of energy over the group effectively neutralizing everyone within 50 feet. " You may have drained some of our life, but I have drained you all of any and all endurance. There will be no more fighting." Then slowly, Neut crawled over to PH. "Take my hand sister, let me heal you"
PH looked suspiciously at Neut's outstretched hand, then cautiously put her hand in Neuts. Neut then looked at the team. They were slowly rousing. A green healing wave pulsed out from Neut's body.
"I can't heal the damage done to Tar's body. Regrowth is not possible with our powers, even combined. The pain you caused us has seemingly awakened us from Ghost Widow's brainwashing, but something is still not right." Neut let go of PH's hand and went to Tar's kneeling form. She put her hand on his sholder and looked into his eyes.
"Tar" she whispered,"are you still with me?" she brought the gun up between them.



In a non-descript tugboat anchored outside of Bloody Bay, Ghost Widow observed the confrontation between the EveryNighters and their renegade friends. She smiled as she watched the power that Pharma Hawk unleashed. I must recruit her for my faction, she thought. Then she frowned as she saw the unconscious bodies of Ice Gost and HHH3 transport away.

“Captain!” she yelled, “Jam all transporter activity in Bloody Bay, and trace the signal that Ice Gost and HHH3 used!”

A furious amount of activity erupted around her as her minions began their work. In seconds, one of the Archnos’ operatives reported back to her. “Ma’am, we have traced the signal to a small cove in the Isles. We have a crew standing by.”

“Very good Captain, they are probably in one of those infernal submarine bases that Longbow keeps. Send in a team of Destined Ones to extract them.”

“Excuse me Ma’am,” nervously stuttered another operative. “I am picking up another chopper incoming to Bloody Bay. Its markings match those of the EN division they call ‘The Pirates.’”

“Excellent,” said Ghost Widow. “Wait until they have exited the chopper and then send in the Alpha and Beta Destined Ones teams. We should be able to turn or destroy the cream of the EveryNighter group.”

“Now Captain,” she said, as a chill entered the air, “We shall discuss why the transporter signals were not jammed sooner…”


Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper


Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute



Sparks flew from Kooper’s sword as the Skink’s Claws impacted its blade. The Skink had attacked relentlessly for 20 minutes, not really posing a threat to Kooper’s years of experience. “it must be limited in skill because its a clone” Koop thought to himself. “But it sure did talk a good game.” “Because he can’t read my mind, his main strategy is a failure. Now he just hopes to overpower me. How Sad for him” thought Koop.
While the fight continued, Kooper kept watch for any sign of others, and hoping to get a clue as to Murg’s location or to the location of the coaralx. The Skink appeared to be getting weary, and Kooper impatient, so with a change in tactic, Koop made a purposeful wrong move with his sword, allowing the skink to land a blow to his chest. As the Claws penetrated his chest, he could feel the blades pass through his ribs and pierce his left lung. It was a feeling not all that uncommon to Koop, sure, it still hurt, but he knew that by the time the claws exited, he’d already be back to normal. With the Skinks right hand Claws embedded in his chest, Koop countered the left hand with his sword, while Grabbing the Skinks right wrist trapping his hand from being removed. The Skink yelled out, “Mr. Lafollette, you are rather unorthodox!” As he lunged backwards throwing the entangled combatants bodies end over end down the hall. Seeing this as a stalemate, the Skinks feet left the floor and planted them on Kooper’s Legs, pressing to remove its right hand from Kooper’s chest. With the Skink no longer planted on the floor, kooper twirled his Sword, severing the Skinks right arm about mid forearm, and followed through with a punch to the head, sending the Skink tumbling backwards onto the floor, “sans” right arm.
The Skink Sprang to his feet, Shocked, looking at his arm, and back at Kooper rapidly. Kooper Grabbed the severed hand at the wrist and pulled the claws out of his chest, the wound sealing its self as the claws came out. Kooper noticed that the fight had brought them to a doorway with a small window. The Skink was now in front of it. Kooper tossed the hand at the monster and said, “Why Mr. Skink, You’re not all that handy!”

The monster replied with a loud roar, and then started to split, literally, down the middle, into two skinks. Kooper just stared in awe of what was happening, and prepared to charge the beast when the door the skink was standing by came off its hinges in a burst of energy, smashing the splitting beast into the wall. Murgatroid stepped out into the hall and said, “Hiya Koop! Come here, you have got to see this!”



HH could only marvel at the devastation PharmaHawk had wrought. Friend and foe alike had been lying motionless until Neut-trino had somehow summoned the strength to effectively drain every ones endurance. Everyone but me thought HH. The familiar blue ripples of Recovery Aura emanated from the defender.

"Time to move in my friends. We may have arrived a little late to fight but it looks like we can mop things up. Everyone on me as we move in."

The extraction team moved towards the fallen EN. As they got close, HH could see Tar Heel and Mr Slowburn still lying motionless on the ground. Slow was unconscious but by the way he looked he must have managed to phase before PH had fully finished, saving him from what would have been a much worse fate. Tar Heel was a different story. His body was twisted and almost unrecognizable.

"There are two empaths here and neither of you can do anything to help Tar. I know he's been a bad boy lately but he's still our friend." shouted HH as he stood before PH and Neut-trino.

"We've been altered in some way. Neither of us have the healing powers we once used to." replied PH.

HH looked down at Tar Heel and attempted to heal the fallen tanker. No good. Something deeper was wrong. Something seemed to have penetrated his very soul. There was a spark of life still there but it was weak and tainted by some unknown force.

"What did you do PH, I don't know if I can bring him back. We need to get him to a medical facility right away. Slow will be okay after some rest but Tar needs serious help." said HH, not even looking at the other EN.

"I see something large approaching. Looks like one of our helicopters." said Super Swamp. "That should be able to airlift Tar back to the base."

"I hope you are right SS. I don't know if we'll be able to save him even if we do get him back. He's got a faint pulse but I'm not picking up any neural activity from him." said HH. "This just doesn't look good."

Mr Slowburn - 50 fire/kin troller
Cosmic - 50 grav/storm troller
Cyberprowl - 50 ma/dark scrapper
Mi-graine - 50 emp/psi defender
Alberta Beef - 50 fire/ice tank
Mythtery - 41 ill/rad troller
Gargantua - 39 ws
Kotor - 38 db/wp scrapper

Fungal - 50 plant/psi dom
Snarky - 38 thug/dark MM



Kooper ran to greet his friend, glancing at the unconscious Skink on the floor. “I’ve been worried about you murg.” Said Kooper. “I appreciate that pal; I’ve been worried about me too!” Murg replied. “In fact, I’m a little worried about all of us” Murg continued as he led kooper through the doorway to reveal the hundreds of Skinks in clone tanks that were housed in the lab. “I fought one of those things, it called it’s self a stalker and said it had taken care of you” Murg told Koop. “It actually did, but he wasn’t that thorough.” Said Kooper, as he nervously glanced at the Skink on the floor outside the door. “Don’t worry about him” said murg, “they seem to stay unconscious for a while” no sooner had Murg got the words out when the beast awoke, and continued to Split into two. Murgatroid extended his arms and let loose a powerful volley of energy that impacted the beast violently splitting the two halves before they were complete. Both beasts fell to the floor unconscious. “Now that’s just damned spooky!” Yelled Murg. “You were saying?” Replied Kooper. “Never mind, I am just a little too creeped out.” Said murg as he shuttered. “Yuk” “Just plain YUK!”
Bang Bang Bang! Came a noise from the back of the lab behind the clone tanks. Someone was banging on a door in the back of the lab. Both Kooper and Murg Looked at each other and started a fast pace towards the noise. “Come on you girl!” said Kooper to Murg. “I take that as a compliment Koop, I hope I’m half the girl PH is!” replied Murg. ‘yea, the ugly half” replied Kooper. As they approached the door, Kooper could see the face of a coralax peering out through the small square window. It spoke, “We were toldddd that you would be coming. We have the toxin that will stop the skinks!” “What?” said Murg. “I’ll explain later, lets just get the door open” replied Koop. The coralax then relayed the entire story to murg telepathically. “Huh” Said Murg, maybe they can help me find my helmet” “What” said Koop. “Never Mind, I’ll explain later”, replied Murg.

As Koop opened the door, he saw a group of eight coralax standing in the room. It was a science lab, just as the coralax on the dock explained. Three of the creatures had vials in their hands. “We must flood the ventilation system of this facility at once” said the first Coralax “Follow us, we know the way.” Kooper and Murgatroid followed the 8 coralax through the catacombs of the underground facility to a central control room, which housed the facility ventilation system. The Coralax began flooding the main air pump with the vials they were carrying. They activated the blower and the toxin dispersed into the air throughout the building. “This may not get them all, but it will stop the mutation that allows them to spontaneously reproduce” stated the first coralax. Then the eight creatures opened a hatch in the floor, and dove through. Murg looked through the hatch, “Its an underground river!” he said. “Guess we’re taking another way out” replied Koop.

The pair retraced Kooper’s path into the facility to find their way out. As soon as they were in the elevator shaft, Kooper’s EN communicator received a message. “All available EN, converge on Bloody Bay. My team is on its way. Engage at will. PH out.” “Guess we have our next gig” Quipped Murg. “So it seems” replied Koop. As they hopped out onto the roof of the building, they were greeted by the man Kooper recognized as Balke. “Good Evening Mr. Lafollette. It’s been a long time.” He was standing in the moonlight, his sword drawn and Murg’s helmet in the other hand he sat the helmet down, and raised his sword to battle stance and said.” I cannot have you making trouble here kooper. I thought certainly that the slayers had gotten to you before I disposed of Olaf.” Balke continued, “and I see that you have retained your abilities even without the masters control. What an unfortunate side affect. I must remedy that now!” Balke ran forward at the pair, Kooper met him half way with Swords clashing. Murg rolled forward and grabbed his helmet, and putting it back on his head blasted at Balke, who while still locked in sword play with kooper, managed to avoid the blast completely.

“Go on to PH! I’ll handle this!” Kooper yelled to Murg. “go!” Murg stood reluctant to go, and then in making eye contact with Kooper, he knew that this was something his friend needed to do. “Good luck my friend” Murg shouted to kooper as he leapt into the air to fly away.



Grinding his bone boot into the face of the unconscious, pony-tailed, Longbow agent, the skull-faced, dark enshrouded, Brute surveyed the carnage at the entrance to Blood Bay. The Longbow squad that had been assigned by Pharma Hawk to guard the perimeter proved no match for the team of Destined Ones that had accepted this retrieval mission from Ghost Widow.

“Get these idiot robots out of my way, Defcon!” snarled Fiery Fist, to a slim, faceless, android. Without a comment back to the flame-wrapped Brute Defcon, waved aside his horde of mechanical robots to allow the rest of the team to continue through toward their goal. With the robots guarding one flank and Za SunTsu’s ninjas guarding the other, the dark, skull-faced Brute, Fiery Fist, Fungal, Rube, Screech, Sarge and Chrome Spider ran, flew, jumped and teleported toward the unsuspecting EveryNighters.


Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper


Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute



His eyes reminded her of a black pit. There was simply nothing there. "Tar...Tar.. come back to me. I know you can hear me. They came for us. We are safe..for the moment. Tar?" Neut whispered. She held the gun between them. Neut looked back at PharmaHawk, and held up the gun. She had a questioning look in her eyes.
PH looked at Neut and the gun she held. "Use it on him. Maybe that will work." PH got to her feet and looked around. She sent out a regeneration and recovery aura then took stock of the situation. "Come on people, get up. We need to get our team out of here. TTH, check on Mr. Slowburn. Headache Healer, I have an idea for Tar. Help me out. Blue, Gar, the rest of you, lets go."

Neut turned from PH and looked at Tar. Slowly she raised the gun an held it to his neck. Her hand started to shake. She couldn't think straight. She glanced at Slow. He was staring at her. She thought she noticed a slight shake of his head, his hands making a slight side to side motion. He was motioning her to not use the gun? She turned back to Tar. Suddenly it hit her. What Ghost Widow wanted her to do. What had been deeply programmed into her mind. If she was recaptured by the EN. She was programmed and set up to be a double agent. She knew Slow and Tar might have the same programming. And then she knew. Tar was fighting it, and it was hurting him. He was shutting down. His loyalty to the Everynighters was so ingrained. The pain hit Neut intensely. Her head was on fire. She dropped the gun and cried out.
PH and HH came over and grabbed Neut.
"Waht is wrong with her?" HH asked.
PH looked perplexed. "I am not sure. I told her to use that gun on Tar, but she didn't and now.."
"She's fighting Ghost Widow's influence."
PH and HH looked at Slow. "It's what is happening with Tar as well. And what will happen with me as well if I hold out."

"We got company!" Blue shouted. The remaining EN looked up at Blue and where he was pointing. TTH , helping Slow to his feet, looked over and said. "Never a dull moment huh guys?"



Without hesitation, Pharma Hawk picked up the gun where Neut had dropped it. Quickly she put two darts in both Neuttrino and Mr. Slowburn who cried out, more in shock than in pain.

“That should at least fight whatever additional controls Ghost Widow has on you two long enough for us to get back the base for a more permanent work-up by Dr. Sheridan.” Giving her best sergeant-on-the-battlefield voice, PH shouted to all the EveryNighters. “We’ve got our people, grab Tar and everybody on get on board the Pirate’s chopper! Let’s get the hell out of here!”

But, before a move could be made toward the chopper, it exploded, raining fire and debris around the stunned heroes. As the smoke cleared over the wreckage, 7 figures were seen striding toward the EveryNighters.

“Looks like this retrieval mission just got a lot more fun,” said Fiery Fist as he ran toward the heroes. “SMASH!!!” he yelled as brought an energy charged fist down toward Teen Tar Heel. Seconds later, the rest of the Destined Ones team crashed into the EveryNighters.


Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper


Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute



Without hesitation, Pharma Hawk picked up the gun where Neut had dropped it. Quickly she put two darts in both Neuttrino and Mr. Slowburn who cried out, more in shock than in pain.

“That should at least fight whatever additional controls Ghost Widow has on you two long enough for us to get back the base for a more permanent work-up by Dr. Sheridan.” Giving her best sergeant-on-the-battlefield voice, PH shouted to all the EveryNighters. “We’ve got our people, grab Tar and everybody on get on board the Pirate’s chopper! Let’s get the hell out of here!”

But, before a move could be made toward the chopper, it exploded, raining fire and debris around the stunned heroes. As the smoke cleared over the wreckage, 7 figures were seen striding toward the EveryNighters.

“Looks like this retrieval mission just got a lot more fun,” said Fiery Fist as he ran toward the heroes. “SMASH!!!” he yelled as brought an energy charged fist down toward Teen Tar Heel. Seconds later, the rest of the Destined Ones team crashed into the EveryNighters.


Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper


Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute



Tar Heel was oblivious to the battle raging around him between the Destined Ones and the EveryNighters. All he knew was pain, waves and waves of pain. Suddenly, the pain lessened enough that he could hear a woman’s voice speaking.

John, John, can you hear me now? John?

Ah, its you, I suppose this is the beginning of one of those journey-through-my-subconscious-and-face-my-greatest-fears-that-personify-my-pain-and-injuries type of adventure?

Not quite that metaphysical John,
the female voice chuckled. You are hearing me through a neural transmitter we placed in your head when we had our little operation a few days ago.

You didn’t mention you were doing that.

I knew you’d be mad, and didn’t really expect to need it,
explained the woman. But let’s not argue about who did illegal and unauthorized brain surgery on who and focus on your current problem.

Ok, I’ll agree to table that discussion for now.

Excellent, now the problem is that wave of pain little Pharma Hawk put out is interacting with what we did. We think we have a way around the problem, but you have to surrender your mind to our psychic surgeons. They tell me that if you do that, we will get you right back to where you were before Pharma Hawk’s little trick.

His thought dripping with distrust, Tar Heel responded, What happens if I don’t allow them?

Don’t be tiresome John, you will die, or at least be reduced to a brainless vegetable. But if you insist on that route, I hear the Paragon Protector’s are looking for a few good strands of DNA.

Very funny,
thought Tar, I guess I don’t have much choice but to agree. With that, Tar descended into another wave of pain.


Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper


Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute



After the initial surprise blow to Teen Tar Heel, the two had settled into a strange duel. Fiery Fist rained blow after blow towards Teen Tar Heel, which the teenage hero ducked, evaded and dodged. At the same time, Teen Tar Heel rained kick after kick to the villain’s head and torso with no sign that he was doing enough damage to slow down the Brute. Finally spotting an opening, Teen Tar yelled, “Time to fight fire with fire!” and thrust a kick toward Fiery Fist, not to damage, but to knockback. Fist went flying backwards, landing in the middle of a horde of fire imps controlled by Mr. Slowburn, who proceeded to hold the Brute and allow his chaotic minions to attack.

Suddenly a wave of fear pulsed over Teen Tar Heel. Shaking it off, he turned around and saw the large skull-faced Brute, wrapped in darkness, with two blue Ram’s horns, curiously like Teen Tar’s own, growing out of the forehead of the skull.

“Sorry kid,” said Teen Tar as he leaped above a dark enshrouded fist, “We are all out of Butterfingers, don’t you know to stop trick or treating when the porch light goes off?”

“Insolent child,” breathed the dark Brute, “I must destroy you. You are all that I once was, and I am that what you could have been.”

“Whoops, hang on a sec,” said Teen Tar as he slapped a foot across the Brute’s face, “Let me run that through the villain cryptometer and see what the heck you are saying.”

“Hey, wait a minute,” exclaimed Teen Tar Heel climbing to his feet after a savage knockdown by the Brute, “I know who you are supposed to be! You are Tar Heel Dead! The cursed fan who hung Dean Smith in effigy! I thought you were just an urban legend!”

“Not all the legends are false,” said Tar Heel Dead as he paused and then extended a hand toward Teen Tar.

“Well if that’s the case, I really need to get back home and start forwarding some emails from Bill Gates I’ve been getting,” said Teen Tar Heel. Then, before he could make another quip, another wave of terror swept over Teen Tar. Suddenly helpless, he cowered before the Brute, who began to rain a series of Fury boosted punches on the small 14 year old.

His health dropping faster than Headache Healer could restore, Teen Tar looked like he would soon be out of the fight when a wrapped fist exploded under the Brute’s chin, lifting him off the ground and then landing him in a daze.

The restored Tar Heel straddled his nephew, and beckoned toward the villains with a primal Taunt.

“Tar!?!” shouted Pharma Hawk as she fended off sword wielding ninjas, “You with us?”

“I never really left PH,” shouted Tar Heel. “I had a little help from an old friend and had the brainwashing blocked the whole time!

“What old friend?” shouted back Pharma Hawk.

“I’ll tell you later PH. I don’t want you to get too mad at me. I don’t need the stress. I just came out of a coma you know!” yelled back Tar Heel as he gritted his teeth and waded into a hail of missiles and lasers from the horde of robots that attacked him.


Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper


Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute