(OOC) Any British Players about? Some questions...
Golly old chap, that is a right pickle, and no mistake, guv'nor. Just keep a stiff upper lip, drink your tea in the correct manner, and make sure your crumpets are properly toasted.
OK, seriously now. most of the language is pretty much the same, just a few differences.
Cures words: Go for Bloody or Bugger (hopes the filter lets those through).
In context 'Those Bloody demons tore my best cape!' *when viewing a room full of +6 maltas* 'Bugger that, I'm off'
Also, throw in the odd 'Brilliant' to mean good.
Other things to get correct are the different names for things
Elevators become Lifts
Car hoods are Car bonnets
Car trunks are Car boots
sidewalk becomes pavement
cell phones become mobile phones
Pants become Trousers
Underpants become pants and Panties become knickers (of course how much use you get out of these ones depends on what you are RPing )
Also, try spelling things correctly (hehe) by putting extra 'u's into things, and using ise instead of ize at the end of words.
thats all I can think of at the moment
Always remember, we were Heroes.
Excellent... errr...Brilliant!
That gives me a good start..thanks
(or is Cheers not used?..hmm not sure)
Cheers is used as 'thank you', yes
Always remember, we were Heroes.
I found this website to be a useful reference:
It seems relatively current as I heard a fair number of the terms from a guy I used to work with. IIRC he was middle-class, university educated, & from the London area. Sadly, I don't recall his mannerisms enough to help you out on most of your queries, but for your 4th item, I recall "Bugger!" being appropriate.
Hope this helps.
I am as English as they come, lol
Hello: Alright Mate?, Alright Girl? Hya!
Youre welcome: Cheers, Cheers Mate/Girl, Nice one mate/Girl, Taa Mate/Girl
Hello : hya, ow ya doin?, hya, y'alright?
Crap : B o l l o x
Thats how i'd say it anyway
Shhh. My common sense is tingling. ~ Deadpool

One of the way to sa Thank you is Ta. My SG is british and we use it alot. We keep having to explain it
As most brits will tell you there are many different dialects in England, let alone Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. But I am guessing you mean you will be playing a South East English guy. This is the closest we have to the stereo type.
If you are thinking of a background, dispite most films, the entire population of England does not live in London. From the terms you have suggested you would like to use it sounds like you are making someone from what sounds like the 'Home Counties' These are Surrey (V.V. Snobby. I live there) Kent (garden county. lots of villages and fields) Sussex (Is worse than Surrey but does not have the reputation for it.) If you want more info on places I would suggest google it.
One thing that you could use but may give the wrong impression. For ciggerettes we say [censored].
But as most brits could tell you there is a new dark form of brit appearing. They are known by many names, Chavs, Townies, Neds, Kevs, 'Oi you stop in the name of the Law!' But they all are the same thing. An 'innit' screaming - burberry wearing - 'got a spare [censored] mate' begging - hanging around out side McDonalds - wannabe rapper bunch of turds. For more info check here: Chav Scum
Anywayz have fun and avoid stereotypes. (not every brit drinks tea and plots to rule the world as Hollywood would have you believe, I do, but not every Brit.)
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Good day,
Theoretically Im an experienced Roleplayer but this "Experienced" roleplayer is having a sort of writer's block. Quite embarrassing really.
I can't get a good handle on how to play my British character.
Now I realize that there are significant differences depending on Region.
Oh sure Ive seen more than my share of Monty Python, Red Dwarf and the like but nonetheless Im still having trouble getting into character.
Characters background
He's an Empathy/Psy defender.
He's a hermetic magician who concentrated on how to heal the mind and body. AKA - Healing Magic. If you can heal the body/mind then you can also harm it just as well. So that's why he has Psy as a secondary. He's a helpful, scholarly but not pedantic sort from a large urban area. Reasonably well off (middle class-esque) but not elitist. I had him pegged as being from London but thats open to suggestion.
What are some common phrases and common responses?
Things like..
Hello: (Initial Greeting)
Youre welcome: (after someone thanks you for healing/buffing them)
Hello (response from initial greeting)
Crap (appropriate curse word)
Fricken (as in That Fricken moron Blasted? Maybe?)
Theres more Ill no doubt think of them later.
Now I could use the above phrases but thats its not different enough to American English (or New World if you will). Im looking for tips on how to differentiate my speech.
Again I realize that there are differences in dialect depending on region in Britain. So I apologize in advance if the question is too vaguely worded. Slang and such is fine just so its not too obscure.
Also any suggestions on British attitudes would helpful too.
Thank you in advance,